#❛   ▬  interactions   ╱   ❪ southsided 01. ❫
snarkwrites · 3 years
01 | gangsta | sweetpea
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I’d say I’m sorry for starting a 3rd multi chapter series but I’m honestly not. I haven’t written a whole lot for Riverdale, but this idea just kinda came to me and I rolled with it? Anyway, yeah.. If people really like this, I might be tempted to keep this going beyond just the few parts I already kind of have halfway planned.
Huge hug to @twistnet​ because their writing about Sweetpea kind of awakened and fuelled this and if you’re not reading their fics, you really should tbh. 
They clearly don’t mix. But sometimes, opposites attract. The only question is will these two’s sparks cause an inferno or go down in flames?
Ugh.. I hate my summaries, thanks.
Andrews!OFC, Alyssa x Sweetpea. Yep. She’s Archie’s sister. I couldn’t resist.
Uhh... teen angst, relationship drama, sexual tension, possible fights / violence here and there and.. That’s pretty much it. Oh yeah and eventually, filth.
Also, this is probably not going to follow seasons 2 through present to the letter. Actually, I’ll venture to warn now, it definitely will not. Because there’s some things in it that I’ve seen so far that make zero actual sense. And there’s probably not going to be a whole lot of Archie,Betty,Jugs and Veronica in here too, because this is me, kind of writing all the side characters into things a little more?
Other Stuff:
[ faq - tag list doc - soundtrack ] 
“Sweet Pea, you’ll be working with Alyssa Andrews.”
I didn’t dare turn to look back at the guy. He was probably one of the most intimidating guys in Riverdale High. He hardly spoke to anyone unless it was one of the two friends he happened to have. Neither of them were in this class period.
The teacher, seeming impressed with himself, gave a nod to Sweet Pea and Sweet Pea grumbled, stalking up the aisle and flopping lazily into the empty seat next to mine. Our sides brushed a little when he moved his desk closer after getting a look from our teacher. I tried not to tense up.
Sweet Pea seemed to notice. He smirked at me.
Leaned in a little.
“Relax, cherry. I don’t bite unless I’m asked.” he muttered against my ear. My breath caught in my throat and I was promptly thrown into the mother of all internal uproars. I shoved the book between us wordlessly, not even daring to glance over at him.
I was not about to let him take pride in the fact that he made me blush or rattled me, not even a little.
Our sides brushed again and I pursed my lips, taking a deep breath. Across the classroom, Reggie was already working with one of the other girls on my squad. I watched them laughing and flirting back and forth and I shook my head, rolling my eyes.
“I’m supposed to be his girl and  yet.. It’s as if I don’t even exist.” I muttered, mostly to myself. Annoyed at myself for being hurt over it because it shouldn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. Reggie was a flirt. I’d known that going into things. I’d tried not to let it get to me. Tried to remind myself that nine times out of ten, he wasn’t doing it intentionally.
But tell that to Mandy. Mandy automatically thinks that any guy who flirts with her is in love with her, my brain weighed in on the matter and I sighed, drumming my nails against the desktop, glancing over my shoulder at the two and rolling my eyes all over again. I just knew I was going to have to hear about this all afternoon at practice.
“So you’re a River Vixen, huh, cherry?” he muttered after a few seconds, nodding to the cheerleading uniform I was wearing. I could feel him staring at me and sure enough, when I bothered to tear my eyes off of Reggie across the room and in full flirt mode with Mandy, he was looking me up and down. He repeated his question.
Just something about the tone he took when asking it both times that he’d done so had me jumpy. Defensive. He said it with this air of disdain. Making it obvious for the thousandth time since our school merged that he hated Riverdale High.
“Mhm.” I kept my best calm and neutral tone, despite the fact that I knew he was probably being judgemental. Or that he was being a tease. Maybe even both. “I have a name, by the way.”
“I know. But you also have bright red hair.” Sweet Pea shrugged, barely containing the smirk the second he realized that maybe he was getting to me.
“Yes. I realize this. But my name is Alyssa.” I muttered, my voice dropping lower. Trying my best not to let the giant of a Serpent intimidate me because that wasn’t who I was. He chuckled, shaking his head.
“Relax… Cherry.” Sweet Pea smirked at me.
“You just had to do that.” I grumbled quietly, shaking my head. I tried to focus more on the reading part of our assignment for today, but I couldn’t. Between Sweet Pea and the fact that I couldn’t tell whether he was teasing me, being an ass overall or a little of both and knowing that my own boyfriend couldn’t be bothered to butt in on my behalf and offer to switch with the guy because ‘his stupid pride’ and his thing against any and all Southsiders, my mind was already too full.
