#☆ ;; heat-haze. ( dash comm. )
orchidhelm · 4 years
“ I have no idea what you people are talking about, and honestly, I don’t want to find out. ”
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why is he friends with these people, again?
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redstolen-blog · 6 years
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more like not so scenic isola...
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vexkader · 4 years
Solis Part 3
  I gasped, shooting up from the cold floor. My fur feeling sweaty and sticky. Wiping brow I was under the silver tree. Looking up to its purple leaves. The dream or vision, whatever it was. It was on Mars, this I knew for sure. 
  Looking back in front of me, the mysterious orb was gone now. The pedestal which it sat now empty. Shaking my head, I got up to my paws. Making my way back out of the cave, taking one last glance at the foreign structure. 
  The cave remained unchanged, only this time I followed the lava flow up. The dry heat turning back into the muggy soup like air of the jungle. 
  Catching my breath, letting out a few huffs at the base of the cave. I gazed into the jungle and sky. The yellow haze of sunset, casting steam off the tree tops. The forest floor being defined with a slight mist as everything began to cool. 
  "Ah shite!" I curse myself, with night falling is the worst time to be out here. Slashers ruled this time, their beady eyes peering through darkness as if it was nothing. 
  Dashing through the underbrush, leaves whipping at my face. I tried to raise BB, but communications through the thick jungle were hazy at best. As I got nothing but a load of static from the ship. 
  "Shite.. shite shite!" I stopped for a breather, looking around the jungle. I knew my way back for now, but my paws were sore from the sharp rocks. My chest raised and fell, my pupils wide and looking for danger. 
  My paw hovered above my gun, ready to snatch it from its holster at a moments notice.  As the jungle screamed and cawed its way to life at night, I still kept an eye out for this life.
  I still caught my breath, my comms came back in. BB doing his best to make contact with me. 
  "Vex?" His monotone voice came through. "What did you find?" 
  "We'll talk about it later, I'll reach the ship first then I'll go over it. Let me get out of this damn jungle first."
  "I see you're stalled, what is it?" 
  I didn't answer him, my ears darting to the back over a noise I heard. Something rustling in the bushes behind me. 
  "I'll get back to you."
  Turning around with my revolver drawn, the polymer and metal gleaming from the tiny shards of red sun poking through. I took a steady breath, stepping forward just once. Trying to draw out whatever creature made that noise. 
  Sure enough it revealed its ugly head. Shiny black scales dawned a thin dinosaur like head, two bright, tiny, crests protruded from its snout and chin. Facing me were four beady eyes, a sickly pale yellow stared right back at me. Sharp needle fangs sent shivers down my spine, as it stepped forward with three razor sharp claws on it hands. A dotted purple strip ran from its muzzle, eyes, back, and tail against the dark black scales. All leading up to why they're called Slashers. A protrusion of bone, like a blade, came from the tip of the tail. 
  If I wasnt careful it could go right through my armor, ignoring the shielding on it! Stepping back now, I took in the size of this animal. It wasnt large by any means, adult slashers could grow as tall as a man. This one was maybe half that, but that didn't matter as single one this size was well enough equipped to kill. 
 Out of instinct I shot at the creature. A bullet ripping through the air near its feet, sending bits of dust flying up and up! It screamed and hissed, mock charging me and waving its tail. The two of us circled, my own teeth baring out of aggression and partly fear. 
  With a wiggle of its rear, it went to leap on top of me! Quickly I raised an arm and tossed it to the side, letting another shot rip as I tried to hit it! Its claws leaving their mark in my armor. 
  Landing with a grunt, it quickly got back to its feet. Hissing and snarling, saliva dripping from its fanged jaw. The Slasher was furious with me, its prey, wanting nothing more to stab me and gut me. Clamp its jaws on my throat and feast on my innards. All things considered I preferred to keep my insides, INSIDE of me. 
  Though one mistake almost gave it its wish. Paying too close attention to its claws and maw, I soon felt the sharp sting of its tail pushing itself into a weak point in my armor, my arm being set a fire as muscle was cut. Letting out a yell I pushed the muzzle of my gun forward, letting out a few desperate shots hoping one would land. 
  Bellowing and yelping, it was unclear if I hit it as it scampered off into the jungle. Even if I did, it knew I was wounded as well. Smelling the blood that seeped from my arm, sticking to my fur. Now it was my time to run, as I stuck my gun back into its holster I took off. Grabbing my arm from the pain. 
