sol-consort · 5 months
With Survivor I’ve only got to the Citadel so I’ve only gotten a couple interactions but I was able to tell Jenkins (that’s his name right?) at the beginning of the game that those were some bad memories when he brought it up. The Spacer mission I actually missed and started it too late in the game so I wasn’t able to finish it but it was about a homeless vet that claimed to know my parents and you talk to him then go to the Normandy to call your mom to see if he actually knew them which she confirms that he did know them.
Also do you get blackmailed as an Earthborn? I had no clue about that
YOU GET TO CALL YOUR MOM? all I got was a throw away comment about having no family to Kaidan when he was trying to flirt with me, fucking ruined the mood.
YOUR MOM LIKE A WHOLE MOM THAT SHEPARD HAS? oh my god. Oh my fucking god I want parents too this isn't fair why must I choose between earth or parents.
And yes! The old gang you used to be with, the tenth street reds, congratulates you for being a spectre and says he can't imagine little Shepard all grown up and not the kid he used to know.
But he does it in a clear mean way yk? Then he tells you unless you want the whole news knowing your past in gangs, then you better do them a favour and free one of their guys, a xenophobe human who got kicked out of Chora's den.
I've always reported the guy and never looked back. Nothing happened after it, so that was an anticlimactic ending but still. Takes some courage to blackmail a whole spectre.
With the war hero, Jenkins tells you that you've already proved yourself in the blitz and he needs a chance. Also almost every important npc brings it up whenever you're trying to play the hero, they know you from the blitz before knowing you as a spectre, kinda nice. Some even bring up the medal you've got served.
Also, with the fan mission, he brings up Elysium instead of Eden Prime on your first meeting. Also if you're a woman than he flirts with you despite having a wife.
On the third meeting, you can charm him and bring up your background so he may stay home with his wife. Saying how you need someone back home for you to fight for, so you can go out there and risk your life for him and his wife to remain safe and happy. Something along those lines not the exact words.
I really liked the war hero honestly, i felt really recognised by having it more than I have ever felt by being a spectre.
The earthborn? Not so much. I expected visiting the moon in the dlc would get me something extra but nope. And now I've missed out on giving a mom call me :(
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sol-consort · 5 months
My Shepard’s name is the same as my bg3 character’s first name just spelled the way my name is actually spelled. My first playthrough he was a Spacer, War Hero, Infiltrator but in my current one he’s an Earthborn, Survivor, Soldier. I didn’t really have a favorite weapon but I liked using automatic rifles and pistols in the later games.
What's being a spacer and survivor like? The missions i got for my backstory were pretty nice.
I liked earthborn Shepard starting in gangs and shady business before aiming for a better life, especially how well in contrasts the war hero where they grow up to become a legend with adoring fans.
It really puts the blackmail mission on a new pedestal because it's not just their reputation as a spectre they'd be losing but also their hard earned savour of Elysium one.
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sol-consort · 5 months
Also have you said what your Shepard’s first name was yet?
That is a secret between me and my gravestone <3
What about yours btw? Which background and things did you end up picking for them? Fav weapon?
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