I finished my worksheet and glanced over at Sweet Pea, watching his eyes move over the page. Watching the way his tongue rolled over his lips as he wrote out his answers on the worksheet in front of him.
I jumped when without even looking at me, he muttered calmly, “See somethin you want, cherry?”
“No, I was actually just making sure you were actually doing the work.” I retorted, biting my lip when the words came a little harsher than I meant. He stopped writing and laid down his pencil, glancing up at me.
“Aw. Is somebody mad because her so-called boyfriend ditched her with a Serpent to go work with one of her little Valley girl clone besties?”
“Eat shit.” I snapped, tensing. Holding his gaze defiantly.
“You kiss your boyfriend with that mouth, cherry?”
My cheeks burned hot. Kissing was about all I did to Reggie Mantle with my mouth. And I never seemed to hear the end of it with most of the other girls on my squad, either. It was as if my sex life, or lack thereof, was the main topic of discussion pretty much any given moment.
,, And probably why he’s working with Mandy instead of you right now. You know he’s getting tired of getting stopped at second base.” my mind taunted me. I took a few deep breaths to really keep from losing my temper and I shrugged, not bothering to answer Sweet Pea. 
I don’t think I’ve ever made a faster retreat than the one I made the second the bell to end class rang. I grabbed my stuff up in a hurry, flustered and a little annoyed. Definitely angry.
Reggie caught up to me in the hallway, holding out his letterman’s jacket.
The one I’d been in such a rush to leave class that I’d left behind. I was beyond tempted to shove the jacket back at him and tell him maybe he needed to give it to Mandy. Or Veronica. Or any of the other girls he’s constantly talking to. But I bit my tongue and took it.
I didn’t feel like speaking up, telling him it bothered me when he went into charmer mode only to have him promise not to anymore and then turn to do it all over again not even an hour later. The whole thing was infuriating, more than a little redundant by now.
“You okay, princess?”
Reggie eyed me as he asked the question and again, I heavily debated telling him exactly what was wrong with me, but again I chose not to.
It wasn’t worth the argument.
It hurt, but it wasn’t worth the hassle.
I plastered on what I hoped was my best convincing smile and leaned against his side, letting his arm wrap around my waist. “Yeah. It’s fine.”
I tensed when Reggie spoke up, mentioning the fact that I’d gotten paired to work with Sweet Pea for the semester. “Ya know, you could’ve said somethin, princess.”
“You know how Mr. Keaton is, Reg. It wouldn’t have mattered.” I muttered, my jaw clenching just a little because it irritated me. Did he not see that it went both ways and stop to think that maybe, just maybe… If he didn’t feel like it was important to do on my behalf, maybe I didn’t see the sense in making waves for him?
He chuckled, rubbing his chin as he leaned against the locker next to mine when we stopped at mine so I could switch out my books. I stopped digging through my books and notebooks to gaze up at him. “It’s not a big deal.” I shrugged it off.
Honestly? It wasn’t a big deal. I didn’t see any difference between the jerk of a Serpent I’d been paired to work with and Reggie at this particular point in time. ,,I just had an easier time telling one of the two where they could shove it.” my brain saw fit to point this out and I quickly shoved out the intrusive thought.
Reggie wasn’t a bad guy. He just had a few glaring flaws.
At least he wasn’t out late at bars or getting arrested. Or whatever it was that Sweetpea called himself doing as a member of an actual gang.
All I had to go on, of course, were my brother Archie’s interactions with the gang thus far. Outside of Jughead Jones, of course. But to put it technically, Jughead couldn’t really be considered an actual Serpent. Merely one by association.
Reggie seemed content with my answer, pulling me closer as we walked past the section of the hallway where Sweetpea and his friends' lockers were. Glaring at Sweetpea as if he had some kind of point to prove. 
What Sweetpea did was petty. And if I were in a better mood and the guy hadn’t spent all morning making his mission to drive me up the wall, I’d have laughed. 
“Hey Cherry?”
I stopped and turned back, my hand on my hip. “Again. My name is Alyssa.” I reminded him firmly. We locked eyes and I bit my lip, squirming a little under the intense once over he gave me before meeting my gaze again a few seconds later. I dropped my gaze quickly.
Wait, was I blushing right now?
Why was I blushing right now?
