pocketdiary21 · 6 months
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Better be safe than sorry
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pikahlua · 5 months
MHA Chapter 409 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 愛を受けて育ち成長した少年はー… あいをうけてそだちせいちょうしたしょうねんはー… ai wo ukete sodachi seichou shita shounen wa-... A boy who grew up receiving love-...
tagline 2 No.409 "個性"‼︎爆破‼︎ 堀越耕平 ナンバー409 "こせい"‼︎ばくは‼︎ ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 409  "kosei"!! bakuha!!   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 409 Quirk: Explosion!!  Kouhei Horikoshi
1 俺も全部俺のモンにして上へ行く おれもぜんぶおれのモンにしてうえへいく ore mo zenbu ore no MON ni shite ue e iku "I'll make everything mine and go higher."
2 「爆破」はやりてェと思った事何でも出来る! 「ばくは」はやりてェとおもったことなんでもできる! 「bakuha」 wa yariteE to omotta koto nandemo dekiru! "Explosion can do anything I want!"
3 出久 いずく Izuku Izuku
4 もうおめーの邪魔はしねえ もうおめーのじゃまはしねえ mou omee no jama wa shinee I won't get in your way anymore.* (*Note: This is a sentence that could have many potential translations: "I won't get in your way anymore," "I won't hold you back anymore," "I won't be a hindrance to you anymore," etc.)
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1 避けろ少年!!! よけろしょうねん!!! yokero shounen!!! "Dodge, young man!!!"
2 頼む たのむ tanomu I'm counting on you,* (*Note: This word literally means "to ask, to rely on, to request," but when spoken like this, it's usually a manly way to say "please".)
3 爆ぜろ はぜろ hazero burst.* (*Note: This word means "burst open" or "pop," but in this context it clearly means something like "explode" too.)
爆ぜろ はぜろ hazero "Burst!"
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1 何だ⁉︎奴は今何の挙動も見せていなかった筈! なんだ⁉︎やつはいまなんのきょどうもみせていなかったはず! nanda!? yatsu wa ima nan no kyodou mo misete inakatta hazu! What!? He certainly wasn't showing any behavior* just now! (*Note: Literally the phrase written is "he wasn't showing any behavior," but they mean "he didn't move or seem to do anything to cause this.")
2 雨で威力落ちっからよぉ あめでいりょくおちっからよぉ ame de iryoku ochi kkara yoo "With the rain, their power will reduce, so"
3 "コーティング"して飛ばしといた! "コーティング"してとばしといた! "KOOTINGU" shite tobashi toita! "I applied a coating and hurled them away!"
4 爆発する汗粒を普通の汗粒でな!誘爆せず飛ばせて ばくはつするあせつぶをふつうのあせつぶでな!ゆうばくせずとばせて bakuhatsu suru asetsubu wo futuu no asetsubu de na! yuubaku sezu tobasete "[I coated them] with normal drops of sweat instead of exploding drops of sweat!
5 時間差で混ざって他の刺激で起爆できっかなって! じかんさでまざってほかのしげきできばくできっかなって! jikansa de mazatte hoka no shigeki de kibaku de kikka natte! "I guess the time lag caused them to mix and detonate by some other stimulus!"
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1 あの時‼︎僕の口の中に⁉︎ あのとき‼︎ぼくのくちのなかに⁉︎ ano toki!! boku no kuchi no naka ni!? At that time!! Inside my mouth!?
2 あの土壇場で!⁉︎ あのどたんばで!⁉︎ ano dotanba de!!? At that last minute!!?
3-4 センスだけは褒められてきたンでね センスだけはほめられてきたンでね SENSU dake wa homerarete kitaNde ne "I've been praised for only my good sense."
5 "個性"は一つで充分すわ‼︎ "こせい"はひとつでじゅうぶんすわ‼︎ "kosei" wa hitotsu de juubun su wa!! "As for quirks, my one is enough!!"
6 奴はダメージを負うと身体が若返っていく!わかるな⁉︎ やつはダメージをおうとからだがわかがえっていく!わかるな⁉︎ yatsu wa DAMEEJI wo ou to karada ga wakagaette iku! wakaru na!? When he takes damage, his body gets younger! Understand!?
7 ダメージで力が乱れたもう一度放出をーー ダメージでちからがみだれたもういちどほうじゅつをーー DAMEEJI de chikara ga midareta mou ichido houjutsu wo-- With the damage, his power is in disarray. Release it one more time--
8 これは…僕の物語だ…‼︎ これは…ぼくのものがたりだ…‼︎ kore wa...boku no monogatari da...!! "This...is my story...!!"
9 どけ doke "Out of the way,"
10 モブがああ MOBU gaaa "you extraaa!"
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1 ハウザー HAUZAA Howitzer
2 インパクト!!! INPAKUTO!!! Impact!!!
3 〜〜っ……‼︎ ~~......!! "~~gh......!!"
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1 んだらあああ!!!!!!! ndaraaaa!!!!!!! "JUUUUST!!!!!!!"
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1 うぅぅるっせええェえええええ uuurusseeeEeeeee "SHUUUUUUUUUT"
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1 えンんだよォオォオオオオオオおおおお!!! eNnda yoOOOOOOOOOoooo!!! "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!"
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1 おかしい!因子の結合が上手くいかない おかしい!いんしのけつごうがうまくいかない okashii! inshi no ketsugou ga umaku ikanai It's strange! My combination of factors doesn't work well.
2 こんな爆破ごときで崩れるなどありえん! こんなばくはごときでくずれるなどありえん! konna bakuha gotoki de kuzureru nado arien! There's no way it would collapse from such an explosion!
3 身体が幼く脆くなったせいか⁉︎ からだがおさなくもろくなったせいか⁉︎ karada ga osanaku moroku natta sei ka!? Is it because my body has become young and fragile!?
4 "負の感情"に振り回されて"支配権"が弱まってんスよ "ふのかんじょう"にふりまわされて"しはいけん"がよわまってんスよ "fu no kanjou" ni furimawasarete "shihaiken" ga yowamattenSU yo "You're being swayed by negative emotions and your 'authority' is weakening."
5 だから dakara "That's why"
6 俺のファンミ※会場にされちゃうワケですわ おれのファンミ※かいじょうにされちゃうワケですわ ore no FANMI※ kaijou ni sarechau WAKE desu wa "I'm using you as a venue for my FanMe※."
small text ※ファンミーティング ※FAN MIITINGU ※Fan Meeting
7 "死柄木"に呑まれたな "しがらき"にのまれたな "Shigaraki" ni nomareta na "You got swallowed by Shigaraki, eh?"
8 これは俺たちの これはおれたちの kore wa ore-tachi no "This is our"
9 物語だ!!! ものがたりだ!!! monogatari da!!! "story!!!"
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tagline その妄執に終止符をーー積み重ね、繋がれた一撃‼︎ そのもうしゅうにしゅうしふをーーつみかさね、つながれたいちげき‼︎ sono moushuu ni shuushifu wo-- tsumikasane, tsunagareta ichigeki!! Put an end to that delusion--a layered, single blow lands!!
1-2 皆が少しずつ与えてきたダメージと苛立ちが… みんながすこしずつあたえてきたダメージといらだちが… minna ga sukoshi zutsu ataete kita DAMEEJI to iradachi ga... The damage and frustration everyone has caused little by little...
3 ついにーー‼︎ tsui ni--!! finally--!!
4 AFO オール・フォー・ワン OORU FOO WAN All For One,
5 あ… a... "Ah..."
6 が… ga... "Gah..."
7 今度こそ こんどこそ kondo koso this time, for sure.* (*Note: This phrase emphasizes that "this time" is different, "this time" is certain. The implication is that "this time AFO has been defeated for real.")
8 俺一人で…勝てるワケねーーンだよ おれひろりで…かてるワケねーーンだよ ore hitori de...kateru WAKE neeeNda yo "By myself...there's no way I could win." (Note: This is the completed version of the last line from the previous chapter, the line with the unclear meaning of who it was exactly Katsuki was calling an idiot who couldn't win.)
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_Art Book of Naruto Uzumaki_ Part-5
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もう単純に普段と違う絵が描けたのが楽しかった。 こ それはもうほとんど、 ナルトとサスケを描いた、という よりカエルとタカを描いて喜んでました。
This one was fun simply because I got to draw in a different style. It was great to depict Naruto and Sasuke, or I should say, toad and hawk.