  Dashing through the dense jungle, I started to hear calls behind me. The Slasher had run back to its pack, and they were hot on my trail. Calling and hooting like something from a dinosaur movie, fear struck my heart. I couldn't fight them all, no way I could, one small one nearly took me out. If it was just a bit higher.. no, do not think like that. Just run. 
  "BB!" I called into the comms desperately, pushing away palms and branches. Knowing I was close to the ship. 
  "Your heart rate is elevated, what did you piss off now?" 
  "Slashers! Get the ship ready now!" I yell out again, the clearing in which I landed getting closer. Pain in my arm dulling my mind as blood still seeped under my armor and in the tear.
  "You brilliant genius! What made you think fighting Slashers was a good idea!"
  "Now is not the bloody time!" 
  Dashing and almost tripping into the clearing, blades of grass danced back and forth from the power of the ship. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, leaping to the deck and climbing aboard. Looking behind me, I could see then running after me. Bounding over the field, wanting revenge. Quickly I closed the hatch and watched them come for me. Smiling just a bit knowing they wouldn't feast on me tonight. 
  "Maybe next time you scaley bastards." I said surprisingly calmly, panting and huffing as I was soon reminded of the pain once more. 
  "It appears one got you." BB chimes in now, as I tilt my head and smirk. "Just a bit, didn't even feel it at first. Thing got so scared it ran off after that." 
  "Hmph, I suppose it was full-grown too."
  "Damn right!" Slinking my way back up inside the main parts of the ship. I stripped off my armor to show blood and sweat soaked clothing. Tossing everything aside to be cleaned and washed, far enough away for me to not notice the smell.
  Heading to the bathroom, I look behind the mirror for my first aid kit. There in a bright red box, with a large cross plastered on the front of it. Using my thumbs I pop the case open with a click, all kinds of bandages, cleaners, and stitching before me. Picking up an alcohol pad, I tear open the casing and toss it into the garbage beside me. 
  Sitting down on the toilet, I begin to wipe at the wound. Wincing as the pain seared through, blood being pushed aside and out of my fur. Revealing a gross gash into my arm, the blood pretty much stopping at this point waiting to be cleaned. Which I did, cleaning and removing the blood, taking my time to carefully not re-open the wound. 
  Once the red was gone and my greyish blue fur back, I want to pick up a stitch pack. My head now pulsing and my paws getting shakey. Pain staying well overdue its welcome. I sighed and tried to get a grip of myself, but this itch would not go away now as long as pain existed. 
  Giving in, I grab the stitching pack and head back into my room. The the now dark jungle seen from the window, the Slashers nowhere to be seen in the black soup. Quickly I grabbed the orange bottle off my dresser, opening it up and taking out little white pills. 
  "Vex don't you do this again."
  I winced, leaning on the dresser as my tail started to swish. "My arm hurts, I need them." 
  "You don't need them you want them." His voice rang throughout the ship, trying to get me to reconsider my actions. 
  "BB don't start this, I wont be able to sleep with my arm like this."
  "You're killing yourself."
  "I'm not!" I snap facing his outlet in my room, angrily looking at the blue holographic ball. Turning back to the desk to stare at the bottle. I knew he was right, I just couldn't stop. Not when the pain was like this. 
  Tears forming in my eyes I dump a few out into my paw, not even counting them as I downed them. The tacky feeling being stuck in my throat for a moment, swallowing for a second time to get them down.
  "Why would you do that, you should've done at least one. The recommended amount if it was for the pain."
  "I'm fine! I'll just sleep it off."
  "How long before you don't wake up Vex."
  Growling just a tad, I close back up the lid and take out the stitching patch. Placing it on my arm and yanking the string, breaking it off unintentionally as I felt the stitching inside the pad close up my arm. 
  "I told you I'll be fine."
  "You need help." BB said in a low voice, to which I brushed it off and flopped into the cold bedding. Closing my eyes and laying my face into the pillow.
  "Piss off, I'm tired of this every damn time." 
  "Fine, but don't think I wont do it again. You will break this habit."
  Ignoring him now, I closed my eyes with the room dimming around me. The pills kicking in, dulling my senses, the pain. All of it going away as the time passed, the sounds of the air rushing through the ship. BB taking off gently to find a nearby port. The jungle turning to sky as the dark took me to sleep. 