“Leather would look better on you.” Sweetpea rubbed his chin thoughtfully, locking eyes with me again for a few seconds when I dared to look up, thinking the whole staredown was over. What surprised me was that as he was letting his eyes roam over me, sizing me up, I actually felt my stomach flipping and flopping lazily. My breath even caught in my throat a little and despite everything, I felt my cheeks burning just slightly at his words and that look in his eyes when they met mine all over again.
I eyed him with a raised brow. When Reggie practically growled from beside me and I had to throw my arm out to stop him from storming over and Sweetpea smirked, I gave him a dirty look.
“ You think you’re slick, Serpent? Talkin to my girl like that?” Reggie was seconds away from storming over. Starting a fight. A fight that I knew would get him benched during the game tonight. I cleared my throat, tensing in front of him. “Reggie, don’t.”
“Why the hell not, huh? Did you hear what he said to you?” Reggie looked down at me. It was clear he was wound up, the fuse was lit. All I could do was roll my eyes. Keep quiet. Because if I opened my mouth right now, I was going to wind up arguing with Reggie. And it was over something stupid. Pointless. I knew what Sweetpea was up to right now. If Reggie didn’t, that wasn’t exactly my problem.
Yes, I was still very bitter about his lack of a solution in class earlier. That was it. That was the entire reason I wasn’t about to step up and defend my relationship with Reggie after Sweetpea’s remark called it to question.
,, now he says something. It only took Sweetpea being an ass. Questioning Reggie’s role as my boyfriend. Oh no, he couldn’t stop me from being paired with Sweetpea earlier, when he knew it made me uncomfortable. He wanted to make it into my fault that I said nothing, too.”  the thought came, making me even more irritable, especially when I couldn’t shove it out.
Sweetpea smirked when our eyes met again and I bit my lip, quickly dropping my gaze. God forbid I stir things up even further…
,, why does it feel like I’m gonna come undone when he looks at me like that? He’s clearly doing it just to get under Reggie’s skin, there’s no way in hell he actually wants me.” I found myself thinking, only to get annoyed by the fact that yes, it did bother me to know that.
“The guy spent the whole period hitting on another girl. Right in front of her. I mean, it’s her fault if she’s too stupid to take that as a huge hint.” Sweetpea finished his tangent and promptly raised his brows, swallowing the food he’d shoveled in as he’d been ranting to Toni and Fangs.
Toni and Fangs shared a look.
“I knew he liked her. I called it.” Toni teased triumphantly, high fiving Fangs.
“What the fuck? No!” Sweetpea practically growled the words. Glaring at both Toni and Fangs when they gave him a look as if to say ‘Riiiight. Sure ya don’t.’ but said nothing. “I’m just pointing out she’s obviously too stupid to see what’s obvious.”
“And that little dig in the hallway was what?” Toni questioned, laughing when all Pea could do was open and close his mouth and then finally take a very aggressive bite of his burger. “It was me, stirring her up. Look, she’s hot. That’s it.” Sweetpea insisted firmly.
“If that were it, you wouldn’t always be glancing over at her. Getting that angry look whenever you see her around with that prick Mantle.” Fangs pointed out, earning him a glare from Sweetpea. Fangs continued, despite it. “And the whole reason you moved the fight from Andrews house to that vacant lot after you saw her in the upstairs window.. Why did you do that, again?” smirking when Sweetpea clenched his fists and grumbled at him, answering quietly, “I didn’t think it’d be right for her to have to watch her brother getting his ass handed to him. That’s it.”
A throat clearing had the three looking up.
Alyssa stood there, a hand on her hip. Glaring down at Sweetpea who flashed her a smirk.
“See something you want, cherry?” Sweetpea teased, taking a handful of fries from his plate, biting into them. Holding her gaze steady. A little annoyed with himself at the way his heart fluttered and sped up just the slightest as he did this.
“It’s.. You know what? Nevermind. Call me whatever, I don’t care. But no. I don’t. I did come over here to tell you whatever it is you're up to, I don’t appreciate being dragged into the middle of it. I know you’re only doing this in the first place to wind Reggie up. I’m not stupid.” Alyssa said the words with a jaw clenched tight. Glaring at Sweetpea.
Until he licked his lips and Toni happened to see the way her eyes followed the movement helplessly and began to really sit there and quietly assess the situation. Smiling to herself as her own suspicions formed exactly as to why Sweetpea’s actions as of late bothered Alyssa Andrews so much.
She kept it to herself.
