#➥ Viresca.
astarab1aze · 13 days
viresca is borderline sex repulsed but it's because she's touch-averse, and even then, the reality is that she's touch starved. some of that has to do with how she was raised, some of it has to do with what happened to her & her parents, some of it has to do with her grandmother, but it has most to do with a perceived sense of danger or a surrendering of control? when something or someone outside of herself touches her to any capacity. she herself is restrained, composed, deliberate, and always in control of herself - this brings her comfort, assures her that she is in control of her life and what may happen to her. autonomy, self-protection. so i feel like, in the event she allows someone to touch her, or initiates contact herself, it effectively means that person is safe to touch. that she trusts them not to betray her sense of being.
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pumpkin-bread · 6 years
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Hecate x Etu’s third nest has hatched!
Their father is a hunter, and the main supplier of game meat to Amberspire and Ever-Autumn. Their mother is a fairy (yep) who lost much of her magic in a deal gone wrong, pledged a life debt to him for saving her, and later just straight-up fell in love.
These kids… will be a little volatile in how they grow, given the fact they’re half dragon, half Other. They may have trouble controling their magic, whether it is incredibly strong, or perhaps near nonexistent.
They are well-loved and friendly, though, and able to fit in with dragonkind just fine due to their upbringing.
That doesn’t mean they don’t give off an uncanny feel at times, though.
Meadowvein - Strawberry/Garnet/Cerulean Male (Those colours!) 450g Lucana - Blood/Berry/Phthalo Female - Uncommon - 300g Viresca - Red/Strawberry/Aqua Female - Uncommon - 245g
Such strange babies this time, but also just. Wow! I love this pair so damn much.
Take home a weird half fairy kid today!
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irenewendywode · 7 years
The Half-Dragon Universe Glossary
Abrahamic element: earth or air, one of the two elements used to create humans in Genesis and similar myths, in which humans were shaped from earth and had life breathed into them.
air magic: an ability present in humans and half-dragons which allows them to communicate over great distances and control the spread of sound, among other things. Methods for using it include music and wireless technology. It’s often used as a side element in group castings to synch up the abilities of multiple casters, or to help project a spell onto someone else.
House Albastru:
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A Movrekt family specializing in gambling and drug distribution.
Bahamut: The first known dragon, worshiped by dragons as a god and the author of many of their most revered writings, including the Chronicle.
Bahamutic element: fire or water, one of the two elements used to create dragons in the myth in which Bahamut spit fire into the sea, and the eggs of his children washed ashore.
Blue Scroll Clan:
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the Darkhan clan who devote their lives to the study of history.
The Chronicle: Bahamut’s most widely-distributed work, in which he relates stories of the past and his vision for the future of dragons.
Copper Eye Clan:
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the Darkhan clan who devote their lives to the study of science and medicine.
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the faction of dragons opposed to the hunting of humans. Darkhnit are generally of Eastern descent, with wingless bodies and metallic scales in their true form. “Darkhan” is the most widely adopted translation of their original name for themselves, which is the Draconic word for “craftsman.”
Draconic: the original dragon language, perhaps the first language to be spoken.
dragon: although this originally referred to the reptilian sentient beings that descended from dinosaurs, it is also used as a shorthand for the category including dragons changed into humanoid form and any person with dragon ancestry.
drake: an adult male dragon or half dragon.
earth magic: an ability present in humans and half-dragons which allows them to craft minerals with precision, e.g. forging metal parts and creating silicon structures which can store information.
fire magic: an ability present in dragons and half-dragons which allows them to control combustion, which is used both to compensate for their cold-blooded biology and as an offensive weapon.
Golden Scroll Clan:
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the Darkhan clan who devote their lives to the study of the writings of Bahamut.
great spell: a spell which includes more energy than that inherent in the caster or the receiver of the spell. This includes most spells other than healing or body modification such as sensory enhancement.
half-dragon/halfie: these may refer to a being with any combination of human and dragon ancestry.
Harkesh: a descendant of Velius, Bahamut’s oldest son. Nash Harkesh was the leader of the Movrekt.
House Harkesh:
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The First House. The head of House Harkesh leads the Movrekt. Harkesh specializes in the purchase and smuggling of weapons and drugs.
hatchling: a dragon or half dragon who has not yet reached adulthood. Commonly used to refer to any dragon under the age of thirty.
Iron Scale Clan:
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the Darkhan clan who specialize in the arts and crafts.
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Those who followed Nash Harkesh, traditionally of European stock, with featherless wings in their true form.
pureblood: a person descended from only dragons, who may appear humanoid merely because of a spell cast on their ancestors which has been passed on to them.
rakthah: an herb which enhances the natural healing abilities of dragons and half-dragons.
the Reaper: a name given to Nash Harkesh due to his activities in Medieval Europe.
the Red Glade:
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a group of dragons formed after the last dragon war, dedicated to peace, healing, and defensive fighting.
House Reseda:
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A Movrekt family. Having recently gained influence in a larger portion of both Europe and the US, House Reseda has made their mark on the loan shark and money laundering sides of the business.
Silene Knights: A human order of knights, dedicated to the eradication of dragons and associated with St. George.
Silver Horn Clan:
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the Darkhan clan who devote their lives to the disciplines of combat.
true eyes: when a disguised dragon or a half-dragon wishes to either see better or to intimidate, the nictitating membranes which disguise their true eyes draw back and a colored glow is seen.
House Viresca:
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A Movrekt family specializing in the sex trade and human trafficking.
water magic: an ability present in dragons and half-dragons which allows them to control water, and which, if properly trained, they can use to heal or otherwise change themselves and others.
wyrm: a term for the large carnivorous dinosaurs from which dragons are directly descended.
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astarab1aze · 2 months
➥ Chip on Her Shoulder
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⸻Technical Information. // Face, Voice, etc.
