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taigaselfships · 1 year
💭 how do u feel abt mr. guzma,,
he seems like a pretty cool dude.
he just wants to be appreciated and tbh if it meant joining the villains i just might do it too. also, mad respect to a bug type specialist. i could never but it makes a hell of a team. As much as i loved Jessie and James in the anime team skull seems like my kind of people. Just a bunch of misfits who annoy people more than anything.
10/10. Seems like a cool dude. And he gets a redemption at the end, which is neat. Extremely valid taste.
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taigaselfships · 2 years
How about 1, 13, and 14 for Lady Dimitrescu? If you'd like ~
~ librarian-lover 📖
1.When you first met, what were your first impressions of each other? Did they start off positive right away or were they negative? Did your impression of each other change over time? If so, what made them change? Initially, Alcina was curious, even if she kept her distance. She let Catherine live in the castle, observing her until she had ideas of what Catherine was about. Their initial interactions were rather clinical and observational, growing warmer as Catherine was in the castle longer, until she was pretty much another member of the family.
13.What’s something really embarrassing that happened between you? Has it become a funny story you tell to friends now or is it a deep secret you’re both taking to the grave? The height difference took some getting used to, so there's a lot of stories that can be told regarding that. It's something that they can look back at and laugh about now, but it was something that had a large adjustment period.
14.When was the first time either of you cried in front of each other? Is crying in front of the other something common for either of you? The first time was when everything that had happened to Catherine finally sank in. In less than a year she'd gone from a normal young woman simply looking for a change in her life to something not quite human, superpowers, living in a castle with a vampire woman and her three bug daughters. Alcina was there to comfort her not long after Bela found her crying in the gardens. It's not a common occurrence to see either of them crying in front of the other, but there are moments where it does happen.
Thank you for the ask! @librarian-lover
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taigaselfships · 2 years
Tumblr media
this is just a place for me to hoard my tags so here have a meme-
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taigaselfships · 1 year
💭 + *hands you my beloved Roland*
~ librarian-lover 📖
upon some extensive wiki reading
this game seems like its got a WILD story
he seems like a guy I could be friends with
As crazy as his life apparently is, hes pretty chill about it which is an admirable thing. In his shoes, id be freaking out.
A guy who strove for greatness only to realize that greatness was won through less than optimal means and has seemingly tried to change it, or at least himself, for the better.
I feel like he deserves a hug and like... a nice warm hot chocolate. Or some hot tea. Warm beverage. A chance to relax a bit.
Also, the fact that he like, accidentally stumbled into this weird interdimensional library thing while looking for a sandwich shop? Amazing.
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taigaselfships · 2 years
4 and 10 for gavin reed? :D
Voice ask time! These got very ramble-y and it's evident I don't know how to plan what to say while recording myself talk. lol
Here's number 4 : Mention one of my favorite canon moments involving my f/o
And here is number 10! Tell a story of the time my f/o and I had our first date.
Thanks for the ask!!
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