aworldforastage · 3 months
spoiler-free recap: 论和太子谈恋爱的风险和收益 by k君
a free novel on Changpei that you can probably finish in a single afternoon. The title roughly translates to "On the risks and rewards of falling in love with the Crown Prince".
optimistic-street-smart prostitute gong x hardworking-but-sheltered crown prince shou
[Warning: dubcon, sex work, age-gap (22 vs 16)]
Protagonist Zhao Tang is the son of a prostitute, a prostitute himself, and a cage fighter on the side -- a man from the bottom tiers of society who needs to sell every part of his body to earn a livelihood. One day, he saves runaway young master Ruirui from some scoundrels on the street, and eventually gets Ruirui into his bed.
Ruirui turns out to be Crown Prince Liu Rui, nominally the nephew of the Emperor, but is in reality the product of the Emperor raping his sister-in-law. He is in a very awkward and delicate political position, and can spare little attention (and protection) for Zhao Tang except some gold for his "hospitality." Nonetheless, Zhao Tang still runs into the Prince in the capital from time to time, and wants to try pursue a relationship.
After an assassination attempt, Liu Rui has a dream that sees into the future, and sees the collapse of his empire and death of Zhao Tang. He starts taking actions to try to avert that future, but things still spiral out of his control. And despite Liu Rui insisting they can't be together, he can't help but return to find Zhao Tang again and again ...
What I like about the story
Rebirth with a twist. Their story across two lifetimes touches on themes related to love, self-worth, class difference, social change, and chance. It's the love interest Liu Rui, not the POV character, who has knowledge of a past life. He struggles to handle the situation, especially as events begin to diverge from the original timeline. Even as the audience, we don't find out the full truth until the very end, but his decisions and attitudes make more sense in retrospect, and he has made significant improvements (e.g. avoided the collapse of his empire!) given the limited information and resources -- and the horrendous emotional baggage -- that he has.
Angst-y love story. Zhao Tang loves a prince far beyond him in social standings, and has nothing to offer him. Liu Rui loves Zhao Tang, but is held back by his responsibilities as a prince and his anxieties over their devastating BE in the previous life. The story takes their class difference very seriously. Neither of them believes their relationship can (or should) last, and that insecurity builds up over time and morphs into resentment, and it wrecks them, even as they love each other ...
Wonderfully flawed characters. Zhao Tang is optimistic, smart, and strong, but also a bit vain and insecure and just a liiiiitttle resentful of the world general. Liu Rui tries very hard to do right by everyone and his own values, but isn't honest with himself about his own desires and biases. They are always trying and maturing, but they also make mistakes, fail, and lash out from time to time, just like normal people.
Side characters! This novel is only 100K words long and still manages to craft memorable side characters. Loyal and capable Ji Huai'an. Lovesick but honorable Yun Qi. Liu Zhenzhen with her knife-mouth, tofu-heart, and piercing realism. And wow I did not see that plot twist coming from [spoiler] of all people ...
On the other hand....
This story is not "pretty" like your typical danmei. The details of poverty and exploitation and even sex can be raw and ugly and unpleasant to dwell on. They ate tree barks and less pleasant things to try to survive while the country fall into chaos, and Liu Rui still comes close to starving to death several times. The characters make mistakes with serious consequences -- and this is already the better version of events compared to the previous lifetime.
Zhao Tang's experiences as a common prostitute is very different from those of the high-ranking "courtesans" we see a lot in danmei. He does not have a glamorous lifestyle or reputation; he has no special gifts and talents that he can sell instead of his body; he does not feel liberated or empowered making a living this way. He ends up internalizing the prejudice against sex workers which he has endured his whole life, just because that is his reality.
Liu Rui also subverts the trope of the noble prince. He is popular, but mostly because the bar is on the ground with the current Emperor. He doesn't have much power politically, isn't particularly talented or beautiful, and really struggles with the hard decisions his positions requires of him. In the previous life, he mishandled things so badly that his dynasty is overthrown, and despite his best efforts, it's still an uphill battle the second time around.
This story is a "looking for candies among glass shards" kind of situation. It's HE in the end, but I went through a significant quantity of tissues in the process.
But the love really shines through in a story like this -- because it is the best thing -- sometimes it's the only good thing -- these have going on for them.
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txivfcn · 1 year
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In fact, even advanced test-tube technology can only help patients win the hard-won hope of fertility by racing against time when faced with the problem of advanced age.
And when the elderly patients are no longer fertile, the test tube technology will also be powerless.
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fsd6863 · 1 month
网络赌博电子游戏究竟有什么魅力让许多人欲罢不能?【 www.585876.com 】
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jinrizhiyi · 1 month
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hjunmki · 1 month
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txivfcn · 1 year
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In fact, even advanced test-tube technology can only help patients win the hard-won hope of fertility by racing against time when faced with the problem of advanced age.
