#⟨ ♚ ⟩ ANSWERED !
kinglyisms · 2 months
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♚ — @ebresos ;; Eric & Siius. ❛ please don't go, i can't handle losing you too. ❜
   “Despite the pieces of your species I carry inside of me, that does not make me one of your people.” Eric stated, turning his head away from the taller man. He seems to be trying to make a habit out of surprising Eric and he doesn’t know how he feels about that. Being caught off guard once is one thing, having it happen repeatedly was starting to be rather weird and alarming. He took a breath and moved a bit against the wall, gaze sliding down to the arm that had him trapped in his own bedroom. He had just intended on showing Siius where he could sleep, he thought he would offer him his own bedroom, and now he found himself stuck in said bedroom. 
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   Telling someone he doesn’t know that well not to go, what an odd request. Eric never considered himself anything special, the only thing he knew that he was without a doubt, was a monster. Because he was, without a doubt he absolutely was a monster. Yet, for some reason, apparently Siius thought that he was something important. Be it the curse within him that makes him carry part of what Siius is or something else, he isn’t entirely sure. Eric shifted around and turned his head slightly back toward Siius, glancing at him out of the corner of his eye.
   The words were so soft, they clearly carried a good amount of emotions, but Eric can’t say they’re returned. With everything inside of himself, with his heart buried six feet under, with the way that he was–there was just so few emotions to feel and whatever Siius was feeling–this desperation. It wasn’t returned. Very few things were returned at all when it came to all of this. With the way he was at most he felt numb, which was the feeling he had wanted when he yanked his heart out. Eric had no intention of feeling the pain and loss that came with living, the heartache that an immortal life could drag around with it. Who wants to feel those things when the world comes dragging itself at your feet dropping the worst situations at you? Ripping you apart. 
   Pain and heartache. If someone could avoid those things, wouldn’t they?
   “How long do you intend to keep me pinned to the wall?” Eric asked, reaching his hand out and gently placing it against Siius chest. “This is the second time you’ve done this. Though the first was unintentional this time it clearly wasn’t.” He used his taller and wider stature easily, but pinning Eric to walls doesn’t exactly help anything. 
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feilien · 1 month
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@r4bidog said: “an exhausted drug king easily walks into matt's bedroom and plops on his bed while he's reading a book ; he lazily starts to toy with the end of matt's shirt as he stares up at the ceiling . his scar is getting better , and everyone calls him a boss , and he's killed way too many men to reach here . ❛ i feel like i'm gonna die . . . ❜ / hi i missed them idk .” {♚ x Meme I am too lazy to find right now || Accepting x}
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 Gangjae just walking into Matt’s room—without knocking, mind you—wasn’t exactly unheard of, nor was him making himself at home on Matt’s bad as though he owned it. Which, if one wanted to be pedantic about it, he technically did. But even though it wasn’t unheard of and even though Matt should really be used to it by now, it still made his heart miss a beat every single time; and he never failed to remind himself just how much he hated himself for it. It was a stupid crush, a hopeless crush, and yet he seemed unable to shake it, regardless of many girls he saw disappear in and out of his friend’s room. And, of course, every time he thought he might stand a chance of getting over it, Gangjae felt the need to do something to draw him right back in.
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 Without lifting his gaze from his book, Matt raised his eyebrows as he turned a page and let out a sigh. “Yeah? What’s killing you this time? The alcohol? The drugs? The countless girls? Or everything combined?” Okay, perhaps a little too obvious. Glancing at the other, Matt gave him a once over, then shrugged his shoulders. “You look perfectly fine to me. As fine as you'll ever be, anyway.”
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castleclysm · 1 year
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Anonymous asked: when I was a young boy, my father took me to the city to see a marching band
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                     ❝ Ghetsis never took me anywhere. ❞
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royalarms · 1 month
boop me one more time and ill boop your ass into the ground
who??? me???? ....................................................
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kinglyisms-archived · 6 months
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♚ — @prerodinu ;; Eric. ❛ are you always so competitive? ❜
"Chess is not about competitivness, despite the fact it is called a game."
