#β˜… (β„‹) 𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 π’²π—ˆπ—‹π—„π—Œ
heespect Β· 22 days
β„’ost Time Β· n.rk
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pairing : Ni-ki x afab!reader
warnings : idk? It may probably sound a bit angst depending on some people's point of view
-note : honestly, I didn't like this that much but I spent last night working on this and I just decided to post it
wc : 1,3 k
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THE CAR SPEAKERS CRACKLED TO THE SOUND of the radio back then, singing the sweet melodies of the songs of the moment. However, their acapella could barely be heard as so many teenagers roamed the streets, enjoying their youth.
They had no time to waste, as sweat streamed down their foreheads and they laughed like wildlings after a few dumb jokes were told by one of their friends.
That was youth, the one you spent your entire childhood dreaming of, looking out the window and imagining when you would be one of those happy teenagers on the street.
But when we live in a world like this, there's nothing more ironic than time.
You couldn't quite tell exactly when your life seemed to completely unravel, following as if it were just an automatic flow that you wouldn't remember the next day. It was all so monotonous, you would repeat your entire routine daily, forgetting about the world outside. Why is it so draining?
Wake up, get dressed, have your breakfast, go to school, jot down any nonsense your teachers incessantly write on the boards, nod when your friends make a joke, go back home, do homework, and then sleep. You would repeat this tomorrow, maybe for the next few months, or maybe until the day you finally found yourself in adulthood, occupied with jobs and endless bills to pay every month.
At some point, you felt tired of this life, feeling empty. You saw yourself wasting away your life. Your youth.
But still, you felt unable to change it, suddenly feeling excluded from your group of friends and mainly feeling out of place in a place where everyone knew how to act or have fun. That was until you met him.
Nishimura Riki parachuted into your life, he was quite different and had a unique way of having fun. The boy didn't need to get high on alcoholic drinks or illicit things to have fun, he would just live life lightly.
That's exactly what captivated you.
When he introduced himself in front of the class, with his hair still dyed blond and a clumsy Korean, you would never imagine he would change your life.
"Hi..." He was the one who started talking to you back then, appearing on the terrace and standing right in front of you with a headphone hanging from one side of his ear.
"Hi?" You replied uninterested, almost about to get up from your seat and probably leave, ignoring his presence.
That might sound kind of rude, very rude, but still, you forced yourself out of this automatic zone. Come on, make new friends, live a little more than youth could offer.
But who were you trying to fool? Perhaps you had been living in autopilot mode for so long that you had forgotten how to act normally, how to interact with people instead of just nodding along to everything they say...
Luckily, that was easy for Riki. It was amazing how he could start any conversation, say or do anything that would make you laugh and want to talk more with him.
"Oh, you like him too?!" He practically almost shouted, ecstatic to find out that his new friend liked the same movie as him.
"Of course! Who's your favorite Spider-Man? God, I love Andrew Garfield so much!" You smiled excitedly, waving as you watched his eyes light up with excitement.
And that's how you became friends, sitting on the school terrace and sharing Riki's earphone, while randomly listening to his musical taste.
And then you started hanging out frequently. You rode bikes aimlessly or just went on any adventure he proposed. Sometimes, when you didn't intend to go out, you just lay on the floor of your rooms and talked about trivial things in life.
Thinking about it, that was the youth you dreamed of as a child. You didn't need to get high to have fun, you didn't need to sleep with strangers or probably be your parents' disappointment.
You just needed a Riki in your life to make more sense.
Fall was almost over, and soon winter would begin with small snowflakes falling on the gray streets. It was cold, but still your bodies kept warm as you left the large studio in the city center.
One of the main things you had learned about Riki over time was how much he loved to dance. His mother owned a dance studio, and since he was little, he was interested in and participated in it with his older sister and later with his younger sister.
It was his birthday, Riki was already turning sixteen when you suggested going to a dance studio with him to celebrate his years of life. The boy, on the other hand, immediately agreed to the proposal, promising to teach you some choreography.
Obviously, that didn't work out, you were so busy admiring his talents and trying not to step on his feet that the little meeting was just a failure.
At least a fun failure, you concluded.
"You're not going to get cold?" You asked, eyebrows raised, as Riki, in a gentle gesture, took off his coat to cover your body.
"Nah, I'm good like this," he shrugged, finishing adjusting his coat over his shoulders.
For a few moments, still that night, you considered kissing him. But you didn't, just admiring his beauty.
It had been a while since your heart fluttered strangely when it came to Riki. Sure, he was kind and had never done anything wrong to you; sometimes, he even treated you like a girlfriend, causing confusion in people who didn't know him.
However, you just considered that you might be confusing things. Riki had shown you the good side of youth, how to enjoy the moments, and he was definitely a great friend in the few months you had known each other. You imagined it was just your heart confusing gratitude with love.
The boy cleared his throat beside you, his hands brushing against each other as you both crossed the local bridge in the city, heading towards your homes.