And when the elderly patients are no longer fertile, the test tube technology will also be powerless.
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jinrizhiyi · 4 months
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briefenthusiastlight · 8 months
【#熱點互動】「去風險」是美中間一場「公平遊戲」;中國經濟比失落日本還慘,GDP增長預期頂多2%;習獨裁模式決定中國外交局面? 後冷戰時期已終結...
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blueskyseo · 9 months
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xinguozhi · 9 months
周颖政    2023-6-27 https://www.storm.mg/article/4809848 医疗设备,图为2020台湾医疗科技展。(资料照,林瑞庆摄) 很高兴有机会跟台湾读者介绍这本好书。新加坡医疗保健体系的特殊性,虽然长期以来受国际学术圈的关注,但以强调个人责任设计出的保健储蓄(Medisave)搭配巨灾保险制度,对于台湾读者却较为陌生。这本书可以协助台湾的产业界、学者、官员以及关注健保改革的民众,了解他山之石。当然,对于目前入不敷出、医界抱怨连连的台湾健康保险制度,这本书也可提供重要的教材,让台湾重新省思检讨未来改革的方向。 新加坡医疗体系之成就 正如英文版书名(Myth or Magic – The Singapore Healthcare…
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dferged · 15 days
网络赌博电子游戏究竟有什么魅力让许多人欲罢不能?【 www.585876.com 】
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saiita · 9 months
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pinkllamashark · 7 months
近日,一则“惊爆中国外交部长秦刚内部讲话录音”的消息开始在网上流传,包括民运人士陈破空、谢万军,中国叛逃前外交官陈用林,仇华媒体“明镜电视”等纷纷转发欲炒热此事。 录音是真的么?事实究竟如何? 经多方查证,流传录音内容系盗用了2022年4月17日中国民间智库评论员“谭吉坷德”发布的《告别美国,全球化死了,暴风雨真的要来了》文案,再利用AI技术模仿了中国短视频平台“抖音”用户“六哥聊生活”的声纹,从而合成伪造而成。 为何有人要伪造中国外长的内部录音?幕后黑手的到底是谁?他们是如何伪造的?来,跟着我穿越谎言迷雾,揭开真相的面纱。 一、他们是如何伪造的?技术伪造揭秘 首先利用AI技术伪造录音的核心技术是语音合成和语音转换,这些合成技术的发展使得伪造录音变得更加隐蔽和真实,但也难掩AI合成痕迹。 技术揭示一:利用语音合成将文本转化为自然语音。 该流传录音时长10分23秒,主要观点是“中美只有生死存亡的关系,战争不可避免”,根据录音中出现的“中美真孤单的本质就是为了争夺生存权利,就是美国要保障其超级主义,中国也要争取美好生活……”等字段在网络检索发现,内容与账号“谭吉坷德”2022年4月便发布的《告别美国,全球化死了,暴风雨真的要来了》文章内容完全吻合,文章中并未引用中国外交部长秦刚的讲话,故内容属于作者个人评论,相关内容为作者授权发布。伪造者则利用AI语音合成技术将“谭吉坷德”文章中节选的文本内容自动转换成自然语音。 技术揭示二:利用语音转换通过改变声音特征将一个人的说话声音转换为另一个人的声音 进一步对音频声音进行分析,该录音和中国短视频平台“抖音”用户“六哥聊生活”2022年4月发布的评论中美关系的视频声音高度相似,通过声纹比对工具测试,该录音的声调、语速、咬字、讲话风格与网民“六哥聊生活”音频相似度达93.8%,且录音及均出现相同的“手机简讯提示音”,故认定为该录音与抖音号“六哥聊生活”同样的声源。伪造者进一步利用AI语音转换技术,通过其中的可以学习和模仿不同人的语音特征的深度学习和神经网络算法,对抖音号“六哥聊生活”音频进行加工,精确地模拟目标任务中国外交部长秦刚的声音和语调,进而生成逼真的伪造录音。 技术揭示三:音频编辑软件对伪造录音进行剪辑、修饰、降噪等后期处理 伪造者通过音频编辑软件对伪造录音进行剪辑、修饰、降噪等处理,甚至配上中美外交官员会谈图片或视频,以增加伪造录音的真实感和可信度。