#γ€ŠπŸŒŠγ€‹π‘¨π’„π’“π’π’”π’” 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒔 [ooc]
anemcia Β· 3 months
//SORRY IVE BEEN GONE. I had to study up for a very important exam as part of my visa application, so I needed time to focus my brain meats into British history among other things. I'll be resuming any posts and rps what I can this week.
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anemcia Β· 8 months
//Anon thinking they hold any kind of power over their target VS the muse who could annihilate anon without even touching them
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anemcia Β· 8 months
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//just gonna...... Give 1000% credit to @unboundpower for the inspiration for a new Tanuki OC im cookin' here...
I love how Earth in the DB universe is crawling with plenty of diverse monsters, cryptids, mythological beings, Yokais, ALL that good stuff that is entirely underused and forgotten. With Mei's existence as an ancient Kitsune, I figured it would be neat to complement with a race of mystical Tanukis. Perhaps it is their sworn duty to 'bestow' a destiny to ultimately benefit Earth?
If a Tanuki has encountered a humans with exceptional strength and resolve, they can be selected as a 'Champion'. The hero is then gifted a stone that contains the raw power of an element. If successful, the Tanuki takes it's place by the human as it's guide, advising them on how to use their newfound ability and observe how they utilize it. It is NOT their place to decide if the power is used for good or evil, but the Tanuki is present nonetheless.
...However. There is a terrible consequence if the Tanuki's judgement was wrong. Yup! They're going just off A GUT FEELING. NO PRESSURE OR ANYTHING.
If strength or resolve are lacking, perhaps even both, the second their fingers make contact with the stone will end in a miserable death. The Fire stone could incinerate you into ashes, the Water stone could engulf the victim in a bubble until they drown, the Grass stone could sprout violently from the body until the victim is but stringy flesh and trees... etc. It depends on the element they have selected for their human. Pretty violent stuff, hence the necessity to be cautious when choosing a champion.
I absolutely know I want Honeydew to face a point where Cell's violent trials are too much, enduring an event that nearly kills her (or even does for a period of time), and it is purely coincidence that this Tanuki OC happens to run into her broken, maimed body. This little fella probably hasn't had any luck finding any champion over hundreds of years, far too many lives claimed to give a damn about 'serving' Earth anymore. Having pity over Honey, the Fire stone would be the most merciful way to end her suffering, a quick end to someone who is already numb.
AND WOULDN'T YA KNOW........ THAT ENDS UP SAVING HER.......... Not without being swallowed by flames, but under the deeply charred skin is a renewed and improved Honeydew! Totally fine, like nothing happened! She'd remember every last excruciating of it, but hey, it cAN'T GET ANY WORSE... RIGHT??
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Still working out the aftermath of her situation with the Tanuki, but i'm so relieved I have substance to shape up. Just need a cute design, decide if it's male or female, and add this creature into her story. Bonus funny if the Tanuki is only visible to people it wishes to be seen by (or other mystical creatures), so Cell is just so fucking dumbfounded where the fire abilities came from. It's a secret, big guy.
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anemcia Β· 8 months
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//Yanno I should probably say if I haven't said already: If there is ever a role that needs to be filled out, I'd be more than happy to play certain characters for certain people. I do Goku Black exclusively for @kiealer, and truthfully I'm fine with most roles so long as we agree upon it. Krillin, Yamcha, Hercule, Frieza, a loootta characters I could be for you (but....... Only if we're cool mutuals. Or if plot demands it. Mostly if we're mutuals tho.)
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anemcia Β· 8 months
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//If anything this has just opened my eyes further to Honey's hopeless romantic attitude. Much as she values her own pride and dignity, she's just as much willing to tie herself into knots just so she can keep a crush around her. "I hate people, I like being alone out here." She says, probably the biggest lie she's ever told herself. She wants to like people, she WANTS to feel loved. Sucks to suck, Honey bunny.
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anemcia Β· 8 months
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//A faceclaim??? For Cyto????? That kinda works????????? I'll probably edit more of my cell icons in the future, but for now, this is a temp set up I can get behind! (Im lazy and tbh i cant be bothered making more actual Cyto icons until I feel true motivation). A human disguise thats more in line with his youthful look? Placeholder for expressions in general? I dunno, I need opinions here. Maybe. I think I'm settling into it. He's pretty cute mmhmm.
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anemcia Β· 8 months
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//...AU where Honey starts an idol group?......... Maybe? I think I've enjoyed Oshi no Ko a little too much, but the thought is springing on me like 1000 little bees.
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anemcia Β· 4 months
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//It actually felt good to do a lil meme last night! Made me excited to actually put forth a bit more effort and get out of this extra long writing funk. Rp the things I've wanted to do for ages, maaaaybe try to get back to threads that have multiple layers of dust caked onto it. (Especially the discord ones... Looking at you Kona fORGIVE ME......) Thank u guys for the inbox shenanigans, it was much appreciated, feelin the muse gang come back.
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anemcia Β· 4 months
( The sheet is dropped right from Cell's hand onto the floor between him and Honeydew. He's saying nothing. )
yourΒ name: Cell
your age:Β irrelevant
your perfect date: It starts with a good fight, whatever it is
make out in private or in public?: noΒ 
do you like to cuddle?:Β no
tell me something about you: I've been keeping track of which bones I've broken of yours and there is a single-digit number remaining that I've yet to crack.
why do you want to be my valentine?: This holiday is stupid and beneath me, but here I am anyway. Do something about it.