Sweetpea chuckled and shrugged. “Don’t know why it bothers you. The guy’s an asshole. Do better, Cherry.” he waved his hand dismissively at her as if he were shooing her from the spot she stood in at the end of the table. Alyssa glared and folded her arms, tapping her foot as her mouth opened and closed for a minute or two.
Then she turned sharp and stormed off. Finding her own table with Reggie and the rest of the football players and cheerleaders.
Sweetpea found himself staring at her, shaking his head. Clenching his fists. “I don’t get it. How does she not see her whole thing with that asshole is one sided, huh?”
“The more important question to ask, Pea, is why in the hell it bothers you so much? They’re Northsiders man, leave ‘em to whatever it is.” Fangs shrugged everything off, taking a sip of the soda in front of him as he leaned back in the chair lazily.
Sweetpea ignored his friend and found himself watching the table Alyssa sat at again. Watching her. The way she threw her head back to laugh. The bright little smile that gave him the distinct feeling that yes, she could certainly be a handful if she really wanted to and she were really being her truest self. He  glared at Reggie when the two locked eyes after a few minutes.
And while the advice his best friend Fangs gave him was a good idea in theory, it was not an idea good enough to stop Sweetpea. Even though Sweetpea knew good and well that it probably should’ve been.
He needed to just let go.
He’d die before admitting it, but knowing he’d never have a chance with her only made him want her so much more. Enough that maybe the thought took root.. Maybe he could keep stirring things up. At the very least, Reggie wouldn’t have her all to himself anymore after it all played out. ,, and anybody is better than that fucking prick Mantle.” Sweetpea shoved the thought out of his head as soon as it came, because he knew deep down it was a lie.
He wanted her. All to himself.
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mccmads · 4 years
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Full Name: Madison Alice McCarthy 
Nickname: Mads, Madi, IronHeart89 (username)
Sex/Gender: Female
Birthday: August 9th
Age: Twenty
Astrological Sign: Leo
Occupation: Excelsior! comic shop.
Spoken Languages: English
Sexual Orientation: Unsure
Birthplace: Detriot, MI
Relationship status: Single
Hair Color/Style: Brunette
Eye Color: Blue Green
Face Claim: Katherine Langford
Height:5 ft 4 in
Weight:132 lbs
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None
Unique Attributes: —
Defining Gestures/Movements: Wringing hands together, biting nails, twirling hair
Posture: Fidgety
Pet Peeves: None
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, Drawing
Special Skills/Abilities: Blowing things out of proportion
Likes: Reading, Drawing, Watching movies, listening to music, being online
Dislikes: Social events
Insecurities: Literally everything
Quirks/Eccentricities: Has severe anxiety and some OCD’s, usually covers her arms to hide old cuts from attempted suicide
Strengths: She’d very giving and understanding, good listener.
Weaknesses: Her brother
Speaking Style: Usually a little stutter-y or quiet.
Temperament: Light and happy but very quickly anxious 
Immediate Family: Matthew and Melissa (parents), Mason (twin brother)
How do they feel about their family?: Madison loves her family but she knows that she’s too much to handle due to her mental illness so she tries to keep things from them. She mostly feels like a burden so when the opportunity to move out with Mason came up, she took it immediately.
How does their family feel about them?: Her parents love her but her issues did bring a lot of discord into their relationship. Regardless, her nearest and dearest has always been her brother, Mason, and they get along very well. 
Pets: Mason’s german shepard named Axel.
Where do they live?: On the Southside with her brother
Description of their home: A small and simple apartment on the Southside with Mason.
Description of their bedroom: Everything is cleaned, neat, tidy, and in a specific space.
Introvert or Extrovert?
Optimist or Pessimist?
Leader or Follower?
Confident or Self-Conscious?
Cautious or Careless?
Religious or Secular?
Passionate or Apathetic?
Book Smarts or Street Smarts?
Compliments or Insults?
Pajamas or Lingerie?: 
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Clothing Style/Outfit: Jeans (pants, never shorts), long sleeve shirts, usually a hoodie or a jean jacket. Hair is almost always down. 
Favorite Bands/Songs/Type of Music: She literally listens to everything under the sun and has no specific type that she likes more than others. 
Favorite Movies: Any Marvel or DC movie, All things nerd
Favorite Books: Literally all of them, books are her favorite items. 
Favorite Foods/Drinks: Pizza, root beer
Favorite Sports/Sports Teams: Doesn’t watch sports
Favorite Time of Day: Night
Favorite Weather/Season: Fall
Favorite Animal: Sloth
Fears/Superstitions: She’s afraid of spiders, most bugs, car accidents, flying, being alone in the dark, walking under ladders, ghosts, sharks, drowning, and most forms of social interaction.
