#❪ ⠀ ✦ ⠀ ─── ⠀ missallanea / queue ⠀﹕ ⠀probably taking a nap. ⠀ ❫
missallanea-a · 5 months
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          ❝ If we all waited around for a prophecy to make us special, we'd die waiting.                               And that's why you need to choose yourself. ❞
                     ind. sel. pri. multifandom multimuse featuring characters from                       The Owl House, Miraculous Ladybug, LoliRock, Winx Club                                                      & many more !!
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missallanea · 3 months
@championsofthegate || [x]
Doesn't get out much? A brow lifts in regard to the remark, to the way that Cietan seems to speak and just as quickly regret it. For a moment, she simply stares back at him, expression difficult to read before she cracks, a smile slowly blooming across her features.
A breath of laughter is the most she can manage; not as full as some of the others, but a sound she is still learning to let herself make.
"They certainly do not." 
For all that humor does not come easily to her, she can recognize the attempt for what it was : nervousness, or perhaps simply awkwardness. Whichever, she cannot fault him his... discomfort. She would be lying to say that the very sight of him had not set her on edge. Fear that someone had come to finish the job.
"I suppose this does have its advantages, in some regard. We are certainly considered unique by those who find us, are we not?" Another smile, easier now. "Though... I am not entirely certain if this is always a good thing."
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missallanea-archive · 9 months
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@amoriscustos: “ All I do is eat and sleep and sing. ” @ luna !
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"Isn't that what you wanted?" Honestly, the tone of her remark was a confusing one: it was phrased as a complaint, and yet it sounded like exactly what Minako had always dreamt about. Singing, having her adoring fans, no pressures weighing down upon her and no expectations. "Eating, sleeping, and singing seems like all of your favorite things."
abba lyrical starters
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missallanea-a · 3 months
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and by that, I mean : my hiatus has officially ended !! What does that mean, exactly? Well.
IN SHORT : I've moved the multimuse over here. It was just the easiest way for me to reorganize without feeling a fuck ton of frustration over trying to change things over for 200+ posts. The muse list remains 99% the same, with a couple of minor additions, and the rules have been overhauled. New tags, same graphics, same me and my silly ol' nonsense.
As for the fate of the Hazbin sideblog? Well, vanaglcria is now over here, a full-fledged blog because holy fuck, I hate sideblogs. The rules have also been overhauled, and a new muse has been added ( with the potential for more... ) so I look forward to getting back to there as well.
Hopefully y'all are willing to put up with this last blog move for me and follow me over to the new spot !!
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missallanea-a · 6 months
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MERRY HAPPY HO-HO. So, Mal arrives on the 13th to spend Christmas with me and my family !! I'll still be working through the holidays, so my activity is absolutely going to dip from now until the New Year. I'll still be around and I might get some replies done here and there, but odds are I'm going to be largely on lurker mode.
See y'all in the New Year !!
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missallanea-a · 5 months
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INBOX CALL : give this post a like and I'll go dig through your memes and send you a handful !! comment a specific muse if you have a preference, otherwise it's dealers choice. uwu
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missallanea-a · 5 months
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@darkdabbling : ‘ how long have you been standing there? ’ for Ashiok
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"Oh, not long at all."
LONG ENOUGH, of course, to witness Liliana at her best : manipulating the dead to her will, bending broken bone and body into soldiers, into underlings, into fodder. The scent of death lingered in the air even now, a delectable mixture of decaying flesh, upturned soil, and that effervescent tinge of magic on the breeze. The Death Mage's own perfume, something that clung to her skin as much as her soul.
"Forgive me, my... arrival here is by nothing more than chance." A welcomed accident, for them. No doubt an irritation for her. "But I am always happy to see you at work."
random dialogue
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missallanea-a · 5 months
this will post while I'm at work but heck it : hit the ♥️ for a starter specifically from one of my Owl House muses ( specify or leave it random! ) since they are the most active muses atm.
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missallanea-archive · 9 months
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@storiedhistories: 💋 [Thor for Sif]
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Despite the way the rest of the realm may have viewed her husband, Sif knew well that the Thunderer was nothing more than a gentle giant at his core. Surely, he could be cruel. Surely, he had been the bringer of destruction for giants, monsters, and gods alike. And yet, when she had been betrothed to the man, not once had she felt fear toward him. How could she ever fear the man who so tenderly had held their children, who brushed his fingers against her cheek as though the slightest touch would shatter her like porcelain against stone?