01. Faceclaim. Touka Kirishima   [ Tokyo Ghoul ] 02. Voice Claim. TBA
⸻Profile Information. // Name, Age, etc.
01. Name. Viresca Lizabeth Mandragora 02. Alias. Viri, Mandragora 03. Sex. Female 04. Gender. Female    05. Age. 21   [ Dependent ] 06. Birth Date. November 17th   [ Scorpio ] 07. Blood Type. Sub-type WB- 08. Race. Witch, American ; Irish-Engllish by ethnicity. 09. Marital Status. Single   [ Multiship ] 010. Orientation. Heterosexual   [ Demiromantic ] 011. Residence. Belle's Hollow, Belle Valley, United States ; Formerly, the Mandragora Estate, Scarcroft, England ; Before that, London, with her parents. 
⸻Physical Information. // Body, Equipment, Family, etc.
012. Physical Description. Viresca is 5'4" and her hair is ash brown with some tealy green highlights cut in a chin-length bob with some covering her eye to conceal a scar. Her eyes are gray-green, open, wide, and somewhat gentle despite their relative coldness. There is a scar caused by a blast of cursed magic spidering over the right half of her face, from the crux of her jaw and up to her forehead, twisted and gnarled in shape as if the mark of a painful, failed or insincere curse - magic gone awry due to incompetence. Beyond that, her fingers show a myriad of little scars all over, presumably caused by diligent work in a garden. Beyond this, she is covered head to toe in lightly-pigmented freckling and has a small, light, smudge-like birthmark behind her right ear. She'll casually wear slightly tighter clothes and knee-high leather boots perfect for traveling or adventuring - and she always looks nice. Clean, proper, and not an inch of her skin from the neck down visible in any way. She's altogether rather modest and not necessarily for propriety or dignity's sake. Rather, she gets cold easily (it comes with being a string bean), thus she prefers to wear thicker, heavier cloaks and long-sleeved tops nearly year-round. She tends to wear strictly green, black, teal, and silver/dark gray clothing with extravagant patterns and fabric types, though leather, wool, and satin seem to be staples. It's exceedingly rare for her to wear anything frilly, as she much prefers to appear sharp and sleek - she wants to look like she can walk the walk as much as she can talk the talk. She always wears a set of black gloves as well.
013. Equipment. She keeps an infinite sack full of: Alchemical ingredients, husbandry tools, a pair of singing stones with which she calls her basilisk Gehenna & owl Morrigan, her black marble catalytic wand, an obsidian palmseal, keys to the Mandragora mansion, a palm-sized, tarnished silver traveling mirror, proprietary draught blends, recipes, her blackbound grimoire, and honestly a lot of other things. 014. Occupation. Owner and Proprietor of the Flytrap, an alchemical supply store in Belle's Hollow ; She inherited the shop from her parents, but didn't start running it until after she'd graduated from Belegerande's 015. Job Performance. Well-liked ; Since she keeps the family shop so well-stocked, in terms of quantity, variety, and quality, she's developed a positive reputation and solid place among Valley denizens. 016. Parents. Lutesce Blackwood & Agrivayne Mandragora, both tragically killed in an attempt to protect her from a band of murderous poachers. 017. Siblings. None
⸻Personality Information. // Likes, Strengths, etc.
018. Likes. Fine art, piano music, learning, herbalism, reading (multi-genre, non-specific, just…reading), wandering Belle's Hollow, dragons, watching the town ghosts try to kill each other again, flying, sneaking into places she shouldn't be, Halloween, full moon nights, bloodwine, chatting with Gehenna, exploring, collecting rare materials (ethically), etc. 019. Dislikes. Poachers, spiders, vegetables, most chocolates, moral grandstanding, tomatoes, people who are unkind to knockers and service workers besides, again poachers, undead (including vampires), people who are obsessed with blood status, snow, winter time, tight spaces, pungent smells, sharing, spicy food, sleeping, etc.
020. Alignment. Chaotic Good 021. Positive Traits. Resilient. Resourceful. Persevering. Diligent. Sure-footed. Loyal. Friendly. Generally open-minded. Supportive. Thoughtful. Modest. Respectful. 021. Negative Traits. Detached. Manipulative. Mistrustful. Reckless. Something of an enabler. A little dense. Pessimistic. Lies of omission. Secretive. Some questionable ethics. 022. Goals & Desires. Her goal is to attain as much knowledge and power as possible, put it to practice, and lay waste to the poaching industry as a whole - make it unprofitable and a hundred times as risky. Eventually, she would also like to change public opinion and philosophy regarding magic as a whole in the interest of furthering advancement for nightfolk. She believes nightfolk have stagnated significantly and needs a right kick in the ass to start moving again; If that means challenging popular opinion on divisive matters as magic itself and its practice, then so be it. She also wants to see nightfolk and humans coexist properly, for the secrecy laws to be repealed, as she believes both humans and nightfolk have much to learn from each other by way of practicality and science. She also sees the DRS as a flawed and complacent system in dire need of replacing precisely because of the secrecy laws and strict regulation of magic.
She aspires to become a great woman like her mother, and her goals absolutely include becoming a Sorcier among them. She is also set on mastering the art of transformation, no matter how tedious she's learned the process actually is. Becoming a skilled tamer and herbalist are also on the list (family tradition). Eventually, she would also quite like to start a family, but isn't entirely certain if that is the right choice given that it may conflict with the bulk of her goals.
023. Personality. She has the capability of being quite the spitfire, but a cold fire is more accurate. She is outwardly friendly but incredibly impersonal, tending to keep anyone from getting to know her. This is a defense mechanism she's been making use of so long, she hardly notices it anymore. It's incredibly difficult for her to properly connect to other people, often treating her interactions with other people as transactional; On the flip side, this means she sees them as purposeful and, therefore, not merely a waste of time. 