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Eric informs them, reaching his hand out and gingerly picking up one of the bishops. He moved it across the board, and sat it down on another spot. "Chess is a game of strategy and profiling." He pulls his hand back and picks up his cup of tea, taking a small sip of it and hodling it in both of his hands. The warmth of the cup didn't even seem to be felt by him, and the liquid was still far to warm for a normal person to possibly drink at the moment. The cup steaming in his grip.
"If what you read from me is competitive, then you read me wrong. While my movements on the board have perhaps been seen that way, I've been baiting you." He moves his cup to the side and picks up the Queen, moving her into the proper place and setting her down on the board.
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nyetrusskogo · 6 months
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@soapfcrce sent: “ don’t flatter yourself. they follow everybody. ”
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"Now, now, John. There's no need to be so hurtful," his tone is mocking, of course. "They'll follow who they need to follow. Whoever inspires them the most. Right now? That is me. Tomorrow? Maybe someone else. If I ever cease to make the right decisions, I hope they'll put me in my place." Nolan stood as a force behind the sergeant, making sure he didn't lunge again. "You think you'll make a good trophy? A nice spoil of war?" Though Makarov hadn't intended on taking him alive, he couldn't help but seize the opportunity.
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chosaya · 6 months
Soooooo. Collectively… Thoughts on Choso’s blood manipulation annd…. His gf (us) being on our period… think he could pull our lining out orrrr manipulate it in some… SOME WAY…. 👀👀
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HELP 🗿hmm.. i have no idea tbh.
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carnal-lnstinct · 1 year
Y'know, as terrifying as Broly's anger is, it is nice to know he would defend a lady's honor (cuz in the movie, he defends Cheelai from that drink soldier) He's such a good boi!💚💚💚
Imagine standing up for Broly just to give him a voice in a matter because he's used to people speaking out for him, and then the back and forth heats up and he starts to pick up on the tension not at all liking the words being said to you. Next thing you know he's coaxed you behind him with his hand out both blocking you and guarding you from the offender, and basically letting them know its not between you and them anymore- now its between him and them. Chivalry or not, he's not going to let anyone disrespect people he considers friends.
That gesture alone is literally the only warning he's giving for them to back off because if they even so much as point a finger at you after that, he's rearranging their jaw and turning their nose into an innie.
Hes a good boi indeed ❤, still a scary boi when angry but he knows he ain't letting his friends take anyone's crap.
Like I am convinced Broly is best boy with good intentions and morals. But that he also. Really. Likes to fight. 👀 And when pushed will take what he can get.
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greedbent · 5 months
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@bitbrumal || oh homeskillet you know it's time
“Good. You're not busy.”
But the fact of the matter was that Kaz Brekker didn't give a damn whether his current subject of interest actually was preoccupied or not, as the words slid off his tongue mere seconds after setting foot past the threshold. That evening in Ketterdam was about as miserable as most, and the tiny flecks of light reflecting off of the tailored lines of Kaz's coat proved a drizzle accompanied him all the way to this abandoned warehouse. A gloved hand coursed through his hair to set it right. Without another word, he stooped halfway across the room, cane a soft rhythm on the uneven floors.
Though his nose had grown accustomed to odd scents and heavy stenches permeating the alleys of the Barrel, he still couldn't prevent the slightest twitch of a crinkle in his brow each time he went out of his way to visit his medical expert. And as he came within a few strides of the wholly aberrant man (yet Kaz often wondered if “man” was the right term), he deliberately paid no attention to what may have been stealing Dottore's focus until now. The less he knew, Kaz determined, the better.
Which was atypical for him, most cases. Fitting here.
“I have a few questions. Well, more specifically, curiosities that”—unfortunately—“you're best suited to answer,” he broached on an even, if not tepid timbre. “If you're particularly good and cooperative today, then this will be quick and painless and I'll be gone in a matter of minutes.”
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fractempyreal · 11 months
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kinglyisms · 3 months
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♚ — @ebresos ;; Satoru & Ahrien. “ why are you looking at me like that? ” 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒
   Satoru had taken it upon himself to house the visiting Royalty that had ended up in his library. He, from what Satoru saw, didn’t have their currency and that made it difficult for him to get around without some assistance. And it wasn’t as if Satoru, in his old age, was hard over for money. So he had plenty to help with if he wanted to and his house, behind the Academy, had more than enough space. Though he was, more or less, living with Satoru’s books. It was a nice room, but the walls were lined with bookshelves and very old books he has collected. 