Political Views: Supports human rights. 
Addictions: Biting her nails, taking her anxiety meds
Best School Subject: English, Science
Worst School Subject: Math
School Clubs/Sports: Joined her brother for a short time as a cheerleader but quit because she could B-E aggressive. 
How does he get money?: Madison has had many jobs that she’s never lasted at. She stays until her anxiety gets too overwhelming and then she runs away. Currently she’s working at Excelsior! and also manages her own webpage 
How is she with technology? Most of the time, her source of communication with the world is through her phone or laptop so she’s very good with them. 
Fondest Memory: Moving in with Mason. She was upset about hearing her parents argue over her and he bought her pizza and they watched movies and it made her feel like she wasn’t a complete failure as a kid.
Deepest, Darkest Secret: She claims she wasn’t trying to kill herself when she cut her arms back in high school but she was. 
Dream Vacation: Anywhere with a beach
Best thing that has ever happened to this character: Starting her anxiety meds.
Worst thing that has ever happened to this character: The night she went to her boyfriend’s Junior prom, and the night three weeks later when her friend killed herself.
What do they want to be when they grow up?: Normal
Perfect Date: Watching a movie because then they don’t have to talk.
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southsidevivian · 5 years
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HOLY SHIT IS THAT [ NINA DOBREV ]?! Oh, wait it’s just [ VIVIAN PORTER ]. Damn, [ SHE/HER ] looks good for [ 24 ], good thing that they’re [ BISEXUAL ], I might have a chance. I hear that they call them the [ SIREN ] of the [ SOUTH SIDE ]. I guess that’s because they’re [ ALLURING ] and [ RESOURCEFUL ]. But I don’t think a lot of people know that they’re also [ DECEPTIVE ] and [ SARCASTIC ]. Can’t wait to see what kind of trouble [ DANIELLE/23/CST/NONE ] will bring.
Full Name: Vivian Ann Porter
Nickname: V, Vivi
Sex/Gender: Female/She/Her
Birthday: 10/23
Age: 24
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Occupation: Bartender 
Spoken Languages: English
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Birthplace: Los Angeles, California
Relationship status: Dating Dominic Westbrook
Hair Color/Style: Dark Brown/Long
Eye Color:  Brown
Face Claim: Nina Dobrev
Height: 5′6
Weight: 120
Tattoos: Ghoulie tattoo, along the right side of her ribs
Piercings: Two in each ear
Unique Attributes: Ambitious and Practical 
Defining Gestures/Movements: Her hands are almost always on her hips
Posture: Straight and tall
Pet Peeves: Various things can annoy her but it depends on the day and time
Hobbies/Interests: Music, Racing, Dancing, Working Out, Boxing, Lifting
Special Skills/Abilities: Manipulative, Street racing, very familiar with firearms and knifes, trained in boxing
Likes: Music, Movies, Parties
Dislikes: Ignorant people
Insecurities: Talking about her past
Quirks/Eccentricities: Plays with her hair
Strengths: Dedicated, Resourceful, Loyal, Trustworthy
Weaknesses: People she truly cares about
Speaking Style: Smooth and Clear
Temperament: Analytical and Short Tempered
Immediate Family: Michael and Grace Porter (Her parents), Her aunt and uncle who she moved in with, her cousin Spencer Porter
How do they feel about their family? Vivian loved her father and appreciated her mother until everything went downhill. She feels thankful for her fathers family, but hasn’t really felt comfortable around them until recently.
How does their family feel about them? She was the apple of her fathers eye, the two of them had a very close bond. Her mother and her were not as close, they were once when she was younger but she doesn’t have clear memories of that. She is not sure how her fathers family feels about her, especially since joining the Ghoulies and now creating her own gang
Pets: None
Where do they live? A trailer in the South Side
Description of their home: A one bedroom trailer [layout], the colors and furnutire consist of black and warm dark tones.
Description of their bedroom: Same as the rest of her trailer along with a few photos she has gathered over the years with fellow ghoulies.
Introvert or Extrovert?
Optimist or Pessimist?
Leader or Follower?
Confident or Self-Conscious?
Cautious or Careless?
Religious or Secular?
Passionate or Apathetic?
Book Smarts or Street Smarts?
Compliments or Insults?
Pajamas or Lingerie?