     Again, she is quite friendly and always willing to help, but she does not help out for free - she does expect the other end of the bargain to be upheld, which may or may not incidentally deepen a relationship depending on the circumstances. She's quite frank about it, too, but not in an insulting manner - just straightforward, unless she believes her favors will be returned naturally. She's also distrustful of others, beyond her natural defensiveness, and rarely trusts what they might say - a feature of anxiety. Kind words often fall on deaf ears, but so do cruel ones - actions, however, are quite different. 
     Now, with all the negatives laid out, Viresca is strong-willed, stubborn, and persistent; There is nothing she can't do without a bit of time to figure it out, though she's actually fairly quick-minded. Solving puzzles and riddles, getting creative with her magic and mixing in a bit of practical technique, as well as her combat prowess make her a formidable ally. Should she ever be beaten in a duel, she is graceful in her defeat - that is, she's not a sore loser - and should she win, she accepts victory with the same amount of grace, modest and fair. 
     She has a passion for learning and trying new things, her nose often buried in an old book (probably stolen from the Restricted Section) or practicing new and old spells. Likewise, the same goes for any number of things. She's quite the quick learner and she often finds enjoyment in all magical things. She is fascinated by the taboo and completely unafraid of bending and breaking the rules to satisfy her curiosity, so forbidden magic is a common thing for her to research.
     She doesn't outright hate anything or anyone - indifference is the correct word for her here. She is unflinchingly tough and once she has her heart or mind set on something, she'll never back down. She meets every challenge with the seriousness it deserves. For as tough and cold as she may be, she is surprisingly gentle and even... paradoxically, warm. There is much she doesn't understand, yet she understands more than you might think at first glance. She's patient, deliberate, careful, and tender when it matters the most. Besides, she has a few tells and, if you know where to find them, they can be easily exploited. She doesn't lie, but avoids the truth.
     Her impersonality does not reflect on her intelligence. She can quite read a room or pick apart another person's expressions or emotions, but she is not at all liberal with her own. She's prone to nightmares. Occasional night terrors, complete with screaming, but certainly more often sitting bolt upright in the middle of the night in a cold sweat and intense fear of going back to sleep. She feels perpetually unsafe and being haunted by the memory of your parents' murder will do that to you, but this explains a lot. She can sometimes be playful, prideful, sarcastic, and even happy, but she's bottling so much of the pain, grief, fear, and anger inside her. She is tired and has already established herself as a Strong and Capable™️ witch, it would be wrong to shatter that expectation, so she must remain strong, no matter how weak she is in actuality. A vicious cycle, for her. She would loathe for anyone to see her as the broken-hearted, terrified girl she really is.
⸻Sorcery Information. // Element, Talent, etc.
026. Element. Earth, some expertise in Necrotic - moderate control, but especially talented with an array of earth-based magic. 027. Shapeshifting. Scraggly, wiry, gray fox transformation - she has no shifter blood in her, though she has been able to shift into at least an animal ; This was never her wheelhouse, but she was determined to remedy that... 028. Utility. Summoning, curses, dispel, alchemy, binding, telekinesis, clairvoyance, conjuration, husbandry, herbalism, illusions, barriers, growth, and minor healing. 029. Specialization. Fey, Thorn, Floral, Alchemy & Herbalism - each form of specialized earth magic happens to assist in nearly every aspect of running the Flytrap ; Fey magic is extraordinarily difficult to master, especially if the user is not Fey themselves, wild and volatile ; She is particularly adept in alchemy and herbalism in accordance with family tradition. 030. Graduate School. Belegerande’s School for the Arcane, House La Fey - the first of 11 total sorcery-centered schools established in North america in the 1500s; Quite a prestigious institution despite its current reputation. 031. Classification. Herbaflorist - An occupational classification belying talent and specialization in the tending of alchemical ingredients where it pertains to plants ; Herbal & alchemical supply shops require Herbafloral certifications in order to run. 
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⸻Background Information. // Past to Present. Warning for death, familial abuse, murder, grief, cops, etc.
     Her parents, Lutesce Blackwood & Agrivayne Mandragora, were sorciers and this remained true even after she was born. Together, they lived somewhere in London, distant from the city center, comfortable if somewhat lonely. Throughout her childhood, due to how busy they were in their work, the rate in which she saw her parents dwindled to a measly percentage - but when she could be with them, their time together was of utmost quality. She was their focus, the very reason they were sorciers - to make the world a better and safer place for her to live in, where all nightfolk could live without worry. She respected them for it, believed them to be the very best sorcerer and witch in existence, above the Kingmaker and Morgan Le Fay and all others. When they were gone, her grandmother would care for her, but she was neither warm nor particularly caring. Old, wizened by her own experiences, her grandmother was quite strict and oftentimes unfair, and there were times she'd use magic to punish Viresca - nothing so severe she couldn't quickly heal from. Her relationship with her grandmother was contentious and uncomfortable at the best of times, but she persevered, patiently waiting for her parents to return.
     Unfortunately, the year she was supposed to finally attend Belegerande's - having finally recieved her summons - she didn't, and her parents... Their final case focused on the investigation of a particularly nasty band of blackwyrm poachers and drug traffickers intent on shoving as many beasts into cages as was magically possible, funneling drugs into the Valley, and killing, torturing, or maiming any who got in their way. Lutesce and Agrivayne had been closing in on them, their investigation coming to a close, but they'd dug too deep and poked the wrong bear. When it was afforded to them, they returned home for a weekend in the summer, and they spent time together as a complete family - no work, no cruel grandmother, no sadness. 
