#❛  //  HUNTER   ¦    as if you were a mythical thing  ・ 「 fc ! 」
ambitionbled · 4 months
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Hunter after knowing Phi's okay. After leaving her apartment key on her table before going to see her at the hospital. Two weeks after pulling away from her. :) & officially the start of his drinking problem
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Charvi Chandrasekar | 1000+ years old | Vampire | FC: Priyanka Chopra | TAKEN
Bio ➜
Legend of the most Ancient of vampires is one that every bloodline hunter has been told at one point or another be that around a camp fire or before bed. They are mythic – no one truly believes anymore but that just makes them all the more foolish. It is said that the first vampires were born and not bitten and that is exactly what happened to Charvi Chandrasekar. She wasn’t born into riches and if it weren’t for her vampire gene, she would have died shortly after birth. Disease and starvation were common killers back then. She however tried her best to stay strong for her family who dwindled after every harsh season. She learned from a young age that people were not kind and they were not generous and if you wanted anything in this world you had to work for it yourself. You had to take it yourself. No one is going to help you or sweep you off your feet to somewhere better. Dreaming wasn’t encouraged and because of that she grew up with a practical mind. Mind over heart – always. Emotional drive may have been nice for those living in the palace but for everyone else the bitterness of reality was all they had. Charvi was incredibly clever for her age. She was more than likely born into the wrong time and if she were born with a little privilege she really would have been able to flourish. Street smart, a survivor and protector she was the embodiment of the word ‘strength’. As the years went on however she grew angry, bitter and resentful towards the rich. Towards anyone selfish enough to not care about anyone except themselves. This hatred erupted one day when a couple of the men were bothering a young – younger than Charvi – girl in the market place. Charvi stepped in, no fear for her own safety and ready to fight. This would prove to be an incredibly defining moment in her life.
The men of course laughed at her but one had other ideas. Placing his hands on her, he couldn’t have imagined what would happen next. Charvi lashed out at him, scratching his cheek and while he made threats she tasted her first drop of human blood. That is when, at eighteen, the power exploded inside of her. Her gums burned as her fangs protruded for the first time and her blood lust was so intense and her hatred so strong that the man never stood a chance. Neither did the rest of them. After exerting a little revenge and gorging herself on this new feeling of freedom and control, she left. Her family were all gone, there was no reason to stay and the humans around her really weren’t dealing with the whole ‘fanged monster’ thing. Either way it took a while for her to notice this pull inside of her. A pull that would lead her to Edward Carrington and Amara Zhang – the only other two Ancient vampires in the world. Once together things just fell into place. Charvi was the first to learn control and could turn anyone on a whim although she preferred not to. She was the one who kept the other two in line. Edward and Amara’s relationship wasn’t exactly subtle but Charvi put up with it, rolling her eyes at Edward’s affections towards her also. For the most part though they were bound to each other – the three of them against the world. Then it really was the three of them against the world. The First War was a bloody mess between werewolves and vampires and Charvi was the one who told them they had to stop before everyone ended up dead. She was the one with common sense, remember? After said War ended she knew she had to get away from them. She loved them both dearly but Amara’s sadism and Edward’s lust for power beyond even his means troubled her deeply. Some time apart would surely do her good. She travelled and really started to live her life. Although, the more time passed the more she felt as if she had truly seen all these was to see.
At times she loses her inspiration for this world and the things it has to offer. Immortality isn’t all it’s cracked up to be some nights. From time to time she would run into Edward, although she hasn’t spoken to Amara in a long time. She’s thought about it of course- coming back to them- but Charvi has always been stubborn, putting her logic before her heart. Both of her Ancient and eternal partners’ antics disturb her. She doesn’t want to condone them. Now, that doesn’t mean that she’s not capable of being just as terrible if not more so and there have been very, very dark periods of her life but the thing about Charvi is that she chooses to suppress that side. She chooses to be better – she chooses humanity. There have been times when she’s assisted in human wars which is where she met Jordan Rickman along with Edward again. He had turned him on the battlefield and Jordan deeply interested her. He just seemed to be so full of heart which was something she hadn’t witnessed in a vampire in a long time. Of course his loyalty to Edward made her suspicious of him and despite the quick bond and lightly mocking rapport the two built, she couldn’t trust him then. Another vampire she met in war was Angelina Shields. Now there was another vampire who fascinated her. Charvi was the first Ancient vampire Angel had ever met even if it was for a brief moment of time. She helped her some with her vendetta against her maker – if there was one thing Charvi could understand it was the need for revenge against a man who had tried to exert his power over you. Now for centuries Charvi has laid low, avoiding the temptations and arguments of being with Edward or Amara but as soon as she got wind of these War rumours she knew she couldn’t keep pretending to be mundane. She had to act and so she compelled herself a driver and headed off to Havensdale Valley with no clue who and what she was about to meet again.