   The Prince hasn’t seemed to care though, in fact most of the time Satoru goes to check on him before he goes to bed himself, Satoru finds him reading. Ahiren seems interested in gathering as much information as he can on everything around him, and Satoru’s books give him quite a bit of that. So he enjoys reading what he can, and that is part of the reason he ended up in the library. 
   Teaching him about Abarith, about other species in general, is rather complicated for Satoru. Ahiren doesn’t understand a lot of what he tries to explain, but he wants to understand at the same time. So it tends to be a lot of sitting, chatting, and explaining over tea and meals. Satoru hasn’t shared big meals with anyone since Casimir lived with him, and though they still eat together sometimes Casimir had a life of his own now. He wasn’t as interested in sharing meals with Satoru as he used to. 
   So having someone else to cook for, as much as Satoru does cook (he can he just doesn’t like to), is an interesting development. 
   Satoru also hasn’t lived with someone who wasn’t his son or parents ever. And his guest, this Prince of the Sea of whatever he is from, is a very well built, well developed, tall, attractive man. Which is something Satoru is struggling with. He hasn’t been intimate or touched someone in well over–a couple centuries. Aside from the rare hugs he allows, with all the clothing he always has on, he hasn’t touched someone else, skin to skin, in such a long time. It’s something, especially with his curse gift that makes him hyper aware of another person.
   He dresses himself, he has a sense of clothing, Satoru hasn’t seen him naked. But he doesn’t wear a lot. Definitely not nearly as much as Satoru. Just–underwear, slippers, and this open robe that shows too much. 
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   Which is what he’s looking at right now. And Ahiren has to draw attention to it for some reason. He feels like one of his teenage students who just discovered what their sexual interest was. He quickly turns his head away. 
   “No reason.”
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feilien · 7 months
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@thiefofcrows said: "[Injury] ... whether or not you want to reverse it is up to you :))" {♚ x PROMPTS FOR COMFORTABLE INTIMACY ||  Accepting x}
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 This wasn't supposed to happen. His first solo job and he fucked it up. Well... Kind of, at least. Long Zhi had managed to steal the documents he was supposed to steal with no one any the wiser. No one had seen him, no one had heard him. He'd been in and out within a matter of three minutes tops. 
 It wasn't until he was making his way back to the Slat that someone spotted him on the rooftops. And it was then that Long Zhi realized that Brekker hadn't been exaggerating: word had traveled fast. He hardly even knew which gang those men belonged to, but they seemed to know exactly who he worked for, and in what capacity. And apparently, that put a big, fat target on his back, even without the knowledge of what he had on him. 
 The first few bullets were easily dodged, so were the next few. Problem was, Long Zhi wasn't paying as much attention to his surroundings as he should've been, and the next roof was much narrower and steeper than the one before. He lost his footing and tumbled down, hitting something hard on his way down, and only narrowly avoided the breaking of his neck by cushioning his fall with his powers. Fortunately, he'd fallen down the opposite side of where the rival gang members were and managed to get away without further incident.
 By the time he arrived back at the Slat and made his way into Brekker's office, the adrenaline had long since worn off. There was no time to assess the damage, but he was fairly sure he'd cut his side and broken a rib, too. He was mad more than anything. Mad, and disappointed in himself. He absolutely couldn't let Brekker know he'd been so fucking stupid. There was no way he'd keep him around if he couldn't even make it unscathed out of a simple fight. Especially one he had had the upper hand in.
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 Pulling out the folder, he dropped it onto Brekker's desk, before backing away again. He had expected the other's attention to immediately be on the stolen documents, but instead, his narrowed eyes were resting on Long Zhi's face. Slightly confused and feeling somewhat self-conscious, he reached up and wiped his cheek, only to see his fingertips covered in some blood. Ah, shit. Stiffening a little, he pressed his arm closer to his battered side and cleared his throat. "Accidentally cut myself climbing through the window. Their place wasn't in the best shape. Anyway, I got what you needed, and they won't know until it's too late. Is that it?"
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castleclysm · 1 year
The safe sex association says: please remember that anytime you talk to your bottom, the conversation will be recorded for future training. thank you and stay safe!
