#♕  *  in the queen's favor     /     saved.
stormbcrn · 2 years
dany's nickname comes from how ethereal she is, how she looks as though she is moonlight itself roaming the earth . . nahl kun! or living light! (fun fact: kun also means "goodness", "rightness", or "the right path". ❤️)
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what a creative and  endearing  nickname !!!  dany is in love with it.  she has always felt a connection to the moon for many reasons, but to name a few:  she was born at night in a raging summer storm,  and the moon controls the tides so she has always felt it was tied in with her destiny on both sides of the narrow sea,  the legend she learned from essos that says the moon is a dragon’s egg,  her silver, moon glow-y hair,  and lastly,  drogo’s own nickname for her  –– ‘ yer jalan atthirari anni ’ or  moon of my life. 
when she first asks remilia what the words mean,  and remilia explains to her about their connection to moonlight,  dany would literally stop breathing ( in awe! ) she would be so touched that remilia could not only pick up on the draw she felt towards the moon,  but would also use it affectionately to name her as an extension of its light.
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lostthistime · 1 year
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“In the name of the warrior, I charge you to be with brave. In the name of the father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the mother, I charge you to defend the innocent. Arise, Dion of the Riverlands, a knight of the Seven kingdoms,”
Born as a bastard in the Riverlands, Dion has always had to struggle to survive. His parents were a disaster growing up, an abusive mother with a drinking problem and a father who shines for his absence. His main priority has always been keeping his little brother alive, and because of that he's had to learn various ways of earning a living. Most of them, dishonest. He picked up various skills on the streets : ranging from barehanded and sword fighting, to pickpocketing and stealing, to flattery and of course lying.
Dion’s had to take many odd jobs throughout his life. He’s guarded places and sometimes even people, he’s cleaned and worked brothels, he’s stolen and even killed for gold. Dion had done plenty of dishonorable things to stay alive. One day when his brother Corvin awakens with a nasty fever, Dion is forced to travel with him to King’s Landing in search of treatment. While Dion is in the city trying to find a way to save his brother, he meets Princess Daenyra Targaryen and thinks that she is his only option to obtain enough money for his brother. In a desperate attempt to save his brother, Dion tries to kidnap the young princess for ransom but is quite shocked to discover that she is no damsel in distress. Dion quickly realizes that his life is in the hands of the Princess who isn’t known for her mercy so he explains his situation and by some miracle, she actually helps him.
Amused by his charm and impressed by his fighting, the Princess decides to spare Dion and pay for the treatment for his brother. She decides to offer him the chance to become her personal knight despite the various warnings of Otto Hightower and Lord Lannister, and actually she takes him in. Quickly both of them become two sides of the same coin, familiarizing themselves with one another and the former mercenary vows to protect the Princess with his life.
The Princess and her sworn sword, always being around one another developed quite the relationship. One that stirred rumors wherever the two went. From their midnight strolls together that the maids swore ended with them both between the sheets, to their morning training where they were a little too close. The two always seemed to find themselves attached at the hip. Many rumors spread throughout the kingdom about the “Orphan Princess” and her “rescue” Knight, but there was no one brave enough to say so to King Viserys. Young Dion quickly rose through the ranks of the Kings guard thanks to his talent and keen intellect. Many others were envious of his rise despite his lack of birthright, and deemed it due to the Princess’ favor. But he still manages to become one of the most important and best knights in Westeros.
“You know, I think this is the first time you and I have gone this long without speaking. If you’re upset at me you should just kick my ass like you’re use to Princess, if you keep giving me the silent treatment I’ll be forced to start flirting with the maids for fun.”
“Do you think that she snuck off with someone? There is no way she wou-, oh gods where is my fucking horse? She is probably halfway through the fucking woods. PRINCESS I’M COMING,”
“Ser Westerling warned me about you, the ‘honorable’ knight who can’t keep a single vow. Sad isn’t it? I’ll give you a warning of my own, if you keep talking about Princess Daenyra I’ll give you that honorable death you keep seeking. Dying for the sake of the crown, a nice toast at your funeral. You can’t hide behind the Queen’s skirts in here.”