Favorite Color: Dark Purple or Red
Favorite Clothing Style/Outfit: Tight form fitting outfits or dresses which she normally pairs with her Ghoulie jacket
Favorite Bands/Songs/Type of Music: She isn’t picky
Favorite Movies: Enjoys anything action or thriller
Favorite Books: None
Favorite Foods/Drinks: Pasta/Water, any good alcohol
Favorite Sports/Sports Teams: None
Favorite Time of Day: Evening
Favorite Weather/Season: Fall
Favorite Animal: Dogs
Fears/Superstitions: Losing close family and friends
Political Views: Liberal
Addictions: Occasional smoking when stressed
Best School Subject: None, school really wasn’t her thing
Worst School Subject: Science
School Clubs/Sports: None
How does he get money? Through her job as a bartender and stripper as well as jobs from then ghoulies. And recently from acting as a sugar baby  to various men in Greendale
How is he with technology? She can manage
Fondest Memory: Family vacations when she was younger
Deepest, Darkest Secret: TBD
Dream Vacation: Hawaii
Best thing that has ever happened to this character: Joining the Ghoulies
Worst thing that has ever happened to this character: Losing her father
What do they want to be when they grow up? She doesn’t like to plan that far ahead
Perfect Date:
Was born in Los Angeles, California where she lived until she was 14. Which was the same year her father passed away unexpectedly. It ended up hitting her already fairly detached mother in a way that only made her grow farther from her daughter. There would be days where they wouldn’t talk or interact with one another and only led to more tension and fights.
At that point her mother sent her to live with her fathers brother in Riverdale. Much to her dismay, she couldn’t really say no since she had nowhere else to go. She originally lived with the Porters who lived in a house on the Northside, that was fairly close to the the Southside.
Even though she originally attended Northside High by the time she turned sixteen she moved in with some friends to the Southside and attended the school there instead. Finding that since she moved there, she felt more connected to the people there. Being with her fathers family only reminded her of him and she just couldn’t handle it or expect them to deal with her personal issues.
She instead found solace with the Ghoulies after many trips to the Southside during the weekends when she first moved to Riverdale. She officially joined them the same time that she moved to go to Southside High. When she joined them felt the security she hadn’t felt in years since losing her father.
Although over time she is starting to not feel as comfortable with the Ghoulies. She can’t pinpoint what’s wrong at the moment but something about being lead around by men for years is pushing her to her brink. What she will do once she reaches that point is to be determined. 
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oddyssea-a · 6 years
DAY 01: favorite portrayals of a character in your fandom [ Since I’m technically fandomless I’m just gonna do this for muses who fall into the ‘adventure’ category or fall into the ‘Greek Myth’ category uvu ]
@baagha ( Ajay Ghale / Far Cry 4 ): OK! SO listen I’ve only seen glimpses of the Far Cry characters, primarily because I’ve never had the chance to come around and play it myself but from what I have seen of Far Cry 4 & what I’ve heard about the game itself I THOROUGHLY enjoy Ajay ok?? Like it’s always so tough to write muses who are the player controlled character because it could be really tough to make them your own still but I absolutely adore this portrayal. Ajay has a really great personality and he strikes me with that adventurous spirit that I think really fits the Far Cry Franchise ( mostly 3 & 4 as I recall ) and I just love how well Ajay seems to fit into the adventure scene <3. He meshes excellently with Karter and over all he’s an awesome character who I am thoroughly enjoying seeing on my dash
@storyfound ( Elena Fisher / Uncharted Franchise ): I want to first point out that I absolutely LOVE Elena Fisher in literally every sense of the word. She is the kind of character who is still a bad ass but manages to be a relatable kind hearted person. I’ve always enjoyed Elena’s excellent chemistry with the ENTIRE cast of Uncharted and finding someone who does her justice is honestly wonderful. Elena is also amazing because I always believed that motherhood suited her! This portrayal genuinely makes me happy for all the best reasons. Elena maintains her quick wit & skill that made her strong but also manages to capture her more endearing and motherly side without having to sacrifice either one for the other. It’s a wonderful balance and I adore seeing her on my dash to be honest.