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ナルトとサスケが 対立していく本編の図式を、一枚の絵で表現したかったんです。共にお互いのことを良く分かっているので、 刃を交わしながらも険しさは見せず、表情はむしろ冷静なくらい。ここでわざとらしく表情を 露にしてしまったら、冷めてしまうと思うんです。感情を出さない、その静けさが逆に恐いかと。背景にも対立・対比を表現するために、"空と海”という2つのモチーフを入れ込みました。決して交わることのない緑と赤、空と海ですね。
I wanted to express the concept of the main storyline, where Naruto and Sasuke come into conflict, in a single image. Since they know each other so well, they aren't showing hostility even as they cross knives. They look rather calm. I thought that if I gave them obviously antagonistic expressions, it would come off as too deliberate. By hiding their feelings, I hoped the calm atmosphere would seem chilling. I put the two motifs of sky and sea in the background in order to express a sense of the characters' conflict and contrast. The green and red, and the sky and sea, represent things that never mix.
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対称をイメージした構図で、ナルトがサスケの背中の上をぐるんと回っています。ふたりとも手足が同じ様なポーズになるようにして、背景に物を印で配置することで全体のバランスをとってます。さらにナルトの巻物が◯印になっていて ...そう、実は◯と×にもなっているんです(笑)。とにかく対称ということで、バランスをすごく意識して描きました。 今見るとアニメの影響からか、絵柄が少し変わり始めてるんじゃないかな? 結構お気に入りの一枚です。
I wanted a sense of symmetry in this picture with Naruto rolling over Sasuke's back. I positioned these two with their arms and legs in similar stances, then I balanced the overall composition by putting two crossing scrolls in the background. Also, the scroll Naruto is holding forms a circle...yep, it's an X and an O (laugh). Basically, it was symmetry that kept me focused on the overall balance in this one. Looking at this picture now, it appears that my drawing style has changed a bit since then. Maybe I've been influenced by the anime? This is one I like a lot.
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これは好きな絵ですね。この構図も、左右対称を意識して描きました。鎖と紐... あと腕も対称なんです。こじんまりした絵になっちゃいそうだったので、マントで風を表現して動きを出しました。ナルトとサスケのからみ合っている手足が うまくいった かな、と。
This is one of my favorites. I focused on making a symmetrical composition here too. The symmetrical elements include the chain and the cord, and Naruto and Sasuke's arms. To keep the picture from looking cramped and static, I added the cloaks blowing in the wind. I think Naruto's and Sasuke's tangled limbs turned out nicely.
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ジャンプの表紙に載った絵ですね。戦隊モノっぽいものを描いてくれ って言われて。戦隊モノって見栄切るじゃないですか。決めポーズですね。で、サスケがキャラ的にそんな ポーズをとるものか? と悩んだわけです。でもナルトはノリノリで、サクラも楽しそうにポーズをとっている。じゃあサスケは恥ずかしそうに・・・みたいな感じならOKかな、と。
This was on the front cover of Jump. I got a request to draw something like a superhero team for kids. Those heroes really strike great poses, don't they? This is Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura in hero poses. I wondered if Sasuke's personality would allow him to pose like that. But I knew Naruto would be willing to pose for sure, and so would Sakura, so I thought it'd be okay for Sasuke to strike a pose, if somewhat bashfully.
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queer-codedhero · 6 months
playtime little space picrews ✩࿐࿔
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antiquity1111 · 11 months
BNHA 387 Japanese to English Translation + Commentary
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火叢は血が濃いんだ ひむらはちがこいんだ
= “Himura blood is thick.”
Tagline 1:
No.387 煮凝り
ナンバー387 にこごり
= No. 387 Nikogori
煮凝り (romaji: nikogori) is a traditional Japanese jellied broth made by boiling meat or fish bones, scales, heads, and tails to extract a savory nutrient-dense jelly that is then cooled and solidifies due to its high gelatin content. Other gelatins are sometimes added to the mix. After cooling and solidifying, the nikogori jelly is typically used to encase or accent other foods. Unagi nikogori, pictured below, is a dish of eel encased in fish gelatin, for example:
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Nikogori is written using two kanji: 煮 (= “burn; boil; cook”) and 凝 (= “freeze; congeal”). In No.351, Touya mocks Shouto by comparing him to the jellied broth, making a pun of the kanji for nikogori and the kanji for Shouto’s name, both of which translate to “burn” + “freeze.” But Shouto doesn’t appear in this chapter, so who, if not him, does the title, Nikogori, refer to? Touya, the other fire + ice broth-er.
Tagline 2:
= The speaker…
古くからの庄屋だった火叢は農地改革後も分家を増やす事で財とプライドをなんとか保ってきた ふるくからのしょうやだったひむらはのうちかいかくごもぶんけをふやすことでざいとプライドをなんとかたもってきた
= “The Himuras, who were village leaders in times of old, managed to preserve their fortune and pride even after [Japanese] agrarian reform by adding branch families.”
Here’s a very, very brief excerpt from a published journal article about the subject:
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Japanese agrarian reform “gave land to the landless.” This monumental redistribution of land and associated resources came at a great cost to village heads, called “landlords” by the author, whose power and influence decreased significantly in the years that followed. The Himuras tackled the problems of ongoing land and monetary losses by increasing their numbers through the establishment of branch families (i.e., more members = more opportunities to accumulate wealth for the family and maintain some semblance of their former status).
Tagline 3:
= Paranormal Liberation Front Officer
Tagline 4:
外典 個性「氷操」
げてん こせい「ひょうそう」
= Geten, Quirk: “Ice Manipulation”
でも超常が起きると共に加速度的に零落していった でもちょうじょうがおきるとともにかそくどてきにれいらくしていった
= “Nevertheless, the advent of the paranormal hastened their ruin.”
血が混ざるのを嫌ったんだ ちがまざるのをきらったんだ
= “They hated mixing blood.”
お家柄と…異形差別のコンボね スピナーが聞いたらなんて言うかな おいえがらと…いぎょうさべつのコンボね スピナーがきいたらなんていうかな
= “A combination of pedigree and… igyou* discrimination. What would Spinner say if he heard this?”
異形 (romaji: igyou) is the word commonly translated as “heteromorph,” and indeed, it can mean “atypical appearance; atypicality; heteromorphy.” There are two potential hiragana forms for 異形. The first, いぎょう, corresponds to the dictionary meaning “fantastic; grotesque; strange-looking; suspicious-looking” and is the word used by everyone in-series to refer to this class of people.
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The second, いけい, corresponds to the dictionary meaning “atypical appearance; atypicality; heteromorphy.” Characters like Spinner and Shouji belong to a class of people literally called “grotesque [people].” Caleb’s choice to translate igyou as “heteromorph” understates the violence and prejudice built into the word itself. Functionally, igyou is a racial slur that stereotypes an entire subpopulation as socially undesirable, untrustworthy, and criminal, even monstrous. But if we are to believe that Mr. Compress cares about Spinner as his friend, why does he use it? Because, as Spinner notes in No.220, no one can agree on an alternative word that isn’t offensive.
Tagline 5:
Mr.コンプレス ミスターコンプレス
= Mr. Compress
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結果分家…遠縁同士での結婚が相次いだ けっかぶんけ…とおえんどうしでのけっこんがあいついだ
= “As a consequence of [these] branch families… marriages among distant relatives occurred one after another.”
血が濃いってそういう… ちがこいってそういう…
= “That’s what you meant by thick blood…”
自らを閉塞環境に置き火叢家は縮小の一途を辿り みずからをへいそくかんきょうにおきひむらけはしゅくしょうのいっとをたどり
= “By placing themselves in a closed [genetic] environment, the Himura family continued to shrink,”
とうとう本家が身売りを始めたことで事実上の終焉を迎えた とうとうほんけがみうりをはじめたことでじじつじょうのしゅうえんをむかえた
= “and when eventually the main family began to sell themselves [into marriages with members of other prestigious families], it came to a de facto end.”
残りの僅かな氏族も離散し のこりのわずかなしぞくもりさんし
= “The few remaining families are scattered.”
その中の一つだった僕は最高指導者に拾われた そのなかのひとつだったぼくはリ・デストロにひろわれた
= “I was one of them and was picked up / taken in by Re-Destro (read as: the Supreme Leader).”
異能は世代を経るごとにより複雑に深化していく いのうはせだいをへるごとによりふくざつにしんかしていく
= “As meta abilities pass through generations, they deepen in complexity.”
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濃く深く堆積した因子には本人すら知覚し得ない力が眠っているかもしれない こくふかくたいせきしたからだにはほんにんすらちかくしえないちからがねむっているかもしれない
= “In thickly and deeply layered bodies (read as: [Quirk] factors) may lie latent abilities / power even the person themselves is unaware of.”
だが人は心を置き去りにしたままだ だがひとはこころをおきざりにしたままだ
= “But people still just abandon their hearts.”