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thatothercosplayer · 7 years
Re:Blaster/83 2nd Movement : Last Divination
Hikari sat forwards in the cockpit, flicking several switches before leaning back and flipping another few behind him. He pulled down the mic on his headset. “This is Green Earth to flight tower. You copy?” He asked, as mecha’s engines began to whir to life. 
“Hearing ya loud and clear, Green Earth! Hey! Shoot those Jark Matter bastards down, alright?” Ikura shouted over the intercom. 
((I suggest you listen to this, reader.))
“Pre-flight checks are complete. Open the gates, Ikura.” Hikari coldly answered, ignoring her comments. Hitting a switch above him, the shutters on the mech’s main cameras opened up. The panels on the displays filled with information, showing the current placement on known charts of the area, as well as his current heading, the system’s output, and other important information a pilot needed to know. 
“Roger that! Good hunting, Green Earth!” 
The launch deck’s gates slowly opened, revealing the reaches of space beyond. Hikari narrowed his eyes, taking a deep breath. The fleet of ships weren’t going to wait for them to get ready. It was do or die time. 
“Green Earth, launching!” He declared, grabbing the joysticks on either side of him and pushing them forwards. There was a jolt as the mecha shot forwards, propelled by the rocket sled it was standing atop. The sled reached the end of its track and it threw the black framed giant forwards, causing the pilot to grit his teeth. The rows of switches behind him receded into the walls as the 360 display booted up, showing the rest of the fleet’s forces deploying, with him in the lead. 
“Rogue Squadron, this is Green Earth. I don’t have much to say....go out there, tear those aliens up, and come home in one peace. Green Earth out!” 
He kicked the afterburners into overdrive, the mecha flying forwards. It extended an arm, a beam saber igniting out of the top of the arm. 
Ahead, the Jark Matter forces, with their imposing silhouettes, spiked shoulders, and mono-eyes swarmed forth in hordes, looking to eradicate all life on Earth.
Not today.
Green Earth met its first foe, stabbing the saber through the mecha’s head and laying its free hand on its chest. The pilebunkers embedded in it’s hand went off, crushing the cockpit. It severed the head, grabbing the body and chucking it at another nearby grunt suit. 
His comms crackled. “Hikari! I whipped up something brand new for you that should give you the edge.” He furrowed his brow, glancing over the dashboard to see if there was some new feature she’d put in to better augment his piloting skills. 
“It’s called the TOQ System!” She declared proudly. 
Green Earth split another mech down the middle before kicking its remains away. It raised its beam saber, slicing up a missle that had been fired at it. The two halves spiraled behind it, exploding and lighting it up in silhouette. 
“TOQ System? What the hell is that?” Hikari asked, somewhat frustrated she was cutting off his focus from the allied chatter and surrounding area. 
“It stands for Time Oscillation Quantum System! It’ll displace you in time so you can get the drop on your foes!”  
He growled. “Just get to the point!” 
“You can warp around and be stealthier. Sheesh. You’re no fun.” She signed off, the muffled chatter of ally units returning to full volume. A cap on the right joystick unfolded, revealing a green button.
Upon pressing it, the black paneling of the Green Earth opening up to reveal neon green lights. The eyes flashed blue, and it disappeared. The Jark Matter units that had surrounded Green Earth glanced around in confusion, before one seized up and exploded, the haze from the destruction clearing some only for aquamarine eyes to pierce through the screen. 
Green Earth dashed forwards, igniting the other beam saber and beginning to slice and dice its way through enemy forces. Elsewhere, the rest of the allied forces were struggling to keep up- the mass produced frames, while having strength in numbers, had inexperienced pilots at the wheel. As a result, they were getting torn up....
Until a new contender arrived. 
A sharp, knife-like ship jumped out of warp, throwing enemy forces into disarray as they maneuvered around it in an attempt to not get skewered. Five flaps opened up on the top, kanji painted across each one that read “マジスカロボ隊” (translator’s note: Majisuka Robo-tai, “tai” meaning squadron).
Five suits erupted out of them, leaping forwards into the fray.
“You didn’t think I’d let you hog all the action, did you?” A cool, feminine voice rang over the human comms. 
“Sis!? What are you doing here?!” Hikari shouted, Green Earth looking up from impaling yet another Jark Matter grunt. 