@vindictiveolympianqueen ( Hera, Queen of Olympus / Greek Pantheon ): Now HERA is especially wonderful in my opinion because of a GREAT DEAL of reasons. The first of which being that she, I’ve found, is rather under appreciated by general media. Thus far the only two instances I’ve seen her is in the game ‘God of War’ which likely falls more akin to her ACTUAL personality & behavior in Greek Mythos, and then we have Hera from the ‘Hercules’ Movie by Disney which admittedly IS a children’s film thus she’s sorta watered down I feel? Either way, this blog makes me so SO SO Happy because you get the best of both words with this portrayal. She’s got her VICIOUS and ‘vindictive’ side but she’s not just CRUEL like I feel God of War made her, she is still that MOTHERLY figure that we got in Hercules and it really makes her an all around more well rounded muse I think and I thoroughly pleased to see someone giving Hera the justice & attention she deserves :)
@maourljoss ( Apollo / Greek Pantheon ): The thing I’ve always loved about Greek Gods is that with a modern touch on them there’s a lot of creativity to be had especially since MANY gods are often left out of media due to the focus being on a set few! That being said Harley’s interpretation of Apollo is perhaps the only one I’ll EVER really love to be honest considering she maintains a lot of APOLLO as a character while still giving him twists that make him interesting and unique feel to him when writing with him. He feels NEW but still familiar and I think that’s what I honestly love most about him! 
DAY 02: favorite portrayals of a character in another fandom
@seesgood ( Caroline Forbes / The Vampire Diaries ): When I was still into TVD I remember vividly ADORING Caroline for the sole reason that both as a character & as a person she made SENSE! She had valid reasons for many of her reactions and in general she just made more sense to me than some of the other characters in the series ( albeit that was more of a personal opinion than anything ) but LIA does such an amazing job capturing every essence of Caroline right down to the simplest of quirks. Caroline is a genuinely complex and interesting character because she was ‘human’ in MOST senses of the word ( obv she’s a vampire soooo LOL ), but she felt real and Lia is literally ASTONISHING with how well Lia manages to bring all those fantastic elements and even some added ones to give Caroline that same GENUINE feel and I just cannot express how much I love this blog ok!!
@southsidelover ( Toni Topaz / Riverdale ): From the moment Toni Topaz made her first appearance on Riverdale I have ADORED her to absolutely no end. She’s genuinely my favorite character on the show and Z is like some sort of Toni Topaz master since everything about this portrayal SCREAMS genuine true blue Toni. I adore her so much because she’s smart & witty but is a genuinely kind and caring person and stands as a DIRECT antithesis to the idea that the Southside Serpents or South Siders in general are LOWLIFE CROOKS. Toni is the type of character that I would kill to have on EVERY show because she’s so excellent! She has her flaws but she is a genuinely well rounded character who even manages to add representation in a graceful and meaningful way! I LOVE TONI TOPAZ guys seriously like this blog is a fave.
@ofangelicblood ( Jace Herondale / Shadowhunters ): So I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t know a whole lot about Shadowhunters ( I could never really get into it whole heartedly tbh ) BUT I am already enjoying this blog thus far! From the convos I’ve had with KC & what I’ve learned about him I am thoroughly enjoying the depth that is being given to him thus far! I really enjoy the sort of internal conflict that seems to come out in each reply, as though he’s fighting an internal battle which always add a sort of extra sense of conflict from the character that makes them a lot more interesting to see / interact with! On top of that his personality is one that staunch & disciplined which is A BEAUTIFUL complement to Karter’s chaotic & otherwise dubiously aligned personality which has made out chats / interactions SO FUN thus far and I absolutely cannot wait for more stuff between us!
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sistermothcr-blog · 7 years
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           ❛     Hey,     ❜ She moves slowly to the couch to sit beside him.  The tension between them was palpable, but she wanted to make things work between them.  She wanted him to understand that she needed this more than anything ----- she needed to live her life for herself for a change, but it would never mean she’d completely shut them out for good.  They’re family after all, for better or for worse, Gallaghers stuck together.
            ❛     Wan’ a hear me out for a change or you gonna shut me down again ?     ❜  A truce blunt was held out to her brother.  True, she didn’t smoke it as often as either Lip of Ian, but the situation called for it.  They both needed to loosen up a bit for a change
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southsidevivian · 5 years
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HOLY SHIT IS THAT [ NINA DOBREV ]?! Oh, wait it’s just [ VIVIAN PORTER ]. Damn, [ SHE/HER ] looks good for [ 24 ], good thing that they’re [ BISEXUAL ], I might have a chance. I hear that they call them the [ SIREN ] of the [ SOUTH SIDE ]. I guess that’s because they’re [ ALLURING ] and [ RESOURCEFUL ]. But I don’t think a lot of people know that they’re also [ DECEPTIVE ] and [ SARCASTIC ]. Can’t wait to see what kind of trouble [ DANIELLE/22/CST/NONE ] will bring.