The word commonly translated as “Quirk” is kosei, meaning “individuality; personality; quirk; idiosyncrasy; character; individual characteristic.” By definition, then, Quirks are more than cool special features some people “have” and some people “don’t have.” They’re an expression of the self, a peek into who a person is, their “heart” or “nature.” The Quirk reflects the person as much as the person reflects the Quirk. To deny one’s Quirk is to deny one’s self. To reject the Quirk is to reject the person. Under this definition, and if we think of Quirks as windows into the soul, so-called “Quirkless” people also have a Quirk: being “Quirkless.” If Quirks are manifestations of a person’s individuality or personality, then Quirkless people would be characterized by a weak or nonexistent sense of self (and subsequently, an underdeveloped sense of self-preservation and exaggerated tendency toward self-sacrifice). 
明日…何が変わるだろう あす…なにがかわるだろう
= “Tomorrow… I wonder what [tomorrow] will bring.”
変わる (romaji: kawaru) is a verb meaning “to change; to be transformed; to be altered; to vary (e.g., the weather may be changeable, prone to sudden dramatic shifts).”
Geten assumes the world will be changed by the war and is wondering how it will be different.
さァ次はおまえだ さァつぎはおまえだ
= “Well, next is you.”
警察・ヒーローと何を話してた? けいさつ・ヒーローとなにをはなしてた?
= “What were you talking about with the police and Heroes?” 
何でもいい聞かせろこの戦いが終わるまでの暇つぶしに なんでもいいきかせろこのたたかいがおわるまでのひまつぶしに
= “Let me hear anything to kill time until this war comes to an end” or “Anything [you want to tell me] is fine [by me] to kill time until this war comes to an end.”
Geten is anxious about the outcome of the war. He is requesting that Atsuhiro help him fill the silence. Any words will do. All that matters is that he is not left alone with his thoughts.
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= Approximately 800 [Meters] from the Gunga Mountain Villa Ruins
Note: This is an onomatopoeia for the sound of heavy panting/breathing. You’ll notice it repeated several times on this panel. Enji is exhausted and struggling.
爆発… だと…⁉︎ ばくはつ… だと…⁉︎
= “Explosion…!?”
This has no real bearing on the translation, but I do want to address it since my translation of this line differs slightly from Pikahlua’s (“An explosion… you say…!?”) and some may wonder why. だと (romaji: dato) is formed by the copula da and the quoting particle to. It expresses surprise or disbelief at something someone has said. Here, Enji is quoting something he has heard (i.e., that any time now Touya will explode, killing them all) and expressing his incredulity at the news. Dato is commonly translated in English as “you say,” but it might also be conveyed simply by the inclusion of an interrobang, that is, the exclamation point + question mark combination at the end of a sentence. Maybe it’s because I write fiction from time to time, but when I am translating, I read the text out loud to hear how it sounds. Sometimes a line sounds better in one language than it does another. To my ears, “explosion… you say…!?” sounds kind of weird and unnatural. How often do you hear a native English speaker speak like that? And yet, native English speakers express surprise or disbelief at something they’ve heard all the time. So, I opted to let the interrobang do the talking. The meaning of the sentence isn’t affected by whether the translator decides to translate dato directly into written form (i.e., “you say”) or not. Context and interrobang are enough on their own to convey that the speaker is shocked by something they have been told.
Note: This is an onomatopoeia for the sound of heavy panting/breathing. You’ll notice it repeated several times on this panel. Enji is exhausted and struggling.
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避難ブロックだけじゃない… ひなんブロックだけじゃない…
= It won’t just be the evacuation blocks…
今トガの増殖を抑えてるピクシーボブたちもーーー‼︎ いまトガのぞうしょくをおさえてるピクシーボブたちもーーー‼︎
= Pixiebob and the others currently suppressing Toga’s proliferation———!!
いかん…AFO戦のダメージが脚に来ている…! いかん…オール・フォー・ワンせんのダメージがあしにきている…!
= This is bad… The damage from the AFO battle is spreading to my legs…!
Notice how Enji’s body is drawn: with his right side emphasized (toward us), calling attention to his amputated arm and gouged side. If you recall from No.354, Endeavor sustained a nasty injury not unlike the one that ended All Might’s Hero career. It is the reason All Might regularly coughs blood. These critical injuries are definite parallels, with Endeavor’s injury being to his right side and All Might’s to his left. Mirrors. This is not the first time the two rival Heroes have mirrored one another. During his career-defining encounter with the High-End Noumu called Hood, Endeavor raised his right fist to signal his triumph over his opponent, recreating All Might’s iconic victory pose but with the opposite arm. Unlike All Might, however, Enji also lost his right arm in his fight against AFO and was forced to cauterize his wounds closed, potentially further damaging internal structures and tissues, or else bleed to death on the battlefield. Cauterizing an injury might buy a person time getting to a hospital, but it does not solve the problem of significant blood loss due to amputation and/or maiming, nor does it mitigate the risk of infection leading to the development of sepsis and multiple organ failure. I know, I know. BNHA is a work of fiction and fiction is seldom an accurate representation of reality, but it is worth bearing in mind that Toshinori continues to suffer medically due to his years-old injuries. His survival came at a steep cost, a cost paid by the losses of his career, health, and quality of life. Assuming Endeavor survives the war, he will likely have similar issues.
That Endeavor’s lower half is now being affected by AFO’s mutilation of his upper half suggests that more is going on internally than is apparent. It’s worse than it looks.
これ以上燈矢を誘導して遠くへ向かうには———… これいじょうとうやをゆうどうしてとおくへむかうには———…
= [I don’t think I can] lead Touya any farther away———...
= “AH”
= “OH”
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= “DAAAD,”
見で みで
= “LOOK.”
見でええ みでええ
Let’s talk about how Touya is speaking, because it is indicative of his collapsing mental state. The first thing Touya says is お父さん (romaji: otousan), meaning “father; dad.” This is the most common and most respectful way for Japanese children to address their fathers, but Touya slightly mispronounces it, softening the harder “t” sound into a rounder “d.” Otousan becomes odousan. He also elongates the “o” sound that forms the middle of the word. So, otousan becomes odouusan. In English, Touya is just saying “dad,” but in Japanese, there is a subtle pronunciation difference that deviates from Touya’s norm, clueing us in that something is wrong.
見て (romaji: mite) is the te-form of the verb 見る (romaji: miru), meaning “to see; to look; to watch; to view; to observe.” It can also mean “to look after; to attend to; to take care of; to keep an eye on.” This word and the concept of seeing or watching plays a pivotal role in the Todoroki subplot, particularly in relation to Touya, Enji, and Rei’s characters, with Touya begging to be seen, Enji and Rei admitting to not seeing him, and Endeavor asking the frightened civilians (and Shouto) to watch him. Something I don’t see discussed enough is the nuance of this word. Yes, it means “to see; to look; to watch” and is usually translated as such, but it can also mean “to look after; to attend to; to take care of (e.g., in a medical or caretaking sense, the way a doctor or nurse does a patient or a good parent does a child).” It is a gross oversimplification of Touya’s character to say he is just “throwing the tantrum of a lifetime because Daddy and Mommy didn’t look at him enough / pay him enough attention.” Touya is asking for more than to be acknowledged. He is asking to be taken care of, to be loved and sympathized with and understood and held and protected in exactly the way every child needs and deserves. “SEE ME. CARE FOR ME.” People need people. Children need their parents. I say this as the oldest sibling who did my damndest to “raise” and shield my younger siblings from the chaos and dysfunction of our household: Siblings are not enough, can never be enough, and can never replace the unconditional love and support of a warm, emotionally attuned parent. Neither can friends or found family. Relationships come in many forms. Love comes in many forms. Healing comes in many forms. But at his core, Touya is still that wounded little boy abandoned and forgotten by his father and mother who needed them desperately and cried out for a decade before self-immolating on Sekoto Peak for anyone to help him because his best childhood efforts to help himself weren’t enough to stop his downward spiral. His every bid for connection fell on deaf ears because his father and mother BOTH lacked the emotional maturity, psychological wellness, knowledge, and skills to support him, and his siblings were children themselves, unable to meet his needs or their own.
