#✯ | here piggy piggy ( mason verger. )
sigmadecay · 2 years
🎶 what song do you think has major [insert character here] vibes?
Okay, hear me out: Piggy Pie, by Insane Clown Posse, for Mason Verger. I will not be accepting questions at this time
🚗 you're stuck in a 7 hour car trip with 4 hannibal characters. make your dream ecosystem. who's driving and who's giving directions. do you make it alive
Alana is driving. She seems the most unshakable. Jack Crawford is the copilot and he will alternate with her if she gets tired. Sometimes he gets annoyed w the idiots on the road but he does have some truly unshakable patience. If Jack is driving, Alana will move to the back and swap with Beverly, who will take over as copilot and let Alana sleep. I’m playing the license plate game with Abigail in the backseat.
🌚 if Hannibal and Will were stuck on the moon, who do you think would kill the other with a rock first
Will would snap first. No question. Hannibal would try to play the long game but Will would succumb to cabin fever, lose his mind, and beat Hannibal senseless with a moon rock.
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