Additional Information ➜
Charvi left Edward and Amara after the First War in the late 1000s. She never had much interest in the whole ‘let’s rule the world’ thing. She might not have grown up with nice things but that didn’t mean she wanted to be like those who had. She was content being who she is in this world be it filled with oblivious humans or not.
However that doesn’t mean she hasn’t kept some form of tabs on the two over the years. For Edward she’s notice the sort of people he has been the main cause of turning. Vampires like Piper Renderos and Charles Emerson. The body count between the two is alarming considering their age.
Speaking of, there’s nothing she hates more than young, cocky vampires who have barely had their fangs for more than five seconds. She’s very good at smacking sense into those kinds of people in general. With or without her Ancient status, she’s not a woman to be messed with.
Over the years she’s built a somewhat friendly rapport with Original werewolf Lily Whitby and while she’s not particularly fond of the species she knows it’s wise to have contacts. Besides, she also knows that one of the members of Lily’s Original pack has teamed up with Edward for this ridiculous War.
Another contact she has managed acquire includes one of the First witches. Her name’s Arianna Larke and the two have a somewhat strained relationship built on some kind of mutual respect. Either way, if Charvi can’t beat sense into Edward she’s going to need to pull out the big guns- possibly witchy.
Havensdale is a place she’s only ever thought about once, as she knew Jordan and Edward had stayed on the outskirts of it looking for a huntress once upon a December. She doesn’t know what she’s going to find but she’s not ruling out anything. She’s just hoping a good ‘look what happened in the First War’ speech will go down well.
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romansantcs · 4 years
/ about.
character name: roman santos character age: 29 character fc: francisco lachowski birthplace: são paolo, brazil
brief biography: born to a single mother in sao paolo, brazil, roman spent much of his time entertaining himself through books, and listening to folk stories from his grandmother and his neighbours. he developed a deep interest in the mythical and inexplicable things allegedly happening in various places on earth, and this interest persisted even as he went to school. he devoted much of his college time studying the history of witchcraft and magic in the university of sao paolo, and then went on to do his masters in anthropology (with a focus on magic and religion) at duke university. some of his academic research projects led him to forums and chat groups on the dark web where people were talking about real magic, magic that wasn’t just stuck in old stories and make-believe, but that existed today. here. he spoke to a couple of people who’d opened up after a while, revealing to him that they were hunters, people who tracked people with supernatural powers and made sure they didn’t hurt anyone. it was all about keeping the balance, they said, and he believed them. if there were people with powers, of course some of them would choose to abuse them, right? someone needed to keep the score. to hold them accountable. when he got an invitation ( and a surprisingly large bank transfer ) to join a small group of hunters in salem, he all but jumped at the chance.
he’s been in salem about a month at this point, doing some low-key recon and research work while he works as a history teacher in the local high school & part time librarian.
personality: his years of teaching have made him personable, if nothing else. roman is funny and charismatic ( how else do you think he captures the attention of teenagers?? history is boring af sometimes ), and he’s often willing to make himself the butt of a joke. however, he definitely gets serious when he puts his Research Glasses on. a seasoned academic, roman knows how to seek out information from various corners of the internet. even though he’s not the most highly trained in physical hand to hand combat, he doesn’t spend that much time looking for a fight. he’s a witch hunter because it’s interesting to him, because people have made it sound reasonably believable that they’re a threat, not because he actually feels a desire to hurt ( or worse, kill ) them for nothing. most importantly, roman’s a bit of a softie. having a really close relationship with his mother, he’s emotionally sensitive and starts to care about the people around him a lot ( whether that’s the hunters or a witch he hasn’t discovered yet …. ).