Regardless of how we might feel about them as parents (if you are familiar with my posts, you know I have LOTS of strong feelings about that), it is important to recognize that Enji and Rei were themselves wounded children who grew up to be wounded adults who were not supported to become the best versions of themselves. Their chances of raising happy, healthy, well-adjusted children without first doing the work to become happy, healthy, well-adjusted individuals were slim to none. Touya is unique in that he is the only Todoroki sibling not shown to form part of a protective pair during his time in the house. Playing with your siblings is not the same thing as being supported by them. When Touya cried, he cried alone without anyone to comfort him. When Touya burned, he burned alone. When Enji was terrorizing Rei or Shouto, Fuyumi and Natsuo held one another while Rei and Shouto moved to defend and console the other. Where was Touya? We don’t know. He was literally not pictured, an artistic choice designed to render him as invisible to us, the reader, as he was to his family. What we can be certain of is that wherever Touya was, he was crying… and burning. Everyone in the family suffered. Touya suffered differently. He is both a product and a reflection of his parents’ personal failures. Enji has attempted to carry the burden of accountability for Touya’s outcome entirely on his shoulders, as if he alone was the “problem” and the “solution,” but there is one other person who shares that responsibility, and it’s not Shouto. It’s Rei, Rei who is Touya’s mother, his other parent. She, too, failed to nurture, protect, and care for her children, and Touya died and became Dabi as a result of her (and Enji’s!) inadequacies. In No.302, Rei said that everyone in the family would have to “take responsibility for what happened and what happens next,” but she was wrong and shifting blame. It is Rei and Enji who must take responsibility, because it is they who were responsible for Touya, not Fuyumi or Natsuo or Shouto. Hopefully, we’re moving toward them actually doing that. Hopefully.
Circling back to the translation, Touya means to say “miTe.” What he actually says is “miDe.” This is someone who chooses his words carefully and speaks with intention, so it is absolutely cause for concern that he is mispronouncing common words.
Before we move on to the next panel, I want to point something out that would be easy to miss if you’re the kind of person who skims the pages without taking the time to reeeeaaaallllyyyy look at the illustrations.
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Take a good, long, hard look at Touya’s right arm, the one he’s swinging toward Endeavor. It is literally shattering into pieces as it swings forward. During the post-death cremation process, after which Dabi is named, the body is reduced to its essential elements via exposure to open flame, intense heat (1400-2000°F), and evaporation. The tissues, organs, and fat of the body are destroyed. This is known as primary combustion. During secondary combustion, the inorganic particles that remain after primary combustion, which consist mainly of carbon dioxide and water vapor, discharge, leaving behind bone fragments that are then pulverized into “ashes,” at least in the West. In the East, these pieces of bone are collected and placed in a funerary urn for burial, which may happen immediately or some time after the cremation ceremony (Dabi). Touya is cremating while still alive. Charred pieces of tissue and bone are being thrown from his body with every move. This is not new. This is not something Endeavor, who, for all his running, has yet to attack Touya, did. This is something that was happening from the moment Touya found himself warped to the Kamino Ward with Shouto instead of Endeavor and that Shouto sped along, whether he intended to or not, by repeatedly attacking Touya. If you go back to those chapters, you’ll notice black flecks of burnt skin and other tissues being blasted off of Touya’s body every time Shouto strikes and light peeking through the tiny holes forming in his body. Phosphor was specifically created to protect Shouto (and other Heroes) from Touya’s flames by holding Shouto’s internal temperature steady and neutralizing Touya’s incredible heat, rendering him powerless to defend himself and/or harm others. Every second Touya spent with Shouto pushed him closer to death.
Let’s quickly talk about names and the implications of them. The kanji for Touya’s name are 燈矢, meaning “light; lamp; lantern; candlelight” and “arrow,” respectively. The accompanying hiragana, which tell us how to pronounce the name, are とう (romaji: tou) and や (romaji: ya). These hiragana can also mean “training; education; cultivation,” which is fitting because one of Touya’s defining attributes is his awesome work ethic and commitment to continuous self-improvement. The impression of the name is of something on the climb, soaring high above the clouds, which is also fitting as this is exactly what Enji hoped and believed Touya would do. If you are familiar with the kanji for Shouto’s name, you know they translate to “burn” + “freeze.” Clearly, he was named for his Quirk. For Enji, Touya was person before Quirk, his son; Shouto was Quirk before person, his masterpiece and means to an end. But what of the hiragana for Shouto’s name? These are しょう (romaji: shou), also the hiragana associated with the kanji (= 賞) for “prize; award,” and と (romaji: to). This combination of hiragana bears a striking resemblance to the hiragana for 消灯 / しょうとう (romaji: shoutou), meaning “to put out the light; to turn off the lights.” If Touya = “light,” then Shouto = one who does away with the “light.” As sad as it is and as disturbing as it might be, Shouto’s birth all but guaranteed Touya would die.
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= “I’ve become able to do something like this!” or “I can do this now!”
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炎を止めろ燈矢…‼︎ ほのおをとめろとうや…‼︎
= “Stop the flames, Touya…!!”
He can’t, couldn’t if he wanted to. Touya’s Quirk is tied to his emotions. The more panicked he is, the more frenzied his attacks will be. Look how chaotic his movements are. He’s losing his shit.
見でええ みでええ
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…死なせたくない…! …しなせたくない…!
= “... I don’t want you to die…!”
This is also mispronounced. He means “Natsu-kun,” but he says “Nadzu-gun.”
もう…意識が…! もう…いしきが…!
= [His] consciousness… is already…!
This is Enji realizing that it’s too late for Touya. Once again Enji kept Touya waiting and missed every opportunity (and there have been many) to reach (and “save”) him, allowing himself to be persuaded to entrust Touya to someone else (= Shouto), just like he did when Touya was a child, because it benefitted everyone else more for Touya to be dead last on the Number One Hero’s list of priorities than first. More than anyone, Touya needed his father. More than anyone, Touya hoped his father would come through for him. More than anyone, Touya believed his father would. And more than anyone, Touya’s father has devastated him and taught him again and again that he does not matter. His pain does not matter. His life does not matter. And his (second) death will not matter (just like his first didn’t).
…俺が灼ける程の熱で …おれがやけるほどのねつで
= … [This] heat is enough to burn [even] me.
The word used here for “heat,” netsu, can also mean “zeal; passion; enthusiasm.” 
Let’s put netsu in the context of Touya’s Quirk. Enji said about Touya that he was born with talent and firepower greater than his own. We know from No.301-302 and from No.267 that the strength and intensity of Touya’s flames is influenced by his emotional state. If Enji’s zeal, passion, and enthusiasm [to become superhuman and prove it to himself by surpassing All Might, a “real superhuman”] burned hot enough to blind him to how his family was being impacted, Touya’s burns even hotter. The more desperate Touya becomes, the more destructive his fire will be. His emotions dictate his Quirk, and his Quirk dictates his behavior. Touya does not “possess” a Quirk in the traditional sense, like Uraraka or Kirishima or Mineta do. A Quirk possesses him.
何でここまで…保ってこられた なんでここまで…たもってこられた
= How has he… endured [the heat and not died] up to this point?
燈矢…‼︎ とうや…‼︎
= Touya…!!
= You———
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死地での危機感 しちでのききかん
= [A person’s] sense of impending crisis [in the face of] almost certain death.
臨死の経験が"個性"を覚醒させる事がある りんしのけいけんが"こせい"をかくせいさせることがある
= There have been cases of Quirks being awakened by near-death experiences.
その一方で人には「火事場の馬鹿力」というものがあり… そのいっぽうでひとには「かじばのばかちから」というものがあり…
= On the other hand, people [have been known to] have something like ‘hysterical strength at the scene of a fire.’
馬鹿力 (romaji: bakajikara) literally translates to “stupid strength.” Several online dictionaries return these additional definitions: “hysterical strength; animal strength; great physical power.” However it is translated, bakajikara refers to the superhuman strength, speed, agility, and endurance that a person might experience under extreme physiological stress to help carry them through a high stakes event, such as being trapped in a burning building or fighting off an assailant. Recently I read a news article (and watched a video) about a family whose apartment caught on fire with the mother and children inside. Neighbors and passersby called for the mother to jump from the balcony with the small child she was carrying in her arms, but again and again she ran back through the flames to retrieve her other children. After dropping the second child to the safety of the civilians down below, she was on fire and dying, but she braved the flames one more time to save her third and final child. Then she dropped dead on the balcony. Her injuries were so horrific, she could not even be visually identified as a biological female. Had it not been for her children clarifying that they were home alone with their mother when the fire started, the police would not have known who she was. But how did she do it? How did she keep moving long enough to save her children, even as she was burning beyond recognition? Love… and “stupid strength.”
それは覚醒とは違い それはかくせいとはちがい
= That’s different from an awakening.
死に瀕した時のみ顕現する力 しにひんしたときのみけんげんするちから
= [A] power / ability that manifests only when [a person is] on the brink of death.
= “Yes…”
= “I get it!”
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冷の れいの
= Rei’s
"個性"…‼︎ "こせい"…‼︎
= Quirk…!!
