#✩ … video mofessional ⊿
raahims · 7 years
hi im mo (she/her) and the only thing on my mind right now is angel.mp3 so i dont have anything else 2 say im sorry except pre-order fifth harmony by fifth harmony o im est and 20 
❝ ——・✧ ( ZAYN MALIK ) may the ark provide you a good life ( AMIR RAHIM ) !  you are now at the age of ( TWENTY-FOUR ), and identify as ( CISMALE ). around the ark you are known as the ( OVER-THINKER ), you’re a ( DETERMINED ) citizen even if you’re sometimes ( DIFFIDENT ) !  with your contribution to the ( ARROW ) station as ( A TEACHER ) we’re going to make this place a better home for us, and our future generations. 
i tried for a prettier label because we love pretty words! but he’s not a ponderer or daydreamer, he’s an over-thinker
it started as him just being v curious because when you’ve got an older brother who can vividly remember leaving earth to live on a spaceship?? you’d probably hear them speaking of it and then ask questions 
that stemmed into him being a very cautious person + someone who runs over a single thought until it’s flattened and can hardly even be considered a thought anymore because it takes no effort it’s more like an unconscious brain process 
because of that he can convince himself of anything (works in his favor and against him)
but even when he’s not really thinking of anyThing he’s just sort of stuck in this state where he’s separated from everyone else (probably because he’s made everything become so monotonous — sort of like when youre walking somewhere you always go and then youre like wait um where am i going but turns out youre going the right way because we love muscle memory) so ! may have 2 call his name a few times 
ask him why he’s a teacher and the answer can vary ?? is it because he has the patience (because that’s necessary if you’re gonna be finding the beginnings and ends of everything) or because he’s paranoid of Major Things like everyone’s home being destroyed once again but if it’s anyone who can prevent that it’s educated people and obviously that has 2 start at the root and it’s the most he can help w because he’s not Crazy Bright or he’s just good with kids !
but even though he’s in his head a lot he’s not a Reserved person in the way that he talks to no one like actually ?? he speaks because he learned how to so he knows how to talk how many of yall know how to talk! you bitches cant even spell talk 
so ya if he’s comfortable he may speak too much but it’s not like “hey how are you so i was thinking about how this could all collapse right” he’s not that socially inept :/ he knows boundaries because he spends his days telling kids that there’s no relation between anything theyre learning and their mother’s affair !
he has parents who had a life on earth obvi but idk anything about that we’ll figure it out as it goes but he loves them <3 maybe
i’ll post something with a list of wc in a little bit (but if you like now im gonna assume you like something i said here and want 2 plot !)
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raahims · 7 years
okay here we go, WCs
I DONT WANT HIM 2 BE LONELY so he needs at least one (1) friend we can talk abt how close they are like maybe their familes are from the same country so they were on the same initial station it rly doesnt matter but we love platonic love 
he’s probably v intimidated by anyone who has a loud personality + thinks it’s too overbearing so if your chara is anything like that we can see what we can come up with?? 
like whether it’s like ‘wtf amir you ghost me 4 days out of 8 and the week only has 7 days’ or it’s like amir wants zero (0) parts at all idk
I DONT HAVE ANYTHING ELSE RIGHT NOW so onto the basics we go hedgehog with fist in the air.jpg
more friends
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