plot ideas: - i’m down for roman to accidentally become friends w a witch or two?? so far he’s really been bought into that ideology that witches and magic = bad but i’d really like for someone to convince him otherwise… if he was able to actually identify one of the witches, i’d like to see them interact and for him to interrogate why exactly he believes witches to be evil and in need of hunting for some juicy moral dilemmas!! - also tying into that: i’m so down for him dying in a fight between the hunters and the witches (whether it’s all of them or a small group) bc he finally realises that the witch hunters don’t have any proof of harm and they’re just killing based on historical grudges, so he decides to sacrifice himself for someone - on a completely unrelated note i’m also interested in having roman publish a book on contemporary interpretations in ancient magic and having a book launch party in a salem bookstore!! which could be a fun event for the witches and hunters to try and identify each other.
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Atletico won the summer transfer window but will they pip Barcelona and Real Madrid to La Liga?
The 2019-20 La Liga season kicks off this weekend and much of the attention will be on the top three teams fighting it out for the title. Graham Hunter gets you ready for the new campaign with a look at how their offseasons unfolded.
Jump to: Will Felix be La Liga’s star? | Can Atletico’s new arrivals shine? | Did Real do bad business? | Neymar a distraction for Barcelona?
Atletico Madrid have won the summer, hands down.
Diego Simeone’s team having sold over €300 million of talent and brought in over €240m of young, hungry replacements (to date) means that even if either of their La Liga arms race rivals managed to land Neymar before the window closes on Sept. 2, Barcelona sheepishly pick up the silver medal, with Real Madrid not only third (where they finished the last two La Liga campaigns) but frantically trying to convince everyone that bronze looks awfully similar to gold.
If only there were a trophy to show for it. The transfer-related tag of “Summer Champions” signifies about as much as the increasingly heard but slightly risible tag of “Winter Champions” for those who sit top of the table when the Christmas break arrives.
Nevertheless: a job well begun is a job half done, right? So let’s give more than just kudos and a patronising pat on the back to Atleti. They faced what looked like a horrendous challenge, haemorrhaging a mix of experience, winning mentality, club legends and two superb young bucks in Rodri and Lucas Hernandez. Yet their judgement, efficacy of market management, speed of work, ability to spot the revelation of this transfer window (or indeed many previous), Joao Felix, and their net spend of around €8m — if you factor in the €60m arrival of Rodrigo from Valencia — suggests that Atleti have spat in the eye of adversity.
Whether it wins them La Liga remains to be seen, but a summer that could have left them fighting an uphill battle now sees them muscular, nimble and potentially able to punch above their weight. This season in Spain is going to be exciting, a real smackdown between the three giants of La Liga — Barca, Real and Atletico — so here are some talking points.
Will Joao Felix be La Liga’s star?
Felix is only 19, still rather slender and will find it testing to work with Atletico manager Diego Simeone and coaches Mono Burgos and Oscar Ortega. Felix is a La Liga debutant with initiation songs to sing, pranks to put up with and image-management by the club imposed on him so that expectations are dampened after his €126m arrival.
Instead, this is a kid blessed with such extraordinary talent, such chutzpah, acceleration, positional wit and an exceptional eye for goal that his Atleti teammates are already instinctively looking for him whenever they have the ball. Every single player in that squad has taken one look and said: “We have signed a diamond — let’s get him on the ball.”
– When does the 2019-20 La Liga season start? – ESPN La Liga fantasy: Sign up now!
If the composer George Frideric Handel were still alive, Atleti would be commissioning him to compose a second Hallelujah chorus. They have found their Messiah.
No matter his talent, a player of Felix’s age, carrying such a weight of expectation and responsibility, will encounter bumps along the road in his first complete season in La Liga. That said, the move remains extraordinary for a number of reasons. With Madrid and Barcelona involved in what is both an unseemly and, arguably, unnecessary squabble for Neymar’s grossly expensive services, don’t they both look stupid for missing the chance to purchase Felix? The answer is a resounding “YES!”