The pilot- Sado- smirked. “Heh...what else? Saving the world. Alright, girls! Let’s show these bastards from outer space how we do it back home!” 
The first suit- the leader- was white, and it had extra thrusters on the back. It was a perfect design, all around- capable of doing anything. It held its arms out, energy arcing between the two fists. It tensed up, before striking a karate pose and running forwards (somehow, despite not touching solid ground) and kicking a Jark Matter mech in the head, before following up with a rocket propelled punch. Blood red text on its shoulder read “00 -  サド “ (Translator’s note: Sado)
Energy coalesced into the shape of a sphere in its palm, before releasing. The white mech grabbed a colossal hammer off its back, swinging it like a baseball bat and smashing the energy sphere, which careened forth...right through several more grunts.
“Grr! Get the fuck out of my way!” 
Another Majisuka unit grabbed the head of a Jark Matter mech, its arm pivoting around several times before it launched the grunt forwards into a horde of mechs, using the thrown one as an imprompteau javelin. The sharp head pierced through not one, not two, but three units, all of them erupting into flames. The thrown unit was stunned, having taken a beating after flying through three of its allies.
This mech that had thrown it was salmon pink, and while smaller in stature it had plenty of thrusters covering its body. In blood red lettering on the shoulder, it read ‘01 - 渋谷 ‘ (Translator’s note; Shibuya). Not only was it maneuverable, but it was able to add some extra power to its attacks. It wasn’t armed with any weapons...just its fists. “Tch! I’m not done with you yet! Get back here!” 
She shot forwards, flying above the stunned suit, before heel dropping onto it, all the thrusters on the suit angling downwards. The suit was torn in half, and the attack continued, going through several more suits that were also obliterated.
Another one flew forwards, colored wine red. It had gigantic, bird-like wings and a segmented tail. The tail broke up into parts, which flew apart individually and began firing at every Jark Matter unit in sight. White lettering on its shoulder read “02 - トリゴヤ, “ (Translator’s note: Torigoya). 
“Aha...ahaha.....ahahaha! Wel~come baaack~” A cackle resounded over the comms as the bits shot up every foe, locking onto new targets with each successive kill.
This mech’s hands and feet were covered in sharp talons, which lit up to reveal they were actually beam talons. Spinning dramatically, wings spreading to their full width, it flew into the fray, rearing its legs up and grabbing another Jark Matter mech by the shoulders with its feet. It somersaulted, releasing and throwing the suit away. The wings closed up, forming a cone. Raising its arms, the crimson mecha clasped its hands together, forming the tip of a drill. It spun rapidly, piercing through its quarry and coming out, wings unfurling as the suit exploded behind it. 
The next one was black, with a solitary white cross painted on its chest. It seemed plain...at least, at first glances. It had an extended thruster compliment, making it look rather angelic. It became enveloped in a violet aura, the eyes flashing. The unit silently raised its head, before blasting off, becoming a living comet. It tore through Jark Matter units in rapid succession, a chain of destruction following in its wake. White text on its shoulder read “03 -  ブラック“ (Translator’s note: Black.) 
The last mech, colored dark green, had a rather sinister aura to it. It was covered in carbon scoring, smears of oil, and even the residue of the strange, neon fluids that Jark Matter used to fuel its mecha. It twitched as it erratically flew about the battlefield. “Hey....are you mad?” 
Snatching a Jark Matter grunt, it flew towards one of the enemy carriers, slamming it facefirst into the hull. It dragged the enemy suit along the outside. “Kyahahahahah! Can you handle the heat?” Declared the suit’s pilot as it deftly avoided the anti-air fire being directed at it. It smashed the suit into the command deck of the ship, getting bathed in flames as the ship began to go down. The stained white text on its shoulder read “04 -  ゲキカラ“ (Translator’s note: Gekikara).
“What the...” Hikari let out...he shook his head. Whatever! His sister and her friends seemed to be turning the tide. 
“This is Green Earth! I’m going in!” He shouted, pressing forwards on both joysticks. He cut a hole into one of the ships, flying inside and skidding to a halt. He’d entered a staging area, where plenty more Jark Matter units were waiting. They all turned their heads. 
Hikari rolled his neck, popping his fingers before grabbing the controls again. 