Full Name: Vivian Ann Porter
Nickname: V, Vivi
Sex/Gender: Female/She/Her
Birthday: 10/23
Age: 24
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Occupation: Bartender, Stripper
Spoken Languages: English
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Birthplace: Los Angeles, California
Relationship status: Single
Hair Color/Style: Dark Brown/Long
Eye Color:  Brown
Face Claim: Nina Dobrev
Height: 5′6
Weight: 120
Tattoos: Ghoulie tattoo along right side
Piercings: Two in each ear
Unique Attributes: tbd
Defining Gestures/Movements: Her hands are almost always on her hips
Posture: Straight and tall
Pet Peeves: Various things can annoy her but it depends on the day and time
Hobbies/Interests: Music, Racing, Dancing, Working Out, Boxing, Lifting
Special Skills/Abilities: Manipulative, Street racing, very familiar with firearms and knifes, trained in boxing
Likes: Music, Movies, Parties
Dislikes: Ignorant people
Insecurities: Talking about her past
Quirks/Eccentricities: Plays with her hair
Strengths: Dedicated, Resourceful, Loyal, Trustworthy
Weaknesses: People she truly cares about
Speaking Style: Smooth and Clear
Temperament: Analytical and Short Tempered
Immediate Family: Michael and Grace Porter (Her parents), Her aunt and uncle who she moved in with, her cousin Spencer Porter
How do they feel about their family? Vivian loved her father and appreciated her mother until everything went downhill. She feels thankful for her fathers family, but hasn’t really felt comfortable around them until recently.
How does their family feel about them? She was the apple of her fathers eye, the two of them had a very close bond. Her mother and her were not as close, they were once when she was younger but she doesn’t have clear memories of that. She is not sure how her fathers family feels about her, especially since joining the Ghoulies.
Pets: None
Where do they live? A trailer in the South Side
Description of their home: A one bedroom trailer [layout], the colors and furnutire consist of black and warm dark tones.
Description of their bedroom: Same as the rest of her trailer along with a few photos she has gathered over the years with fellow ghoulies.
Introvert or Extrovert?
Optimist or Pessimist?
Leader or Follower?
Confident or Self-Conscious?
Cautious or Careless?
Religious or Secular?
Passionate or Apathetic?
Book Smarts or Street Smarts?
Compliments or Insults?
Pajamas or Lingerie?
Favorite Color: Dark Purple or Red
Favorite Clothing Style/Outfit: Tight form fitting outfits or dresses which she normally pairs with her Ghoulie jacket
Favorite Bands/Songs/Type of Music: She isn’t picky
Favorite Movies: Enjoys anything action or thriller
Favorite Books: None
Favorite Foods/Drinks: Pasta/Water, any good alcohol
Favorite Sports/Sports Teams: None
Favorite Time of Day: Evening
Favorite Weather/Season: Fall
Favorite Animal: Dogs
Fears/Superstitions: Losing close family and friends
Political Views: Liberal
Addictions: Occasional smoking when stressed
Best School Subject: None, school really wasn’t her thing
Worst School Subject: Science
School Clubs/Sports: None
How does he get money? Through her job as a bartender and stripper as well as jobs from then ghoulies. And recently from acting as a sugar baby  to various men in Greendale
How is he with technology? She can manage
Fondest Memory: Family vacations when she was younger
Deepest, Darkest Secret: TBD
Dream Vacation: Hawaii
Best thing that has ever happened to this character: Joining the Ghoulies
Worst thing that has ever happened to this character: Losing her father
What do they want to be when they grow up? She doesn’t like to plan that far ahead
Perfect Date:
Was born in Los Angeles, California where she lived until she was 14. Which was the same year her father passed away unexpectedly. It ended up hitting her already fairly detached mother in a way that only made her grow farther from her daughter. There would be days where they wouldn’t talk or interact with one another and only led to more tension and fights.
At that point her mother sent her to live with her fathers brother in Riverdale. Much to her dismay, she couldn’t really say no since she had nowhere else to go. She originally lived with the Porters who lived in a house on the Northside, that was fairly close to the the Southside.
Even though she originally attended Northside High by the time she turned sixteen she moved in with some friends to the Southside and attended the school there instead. Finding that since she moved there, she felt more connected to the people there. Being with her fathers family only reminded her of him and she just couldn’t handle it or expect them to deal with her personal issues.
She instead found solace with the Ghoulies after many trips to the Southside during the weekends when she first moved to Riverdale. She officially joined them the same time that she moved to go to Southside High. When she joined them felt the security she hadn’t felt in years since losing her father.
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