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勝って燈矢を見続ける! かってとうやをみつづける!
= [I will] win and keep seeing / watching Touya!
This is a flashback to No.357 when Endeavor set his intention to defeat AFO and continuously see / look after Touya. It sounds to me like he was hoping to win to save and save to win.
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全部俺の責任だ ぜんぶおれのせきにんだ
= “This is all my fault.”
全部背負って償いに生きねばと思っていた ぜんぶせおってつぐないにいきねばとおもっていた
= “I thought [that I had] to bear the burden of responsibility for everything and live to make amends.”
でもおまえはずっと俺を見続けてたんだもんな… でもおまえはずっとおれをみつづけてたんだもんな…
= “But all along you kept watching me, even though…”
おまえを見てやれなかった…… おまえをみてやれなかった……
= “I couldn’t see you……” or “I couldn’t look at you……”
It’s not that Enji didn’t know Touya was suffering. It’s that he didn’t want to know it, because the knowledge that his actions had destroyed his son’s mental health was overwhelming and terrifying and made him feel weak and powerless to do anything but play out the same tired routine day after day to make Touya’s—and his late father’s—destruction mean something. That feeling of powerlessness [probably, almost certainly] reminded him of being a kid helpless to save his father and determined to never feel that way again, so he ran. It was easier to bury his head in the sand and pretend not to see the damage he had done to the person who trusted, believed in, loved, and needed him most. I wouldn’t be surprised if Enji’s relationship with Touya prior to his “death” by fire mirrored his relationship with his own father, another flame-user who also tragically perished in a fire. I especially wouldn’t be surprised if that is the case because that dynamic seems to be implied to be generational in No.356.
But Enji isn’t the only one who turned a blind eye to Touya’s despair. Touya was falling apart emotionally and physically, so Rei abandoned him and the others and attached herself to Shouto, Shouto who never held her accountable for her part in the family dysfunction and still showed promise, promise that ensured Enji would continue financially supporting her and the Himuras so they didn’t have to adapt to the modern era that didn’t reward them for no other reason than that they were Himuras by—I don’t know—getting a job like everyone else who can’t get by on a name alone. Fuyumi coped with her traumatic home life by becoming a person who sweeps problems under the rug, pretends they don’t exist, and implicitly shames others (e.g., Natsuo, Shouto) for not doing the same and “letting bygones be bygones.” The Todorokis, namely Enji, Rei, and Fuyumi, collectively chose to avert their eyes and deny, deny, deny. Natsuo isn’t totally blameless either. In No.302, Natsuo, now an adult and student in the mental health field, remarks that he should have “punched [Enji] and confronted Touya,” a loaded, victim-blaming comment that all but confirms he believes Touya (but not Rei?) also was at fault for the family’s problems. This is not at all uncommon in abusive households, but it is problematic in that it attributes blame as much or more to victims than to perpetrators. And yes, I realize that Rei, too, was a victim and yet I am assigning culpability for her children’s adverse childhood experiences both to her and to Enji, the (primary) perpetrator. The difference is that Rei was an adult, while the children were minors incapable of advocating for themselves or seeking help from external sources. They were dependents forced by age, developmental stage, and a lack of financial resources to rely on adults to meet their needs. Ultimately, Rei, not unlike Enji, was an adult with a responsibility to her children that she failed to uphold.
おまえにも償わなきゃいけなかったんだ おまえにもつぐなわなきゃいけなかったんだ
= “I needed to atone to you as well.”
No shit? Why is this being treated like some kind of revelation? Wasn’t Enji trying in some small way to do right by Touya by doing right by Izuku, who reminded him of Touya? Wasn’t Enji’s “I will win and continue watching Touya” line a sign that he understood he needed to atone to Touya and how? What are we doing, Horikoshi? It feels like we’re taking one step forward and two steps back.
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同じ夢を見る俺だけがいない家族の夢 おなじゆめをみるおれだけがいないかぞくのゆめ
= I dream the same dream of my family, but without me.
You might remember this line from No.249, where it or a variation of it appears twice, once at the beginning of the chapter and once at the end of the chapter. Here both scenes are, translated from Japanese into English for your convenience:
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= Recently [I] have the same dream.
= My wife and children sit happily around the dining table.
= I’m never there [with them].
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= What can I do [at this late stage, when it is already much too late] for the sake of my family?
= Recently [I] have the same dream.
= [I] wish you were there too, Touya.
(That concludes our visit to the past. Let's jump back into the translation for No.387!)
= “... I won’t let you die alone… but no one else…!”
巻き込ませはしない まきこませはしない
= “[We] won’t involve [anyone else]!”
Enji’s plea for Touya to not “involve” anyone else echoes Shouto’s call for the same in No.351-352 (except Shouto added “take it all out on us,” with “us” referring either to the Heroes or to the Todoroki family as a whole). Whether Shouto meant for Touya to direct his anger at the Heroes or at the Todoroki family in its entirety, he did NOT intend to be the only one on the receiving end of it. Shouto intended to limit the damage to himself and some others. Enji intends to limit the damage to just Touya and himself.
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地上の移動では間に合わない ちじょうのいどうではまにあわない
= [They] won’t [be able to] evacuate [the area] above ground in time.
This might also be translated as “[I] won’t [be able to] cover enough ground in time,” as in Touya will explode before Enji can put sufficient distance between the two of them and everyone else to minimize the impact of the blast. He knows Touya is dying and plans to die with him as his father, but as a Hero (and the Number One Hero no less) he is still trying to save lives.
Note: The skin of Touya's chest and shoulders are breaking off. His body now resembles cracked earth disturbed by an underground volcanic eruption.
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燈矢 おまえの火力も借りて��に——— とうや おまえのかりょくもかりてそらに———
= Touya, [I am] borrowing your firepower to [launch us] into the sky———
待て…待ってくれ…! まて…まってくれ…!
= Wait… please wait…!
もう少しだけ———! もうすこしだけ———!
= Just a little longer———!
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火叢は血が濃いんだ ひむらはちがこいんだ
= Himura blood is thick.
冷!!⁉︎ れい!!⁉︎
= “Rei!!!?”
This is Enji reacting to Rei’s presence, if that wasn’t clear by the close up of his face followed by hers. If you look closely at the position of Enji’s head on the right side of the panel you’ll notice that he has turned his face toward Rei, away from Touya. His expression is one of shock and horror. This is someone who has just learned that his son will explode, killing everyone within a large radius, from evacuees to Heroes and even other Villains. Everyone caught in the blast will be incinerated. Here he was hoping to save countless lives by limiting the damage to just himself and Touya (not unlike Shouto, who yelled for Touya to “take it all out on us” and not “involve” anyone outside the family), and here Rei is, pushing her way through the flames into the fray. If Touya burns, he, Enji, and Rei will burn together. That fits, because Enji doesn’t actually bear sole responsibility for Touya’s outcome now or then. Rei is his mother, and as his mother, she, too, bears that burden. Enji failed to be a “good enough” father to Touya, and Rei failed to be a “good enough” mother to him. As she said in No.302, she also didn’t see Touya. She also turned away from him. She also abandoned her son when he became more than she knew what to do with. So when he died at thirteen years old after enduring a decade of parental abuse and neglect, his blood was on her hands as much as on Enji’s, because she didn’t do enough to help him when he was at his weakest and most vulnerable. And look, I know Rei had it hard and was suffering, but she still had a responsibility to the children she helped to create to nurture, protect, and care for them, a responsibility she and Enji both fumbled. The sad reality is that parents can love their children and still fail to do right by them. Parents can want the best for their children and still not be the best for them. Touya suffered for having had Enji as his father, and he suffered for having had Rei as his mother. What has happened is on both of them. What happens next is on both of them.
お母さんも おかあさんも
= “[You] too, Mom.”
Literally, Touya says, “Mom too.”
加担してんだよ かたんしてんだよ
= “You’re complicit.”
End Tagline:
[His] mother…!!