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royalarms · 1 month
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“ I'm not opening that. Not from here, anyways. ” ⸻ @zanarkend .
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❛ riight . ❜ arms fold against his chest and skepticism bleeds from his lips but he lacks any argument . he rocks his weight to his better leg as a specific dull type of pain travels from his lower back to his feet . his mind has been pretty spaced out for awhile now , and their travels have brought nothing but fights they've had to flee from , and man , is he tired . the distant green grass and trees ahead of them are practically calling his name when he points , ❛ how 'bout over there ? ❜
he's growing weary ; thirsty .
he had almost ignored whatever it was tidus was saying or doing until not only is his body aching with pain , but his mind is aching with boredom . he swears he's been talking , but he has no idea what conversation they're having together , or rather , tidus with himself . he stops at the fields of green and lets out his first sigh of relief , ❛ finally . ❜ he ignores whatever topic they'd been "speaking" about and reverts to the discarded subject of tidus refusing to open a spikey cactus for its nectar ( that noctis was highly suspicious of ) and kneels to the soft earth , ❛ gotta be water around here . too green for there not to be . ❜
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kinglyisms-archived · 7 months
♚ — @mythcaels incorrect quotes generator
Hiroki: *Kicks the door down looking panicked* Thalien: What did you do? Hiroki: Nobody died. Thalien: WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?!
Hiroki: This is bothering me. Thalien: Well, you are digging up a corpse. Hiroki: No, not that. That's, uh, pretty par for the course, actually.
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Wyatt: Am I going too far? Ellinon: No, no, no. You went too far about seven hours ago. Now you're going to prison.
Wyatt: Is something burning? Ellinon: Just my love for you. Wyatt: Ellinon, the toaster is on fire.
Wyatt: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so lets go for 12 more just incase. Ellinon: Wyatt, that's a coma. Wyatt: Sounds festive.
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Ceto: I can’t believe you live nearby, and you won’t let anyone crash at your place. Adriel: You people already know too much about me. Sindri: I know exactly three facts about you, and one of them is that you won’t let any of us crash at your place.
Ceto: Adriel, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean? Adriel: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later Ceto: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Sindri.
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sugar-phoenix · 7 months
OC Questions Tag!!
Thank you to @writinglyra for tagging me! You can check out their post here!
I'll answer these for Rhydian, Vincent, and Daciana from The Blood that Bonds Us!
Five words to physically describe your OC
Rhydian: Stern, sharp, dark, striking, and determined. Daciana: Strong, emotional, skittish, desperate, and delicate. Vincent: Elegant, light, smart, opportunistic, and pretty.
Who inspired your OC?
Rhydian is kind of a cumulation of like, all the parts of most of the dark, brooding male love interests that I've read in YA. I just basically made him out of like, trying to make a cool edgy prince character, haha. Daciana is actually based off of me! She's kind of? A self insert? Ish? Her fears are based off some of my own that I've experienced, and I always think of myself as a monstrous black wolf when my emotions get out of control. Vincent is just kind of like, a foil? I don't know what I based him off of but I just felt like giving Rhydian a helper/someone else to contend throughout the story. I also have a problem where if I write about a dark haired boy I'll give him a blonde haired companion and that's what this is, haha.
Give me a song to define your OC
Rhydian: Villain by K/DA Daciana: Animal In Me by Solence Vincent: Disco by Sub-Radio
If I met your OC on the street how would they greet me?
Rhydian: Ignores you, he's too busy training for and making sure he gets his father's crown and throne. Daciana: Greets you with trepidation, but only if you greet her. Otherwise she just won't say anything. Vincent: Depends on the situation and who you are. Maybe he'll flirt with you. He'll probably greet you very friendly.
Can your OC be your best friend? Why?
Rhydian: Haha, no, I'd want to be more than friends. Daciana: Probably? Maybe? Like I said, her fears are based off of mine but I'm not sure if we would be best friends because she's a bit off and has more trauma than I do. Maybe we'd bond over our fears. Vincent: Haha, no, he's not trustworthy.
One adjective and one noun to describe your OC
Rhydian: Sharp sword. Daciana: Delicate beast. Vincent: Smug smile.
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