“I don’t think you understand how vital you have become to me. You are the very reason I fucking exist, I think of you before I think of anything else. I haven’t met a single woman on earth that has stripped me as bare as you have, you have brought me down to my very soul. I don’t even have the luxury of admitting this to you without risking my life, but yet I cannot help but do so. I have been fighting for life ever since it was given to me, and yet I have never fought harder then when I fight for you. I am so in love with you that I’ve come to terms with the fact it will kill me.”
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stormbcrn · 2 years
muse’s associations.  repost and fill in the words with what you most associate with your character.
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animal:  in canon verses, dragons.  in modern verses, cats. colors:  light purples leaning more pink than blue, silver, and red. month:  april. song:  lilith by ellise. number:  two. day or night ?  night. plant:  ivy.  roses lined with thorns. smell:  as khaleesi,  dust, sweat, and horses;  dry grasses matted with tangles in her hair.  desperation and strength tangled as one.  as queen,  lavender steeped in her baths to keep her hair silvery-white;  summer fruit, wine  . . .  smoke, and ash. season:  mid-summer. food:  blueberries.  lamb.  she cannot stomach dried meats after escaping the red waste. drink:  mead –– honeyed wine. astrological sign:  scorpio. element:  fire.
tagged by: stolen from @marblecarved​ ♥ tagging: you! if you see this and would like to do it for your muse, please do it ! 
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stormbcrn · 2 years
Tag a quality blog, You’re it! Quality doesn’t means that you have a lot of followers, or a lot of messages. It means that you’re nice to other people, and you deserve to be happy. If you get this message, someone is telling you that they love you as you are, and they don’t care how many followers you have. Send this to 15 blogs who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen. But it’s just good to let someone know that you love them. :)
this was such a nice surprise –– thank you anon!! ♡
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stormbcrn · 2 years
*whispers* ily
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*screams* ILYSM
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stormbcrn · 3 years
@prophecyveined​ said: one of my favorite details (because i have a lot) about your muse (especially the way you write her!!) is how she balances strength with gentleness, if that makes sense? i love that so much, because she truly has so much on her shoulders yet still manages to show love & mercy. ♡♡♡
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go on anon (or not) and tell me your favorite detail about my muse!
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you are the absolute sweetest !!!! this was v important to me right from the start of this blog, that’s why I ran with the purple aesthetic and why my blog title is “a gentle heart” –– I really wanted to portray the softness in her just as much as the strength! i’m so glad that comes through to you in my writing ♥
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stormbcrn · 3 years
@gevivella​ asked : smooches her cheek !!
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     “muña keligon, ao sagon EMBARRASSING nyke.”
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stormbcrn · 3 years
love u bbg ~ a text from mom
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txt: love ya too mama 🔥 💕
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stormbcrn · 4 years
tag dump
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stormbcrn · 2 years
@oraiososta​ sent: *blows kiss from Robb*
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     *blushing intensifies*
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stormbcrn · 3 years
hey there! you’ve been visited by the bear of encouragement, here to tell you that you’re doing amazingly, your writing is fantastic, and cheering you on to keep up the good work! xoxo
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thank you bear-y much !
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stormbcrn · 3 years
hey there! you’ve been visited by the bear of encouragement, here to tell you that you’re doing amazingly, your writing is fantastic, and cheering you on to keep up the good work! xoxo
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omg thank you!??!!  I appreciate your kind words so much. Thank you for spreading positivity in the RPC. YOU are doing amazing stuff too 💖
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stormbcrn · 4 years
characteristic about how I write daenerys targaryen that i love: whenever I reference the dragons breathing fire, I try juxtapose it somehow with dany’s breath
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