     But, in the end, the poachers had found them and took advantage of their vulnerable family life. Her parents ushered her into the cellar and locked the door, calmly commanding her to keep quiet and never to come out no matter what happened. She did, and she listened with horror as her parents fought the poachers, crawling into the darkest corner of the cellar and staring at the door with terror. The fight went on for longer than it should have, and she realized what the end result would be - there were too many voices and not enough of them belonged to her mother and father. As it went on, they came closer to the cellar door and before much longer, she watched as the wood splintered and her father fell to the floor in a broken heap, the faint glow of volatile red magic robbing him of his life. She heard her mother scream, but she was speechless, and so, too, had her body been thrown into the cellar. 
     The poachers laughed and laughed, mad hyenas the lot of them, taking cruel pleasure in the calculated murder of her parents. She held herself, swallowing the knots in her throat and hot tears in her eyes; She muted every desperate scream, every horrified wail, but she just couldn't help herself. Foolishly, she crawled to them, into the pale moonlight as it struck the stone and her mother's lifeless eyes, and the poachers laughed. They laughed and they laughed and they laughed - and one, the leader of the group, struck her with accursed necrotic magic. All she knew was soul-rending agony, pain becoming familiar and intimate as her body shook and convulsed on the floor, such permanently scarring her face. 
     In the aftermath, she wasn't quite the same girl. Not nearly as hopeful, nor optimistic, nor trusting of others. Her grandmother's lack of kindness became a comfort - she knew it, familiar and true, the one thing that hadn't changed since her parents died. Her grandmother never blamed her, however, for what happened to her parents nor to her face. Still, she was unpleasant and cold, and still plenty spry enough to hex her when she felt like it. She taught Viresca all she would need to know in terms of magic, however, never once belittling her for her late-blooming. "You're just like your father. He was a late-bloomer, too," she said, and would remain the only kind thing her grandmother would ever say to her. For three years, she studied and practiced and kept trying until her magic manifested, and in that time, she grew closer to her grandmother. It was strange, but...Viresca left home knowing that she always had a place to even call home, dysfunctional and unwelcoming as it was. 
     Her grandmother helped her through the process of preparing for her schooling, all the while telling her little stories about her mother and father - when they were attending school, how she hated Lutesce. Viresca thought it amusing, but would take those little stories to her grave if she could. She vowed to use her time at Belegerande's constructively, to learn as much as she possibly could so she might one day put an end to the plague of poachers and foulest nightfolk mages - to make a difference, whatever that difference may be.
She might try to live for them, too.
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astarab1aze · 4 days
🌶️ lingerie for vita, roleplay for viri
send 🌶️ and guess my muse’s kinks.
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vita likes wearing lingerie and doesn't really care if her partners do or don't. either way, it's all coming off, right? and that's where she derives her pleasures, in taking it alllll off. being stripped bare, and doing the stripping. a pretty lady in chiffon and straps she can snap right off? fantastic. she herself in chiffon and snaps her partner can snap right off? immediate. yes
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she'd try it, but she'd think it was weird skjdhf so i'm gonna have to say it's not one of her kinks. she'll try anything at least three times to see if she really likes it or not, though. very...experimental in that almost sciency way, cos she'll consider and consider and consider, compare how she felt the first, second, and third times, draw up the pros and cons, the whole nine
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astarab1aze · 27 days
Would Viresca enjoy (or at least tolerate or be willing to accept) being carried around in her fox form, or to be given a ride in that form otherwise?
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so viresca, offputting as she can be, is actually incredibly tolerant of a whole host of things. i think it would really depend on whether she knew and trusted the person who picked her up to carry her or not. trust for her is hard won in the first place, but if - she'd be okay with it. might even let herself indulge in it a little. she'll never get used to it, no matter how often it may happen though, too weird about other people and being touched for that. given a ride? well, same principle as the first. depends, but if certain conditions are met, she'll be cool. it's really hard to say, i think, without plotting anything out. she primarily uses her fox form for utility purposes too, like spying on people or sneaking into places undetected, so this would be a rarity unless it was needed.
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astarab1aze · 27 days
Name or list 4 things you like most about Viresca.
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hmmmmm, nonnie who are you? but i'll bite-- name four things a like about viri? easy breezy, boo berry pie ububu
i like that she's awkward as hell. stiff as a board and a little weird - she refers to flirting and dating as 'courting' and won't call it anything else. she genuinely has a hard time connecting with others, but if you have her on your side, she's incredible. loyal, sweet, and intensely protective in her own way. all her awkwardness comes from a lack of stability and socialization in her life.
oh! she has two very important pets: a black barn owl by the name of morrigan and a white-lipped basilisk named gehenna. which is dope as hell, idc.
the girl has a thirst for knowledge and adventure like you wouldn't believe. she's naturally inquisitive and curious, and tends to dive head-long into things that interest her especially or that could prove useful to her in the future. nothing is stupid, everything is worth learning at least a little bit about. if that means cracking open a book or jumping into a crumbling ruin, then she's already there
she has a low and slow sort of approach to basically everything. she always keeps a levelhead. girl could solve any puzzle you put in front of her and take anything you could throw at her. a second blast of magic to the face couldn't keep her down and she took it on the chin no problem.
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astarab1aze · 2 months
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Viresca Trivia
Viresca sees magic as a tool, a neutral force, that is not subject to nightfolk or human moral scruples. A means to an end.
She is not afraid to kill, though she has never done so before. 
She has some reservations about how far she's willing to go in order to achieve her goals; The prospect of having blood on her hands does, occasionally, give her pause.
Viresca likes to snack; She can never be seen with the same snack twice. 
The Mandragora Family’s ancestral home is located in the small town of Scarcroft outside of Leeds, which she would one day like to repair and reclaim, but there's another in London.
She is a natural on a broom and was once in a competition to see how fast and sharp she could fly, with some flair - she won.