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Not only is she subjected to picking the slip from the floor, like some child, but reading the application response only worsened that bitter flavor in her mouth. It was a novelty sheet from someone handing them out in town, something she had grabbed without much thought, and absentmindedly placed on the kitchen table... Evidently, Cell had found a use for it. Should have binned the damn thing as soon as she got home.
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"I bet ya think this is funny, huh? I didn't take ya for the type to waste his time on somethin' this stupid.... You've actually been keeping track of how many bones you have left to break? That tracks. I'm seeing this make a lil' more sense now." She huffed, though her attention lingered on the last question like it was meant to draw temptation. Do something about it. Do something about WHAT, exactly? Show him a good time on Valentines day? A full-blown fight would be more than enough, so why waste time with the application?
It's gotta be a trick. It's gotta be... So stop twinging your lips!... Stop!!...
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"Alright, I'll do somethin' about it. I accept. You're officially my Valentine by the binding agreement of this here application. Hell, I'll take it a step further-- YOU take ME on a date. Show me a perfect evenin' that no one in their right mind could deny. It's not beneath you to be a staunch perfectionist, and I expect no less from someone made of it. If ya can woo me, I'll... Use more of my fire against ya in our fights, even if it kills me. It takes everythin' out of me, but I'll do what I can if it means I can master it."
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anemcia Β· 1 year
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//OKAY, so I’m officially resetting this blog’s timeline. That means we’re back to the beginning again. Honeydew and Cell have only just recently met, shenanigans have yet to achieve its brutal peak, he’s weak and amnesiac currently, yadda yadda etc. Cyto does NOT EXIST yet, so unless there is a special request for him? He’s benched until further notice. This gives me ample opportunity to bring out Flint more, since I’ve been itching to develop his character with other people. I’m also taking the bold route of simplifying the bios to their basics. Anything larger than the relevant info would be learned through interactions / answered questions.
This reset extends to all current relationships. (THE RESET DOES NOT APPLY TO PREVIOUS ONGOING THREADS) Expect to start fresh again! Of course, we can always skip introductions and get into the meat of the plot. I’m happy with either choice.
I’m not going to bother archiving or deleting any previous information. Tbh, it’s a looooootta clean up for time I don’t have much of + I’m lazy and would rather just move on from all this. So let’s pretend that it’s a new, clean slate without worrying over things that were posted before. It’s for the best, because I have been meaning to make a few changes to the lore. Everything works out!
As of right now, the blog is undergoing maintenance to prepare for the coming changes. Questions or concerns for me? Send a message via DM or discord, I’ll get right back to ya ASAP. Thanks for reading ;3c
I look forward to restarting this journey with y’all!
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anemcia Β· 5 months
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//I really gotta stop dying at the most unusual times. Sorry this blog went dark in November, my mom broke her arm and just a string of sickness after sickness struck me and the kids. I guess I took the opportunity to chill out the rest of the year? I still got a lingering cough but damn it, after all the nice art I've seen from @kiealer and @viopolis, I have to say my sincerest thank you for the wonderful artwork and that I appreciate the time and effort placed into them.
Part of my New Year's resolution was to take more time for my hobbies, writing and art. I want to make a measurable effort to be more active than I have been as of recent years, so I hope ya'll continue to be around while I bang at your windows for future RP's. Love ya guys, lets make 2024 a damn good one. For my sanity, I need it to be a good one. No more bad vibes, only good times ahead.
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anemcia Β· 8 months
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anemcia Β· 8 months
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//We're going back to our regularly scheduled program. Thank you for tuning in for Reichiru but it's time to put her back in the box.
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anemcia Β· 8 months
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//You ever crave bringin back some RP blogs you haven't touched in years? New ones you haven't moved in with yet? Or ones you never got a chance to really RP at all because there was no audience or the fandom was dead? I feel that. I feel it all the time.
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anemcia Β· 8 months
πŸŽƒ Honeydew has Chosen her Costume! πŸŽƒ
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"Always liked Alicia anyway... So why not be a good lookin' sorceress?"
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anemcia Β· 8 months
Have you ever stalked the ship of another mun? Have you ever been intimidated by somebody based solely on their writing alone? Have you ever been late on replying to ooc messages/dm’s? Have you ever deleted a sent ask?
Munday: Guilty as CHARGED - [ACCEPTING]
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Question 1✨: [HEAVY BREATHING] I mean, I suppose I stalk your ships most of the time HUEHUEHUEHEUHUE-- But I do keep mini tabs of people's ships in my brain in general! Especially when it comes to days when they might want asks about some ships, or something fun/creative for them to play around with? Stalking in the most polite way possible, I just want to see y'all thrive and be happy with the romances. It's big reminders that I just... Need to look after my own OTP(s) too.
Question 2✨: Mostly answered here! But suppose I get more specific? It took me a couple of deep breaths before approaching your blog ngl. Nothing to do with anything you're doing, I'm just the boob who assumes that I'm being a bother for requesting the muses I'm interested in (which is most of them tbh). I don't feel that way nearly as much as I used to, but I admit I've got the squeaky boots back on since returning to tumblr. Baby steps, that's all I need to remind myself of.
Question 3✨: All. The. Time. Though I tend to be a bit faster over discord, I just get swept up in mommy mode until they're off to bed and I can actually recollect my thoughts. And sometimes I'd rather crash and watch TV shows and think about it the next day. Sometimes it leads into a bit of a loop, hence my true motivation to find more time for myself with friends. Get back into my hobbies, relax a bit more.
Question 4✨: Yeah, usually just to clean out or I've missed the window for a meme and I get embarrassed. ;0;
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