Moreover, Atleti somehow managed to agree with Benfica, the player and his agent, Jorge Mendes, a payment plan where they only have to splash out in the region of €40m (down payment, agent payment, sell-on payment to Porto where he originated) before the rest is paid over the course of his contract. If Felix performs well enough to help Atleti reach at least the Champions League semifinals, the forward could earn the his new club the entire remainder of the fee within nine months. That. Is. Utterly. Astonishing. Business.
Can Atletico’s other new arrivals replace those who left?
Losing Rodri (€70m to Manchester City) and Lucas (€80m to Bayern Munich) are blows Atletico would have wanted to avoid, but the club have long known they would need replacing at some point.
At the back, even though Diego Godin — who left for Inter this summer — was bedevilled by errors last season, it’s worth waiting to evaluate the loss of his personality and “win at any cost” attitude. But for Atleti to add the tall, tough Felipe from Porto, as well as the talented Mario Hermoso, for €30m less than Bayern were forced to pay for Lucas, is spectacular.
Kieran Trippier’s move from Tottenham came out of the blue but while he might not be as attentive to details and defensive concentration as Simeone likes, his attitude and crossing ability should give A+ service to what should be a thrilling Atleti front line.
None of Renan Lodi, Hector Herrera or Ivan Saponjic make you fret for Atleti’s investments, while Marcos Llorente, signed from hated rivals Real Madrid, is a fine facsimile of Rodri. They aren’t identically talented but Llorente was under-priced at €30m, brims with energy, industry and athleticism, is a superb professional and looks ready to make Atleti’s central midfield punishingly hard-working.
Then there’s the “other Rodri,” Rodrigo Moreno. If Atleti wrap up a €60m move for this athletic, relentlessly team-minded striker, who has been playing winning international football with Koke and Alvaro Morata since they were all kids, it’s the icing on the cake.
Atletico have had one hell of a summer. But it’s not over yet. Spain’s transfer market closes on Sept. 2 and there’s still time for huge change, though they are already looking in better shape than their rivals.
The fact that several key veterans chose to leave at the end of their contracts had threatened disaster, but it can now be construed as advantageous. Madrid and Barca are replete with players on high wages they’d like to ship out but who are refusing to budge. Not Atleti.
Has Real Madrid’s spending addressed their needs?
Atleti’s rapier-like approach to business contrasts starkly with Real Madrid’s blunderbuss style. Yes, they’ve splashed out (at the time of writing) €305.5m (gross, not net) and there’s quite a lot of “rock ‘n roll” glitz to boast about with the likes of Eden Hazard. But have they specifically reinforced the things which went awry last season? Have they done what coach Zinedine Zidane wanted this summer?
In short, no. And an utterly horrific 7-3 thrashing imposed on Zidane’s team by Atletico at the ICC tournament in July, suggests that Real might not even be favourites in their own city, let alone for the La Liga title.
Left-back Ferland Mendy was indeed a Zizou choice, and has sparked Marcelo‘s competitive instincts, but at €48m it’s not good that Mendy already out with a thigh injury. Centre-back Eder Militao may turn out to be an ideal buy, but Zidane has been flitting uncertainly between four at the back and a 5-3-2/3-5-2 system, so we’ll see how quickly the €50m 21-year-old (a €40m+ profit for Porto just 12 months after buying him) can bring security at the back.
Rodrygo and Kubo (an 18-year-old Japanese starlet who was initially part of FC Barcelona’s academy until their FIFA ban was imposed) ooze promise, thrills and a sprinkling of the magic dust of international marketing allure, yet will struggle to make a real impact until they gain a bit more experience.
– When does the transfer window close? – Transfer grades: Tracking every big club’s deals – All major completed transfer deals
Hazard adds the pedigree — unquestionably a talent of gargantuan proportions — but why on earth did the €100m winger turn up for work at his new club, one which is in turmoil, in the kind of preseason shape which would have been acceptable in, say, 1978? It’s not Madrid’s fault but it’s certainly emblematic of dipping standards.
And finally, €60m striker Luka Jovic will score goals but looks well short of having the build up play and savvy which Madrid will need against the elite group of Liga and European clubs they measure themselves against. He’s that mythical breed of striker who “only” scores goals. An odd, expensive signing.
The players who have arrived all add their own parts of youth, athleticism, hunger and energy — valuable commodities in what was a moribund Madrid squad last season — but there are still more weaknesses in the business which club president Florentino Perez and his right hand man, Jose Angel Sanchez, have managed to conduct since May.