Green Earth lunged forwards, cross slicing through one unit before tackling the one behind it, driving a beam saber into its chest. Using the momentum, it hand vaulted off the floor, kicking away another grunt before driving a blade through it. Landing on its head, Green Earth angled its thrusters so it would spin around, knocking away more grunts Matrix style, before pushing off, jumping off the ceiling, and landing on the chest of another grunt, using it to grind across the bay and slashing through anything that got in its way. It Kickflipped the mech before doing an Acid Drop into a 360 Impossible, Ollying out of the ship right as it exploded. 
It was pretty clear to Jark Matter their invasion of Earth was a bad idea- they’d never had a loss this staggering. Regardless, they pressed on, releasing more grunts.
“Grr...they just don’t stop coming! How many of these fuckers are there!?” Shibuya shouted.
“Lemme help thin ‘em out!” A volley of missiles flew forwards, each smashing into a Jark Matter grunt and killing them. The source? Another mech that was colored silver, which was armed to the teeth. It had launchers mounted on both shoulders, on its arms, and on its legs. Its back had extra thrusters, on which even more missile racks were mounted. It released the rocket launcher it had been holding, and spread its arms and legs. Panels all over its body opened up, revealing...even more missile racks. 
“You guys haven’t seen nothing yet! I’m about to show them the Macross Missile Massacre! Taste the fury of the one, the only, Mecha Professor, Ikura-hakase!” The pilot declared. “Fire, fire, fire! IKEEEEEEEEEEEE!” 
Every single missile rack unloaded, releasing a gigantic wall of missiles that were so many, I can’t even begin to describe how many there were! Holy shit! That’s a lot! 
They spiraled and twisted in and out of sight, chasing grunts down and smashing into them, detonating and lighting up the battlefield like Tokyo at night. 
At her command, a gigantic missile fired from the human fleet’s main ship, about the size of a small cruiser. The silver mech ejected all of its empty missile racks (save for the internally mounted ones) and flew to meet it, landing on it and surfing it like it was riding a wave. “Yeeehaw! Let’s see how you like this! The one...the only! Ikura Deluxe! It’s the order of the day! Bon appetit, ya slimy bastards! Kozue....this one’s for you!” 
The mech dramatically pointed, the missile aiming for the Jark Matter mothership. “Go!” 
A close-up of the missile.
A close-up of the silver mech.
A close-up of the pilot, showing a cutaway of her helmet as she yelled. 
The missile had punched all the way through the front lines, where everyone else was, and reached the back, where the enemy fleet’s leader was.
The missile slammed into the mothership, a gargantuan explosion erupting as a result, sending out shockwaves that tossed the other Jark Matter ships out of formation and throwing any nearby mechsuits into disarray. The silver mech was tossed into the explosion, and it self-destructed. 
As a result of the explosion, the entire front half of the ship had been decimated; however, it was still operational. 
“CHIEF!” Hikari shouted, sounding legitimately distressed. Sure, she was annoying, but that didn’t mean she had to die! “Goddammit....goddammit! You didn’t have to sacrifice yourself!” 
He began to shake with anger, fists tightening around the Green Earth’s controls. “I’ll kill ‘em all! Every last one of them! I’ve lost enough friends to Jark Matter...no more! NO MORE!” 
The Green Earth’s neon green lights turned red as Hikari became blinded with anger, and it became consumed with overwhelming power. It tore forwards, rampaging its way to the back of the Jark Matter fleet. 
Compared to how he usually piloted, which was calm, analytical, and precise, now Hikari’s piloting was uncontrollable, Green Earth careening around as it tore into anything it could get its hands on. 
Additionally...he wasn’t as aware of his surroundings as he usually was. Which was why a Jark Matter grunt was able to sneak up on him. It lined its shot up, aiming right for the cockpit. It pulled the trigger...
The Jark Matter grunt exploded, a silver fighter flying through the destruction. “Hey, kid! Watch your ass!” Shouted the pilot.
“C-chief!? You’re alive?!” Hikari stammered.
“Of course I am! I’ve got too much shit to do to just die like that! Though, I gotta admit, that would’ve been pretty cool. Heh.” The fighter flew in closer. “Anyways, you might wanna clench. I’m about to ride you!” 
“Wait, what--” 
The silver fighter lined up behind Green Earth, before folding up and docking with the mech. The lights across it returned to green, as the silver fighter changed its hues to match the rest of the mech. “Docking complete! Hey, he’s still single, just so you know!”
“C-Chief, cut that out!” He demanded. 
“Right, right. Forwards! We got a final boss to defeat!” She declared.