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hibikore-archives · 5 months
よしもとかよ 「日々是好日」。vol.122 (2023/12/6 + 12/13)
2023   6th + 13th december  
M1 Eagle Man / Changing Woman (Mari Boine)
  M2 ミシャオの馬 - Love Palace Mix - (Dao Dezi feat. Tri Yann)     M3 air of December (Edie Brickell & New Bohemians)
  M4 Njuvccat bohtet (Ulla Pirttijarvi)     M5 do ciebie Kasiuni (Warsaw Village Band)     M6 winter (Joshua Radin)     M7 illumination (Secret Garden)       M8 le rideau rouge (Austine)  
< 好日の素…アウターを選ぶこと>
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  いよいよ12月。 山の方では雪の知らせもあり、 さすがに寒くなってきました。 それじゃあずっと家にいていいよ、なんて ことならいいんですが、そういうわけにもいかず… 特にここ北陸では 冬ともなれば コートやジャケットは必需品なのです。   とはいうものの、アウター選びというのも これがなかなかどうして、 かばんや靴同様に この一着があればOK!ということには ならないもの。 他の衣類よりちょっとばかり値がはることもあって ほいほい何着も買えないな、とも感じたり。 デザインや色だけでなく、 実用性も考えて…と 選ぶのに慎重になってしまいます。   セーターなど厚手の服の さらに上に着るものなので、 わたしとしては 腕や脇が窮屈でないものがいいな、と思ったり 厚手の生地だと暖かいけれど 重たいので肩が凝るな、とか 雪を払いやすいのがいいな、とか 冬にしか着ないのだから メンテナンスが楽なものがいいな、とか…   ちょっと考えただけでも さまざまな条件が出てきます。 加えて、TPOを考えたり 価格が納得いくものか、となってくると 悩ましくもなるわけです。   そんないろんな条件を ある程度クリアしてくれそうなところで この冬は キルティングジャケットや アウトドア系のジャケットに 目が行っています。   寒い季節、外でも 快適に過ごせるように…      
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *   
< 日々是食べたい! … クルフカ >
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  初めて口にしたのは、 確か友人のおすそ分けだったかと 思います。 「これ、めっちゃおいしいから!」と いただいたのは、 白い包み紙に銀色の牛の絵が描かれた キャラメルのような… しかし!頬張った瞬間、 ホロッとほどけて 「これ、キャラメル…じゃない!?」と とにかく驚いたのが、 このポーランドのお菓子、クルフカだったのです。   その後ずっと出会えずにいたのですが つい2年ほど前、偶然それらしきものを発見。 購入してみたらば、メーカーこそ違えど これだ!となり、 以来わたしのおやつの定番のひとつになっています。   いくつかのメーカーから 発売されているようですが、 どのパッケージにも 牛が描かれているのは 単にミルク味だとか ミルクをつかったお菓子だから、という ことだけではなく、 クルフカというその名前が そもそもポーランドのことばで 「ちいちゃい牛ちゃん」という意味だから、 ということのよう。 日本語的な表現なら、 モーモーちゃん、といったところでしょうか。   しっかり甘く、されど キャラメルとは違い、 ほろりと口の中で ほどけて消えるため、 ついついもうひとつ、と 止まらなくなってしまうお菓子。 その食感におどろく顔が見たくて、 いろんなひとに 食べてみて!とおすそわけしている わたしなのでした…。
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lierrelearns · 1 year
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I'm not sure that my photos really convey how gorgeous the grounds of Gioji temple really are.
嵯峨菊は、肥後菊、江戸菊などとともに日本を代表する古典菊の一つで嵯峨天皇の御代、大覚寺大沢池の菊ヶ島に自生していた野菊を、永年にわたって洗練したものです。 一鉢に三本立てで高さは約ニメートル、上から三輪、五輪、七輪の[七五三]の形とされ、[天・地・人]の格を有します。 葉は上から淡緑、中段には緑、下段は紅葉した黄色と春夏秋冬を表し、花弁は平弁で五十四弁、長さ約十センチが理想とされます。花色は[御所の雪(白)] [御所の秋(黄)] [御所の綿(朱)] [御所の春(桃色)]などの単色が多く、あまり混色しません。 四色に咲き誇る可憐な花に、深まりゆく秋を大いに、堪能してください。
Vocab 嵯峨菊 (さがぎく) Saga Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum grandiflora var. Saga) 肥後菊 (ひごぎく) Higo Chrysanthemum 江戸菊 (えどぎく) Edo Chrysanthemum 古典菊 (こてんぎく) classical chrysanthemums 嵯峨天皇 (さがてんのう) Emperor Saga (10/3/786-8/4/842, 52nd emperor of Japan 809-823) 御代 (みよ) (imperial) reign, period 大覚寺 (だいかくじ) Daikaku-ji 大沢池 (おおさわいけ) Ōsawa Pond (artificial pond from Heian period) 菊ヶ島 (きくがしま)lit. Chrysanthemum island 自生 (じせい) growing wild (naturally), native 野菊 (のぎく) wild chrysanthemum 永年 (えいねん) long time, many years 洗練 (せんれん) polish, refinement 鉢 (はち) flowerpot 七五三 (しちごさん) Shichi-Go-San Festival; lucky numbers 天地人 (てんちじん) heaven, earth, and man 有する (ゆうする) to have, possess, own, be endowed with 淡緑 (たんりょく) light green 緑 (みどり) 紅葉 (こうよう) fall colors 春夏秋冬 (しゅんかしゅうとう) the four seasons 花弁 (はなびら) flower petal 弁 (べん) petal 御所 (ごしょ) imperial palace 朱 (あけ) scarlet, red 単色 (たんしょく) single color, monochrome 混色 (こんしょく) mixed color, compound color 咲き誇る (さきほこる) to be in full bloom 可憐 (かれん) sweet, touchingly lovely 深まる (ふかまる) to deepen (intransitive) 堪能 (たんのう) enjoying, satisfaction
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cyber-illusion · 11 days
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4/28(日)開催のM3-2024春では、Cyber Illusionの3年ぶりの新譜となる「INSPIRATION」を頒布いたします。
トランスを志向した新曲「INSPIRATION」の他、過去Crystal Formのボーカルkari*nと合作した楽曲を再mixして収録しております。
当日はCrystal Formさまとの合体配置での頒布となりますので、しぜひお手にとっていただければ幸いです。 ※今回もWebイベントでの出展はございません。
【ブース情報】 Cyber Illusion × Crystal Form 第二展示場ク-12ab kari*nさん&Marsさんサークル Crystal Formとの合体配置
【頒布作品】 ・【新譜】INSPIRATION - ¥800 ・【旧譜】Cyber Illusion : ANOTHER - ¥200 ※会場頒布限定。パッケージ版のみ
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tensei-ocha-p · 1 month
Emotion Deceive. I love imagening her playing bass here and Piko on guitar. That'd be a funky music video if I had the time for it.