She duels as if her wand is a whip, a 'flowing extension of herself', like a fencer does their rapier - her footwork could use improvement, however.
Viresca is allergic to blackwyrm slime.
She hates being able to see certain things others cannot, observant and perceptive in the best and worst of scenarios. 
She adores Gretl's and Simone's.
She hopes to one day enter and compete in a (legal, and illegal) dueling tournament to prove her mettle.
Her wand handle is made from carven blackstone (a type of marble).
She can dance....er, passably, but she's better off as arm candy, in her opinion. 
She is intimately familiar with torture curses.
She also desperately dreams of escaping; From what is unclear, but may be a maladaptation / trauma causing her to feel this way.
She may be liberal with secret information, if it benefits her. 
She doesn't know why, but she particularly dislikes certain people and is sometimes quite open to being outright rude to them.
She finds dueling to be great fun, actually - hence why she's endeavored to become so good at it. 
She's not afraid of dragons, deathbloom, brachio, vampires, ghosts, or anything like that; Specific scenarios, however, different beast.
The only plants she has a way with are kanpari, gangrove lilies, and morphagora.
She's partly deaf in her right ear.
She has a profound respect for some of her former professors, particularly Salem Morteatum, Madame Theresa Davenport, and Vexine Whitlock ; Ms. Whitlock reminds her of her grandmother, in a way.
She keeps a journal - very well-guarded, mind you. 
She's good with children, despite being uncomfortable around them.
She does not like mirror travel; There's a vague worry she might be trapped inside her mirror forever.
She occasionally likes to draw, though much of her work is academic or related to her work as an herbaflorist.
Her favorite time of day is midnight; That's when she gets the most done.
She smells like cool rain water and primordia root - and oats. Really, like breakfast on a cool, rainy morning.
‘Viresca’ is an anagram for her great-grandmother’s name, Viscera - as in gore.
Her blood status is impure; To what degree is unknown, and entirely irrelevant.
The family tree is quite expansive, but they lost track some 4-5 generations back.
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astarab1aze · 2 months
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Viresca's Family (cont.) - Trivia
Morgana was her great-great-great-grandmother's name on her father's paternal side; She was not Morgan La Fey (to clarify), but she did accomplish much throughout her life, elevating the Mandragora family's status to a modest height. 
The Mandragora Family is known of, but not terribly well-known as they used to be; They were very picky with who they associated with, despite there sometimes being a relative or two marrying or bearing the children of...troublemakers.
Corvinus frequently attempted to write to Gwyndolin, but his letters were always intercepted and destroyed.
The Mandragora Family et al is neither particularly wealthy nor particularly poor - simply comfortable - though their overall wealth was once much greater.
Most female members of Viresca's family on her father's side were, coincidentally, multishifters.
The Mandragora Family was once noble, of higher status, in ages long, long past. 
Uncle Morteatum is a scholar, but Aunt Andromeda is an expert on and talented tamer of magical beasts.
Her mother, Lutesce, was also a beast tamer. 
Viscera, her great-grandmother and who she was named after, was a secret practitioner of forbidden magic and an open blood-purist.
Her cousins', Velravn and Vera, work has given the Mandragora name some further respect - in London.
Her father's closest friend, Finley McCarthy and his wife Anora, occasionally write to her and may also visit for the winter holidays. Their young daughter, Revina, has taken quite a liking to Viresca (she's 4).
Her maternal great-grandmother, Lamia Sylvia, was a dragon tamer who once rescued and tamed a Minor Hydric Basilisk.
Her maternal uncle, Lynceus, had a falling out with Lutesce and neither he nor Lyssa even showed up to the funeral.
She is in regular contact with her maternal grandparents; She plans to spend a month in the summer with them.
Her mother's side of the family is actually rather two-faced, pretending to be nice, polite, and caring yet ultimately being the types to outright ignore, deny, and lie about certain events. There is much family trauma here; They're completely dysfunctional, despite outward appearances, and they are unexpectedly very unkind (except her grandparents; they're cool).
Her father was a multishifter, like her mother, and he usually took on the form of a coyote.
There is a theory floating around the family that her paternal grandfather was a human and Gwyndolin is secretly obsessed with status; She's made her peace with that, despite that being utterly false. Better that than being associated with a lying snake.
The Mandragora Family publicly decries forbidden magic and users of, and some members absolutely align with that ideal, but there are plenty who practice in secret even now. Essentially, her family has been changing over the years to be better - they suck at it, though.
Her 2nd-cousin, Magnus, is an idiot and she is glad he still lives in London.
The Blackwood Family is a generally mixed bag regarding Belegerande's houses, though there are more Bells and La Feys than any other house in the family.
Lutesce was a La Fey graduate.
The Blackwoods are based in London, where Lutesce, Agrivayne, and Viresca all lived before the former were murdered. 
The Blackwoods are disorganized and have been reduced to squabbling children in temperament. A fallen house in truth, who masquerade as perfectly normal, perfectly respectable witches and sorcerers.
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astarab1aze · 2 months
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Viresca's Family
     Her family has no clear origin, as her grandmother has kept many a secret, often quickly hand-waving any questions about family heritage, tradition, and bloodline with simple, uninteresting, and ultimately unhelpful answers; "I don't remember," or, "I don't know," or "What family?" 
     Her parents were never around long enough for her curiosity to get the better of her, unlike with her grandmother, and the truth was never revealed; Mandragora is her paternal grandmother's maiden name, but her grandfather is an unknown variable of equally unknown lineage. Perhaps she is somehow a distant relative of Enfurious Night himself? Or, perhaps she should be grateful the truth is obscured. About all she's been able to uncover is a faint, broken whisper in her grandmother's sleep, "A lesser man... Snake-charmer... (your) putridity knows no bounds..." 
