#♛ C: Cicero
longdeadblonde · 10 months
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I think Dia, Cici, and Ake love each other, they just don't like each other. They definitely prefer each other to their other siblings, they'd sacrifice things for each other, cover for each other, and spend a lot of time together and are able to have a good time. Other than that, if they weren't siblings I don't think they'd want nothing to do with each other. They go out of their way to hurt each others' feelings and mock each other. Needless to say, their relationship isn't healthy but it their eyes, it beats the alternative.
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longdeadblonde · 1 year
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Cicero and Dialen as far as the eye can tell, are two beautiful and classy young women. They're almost nymph-like in terms of attractiveness, playfulness, and tendency to drag those who find themselves infatuated with them through the mud. The graceful femininity is a front of course. Behind closed doors they will fight each other over mundane things, get obnoxiously fucked up on wine, loudly talk shit, and subsist entirely off red meat, candy, and tobacco because why would they want anything else.
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longdeadblonde · 1 year
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Cici keeps a lot of mirrors around the house. She's a maximalist so the walls already have a lot of stuff on them, but there's up to three mirrors in each room. She'll tell you that it's to make the room feel a little bigger or brighter, but the truth is that she has them set up to keep an eye on what's going on in the house.
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longdeadblonde · 1 year
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  Cici absolutely loves making her and Fausta matching outfits and having professional portraits taken of them together.
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longdeadblonde · 1 year
FIRST MEETINGS MEME A meme for first meetings and introduction threads, aka a ‘What you will notice about my muse first’ cheat sheet. Repost, don’t reblog. Bold what applies. Fill in details. (Please do not remove the credit + blank meme link)
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tagged by: Stole it from my VTM account lool tagging: Steal it from me!!!
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Sex: Masculine. Feminine. Non-Binary. Notes: Cici aligns and presents herself as feminine but she really could become anything or anybody. She likely doesn’t completely subscribe to the notions of human gender as she’s seen what it means to be feminine or masculine evolve on the whims of culture and fashion.  
Race: Currently presents herself as white. 
Complexion: Pale, almost milk-white. Of course she keeps herself smooth and just a smidge rosy since it’s what’s considered attractive.
Height: 5′9″
Body Type: Endomorph. Mesomorph. Ectomorph. Other / More Details: Ye olde hourglass figure.
Body Build: Small. Medium. Athletic. Muscular. Soft. Curvy. Voluptuous. Other / More Details: Somewhat idealized since it’s (again) what’s considered attractive but she’s got a full bust and wide curved hips. That said, she’s not rail-thin. Her waist is narrow in comparison to her bust and waist but it’s not teeny tiny and is enforced with muscle. Her thighs and arms are also pretty firm.
Body Hair: None. Shaves/Waxes. Trims/Grooms. Untamed. Color: Pale blonde Notes: Cici doesn’t like the idea of being completely barren of body hair, especially below the belt.
Head Hair: None. Buzzed. Short. Medium. Long. Very Long. Asymmetrical Cut. Color: The classic platinum or light ash blonde, though she really liked the strawberry blonde look she had in the 60s. Style: Currently, she’s got a “hime cut”; so a fringe with two pieces on either side. 
Eye color: Ice blue Details: Her eyes always seem to be strangely glossy and catch the light really easily. She has a very piercing stare.
Scars: In her truest form, Cicero is half-rotten; the left side of her face and belly are a perpetually festering wound. 
Fashion Style: Vintage. Traditional. Casual. Artsy. Vibrant. Geeky/Nerdy. Tomboy. Sporty. Trendy. Preppy. Girly. Bohemian. Elegant. Formal. Grunge. Punk. Rocker. Gothic. Other: While she’s aware of the trends, Cicero has a taste for anything Victorian and 1970s Victorian-Edwardian revival. She isn’t above modern clothes though, she’s a bit of a Haute Goth if she sees something she particularly likes the silhouette of.
Color Palette: Mostly all black but red and purple are thrown in to mix things up.
Typical Clothing: The outfit that pops into my head when I think of her is a knee-length Victoriana dresses. Something tight around the waist, with a high collar, and a lot of lace. Ornate necklaces, earrings, rings, brooches, back-seamed stockings, and stilettos heels.
Piercings: Lobes and uh. . .a Christina (vertical mons pubis).
Tattoos: N/A
Other Information: Cicero’s a seamstress and has worked previously as a weaver way back then. She often makes her own clothing and uses Victorian sewing principles, so her clothing her very carefully and painstakingly stitched by hand. 
General Facial Expression: She always looks like she’s listening intently because she probably is. Sometimes she’ll give a little flirtatious glance just to tease people. She’s also prone to a slight pout. She’s very deliberate with the facial expressions she makes since she’s aware how it will effect other may perceive her. 
Default Body Language: Stands upright, tall and proud, often with her legs slightly parted and her arms crossed. She does her best to make her dominance known whenever she walks into a room.
General Movements: Again, she’s calculated in her approach. Refusing to stumble, slouch, or make herself seem smaller than she is. She moves with an unwavering confidence.
Presence: She can be a bit off-putting as she can be inviting. Young and pretty but her worldliness might throw people off since it’s not something you’d expect from somebody who appears her to be her age. She makes no effort to hide her nature to those who know she is. To those people, her presence can be almost oppressive and anxiety-inducing.
Appearance: Pristine. Manicured nails, brushed hair, clear skin, pressed clothes, and just smells pleasant. She almost appears too perfect, like she just stepped out of the pages of a magazine.
Scent: She prefers red fruit based scents: like pomegranate, strawberry, cranberry, and maybe a hint of jasmine. Though if you were to hug her a little too long, maybe you’d catch the whiff of putrefaction, earthy and almost sickeningly sweet. 
Voice Description: 
Accent: yes / no More information: Cicero has long mastered the art of mimicking. She can adapt to the style of speech of any region. At the moment, that Northern Californian accent is what she’s mastered. She doesn’t want locals trying to probe her about where she’s from so she won’t utilize any other accent.
Speech Mannerisms: She tends to sing her words and accentuate certain syllables when she’s explaining something. I would say she keeps things to the point. Whenever she’s with her siblings or maybe other demons, she does slip into a more archaic pattern of speech.
Anything else to add?: I love her to bits but she’s so evil. Maybe more “in-tune” muses will be able to see that she’s full of shit.
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longdeadblonde · 1 year
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  Cicero is definitely a doll collector. She’s a maximalist on top of it so on her big frilly bed, she’s probably got teddy bears, boudoir dolls, and decorative pillows packed on. She does it primarily because it’s cozy for her and she thinks her dolls are cute, but also weeds out the people not worth keeping around, be it friends or potential suitors. 
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longdeadblonde · 1 year
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  Cicero, without a doubt, is the most jealous of any of my characters. You take an incredibly mean-spirited demoness and you make her feel threatened within her relationships, one of few things she holds sacred, she’s going to lash out. It’ll be messy, it’ll be bad.
  Platonic, romantic, it doesn’t matter. If she feels in danger of being replaced or that somebody is making themselves competition, she’ll do anything in her power to come out on top. Too low is never low enough for her. 
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longdeadblonde · 2 years
Tag dump #1
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