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splatoonreblogger · 2 years
Announcement by SplatoonJP:
10/8(土)と10/9(日)に東京ビッグサイトで開催される「Nintendo Live 2022」にて『スプラトゥーン3』の音楽ライブ「バンカライブ」が開催されるぞ!#NintendoLive
(site linked below image)
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SplatoonJP still has more:
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SplatoonJP's final addition:
「Nintendo Live 2022」会場にて販売予定のオリジナルグッズをマイニンテンドーストアで先行発売中だ!#NintendoLive
(merch store linked below)
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pocketdiary21 · 2 months
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From the 1997 Tamagotchi Research Guide 🌷
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this-is-the-uchu · 4 months
 ご覧になられましたか? 見たことある方は何度見てもよいのですよ。もういいって? まあまあ、そうおっしゃらずに。とにもかくにも、ありがとうございます。
 今年はINTERVALSが2本でした。再三にわたりお伝えしていますが、もうINTERVALSやりませんから! と決意新たにしていた所、先日Fractal Audioのクリスマスプレゼント企画のGift of ToneでAaronのプリセットが配られたので、ソレを使って……とはなりません。去年配っていたら今年の動画に間に合ってたのにという悔しさがあります。このプリセットですが、音はCircadian以降のハイゲイン系で、特に近年ハマっているらしいリードにモジュレーションをガッツリ掛けているタイプの音だったり、クリスタルクリーンが入っています。残念ながら(?) The Way Forward時代のクランチはありません。かなり使える音でして、個人的に最近お気に入りのハイゲインアンプのRevvでリズムトーンが作られていたり、自分がTouch&Goの音作りの時に使っていたPrecision Driveや、同じアンプモデルであるFriedmanのHBE V3が使われていたのでなんだか嬉しくなりました。ちょっと余計なこと長めに書いてしまった。
・Mayones Duvell(売った)
・UAD 1176 Classic Limiter Collection
・Master 8 Japanのピック
 先日色々買い集めました。コンテンツ的に書いたのですがどハマりはしていません。最近のブームはジムダンのJP Trinityです。シェイプがミニトライアングルなので近いモノを集めてるのですが、某ネットショップ(音家さんではないです)オリジナルの激安ミニ△は素材と厚さ別で10枚程度買ったのですが全てダメでした。やはりジムダン……ジムダンは全てを解決する。
①Allegaeon - DAMNUM
 「聴いていた」と書いていますが実際は先月末からなので聴き始めて1ヶ月程度です。メロデス寄りのテクデスおよびエクストリームメタルですかね。2023年は自分の中でメロデスブームの年でしたが、重くてクサくて速くてテクいの聴きたくて探していた中のAllegaeonでした。アメリカって感じのメタルで実によきです。類似バンドで挙げられるFirst Fragmentsはダメでした。あれはスパニッシュでネオクラでカオティックでしたので。
②Stortregn - Finitude / Impermanence / Emptiness Fills the Void
 ギタリストのJohan Smithはクラシックギター界で有名な方で、音大の修士号取得、各コンテストでの優勝多数、オーケストラ共演など世界的に高い評価を受けているのですが、こんなメタルバンドもやっているようです。これでまた一つ、メタルが世界一素晴らしい音楽であることの証明がなされてしまいましたね。そんな前置きで期待値が高まっていたのですが「テクさ」に求めている「音数が多い人外ギターソロ」はありませんでした。ただ過去作では少なかったギターソロパートは最新作になるにつれて増えていきます。強いて挙げる残念ポイントはここだけ。
③Kalmah - The Black Waltz
④Night Crowned - Tales
 こちらもブラストビートのあるメロデス。メロデス?メロブラ? ドラマーが巧いなと思いますが、メロディラインは北欧感強めです。曲によっては好みからは外れていました。そのため強く刺さる楽曲は少なかったです。記録用に残していましたが書いたのでライブラリから消します。
⑤Insomnium - Anno 1696 / Avove the Weeping World
⑥Eidola - The Architect
 ポストハードコア。Makariが好きなので類似バンドとして以前から知っていましたが、知った当時の2018年はMVが少なく、刺さる楽曲も少なかったため聴き続けることはありませんでした。今年になってApple Musicで2021年の最新作が流れてきたのですが、非常に良かったです。本人たちも言っていますがプログレッシブな要素が多いバンドです。上半期の、特に初夏は沢山聴きました。スーパー歌ウマで気持ちがよいです。VoはDGDのギタリストでもあるようです。この辺のバンドを個人的にDGD界隈と呼んでいます。Blue Swan Recordsですね。DGD、年に何回か聴いてみるのですが全く好きになれませんので今年で諦めました。
⑦Wolf & Bear - Everything is Going Grey / Bloodletter
 ポストハードコアです。実は結構好きなジャンルだと判明しました。ちなみに00~10年代の古き良き系ではなく近年の比較的ポップな感じです。ポップですよね? そしてこちらもDGD界隈です。亡くなったBaがDGDでした。
 リピートしていたのはMVの楽曲です。すごく好き。他はほどほどで、なんなら最新作は楽しみにしていたものの刺さる楽曲がありませんでした。全体的にクリーンVoの主張が強くなり、流行りのR&B的なシャラくさいメロディ / ノリ / パートが増えてしまった印象です。新しく入ったギタリストはセンスのあるピロピロオブリを弾くのと、Kieselの黒いスーパーストラトがカッコイイです。ジャケットは日本と韓国と中国がミックスされた「アジアは大体一緒だろ?hahaha!!」なアメリカを感じます。
⑧MØL - Jord / Diorama
⑨Deafheaven - Roads to Judah
⑩New Jeans - OMG 
 オッマオッマガ~!ネットニュースになったNew Jeansおじさんになりたくないのですが曲がいいので聴いています。アイドルコンテンツは好きではありません。でもハニ氏はかわいいと思います。CookieやHype Boyも好きです。インストだけで聴くのもアリです。
⑪Helloween - The Dark Ride
⑫柴田淳 - ブライニクル / 私は幸せ / あなたと見た夢 君のいない朝
 しばじゅんはお風呂BGMの定番です。今年の総再生時間は8,194分でApple Music内でのトップ100リスナーだったらしいです。やったね。ちなみに上田麗奈さんのトップ100リスナーでもあります。やったね。これまで聴いてなかったアルバムの開拓ということで3枚を聴きました。基本的には静かな楽曲が好きです。ご結婚おめでとうございます。失恋です。
⑬明日の叙景 - アイランド
⑭三森すずこ - R / B / P
⑮遠野朝海 - Comfort
⑯arabesque Choche - eclogue
 ピアノインスト。リリース前日にYouTubeで生演奏の配信があったのですが、時間も時間だったので電気を消した真っ暗なお風呂入りながら観ました。とんでもなく癒されたのでその日以来、お風呂に携帯を持ち込んで何かを観るというのがブームになっています。置き場のための板と防水スピーカーと防水ケースの導入を進めています。これはレビューではありませんね。楽曲? 全部好きだから特にコメントしません。
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pikahlua · 11 months
MHA Chapter 391 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 ヒーローは殲滅する‼︎ ヒーローはせんめつする‼︎ HIIROO wa senmetsu suru!! “Annihilate the heroes!!”
tagline 1 あふれるトゥワイス‼︎ あふれるトガ‼︎ afureru TOGA (kanji: TUWAISU)!! The overflowing Toga (read as: Twices)!!
tagline 2 No.391 拒んだ世界  堀越耕平 ナンバー391 こばんだせかい  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 391 kobanda sekai   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 391 A World That Rejected  Kouhei Horikoshi
2 際限がない…! キリがない…! KIRI (kanji: saigen) ga nai...! “There’s no end to them...!”
3 ピクシーボブ "個性"「土流」 ピクシーボブ "こせい"「どりゅう」 PIKUSHIIBOBU “kosei” 「doryuu」 Pixie-bob   Quirk: Earth Flow
4 止まれえ‼︎ とまれえ‼︎ tomaree!! “Stooop!!”
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1 流子ォ‼︎ りゅうこォ‼︎ RyuukoO!! “Ryuuko!!”
2 いかん「土流」が止められたら決壊する‼︎ いかん「どりゅう」がとめられたらけっかいする‼︎ ikan 「doryuu」 ga tomeraretara kekkai suru!! “Oh no, if Earth Flow is stopped, it’ll collaspe!!”
3 柔っ…‼︎ ヤワラっ…‼︎ YAWARA...!! “Soften...!!”
4 哀れな行進 サッドマンズデスパレード SADDO MANZU DESU PAREEDO Sad Man’s Death Parade
5 ぐぅう guuu “Guugh!”
6 トガは"トゥワイスに変身したトガ"を増やしている トガは"トゥワイスにへんしんしたじぶん"をふやしている TOGA wa “TUWAISU ni henshin shita jibun (kanji: TOGA)” wo fuyashite iru Toga is increasing the number of Togas-transformed-into-Twice.
7 トガの"個性"「変身」には血液摂取量による時間制限があるが トガの"こせい"「へんしん」にはけつえきぜっしゅりょうによるじかんせいげんがあるが TOGA no “kosei” 「henshin」 ni wa ketsueki zesshuryou ni yoru jikan seigen ga aru ga Toga’s quirk Transform has a time limit based on blood intake, but
8 ヒーロー側に血液保有量を推測する判断材料は無いそして知ろうが知るまいが ヒーローがわにけつえきほゆうりょうをすいそくするはんだんざいりょうはないそしてしろうがしるまいが HIIROO gawa ni kestueki hoyuuryou wo suisoku suru handan zairyou wa nai soshite shirou ga shiru mai ga the hero side has no basis to judge her blood intake. Then, whether or not they know that,
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1 一度決壊してしまえば いちどけっかいしてしまえば ichido kekkai shite shimaeba if they break down just once,
2-3 圧倒的物量に周辺一帯の侵蝕にさして時間は掛からない あっとうてきぶつりょうにしゅうへんいったいのしんしょくにさしてじかんはかからない attouteki butsuryou ni shouhen ittai no shinshoku ni sashite jikan wa kakaranai it doesn’t take much time for the surrounding area to be eroded by [Toga’s] overwhelming numbers.
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1 消えろヒーロー!!! きえろヒーロー!!! kiero HIIROO!!! “Disappear, heroes!!!”
2 燈矢くん…どうなったの とうやくん…どうなったの Touya-kun...dou natta no Touya-kun...what happened?
3 死んでしまったの? しんでしまったの? shinde shimatta no? Did you go and die?
4-5 またいなくなってしまうの mata inakunatte shimau no Are you gone again?
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1 待って…! まって…! matte...! “Wait...!”
2 ゼロ・グラビティスペースウォーク! ZERO GURABITI SUPEESU WOOKU! Zero Gravity Space Walk!
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1 去年の夏からの短い付き合いだけど きょねんのなつからのみじかいつきあいだけど kyonen no natsu kara no mijikai tsukiai dakedo “Our acquaintance from summer last year was short, but”
2 私けっこう考え変わったよ! わたしけっこうかんがえかわったよ! watashi kekkou kangae kawatta yo! “I’ve changed my mind considerably!”
