darksharinganz · 8 months
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Heero and Relena
By me and Nanrose
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fallenwingzero · 1 year
We were talking on Discord about GW ship servers so I decided to make a hiiriri/1xR server. Feel free to join if you love Heero x Relena or just want to chat about the pairing in a positive environment.
This server is all-canon friendly (EW, FT, GOTL, etc), other ships friendly and headcanon/au friendly so please be respectful!
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animepopheart · 11 months
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★ 【植久】 「 ヒイリリ 」 ☆ ⊳ herro // relena (gundam wing) ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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a-river-of-stars · 1 year
Portmanteau ship names in Gundam Wing fandom: a shitpost
(written in response to @kirinjaegeste ’s posts)
So here’s the thing.  While Gundam Wing fandom’s two-digit numerical ship system has a long history, I actually prefer either portmanteau ship names or three-digit ship designation (ex: 1x2x1).  This isn’t because I don’t like the two-digit system or because I'm trying to make a statement about my gay ships not having tops or bottoms.  It’s just for practical purposes.  While the two-digit system works fine if you’re looking at a site with ONLY Gundam Wing on it, a lot of sites (Tumblr included) host more than one fandom.  There are other fandoms I’ve been in that used two numbers with an x between to indicate Season/Series # x Episode #.  And there are several other fandoms using numbers for their ships, too...let me tell you, I did not know there were people who shipped Engines 3 and 4 from Thomas and Friends but I now have a fondness for Gordon x Henry.  With these two factors combined, it makes it hard to find things with just the two-digit numerical ships.  When I first went looking for ship stuff for Gundam Wing I used the Tumblr search bar and the two-digit ships and ended up with almost entirely irrelevant results.  I was not happy.
When I first posted about GW back in 2017 I used the ship name Troquat for 3x4x3 because I KNOW I saw トロカト on a doujin cover at some point and I assumed it would be acceptable to use that in the English-speaking fandom.  It was distinctive and easy to remember, and I stand by that name even if at least one other person laughed at me and said it looked like I came from a darker timeline.  That hurt, by the way.  :(  I settled for using three digits to indicate a ship because no one makes fun of it and it still gets the point across to my satisfaction.  I like three-digit and will probably continue to use it.  But portmanteaux are still an option that’s been mostly untapped in English-speaking GW fandom.
So, for your viewing pain pleasure, here are my proposed portmanteau ship names from a darker timeline (most popular ships are in bold; upper case on the second half of the portmanteau optional):
1 Heeduo.  Heelena or Heerelena (I think I’ve actually seen Heeriri used in English-speaking fandom, which is accurate to doujin ヒイリリ, but I hesitate to use that because Relena’s name in English-speaking fandom isn’t rendered as Ririna).  Fortunately, the two most-used ships for Heero make some decent portmanteaux.  There’s also HeeTro, HeeQuat, HeeWu/Heefei (katakana for that reads a bit like ‘Beefy’ 🥩 in Japanese actually...).  HeeZechs (we could also shorten that to Hechs (lol), or we could flip it around to get ZechsHee, which sounds very Zexy indeed).  HeeTreize/Heatrays ♨️ or maybe Heerenada?  HeeDoro/Heerothy?  Lot of possibilities here.  But I am personally offended that there is no character available to form the ship Hee-Man. 💪
2 Hilduo works well as a portmanteau because one has a ‘d’ at the end of their name and the other has a ‘d’ at the beginning, so they blend nicely.  It seems Wufei is quite popular with Duo after Heero and Hilde...  Wuduo?  That one sounds like I’m trying to say ‘wood’ in Japanese a la Cardcaptor Sakura.  Could go as Wuo, which sounds like ‘whoa’ so that’s neat.  Or my personal favorite Duofei, which I would definitely refer to as ‘Duffles’ for the hell of it.  How about Maxwufei?  Sounds like we get a lot of Wufei there.  As for Solo, I guess it’s either DuSolo or SolDuo.  There’s also DuQuat and DuTrowa/TroDuo.  Putting the ‘Du’ first makes everyone Duo is shipped with seem very French-ly masculine.  :3
3 My beloved Troquat (troquât means ‘swapped/traded’ in French, which is great because it basically implies they’re vers right there in the name).  Quatre and Trowa have a shared ‘tr’ at the end of one name and the beginning of the other, so they form the absolutely perfect portmanteau of Quattro...unfortunately it’s so perfect that it’s an actual common irl word, so you’ll come up with a lot of irrelevant results in Italian or some Audi adverts if you use it.  Could go with Quatrowa, but now your Audi adverts will be in Polish.  So Troquat works best, I think.  Other ships for Trowa might be Trofei (would jokingly refer to that as ‘Truffles,’ which I can enjoy all day just like silly ship names involving Wufei).  Maybe TroMiddie (this reminds me of Voldemort’s Muggle name.  Tomriddle, Tromiddie.  It also sounds like a form of dramedy that is particularly devastating: trauma+comedy).  UnTro/Trowune?  Maybe TroTro or Tro² if you’re shipping OG Trowa Barton with the teenager who stole his identity?  Who else could Trowa even be shipped with idk.
