#❏ 〔 BLITZHEART 〕 : & it's them that you’ve come for. Two hands guarding your heart. You’ve never come this far.
grieverled-moved · 1 year
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grieverled-moved · 1 year
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❝ Thanks for still giving a shit about me. ❞
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"Well, someone's gotta." He snorts, reaching over to ruffle a gloved hand through short auburn hair. He isn't sure if it bothers her, but before he can even consider it, he's already reaching over, moving. The grin that creases his lips is beaming, amused yet genuine, though he's careful to try hiding it beneath the rest as he peers down at the Princess with a snort. He knows she's serious, that her statement was spoken in a moment of vulnerability.
"'Sides, it'll take a lot more than a few rough patches to make me think you're not worth the worry. So stop worrying so much - you're alright, kid."
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Still no master at how to handle these more . . . sentimental moments, he handles it the best way he can, by accepting it with a fluid sort of grace, not making too big a deal of it as he softens his usual harshness to allow for some fond, playful joking in an effort to keep things light.
Having just learned about how the Guardian's seemingly kept so close to themselves when it ironically came to stress, weaknesses of the heart, he couldn't help but sympathize with her to an extent. In hard times, people coped however they could, what they were most comfortable with. He had faith that in time they'd grow to be as close as they once were when the worst of it all came to pass. For now? He didn't mind looking after the headstrong girl till she found her footing again.
In a way, he owes it to Sora to help taking care of his friends while he's away, & admittedly, his own reasons stem from a place of quiet understanding.
Moving to wander past Kairi, he waves a hand nonchalantly in the air, heading in the direction of the garden's market square with a slight laugh. "So, there. Congratulations, you got me to care about you, now hurry up & make tracks or else we'll be late. Don't want all the good seeds to get taken, do you?"
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                      ➤ @blitz-heart
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