Laser cannons sprung up, deploying over the Green Earth’s shoulders. 
“Right...let’s go! This is for all my friends....both living and dead! We’re gonna come home today!” Hikari declared.
“Fuck yeah! That’s what I wanna hear! Go get ‘em, kid!” Ikura shouted.
The Green Earth sped forth again, bearing straight for the mothership. It was tailed by multiple grunts, which formed up to chase after it.
The Green Earth dove into the mothership, flying past bulkheads, crossbeams, and other structural nonsense that would just be an obstacle during this final assault. You remember the run on the 2nd Death Star in Return of the Jedi, right? It’s like that! The grunts were unable to keep up, smashing into the various parts of the ship and exploding, damaging it even further.
Occasionally, it had to cut through several walls, but it finally reached the core. Conveniently, it was shaped like a giant arena, with the core of the ship being in a giant column that hummed as it ran.
Inside, a SUPER EVIL looking mech awaited Green Earth, and it had a super big cape that looked really dumb because it was fluttering like it was in the wind despite being in space, which is a vaccuum. I mean, fine I guess it looks cool but it’s dumb.
It tossed off the cape, which fell to the ground- this is really stupid I hate this- and it pulled out a beamsaber, which, when ignited, became a massive broadsword. How the fuck does that work? This guy’s trying too hard to be cool.
The two mechs clashed, and a comm line opened between them.
“Foolish Earthling! I, Zhen, the ultimate conquerer-”  “Hey! Asswipe! Shut up!” Shouted Ikura.
“What!? You dare interrupt me, the glorious leader of-” 
“BITCH, I SAID SHUT UP.” She yelled.
Immediately he was silenced. “Quit your yammering and fight! You think we give a shit!?” Hikari shouted. 
“Very well, then...let us dance!” Zhen cried out, laughing as the two mechs rocketed around, beam sabers repeatedly clashing. Green Earth fired at Zhenmech with its shoulder cannons, scoring a few hits now and again.
At some point the Green Earth, damaged and barely functioning, drove its beam saber through the Final Boss’ chest.
“What was that you called me? Foolish?” Hikari commented. “Well, looks like you’re the fool...’cause you’re dead.” He smirked.
“Hey, kid?” Ikura said.
“Don’t quit your day job.” 
Zhenmech exploded, and the explosion also knicked the core, which happened to be made out of a super volatile substance known to us humans as Explodium. Immediately it erupted into flames, and Green Earth began the journey out of the ship, flames licking at its heels as it dodged and maneuvered its way back out. 
However, the path seemed...different. Maybe it was just the alien nature of the ship, but the path had changed.
“How are we going to get out of here!? We’re gonna die at this rate! Dammit!” Hikari yelled. “We’ve made it this far...just to lose at the end!”
Ikura slowly lifted her head. It was like...she was in a trance. She saw an angel appear to her...it was Kozue! 
 “This way...”
“Hikari.” She said, in an uncharacteristically calm voice. Fuck, that was a big word. 
“What?” He asked.
“Fly up.” She said. 
“Just do it!” 
“If you say so...” 
The Green Earth angled upwards, holding out its beam sabers to tear through the hull.
The Green Earth was rocked as it flew through the ship’s husk...but it finally emerged, triumphantly escaping as the ship was consumed from the inside out, before finally being consumed in one gigantic, satisfying, climactic explosion that was really good and super cool to look at. 
Also, there was probably like, a really triumphant fanfare or something.
Okay, I’ve burnt out on this drabble. Hoped you enjoyed reading it.
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orchidhelm · 4 years
“ Evewyone is so negative today. Wighten up a wittle, yeah? It’s a pewfectwy wovewy day. ”
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“....uwu. ”
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orchidhelm · 4 years
“ uwu... I’m gwad that peopwe awe enjoying theiw days, but I have to wondew what the speciaw occawsion is...?  。.:☆*:・'(*⌒―⌒*)))  ”
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orchidhelm · 4 years
dearleader replied to your post: “ Evewyone is so negative today. Wighten up a...
“dokidoki. i hope senpai notices me today.”
“ If you twy hawd enough, I’m suwe senpai wiww notice you. Just wemebew to pwactice youw uwus, alwight? ”
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orchidhelm · 4 years
done and done, so this is more of a tag dump! i’ll add character tags as needed and start to replace old posts’ tags tomorrow.
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