     Presumably, Grandma hates Grandpa, and he appears to have been a 'snake-charmer'. Perhaps, one day, she'll discover the meaning behind that.
     As an aside, both the Blackwoods and the Mandragoras are made up of idiots of varying degrees. Petty, selfish, pointlessly squabbling, closed-minded, impatient idiots. The few with any hope are of the younger generations, from Veldora to Viresca and every Mandragora in between. The same cannot really be said for the Blackwoods, as Lutesce had perished horribly, taking much familial confidence with her. Both families have been fractured since the deaths of Lutesce and Agrivayne, though there are some who keep working toward restoring their respective families - this ideal has been more or less a staple in the recent three generations. Viresca has also adopted this goal for herself (among some other, expressly naive ones).
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Paternal Family
Great-Grandmother, Viscera Lorraine Morgana**  & Great-Grandfather, Morvayne Athur Mandragora (both deceased)
Great-Aunt, Gliona Mandragora & Great-Uncle, Will Wildewood (deceased)
2nd Cousin, Rivyn Wildewood (deceased?)
2nd Cousin, Regulus Wildewood (deceased)
Great-Uncle, Gawain Mandragora 
Great-Uncle, Vrain Mandragora & Aunt, Caoimhe Murphy (divorced)
2nd Cousin, Veldora Murphy 
2nd Cousin, Calliope Boone (married)
Grandmother, Gwyndolin Mandragora & Grandfather, Unknown (divorced)
Aunt, Vanessa Mandragora & Aunt, Ophelia Winterburn (married)
1st Cousin, Victoria Winterburn (adopted)
1st Cousin, Vicente Winterburn (adopted)
1st Cousin, Sinistyria Mandragora
Uncle, Morteatum Mandragora & Aunt, Andromeda Flynn (married)
1st Cousin, Vera Leanashe Mandragora-Flynn
1st Cousin, Valkyrie Mandragora-Flynn
1st Cousin, Valravn Evander Mandragora-Flynn
Father, Agrivayne Mandragora & Mother, Lutesce Blackwood (deceased)
Herself, Viresca Mandragora
**Viscera Morgana, her great-grandmother, is distantly related to Sortia Morgana; An insignificant detail, truly, but something to keep in mind, as this means she's technically, very distantly, both Sortia and Furie's cousin.
     It was once in utter disarray: A family of ‘pruned leaves’ - those of impure familial blood. Many of its members believed strongly in keeping pure bloodlines, but due to extenuating circumstances, were cut off from those of purest pedigree and promptly disgraced. Ultimately, this proved a blessing in disguise, as the larger the family grew, the more… open-minded they became. Viscera Mandragora was the last of the truly ardent status obsessives, where others have come to a less frustratingly fixed disposition. Most who have anything to say about its either don’t care about it, no longer care about it, or have adopted a ‘keep with yours, I’ll keep with mine’ attitude and do not talk about it openly.
     Some members of the family are more or less disowned for one reason or another. In the case of Corvinus, it is entirely because he’s a liar, supposed “relative” of Enfurious, and a criminal of grave degree. Unfortunately, due to certain uncharacteristic discriminatory attitudes, Vanessa was disowned when she married Ophelia Winterburn; Her children, however, are in contact with Valkyrie, Valravn, and Viresca. Gawain is also disowned by the family at large, having been heavily invested in practicing forbidden Necrosis and openly. The overall logic is not evenly applied to all, as Viscera was not disowned and instead… tolerated, until her death, despite the severity of her beliefs. The same can be said for Vera, who is both harsh in her stance on status and a secretive practitioner of forbidden Necrosis herself, much to the dismay of her siblings.
     In a few ways, the Mandragora family is of course related to other well-known and respected or afeared families in ridiculously convoluted, vexing, and strange ways. It’s unclear where the line begins or ends, but there are outliers and secrets that ought to be considered. For example, Corvinus Sanguis, who is so shrouded in mystery and countless lies, there simply can be no way to verify his lineage. It could never be seen as a mark of pride to be related to Enfurious, if the liar is to be believed, as there are too few Mandragoras who espouse his beliefs anymore. Shunned by families and peoples they once belonged, spite is largely the reason - and a pinch of heart.
     As a family, they have worked hard to more or less earn their way back into a respectable light by ‘collecting’ talents over the years. For example, Viscera was a multishifter; Morvayne was a transformative Memoria (multishifting memory-eraser, basically); Gwyndolin, Gliona, Vanessa, Vera, Valkyrie, and Sinistyria were or are multishifters, and a good handful of them were or are talented in the handling of both beasts and alchemy/herbalism (though a couple chose to focus on one over the other). Valravn is purely an herbalist, where Vicente pursued Memorian talents, and Veldora went after alchemical mastery. The list goes on. It should be noted that Agrivayne kept secret his natural ability (without specialization) to speak to most animals, not knowing where it came from, but had gone on to become a multishifter and carer of beasts alongside his wife Lutesce.
