#♪ — pretend you know this song everybody. ﹝ .dwight ﹞
endtiimes · 1 year
anyway, now his tags are done, here’s some headcanons.
Only child; had no siblings, and lived alone with his mother. Absolute momma's boy. Father left sometime after his birth so Dwight never really knew him.
Was part of the Wildland Adventurers, and achieved the rank of 'Wombat'.
As described in the tome, had a rough time in high school. 'Geeky' and 'scrawny,' and pupils were onto that like vultures. Very much learned that life sucked the hard way. Grades were subpar; in spite of his efforts and his mother's faith, he'd only ever been below average.
Worked part time jobs during college, that being in the fast food industry ( PizzaWhat! ). After achieving certificates and getting nowhere, Dwight miraculously worked his way from a gas station attendant ( Phil's Petrol ), at a mall, and up to Supervisor at Peak 22.
After taking a trip out into the woods with his work colleagues, he downed some of the boss' moonshine and passed out. When he awoke, everyone was gone, and he wandered the forest until that was the last anyone saw of Dwight Fairfield.
Walking anxiety wreck with terrible self esteem -- constantly masks it, overcompensates with outfits and 'professionalism'. Stresses way too much over appearances. Yes, sometimes at the cost of his own lenses!
Doesn't have a driver's license -- does have a trusty bike though!
Gamer confirmed. Loves pop music. Anime is cool. Comics are awesome. Conventions are a mixed bag.
Loves doggos. Doggos are the best. Usually the leash is stronger than him though.
Typically very unlucky with love. His lack of confidence and insecurity surrounding his appearance don't help with this. Has actually tried speed-dating before but to no avail. In the closet, because omg boys.
Though a flighty anxious mess, Dwight attempts to prove himself among other survivors. He utilises his experience to give good direction, but also winds up overcompensating to prove he's just as useful as his teammates. Has a bit of a superiority inferiority complex in that regard.
Nonetheless, he can't stand injustice and is typically very altruistic -- it's just that usually it backfires in someway or another, and sometimes at the cost of those around him. No good deed goes unpunished, as the saying goes. Perseveres no matter what life throws at him still.
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endtiimes · 1 year
dwight tags!
♪ — pretend you know this song everybody. ﹝ .dwight ﹞ ♪ — you've wasted your life but thanks for applying. ﹝ .dwight / musings ﹞ ♪ — runnin' on adrenaline and one hour naps. ﹝ .dwight / aesthetics ﹞ ♪ — everyone's laughing at me‚ but not like they used to. ﹝ .dwight / visage ﹞ ♪ — somewhere someone's got it worse. ﹝ .dwight / hcs ﹞
♪ — and i'm tryin' too hard‚ but i can't not try. ﹝ .dwight / main ﹞
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