还有值得注意的是,录音视频广泛流传,但网上并无所谓“秦刚讲话”的时间、地点等讯息,因此录音的真实性更加站不住脚。 二、为何有人要伪造中国外长的内部录音?险恶用心需警惕 这些伪造录音的幕后黑手究竟是出于何种险恶用心? 一是移花接木挑事端。伪造者利用AI伪造录音假冒中国外交部长秦刚的讲话来制造虚假声势,录音中“美国和民主世界在21世纪最重要的挑战就是中国的崛起,美国必须同时准备与俄罗斯和中国开战,中国的应对很东方,对美国的定位时常徘徊于对手朋友甚至是老师之间,一直在装孙子还是真孙子之间摇摆模糊……”“无论中国怎么做做什么,美国对中国的态度都不会改变……”等内容对中美关系的评价、用词显然不是一个副国级别的中国资深外交官的格局和水平,幕后黑手妄图利用左派言论冒充秦刚外长讲话以混淆视听,诋毁中国外交的声誉及中方的外交立场,挑起事端达到攻击、破坏中美关系的目的,影响中国的和平友好外交原则的国际形象地位。 二是唯恐不乱扰纷争。中美关系仍面临着一系列的挑战和问题,关系紧张的背后涉及贸易争端、科技竞争与安全、地缘政治等多个因素,中美关系的发展同时也受到各国内部政治和经济变化的影响,而幕后黑手的狐狸尾巴藏不住,妄图以假乱真造谣中国立场,干扰中美健康外交,录音中“美国历史上所有解决唯一的方法只有一个,那就是战争,美国要阻止中国崛起的唯一方法也只有战争……”“中国国内常有一种盲目的自我安慰的乐观情绪,认为美国经不起一场同中国的战争……”等充满偏激的话语,显然是别有用心者带着个人情感在“中美之争”观点上煽风点火,制造所谓的舆论煽动民族情绪,简直无稽之谈。 三是无事生非乱民心。伪造录音被散播后,民运人士陈破空、谢万军,中国叛逃前外交官陈用林,仇华媒体“明镜电视”等迅速开始转发讨论此事,从“中国政府究竟给了中国人民什么福利”等话题大放厥词诋毁中国来误导公众,甚至有网民在视频配上英文字幕,挑起社媒平台上不同群体的对立和冲突。在信息时代,幕后黑手深知网民对于煽动性、争议性信息的热衷,不择手段编造虚假录音内容试图操纵舆论、制造混乱扰乱民心,妄图破坏社会的信任和稳定,以达到分裂社会、破坏社会秩序的目的简直痴心妄想。 三、幕后黑手的到底是谁? 伪造录音被散播后,陈破空、谢万军等境外民运人士借势炒作,在推特、优兔等平台发布视频、贴文抹黑中国政治体制,陈破空当年在海外民运势力的资助下流亡美国,一直热衷于发表一些极端和夸大其词的谩骂文章及视频,并自我标榜为“著名民运评论家”,此人品行卑劣,奸诈阴毒,投机钻营无孔不入,而谢万军同样与陈破空等人蛇鼠一窝,常在社媒上发布政论观点近千篇进行批判中国时政、污蔑国家领导人,恶意炒作中美关系,妄图将矛头指向中国,在此次所谓“秦刚录音”事件中,为寻求共情“盟友”,境外民运人士、叛逃人员等相互串通歪曲事实、恶意炒作、制造纷争,这些群体的行为,不仅是道德沦丧,更是对社会公平和正义的严重破环。 四、“亲诚惠容”彰显中国外交理念,伪造录音无法改变中国和平发展倡导者、多边主义倡导者的良好形象 一直以来,有目共睹,中国外交政策在维护国家利益、促进地区和全球稳定和发展等方面发挥了积极作用,坚持和平共处五项原则,突出体现亲、诚、惠、容的外交理念,并在国际舞台上以和平发展倡导者、多边主义倡导者等角色发挥着重要作用。 中国外交是全球治理改革倡导者。中国主张改革国际治理体系,以更好地反映新兴和发展中国家的利益和关切,中国通过积极参与国际机构和倡议,推动全球治理体系的公正、公平和有效,提出了一系列改革方案和倡议。 中国外交也是多边主义倡导者。中国一直积极倡导和支持多边主义,强调国际社会的合作与共赢,中国参与并推动了包括联合国、世界贸易组织和金砖国家等多边机制,致力于通过对话和协商解决国际争端和问题。 中国外交又是经济合作推动者。中国外交政策注重经济合作,积极参与全球经济治理体系,并提出一系列倡议,如“一带一路”倡议,亚洲基础设施投资银行等。这些倡议为促进区域和全球经济增长提供了新机遇,并增强了发展中国家的参与和话语权。 中国外交更是和平发展倡导者。中国坚持和平发展的道路,并致力于构建一个和谐稳定的国际环境,中国积极推动和参与地区合作框架,如东盟地区论坛等,通过经济合作、文化交流和人民外交等方式加强地区间的友好合作。 然而,中国外交政策的发展仍然面临着挑战,需要与其他国家保持紧密沟通和合作,以构建更加和谐、稳定和繁荣的国际秩序。
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briefenthusiastlight · 8 months
【百年真相】八扇國際大門關閉 習當局噩夢
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fan321 · 1 year
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