Sif cannot resist the urge to gently touch her lips to Thor's forehead as he sits pensively on their bed, his mind no doubt wandering to whatever task his father has assigned for him next. Perhaps for a moment, she can offer some reprieve.
send ‘💋’ for a kiss from my muse
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missallanea-a · 7 months
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anyway here's some disconnected headcanons that don't really warrant a whole post on their own :
Despite the fact that she's tall and broad, Eda's harpy form actually doesn't weigh as much as you would expect. Hollow bones.
She does actually have a prosthetic arm, not just the hook we see in the epilogue. That's mostly for special occasions and being ✨ dramatic ✨ but when she's just going about her day to day life, she either wears a fairly standard prosthetic or just goes without altogether.
Eda's ears are especially sensitive. This isn't really important, just a cute detail.
Her hair will sometimes puff up, the way a bird puffs up their feathers. It kind of looks like the Ghibli shiver.
Eda has several scars on her back that she really only would have shown to Gwendolyn, Dell, Lilith, and Raine. It's possible Luz and King have seen them, although she would have tried to hide them from them to keep the pair from worrying over her. There are two that run around eight inches, parallel to her spine, with one on either side. Several more litter her back at all sorts of angles, from her own claws scratching at her back in her youth while trying to fight the transformation.
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missallanea · 1 month
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easily scared | whiny | repetitive | selfish | arrogant | easily excitable | too silly | stubborn | blank minded | overly cautious | loud | easily bored | untrustworthy | disloyal | manipulative | over sensitive | possessive | clingy | obnoxious | gullible | annoying | judgmental | tactless | merciless | unlucky | soft-hearted | sarcastic | reckless | paranoid | unsophisticated | pushy | self critical | smart-ass | solemn | erratic | antisocial | complex | dubious | egotistical | tongue-tied | temperamental | lazy | sadist | masochist | predictable
tagged by: stole it off the dash uwu tagging: anyone who wants to snag it
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missallanea-a · 4 months
@darkdabbling || cont.
Amusement lurks in so simple a syllable, so brief a remark from the maestro of this particular dreamscape. Liliana was not one of their preferred playthings, but nothing was quite as appealing as someone who believed they were untouchable. When the Death Mage had let her guard slip for that briefest of moments, it was too delicious an opportunity to let slip through their fingers.
And yet — even now, even locked within this nightmare as she was, Vess believed she could put up that tough act. Ashiok gives a roll of their neck, the visual reminiscent of a melodramatic eyeroll. Was she attempting to scold them? Did she truly believe that they would be as easily dissuaded as her students from a sharp tone and that glare?
They could have released it so easily. There was little to be learned from Vess's nightmares, nothing that couldn't be just as easily divulged from spending a few hours with the woman. Her regrets were so... human. Dead brother. Dead lover. Dull, dull, dull, but still... to see that ever-present mask of hers slip for even a moment?
That was just too... precious.
A low chuckle rumbles in their chest, hand lifting to their mouth as though to conceal the sharp smile that pulls at their lips. It stops short, fingers moving as though pulling on puppet strings : pulling on those fraying threads of her last nerve, no doubt.
"And let this chance slip away...? Oh, no, Liliana. No, we've only just begun."
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missallanea-archive · 9 months
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@amoriscustos: ❝i’m trying this thing where i’m trying to be more polite.❞ @ luna !
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One eye cracks open, regarding Minako warily. The statement seemed to be directed more to the universe than any particular individual, judging from the dramatic pose that the girl had struck while announcing it. Still, Luna could only keep her curiosity to herself for so long.
"Why all of a sudden, Minako? You never seemed concerned with it before." Not that she found Minako to be particularly impolite, no more so than any other girl her age. A thought occurs to her, and Luna stretches up from the spot she'd been laying to turn her gaze more fully onto Mina, "Does this have something to do with your remembered past? Or with the person you're set to become?"
critical role sentence starters
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missallanea-archive · 9 months
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@storiedhistories: 💋 [Freyr for Freya ALSO cause family]
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The soft crunching of leaves beneath less than stealthy footsteps reveals Freyr's approach, long before he clears his throat to try and catch her attention. Still, she does not tear her gaze away from the stone -- the sword once plunged within now rested upon her back, and yet the weight of it still bore down on her shoulders. Yes, she is choosing to release herself from the pain that Odin had caused... but things were not so easily forgotten.
Her brother's hand upon her shoulder finally breaks her from her thoughts, and she turns her head to rest her cheek against his fingers, placing a kiss to them before turning to offer him a weak smile, "I'm alright, Yngvi. Just... paying my respects to someone who is long gone." To that innocent part of herself who so desperately wished to believe in peace.
send ‘💋’ for a kiss from my muse
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