3 遅いって言ったでしょ おそいっていったでしょ osoi tte itta desho “Didn’t I tell you it’s [too] late?”
4 遅くてごめん! おそくてごめん! osokute gomen! “Sorry for being late!”
5 でも…見つけられた! でも…みつけられた! demo...mitsukerareta! “But...I was able to find you!”
6 …うるさい ...urusai “...shut up.”
7 あなたは泣いてたきっとーーー あなたはないてたきっとーーー anata wa naiteta kitto--- “The reason you were crying was surely because---”
8 トゥワイスに出来る事が出来なくて トゥワイスにできることができなくて TUWAISU ni dekiru koto ga dekinakute “you can’t do what the things Twice can, and”
9 なり 切れなくて…‼︎ なり きれなくて…‼︎ nari kirenakute...!! “you can’t become him completely...!!”
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1 ヒミコちゃんの"好き"が死柄木たちには当てはまらなくて使えないのかも ヒミコちゃんの"すき"がしがらきたちにはあてはまらなくてつかえないのかも HIMIKO-chan no “suki” ga Shigaraki-tachi ni wa atehamaranakute tsukaenai no kamo Maybe Himiko-chan’s ‘love’ cannot be applied to Shigaraki and the others, and so she can’t use [their quirks].
2 梅雨ちゃんはああ推測してたけど つゆちゃんはああすいそくしてたけど Tsuyu-chan wa aa suisoku shiteta kedo Tsuyu-chan guessed that, but
3 ヒーローは HIIROO ha Annihilate...
4 トガの涙を見て トガのなみだをみて TOGA no namida wo mite When I saw Toga’s tears,
5 わかった気がする わかったきがする wakatta ki ga suru I got the feeling that I understood.
6 殲滅する せんめつする senmetsu suru ...the heroes
7 殺意が混ざって さついがまざって satsui ga mazatte “You mixed in your murderous intent,”
8 今は純粋な"好き"だけじゃない いまはじゅんすいな"すき"だけじゃない ima wa junsui na “suki” dake ja nai “so now it’s not just your pure ‘love’.” (Note: This “love’ is still just the vague suki word that means an object of affection, like or love.)
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1 うるさいんだよ麗日お茶子!!! うるさいんだようららかおちゃこ!!! urusanda yo Uraraka Ochako!!! “Shut up, Ochako Uraraka!!!”
2-3 あなたが私の何を知ってるの⁉︎ あなたがわたしのなにをしってるの⁉︎ anata ga watashi no nani wo shitteru no!? “What do you know about me!?”
tagline 少女のさけびーー… しょうじょのさけびーー… shoujo no sakebi--... The scream of a young woman--...
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solitude-klang · 3 months
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ステージに誰もいないままキズの0から暗転 感電のベース音が流れ始めたので手拍子をするフロア なかなか満員のお客さんに混じって亞んちゃんの金髪が
誰の声かと思うくらい攻撃的な声色に軽率にときめいたけど一葵さんだったのかな 左に寄らない他バンギャさんをw強引に寄せて蜘蛛の糸
手扇子しながらようやくステージを見たら 黒いスーツに黒シャツなんだけどネクタイの柄がアメリカドル$…?もしかして4人で
朗読は 冷熱 ジャケットの袖を肘下で捲ってベースを低くして弾く零夜さん(ゴクリ…
ただいまー おかえりー!
僕達あの アメリカ帰りなんで
帰りに お土産屋さんでこれ(ネクタイ)買ってきました
か わ い い(ネクタイがというよりその柄とお揃いにしちゃうこととそれを衣装にするということがかわいい)かわいいじゃねぇよ
アメリカで一体何がと思うほど いつになく強気で攻撃的で全員が見るからに自信に満ちていた
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メンバーのヴィジュアルは思っていたほどピンクハレルヤではなく 普通のV系に見えないこともない 笑
上手側の後ろの方に 白い布でちゃんとV系ぽく装飾されたスクリーンが設置されそこに歌詞(MVある曲はMV)が流れる
小学校5年生くらいの男の子が言う下ネタがふんだんに盛り込まれた歌詞を 90年代V系に多い独特の歌い癖に乗せてw 声量なくはないし結構な高音が地声で出てたので真面目に練習したら普通に上手くなりそう
ドラムのdagakiさんとボーカルのtinkさん 埼玉の人らしく 越谷ではなく松伏町?の出身だとか
( 'ᵕ' )
どんどんどんどん 応募して
( ◜-◝ )
前からある 前からある 前からある
何を言ってるのかわからない系ボーカルさんのMCを幾度となく拾ってきた 経験値がまったく活かせないレベルの圧倒的何を言ってるのかわからない系ボーカル(笑) MCというかスタジオセッションの雑談みたいなノリで喋るんだけど先輩や女の子に可愛がられそうなタイプです 上ギとベースいなかったらまとまらんw
弦楽器隊は思ったより全然ちゃんと演奏してて(失礼w)ステージ慣れしている様子なんだけど ボーカルさんだけステージに立たない仕事を生業にしてる感ありました(ベーシストさんらしい ?)
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楽器隊板付き 袖から赤いスーツに身を包んだ赤髪団長(かっこいい♡)
とはいえ1~2曲目知らなかったw これだけ行ってなかったら知らない曲やらなかったら逆に心配なので良かった
さっき ザアザアが… 越谷そんなもんかって言ってたけど…
タイトル思い出せないけど体が振りを覚えていていやー懐かしいーと思ったのは愚蓮だった 少し前にBLAZEで見た時にもやってたな
ギターソロ見応えやばい 前任も涼し顔して難解な曲を弾く人だったけど今の上手ギターも笑顔でとんでもねぇことやってる凄腕
越谷 俺の地元です 正確にいうと隣町の岩槻市なんだけど 最寄り駅はせんげん台
いつも浦和あたりで地元です!って言うのちょっとなんか 申し訳ない気持ちがあったんだけど 今日はいいよな 自信持って 越谷 地元です!
でも…実を言うと…今の住所は 東京都ですって言ってブーイング浴びてたw
団長ダンスって言うから乱知気でもやるのかと思って焦った 大サァカス 体が覚えてた(笑)(笑)
神風もカクセイも通ってた頃に出た曲で団長大好きすぎた時代の自分に戻ってしまうw凄まじい演奏力だし良い曲だな かっこいい
Never fade awayのコーラス (合唱になったのこれだっけ?)感動しちゃったよ
ザアザアは 勢いがあって なんか 凄かった…対バンするのは久しぶりなんだけど ああゆうのいいなって思いましたって言ってた
色々な十字架についてはアトリアの話してたかなぁ 忘れちゃった
NoGoDはアンコールがノーゴッド!なんだよね 懐かしい
さっき ザアザアが 前後左右にすごい動かしてて 俺達もああゆうのやりたいなぁ?って思っちゃったから
両手をくるんてして折り返す時にハートにする振りがあるけど 桃源郷へようこそのその部分は♡を逆さにした桃なんだよねw
曲終わってから 4/20にもここで埼玉乱舞?あるらしくて団長がDJとMCで出るとかって言ってた
バンド演奏終わってすぐDJブースからROCKET DIVE流れて来たの熱かったな
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obvers-g-nozi · 3 months
ゲームプレイログ用ブログ作りました! I made a blog for game play logs!
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霧の王国たのしい!!!! 拠点をどこに作ろうかいまだにうろうろ… やはり最初の場所がもともと平地っぽくていいかも…?
Enshrouded is so much fun !!!! I'm still trying to figure out where to build my base…
I've been playing a lot of games, so I'm mixing up genres, but this is just a reminder for me.
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nimenkanjou · 5 months
 世間では当たり前のように クライアント-受注 の中にpaypayが組み込まれていて、なんの疑いも持たずに先人に習おうというお怠けをしてしまったことに対して非常に申し訳なく思っています。
 しかし、これは私の出自に関わりますが、私はいわゆる日本名を持っていません。 姓 名 のようなわかりやすい名前ではなく、銀行口座のほうも言ってしまえば正式な名前では登録していませんし、運転免許も学生証も保険証も、およそ正しく姓名を登録できていません。
 10年前、歌ってみたに初めて触れて、自分も歌いたい!と思って録音して、出来上がったのは聞くに堪えない酷いものでした。500円で買ったskype用の卓上マイクを直に刺して録音して、sound engine freeで適当にオケと歌を合わせただけの作品をアップロードしていたころの自分に対して、今お前はこういうことができている、これも、これも、これもできているぞ!という、一種の供養をする為にこうしてMIXを請け負っていますし、自分でも歌っています。(最近は歌えていませんが)
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