Gareth Bale, with the Premier League and Chinese transfer markets now closed, has stayed put — despite Zidane admitting in public that “it would be best” if the Welshman left — and is likely to stay unless PSG accept him in part exchange for Neymar or he’s sent out on loan.
Thus far, there has been no move for Man United midfielder Paul Pogba either. Whether the controversial World Cup winner is or isn’t the cure for Los Blancos’ midfield ills, Zidane is wedded to the idea of buying him and has been infuriated by Perez’s failure to secure that deal.
If Neymar arrives, it will be like salt in the wound. Thus far, Real’s best midfield options look like being composed of Luka Modric, Toni Kroos and Casemiro, which although still full of class, is bemusing. Slow, sometimes disinterested, porous, unable to control possession, lacking athleticism and physicality all last season it’s remarkable that (attempts to sign Pogba aside) no corrective action has been taken to strengthen the midfield.
Will Barcelona be distracted by Neymar pursuit?
Judging them by their own, well-publicised objectives for the close-season, Barca could award themselves a complacent pat on the back, a glass of cava, exchange mutually appreciative smiles amongst their football-executives — and then their rivals could laugh up their sleeves at the Camp Nou finances.
Barcelona’s self-set tasksheet was: add competition at left-back, augment possession-control and passing in midfield and then, a year late, add French flair up front. Junior Firpo, Frenkie de Jong and Antoine Griezmann (was there really any doubt where he was going?) tick those boxes.
Throw in some measurable progress from their young talents (Jean-Clair Todibo, Carles Alena, Ricki Puig and Carles Perez) and the outward signs are decent. However, even with the departures of Malcom, Andre Gomes, Marc Cucurella and Denis Suarez, Barcelona need to sell … and profitably.
Rafinha, Philippe Coutinho and Juan Miranda must be calculating how long it’ll take them to unpack their training ground lockers, while if the right price were offered for Arturo Vidal then the Camp Nou bean-counters would produce their abacuses in Olympic time.
The club has vastly strained its financial muscle for three reasons. 1) expensive contract extensions; 2) investment in the Camp Nou renovation project; 3) President Josep Maria Bartomeu’s public promise that his parting gift (before summer 2021, which is the latest there can be elections to determine his successor) will be another lengthening of Lionel Messi‘s contract.
Messi craves Champions League victories, not because Cristiano Ronaldo has more of them but because he’s a natural-born competitor, who has also suffered a series of brutal European disappointments in recent years at the hands of Atletico, Juventus, Roma and Liverpool.
If Bartomeu wants “Team Messi” to look indulgently on the opening of contract negotiations, he’ll do well to re-patriate Neymar. Messi, whether you concur or not, believes that his Brazilian pal will add incisor teeth to Barca’s European bite (Luis Suarez hasn’t scored a Champions League goal away from home for nearly four years and only hit the net five times in the last 29 UCL matches).
However as long as PSG keep insisting on cash only for Neymar, whether that sum is €120m or €220m, Barcelona can’t afford to buy him back. I believe it’s that simple. Nor, it seems increasingly clear, can they persuade Ivan Rakitic or his Sevilla-born wife, that the footballing life (and climate) is anything but worse any further north than Barcelona. PSG want the Croatian, but like Bale at Madrid, he’s not keen to depart.
All of which leaves both Barcelona and Madrid desperately thrashing around for a means to secure a Brazilian they can’t afford, didn’t budget for and who’ll also cost them dearly in terms of existing playing staff (Vinicius Jr., Isco, Karim Benzema and Rodrygo at Real; Ousmane Dembele and Coutinho at Barca) who’d be required to drop to the bench or leave altogether.
Meanwhile, over at Atletico, Felix may still only hint at the potential to reproduce what Neymar has achieved in his career, but the Portuguese is impressing with a new cadre of athletic and hungry teammates around him.
Atleti win the summer. Now, can they add the La Liga title?
Hold tight, this battle has the potential to be immensely entertaining, explosive, and potentially embarrassing for some.
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ambitionbled · 5 months
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ambitionbled · 5 months
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Brother to Lorena West.
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