     In an effort to emulate the Mandragora family’s talents and fulfill its expectations, Viresca has endeavored to discover, learn, and fine-tune her abilities in herbology, beast care, and become an animagus; This effort will extend to other magical subjects and talents as she moves forward in life. All of this is so that she may become a highly valued sorcier, following in her parents’ footsteps, and put a stop to the cruelty of any poachers she may come across. Additionally, she is unafraid of employing what forbidden magic she knows, not unlike the great-grandmother she was named for…
Maternal Family
Great-Great-Uncle, Apollyon Blackwood (missing / presumed deceased)
Great-Great-Uncle, Nicodemus Vaude Blackwood (deceased) & Unknown Women 
3rd Cousin, Nicholas Vale 
3rd Cousin, Niamh Narroway (deceased)
3rd Cousin, Marina Wycombe
Great-Grandmother, Lamia Sylvia Blackwood & Great-Grandfather, Thaumas Blackwood (deceased)
Great-Aunt, Lydia Wright & Great-Uncle, Percy Wright (married)
2nd Cousin, Magnus Wright
2nd Cousin, Letty Wright
Grandmother, Lacuna Grace Blackwood & Grandfather, Virgil Blackwood
Aunt, Lyssa Bernice Blackwood
Aunt, Lorraine Patrice Wheating & Uncle, Harold Wheating
1st Cousin, Jareth Wheating
1st Cousin, Jeannie Wheating
Uncle, Lynceus Blackwood & Aunt, Bella Fleur-Blackwood
1st Cousin, Blake Blackwood
1st Cousin, Lisette Blackwood
1st Cousin, Eleanora Fleur-Blackwood
Mother, Lutesce Mandragora & Father, Agrivayne Mandragora (deceased)
Herself, Viresca Mandragora
     The Blackwood family is a ‘pruned branch’ and thusly distant branch of the Night family that was cut away hundreds upon hundreds of years ago and is so far removed from them that they are considered their own house, and all records proving such relations are either lost or destroyed. Similarly to the Mandragoras, they feel nothing but disdain for their ‘parent’ families, and such bitterness ultimately led to the family no longer believing they were ever related at all. Unfortunately for them, the Night Family motto more or less transcended status, and so many members of the Blackwood family retained the same beliefs regarding purity, wealth, and nobility. Such views have lasted over the centuries, with only too few adopting an accepting and open-minded viewpoint (ex. These views are so ingrained, Lyssa and Lynceus disavowed and disowned Lutesce over it, who was herself unconcerned with status and even advocated for nightfolk and human integration).  
Family Friends
Finley & Anora McCarthy
Daughter, Revina Lutesce McCarthy (4)
Son, Oliver Lucan McCarthy (infant)
Markus Campbell
Mary Heartwell (deceased)
Rita Pellinore & Ewan Kay
Daughter, Bedivera Kay
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Paternal Grandfather, Corvinus Drakon Sempra Sanguis 
*A carefully kept secret; He’s basically some bastard from some bastard Night family branch with a minor, bastard claim.
     Vile, foul, rotten-tongued, scheming, no good, very fucking bad sorcerer of tenuous (or potentially non-existent) relations to Enfurious Night himself. Not much is known about him, aside from the tales of his devilish, sinister lies; He was shouted down as a charlatan, a 'man who cried wolf', as no noble sorcerer worth his salt would claim Night blood unless it could be verified; Since much of the Night family tree has been lost to time, except certain branches, it cannot be verified, and, thus...he was proclaimed a charlatan and a scoundrel. On top of this, he dabbled in poaching, intent upon finding, trapping, and bleeding a number of mythical beasts for the life-extending and empowering effects of their combined bloods - he sought immortality and ultimate power. His obsession with this cause led him to abandon his budding family, and when news spread of his ultimate capture by sorciers, he was condemned for: Slaughtering scores of haint dogs, crocodingos, a unicorn, and a dragon, poaching, cruelty to animals, illegal use of magic, use of illegal magic, 7 counts of murder, graverobbing, exposing himself and magic to humans, grave desecration, hate crimes against humans, and plenty more. He remains imprisoned at the Triangulary, and will remain there until his death.
     His parents' names are unknown, but he has a sister named Sinisteria Merrow Sanguis. She, unfortunately, perished before graduating from one of the British schools due to suspicious but otherwise natural causes. It should be noted that Corvinus was really quite handsome, and it’s possible Corvinus isn’t his true name.
     Gwyndolin would call him the 'bastard child of a bastard family whose purity has been tarnished', a snake in the grass, deadbeat scoundrel, 'filth', 'a man who, if even a moment's worth of attention is spent on, breeds only hatred and depravity', disgusting, and so on. Grandmother Gwyndolin was not a fan. She feels that even talking about him is enough to 'make her mouth taste like festering rot and vinegar', hence why she adamantly refuses to, family heritage be damned. He is not worth claiming relations to, Enfurious is not worth claiming relations to - all those blood zealots are fools with their 'heads buried in their arse-holes'.
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astarab1aze · 2 months
what do you enjoy the most about creating ocs?
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this is hard, cos i enjoy the whole process. i have hundreds of characters i've amassed over the years because it's just fun to do it on the whole, seeing how different they all are despite being samey in some aspects (hey, ideas overlap sometimes!). let's narrow it down, then; i hate looking for faceclaims, so that's out ksjdhf i hate writing the backstory, but the actual profiling? getting into the littler details like name, height, goals, outfits, silly things? yesssss love that, very fun. very much enjoy that process. let me serenade my character details to you, such as eye color, hair length, favorite snack, whether they maintain their nails or socks with their shoes-- i am a fountain of stupid nonsense information about my characters, it takes so much restraint not to babble on about the nitnoid itty bitty 'no one thinks about this in person' details because they're all just 'oh this one is just Like That' ideas.