4 We already covered most of the popular ships for Quatre, but we’ve still got Dorothy, which would be QuaDoro/Quatrothy.  There’s the far more interesting Quadoroth, which sounds like the name of an evil wizard but from a different author.  Quatalonia works well as a portmanteau, but Dorothy isn’t often referred to by her family name.  For Relena we could do Quatrelena, which is a solid portmanteau with their whole names joined at the common ‘re’.  There’s Wufei, too, but I don’t know if Quatfei sounds better than WuQuat.  If you’re into father figure kink there could be some Quatrashid or Quatshid (which reminds me of Cait Sith)... and there is also the best ship, Quatrock!  It’s Quatre and his dear Sandrock.  🤖😽
5 WuMei and Wufeize/WuTreize and WuSally (Wully!  WOOLLY!! 🐑  I love Wufei ship names!) are pretty much all I’ve got left for Wufei pairings.  But can you imagine being the poor Wufei-and-Une-shipping bastard who has to say their ship name is Wune or Uwu?
6 Zechs and Noin don’t have a good portmanteau, and with their numerical designations being 6 and 9 I don’t think anyone would want to give it up anyway.  This one isn’t too bad for practical purposes; 6 and 9 aren’t nearly as common in fandoms as smaller numbers.
9  Salnoin.  It’s fine.  Perfectly serviceable.  Could be worse.  Reminds me of salmon.  🦈 (Yes I know that’s a shark, lay off.)  We could make that one Nally or Nolly instead I think.
13 Treizechs.  They blend together nicely because they share the ‘ze’.  Treizune is neat and comes with the added bonus of looking like someone trying to write ‘treason’ in a way that will get past AI censors.  All of his common ships are now covered, but I’ll throw in Quatreize for free since there’s some interesting compare/contrast between the two characters as leaders that could be explored.
I think I covered all the ships likely to feature Relena and Dorothy except the most important: ReleDor.  Which sounds like a place name from Tolkien verse.  Roaming over the bounteous hills and mysterious valleys of Reledor.  Shit yea.  Guess it could also work as Dorelena, but it’s not as cool imo.
My final entry here is for the excellent rarepair Rylvia, aka RelenaxSylvia Noventa, which I started shipping while working on a secret project that never saw the light of day.  I would have gone with the very elegant Sylena/Selena, but it’s so elegant that it’s an actual popular irl name and I’d never be able to sort for content for my ship that way.
If you sat through all that, merci beaucoup!  I wasted hours of my life typing this abomination out and I’m glad to share.
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htbbth · 6 months
Xユーザーのねぎさん: 「友人は嘘泣きが得意で(14年の付き合いで昨日初めて知った)、彼氏に披露したところ涙を指でそっと拭われ「お前を……殺す」と囁かれたのだが、彼女は元ネタが分からず戸惑い「何なの……この人……」と素で返したらしく、あまりの大正解ぶり、ヒイリリ完全再現に涙が出るほど笑ってしまった」 / Twitter
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enelle-art · 4 years
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“I tried to stay away. That made things even worse.”
Illustr by enelle
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gwfrozentears · 4 years
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Por siempre mi pareja favorita 😍
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darksharinganz · 11 months
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Family Day - Heero x Relena (1xR)
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darksharinganz · 2 years
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Happy Halloween! 1xR Edition.
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animepopheart · 11 months
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★ 【植久】 「 ヒイリリ 」 ☆ ⊳ herro // relena (gundam wing) ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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darksharinganz · 3 years
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Maid Relena with Master Heero
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gwfrozentears · 4 years
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Festival de tanabata! 🎋🥰
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gwfrozentears · 4 years
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gwfrozentears · 4 years
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gwfrozentears · 4 years
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gwfrozentears · 4 years
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His Princess 🥰
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