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astarab1aze · 1 month
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astarab1aze · 24 days
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i mentioned mharra's (simplified) underlying themes to lune, so i thought it a good idea to sort of do the same for my other muses!
asuka: maturation, self-discovery, growth, a child who sees the world for what it really is for the first time but struggles and adapts, attachment, expression, the wonder and whimsy that persists in a violent and ugly world, unconditional acceptance and foolish love, powerlessness
crovita: relearning how to trust, motherhood, coping with the consequences of one's actions, a woman who sees the world for what it really is all the time, finds the hope and reason to keep fighting for it, tenderness, compassion, womanhood, beauty, sensuality
furie: disillusionment, doubt, loss of faith, having all this power and still being powerless, grief, coming to terms with loss and opening oneself to new possibilities and relationships, entrapment, doomed by the gods, false freedom, cryptic and acheful wisdom
hydre: the breaking and continuing of a cycle, 'eating one's feelings', the inevitability of passion and sloth, dysfunctional family, thinly veiled revenge, a supreme being growing fond of mortals they hate, the introduction of meaning, godhood, amorality, a life with purpose but no meaning
kaede: internalization of abuse, confusion, grief, self-loathing, slowly healing from various extreme traumas, self-abandonment, sexualization of connection, intensity, sitting on the cusp of breaking a cycle yet being too afraid not to use one's trauma as a crutch
loux: extreme self-abandonment, explicit continuance of a cycle of misery, death, and self-abuse, a literal inability to let go, 'the bad guy who redeems himself in the end', corrupted noble goals, family trauma & dysfunction, amorality, intensity, raw ambition, mercy
mharra: apathy, hopeless cynicism, loneliness, unwillingness to rely on anyone else for help to solve devastating personal issues, hatred for war & environmental destruction, stoicism, loss, intensity
sortia: sadomasochism, immorality, the loss and reclamation of oneself, intensity, wanton cruelty, extreme self-abandonment, insatiable and misguided hunger for power, vengeance, the violence of womanhood, what comes of a broken heart
vayn: hope and love persisting in spite of the horror of trauma and life et al, kindness and understanding in the face of evil, extreme pacifism, resisting one's true nature, healing, sexualization of love itself, family trauma & dysfunction, victimhood, loss of freedom, sanctuary
viresca: endless curiosity & thirst for knowledge, vengeance, a willingness to do the unthinkable to accomplish one's goals, slowest corruption, resilience, awkward youth, lack of understanding, propriety, family trauma & dysfunction, coping with abuse instead of doing something about it, keeping one's word
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astarab1aze · 28 days
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some trivia
there are 26 hours in a day, still 7 days a week, 455 days in a year, 65 weeks, and 13 months in sunjatta
the fhal'tir have their own zodiac that was changed in 3E to honor the innocent eimadran and fhal'tiran elves lost to the war of 2E - took a lot of convincing, but they ended up with: imidr, imdira, firrim, amiriel, namharra, rhevala, sorenhavva, lorolin, valantir, and jhedenfhal, all a reflection of the gods
some wildlings catch magic birds like avulisks, clip their wings, and sell them as exotic pets to nobles and otherwise wealthy folk
there are like maybe 3 places in all of myrrdin that are truly okay with magic, but one of them is the city of love. it's a town full of fairytale romance, marriage, superstition, tradition, sex, beauty, so much fun, all those things - it's like, the magical medieval equivalent to vegas
wenderghasts are a powerful type of specter resultant from immurement, or live entombment. they are wildly vengeful and can only be defeated or ridden of if you can find and burn their bodies. usually take on the form of skeletal mist and will attempt to trick you into entombing yourself
sin eating is an elven tradition in which symbolic ritual cannibalism is employed to relieve a deceased person of sin so they can pass into the heavens to be with a'vir
viresca and furie are distant cousins, belonging to separate branches of the original night family line; viri belongs to a fallen and disgraced house where fuu belongs to the og and is technically pureblooded; sortia is their greatx32-step-grandmother regardless
hydre will eventually devour the worldeaters and take their place as the worldeater, the god
sure-footed as she seems, viresca has weak ankles and is, on occasion, very prone to tripping
13 is considered a lucky number
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astarab1aze · 2 months
since it's sunday, i've been thinking about how actually important sex and physical intimacy are to each of my muses - i do think there is a difference, one is, well, fucking, and the other is holding hands, kissing, cuddling, etc. so for each, on a scale of 1 - 10:
asuka: sex 7/10 - physical intimacy 9/10
crovita: sex 6/10 physical intimacy 8/10
furie: sex 4/10 - physical intimacy 6/10
hydre: sex 3/10 - physical intimacy 7/10
kaede: sex 8/10 - physical intimacy 10/10
loux: sex 10/10 - physical intimacy 10/10
sortia: sex 1/10 - physical intimacy 1/10
vayn: sex 7/10 - physical intimacy 10/10
viresca: sex 2/10 - physical intimacy 4/10
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astarab1aze · 7 days
"V. Just V." The subtlest tug on his lips hinted at neither malice nor benevolence, but his reluctance in giving her an actual name might have been all that she needed to draw her conclusions. It wasn't his intention to mislead, but there was often a price to pay for dramatics. His eyelids were heavy, but behind them, what did she see? "It will do for now. And you?" // More V for Viri
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It wasn't that Viresca was suspicious, though she was certain that'd played a part in this; Rather, she simply found it strange that a Vitalean devil hunter would be so far from home. They were a people who devoted themselves to closing the Hellmouth, just as the Chimerians had done in pledging to fight against the Myhala - a grave responsibility taken in stride, as a cultural point of pride. It was because of their efforts that devils rarely came out this far, from their direction across the continent, so naturally she had to wonder about this man, loitering in her family shop.
She kept silent for a time, digesting the name he'd chosen to give her and lofting a brow at the rest. "Viresca," simply put, "of House Mandragora."
If he wasn't going to buy anything, leave a few pounds or livres, then what in Myrrdin's name was he doing here? She had plenty of the highest quality reagents and ingredients, some that even, yes, a devil hunter from Vitale ought be able to make use of, but she was gleaning no answers from the depths of greener, equally exhausted eyes.
"What are you doing in Margrove? As I thought, devil hunters from Vitale are rarely, if ever, seen on this side of the continent. Either you're up to something, or you know something," she went on, arms crossing over her chest as she approached the counter, looking at him now not with derision but flaccid curiosity - which was still, perhaps, miles better than a scrutinizing glare. "Surely you're not merely traveling."
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