"Thanks for coming with me to the studio, (y/n)," he smiled timidly, showing his white teeth. And oh... How you liked the way he smiled...
"No need to thank me, you goof!" You waved, nudging his arm. "Besides, I should apologize for not having money for presents or birthday cakes..."
Riki then scratched his head, looking away as you both stopped near the bridge railing.
"Um, actually, you don't need to buy presents to make me happy," he explained, looking at the hazy sky just above you both.
"How so? You gifted me well when it was my turn!" You waved, denying. "I'll give you something in return when I have money."
"In fact, you can give me something now..." Riki grumbled, reaching into his pocket.
Slowly, he approached, and you didn't mind, of course; this was the kind of attitude he had with you for some time. Before, you thought he would kiss you - you wanted that, but you would never vocalize it out loud, but then he just backed away,
as if he were teasing you.
Your heart raced when his stormy dark eyes met yours, shining as if a million galaxies were in them.
You would never know, but the reason for his sparkle was precisely because of you.
Riki hesitated, biting his lower lip as his soft hands touched your cheeks, slowly bringing his face closer until both were placed in a kiss.
A peck. That was the gift Riki wanted, and it also showed how worthwhile it was to embrace youth, creating memories with him.
The kiss was short-lived, your lips merely meeting his with a brief peck before slowly pulling away with flushed cheeks.
Today, you're happy to look back and reminisce about so many memories, to look at your hand and see the small silver ring on your ring finger.
Youth is like a fleeting butterfly, beautiful and delicate, dancing briefly in the garden of time before flying away.
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heespect Β· 24 days
β„±airy of shampoo Β· y.jw
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pairing Β· Jungwon x afab!reader
sinopse Β· going to dreamland was always the best part of your day, just to see the amazement of the love of your life, he.
wc Β· 671
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ONCE UPON A TIME, THERE WAS A BEAUTIFUL BOY. His eyes were as sharp as those of a curious kitten, and to complement his ethereal and angelic beauty, two small deep dimples rested on both sides of his face.
His voice was like a sweet melody, his scent akin to cotton candy, no, it was like clouds on a sunny day! And his touch... God, his fingers would always touch her as if she were something precious, perhaps a diamond, to be cherished and preserved forever.
He was like a dream.
Traveling to the land of dreams would always be her favorite time of the day. You would rest your head on the fluffy pillow with a scent of fabric softener, wear your comfortable pajamas, and then finally embark to wherever your mind took you. And her mind would always take her to a special place, where her heart would beat warmly at the sight of her beloved.
"I'm back, (y/n)!" The boy emerged from the salty waters and, in a matter of seconds, he was already by her side on the sand, with several shells in his hand.
"They're beautiful!" A shy smile appeared on her rosy lips; she would probably be blushing as she observed all the shells the boy brought for her. "Thank you!"
"You don't need to thank me..." He smiled, revealing the dimples that made her heart beat in her chest. "You like collecting them, right?"
And then she nodded warmly, her shy smile growing bigger and bigger.
It was amazing how he always knew, always would know her favorite flowers, her favorite food flavors, or the places she would like to go with him.
Maybe he was an angel? Or a fairy?
"You're very quiet..." He pointed out, his sharp eyes shining in her direction. The tips of his fingers lightly poked her rib, causing slight tickles and a wave of laughter.
"I'm not!" She denies, trying to move her hands away, even though she didn't have much strength to fight.
He laughed, just like a sweet melody coming from his lips, the boy continued tickling her all over her body.
"Stop it!" She shouted in response, already feeling her belly ache and her lungs lacking air. Rolling away from him, she got up agitatedly and ran away from the boy.
The boy laughs as he sees you running, stumbling on the sand and heading towards the sea. He also gets up, running towards you and easily catching you with his arms around your waist.
Laughter fills the beach, of course, there were more people in your dreams, but all of them only had their faces blurred and distinct.
The boy turns you around, still holding you in his arms. His scent is still perceptible even beneath the salty smell of the sea, small droplets fall from his damp hair, and his curious gaze examines every inch of your face as if you were the most precious thing in the world.
"Know that I love you, (y/n)," he announces softly, with his melodic voice. One of his hands slowly moves up to your cheek, caressing it gently.
You try to respond, with a small grumble and disjointed words that don't matter at that moment.
Slowly, the boy leans in closer to you, enough for your breaths to mingle with each other. His gaze lowers to your lips, then rises to your eyes again.
You swear you can see a million constellations just in his sharp eyes, all of them before he slowly seals your lips with a tender kiss.
It lasted briefly, yet also felt like an eternity, in a way that you could savor but also desire more.
When your eyes finally open, he's no longer there; in his place, there's only a dull white ceiling and the incessant noise of the alarm clock next to your ear.
Once again, your mind begins to accept that this was just a dream. Just something you would experience in Neverland.
Will you ever be able to find the owner of your heart and your one true love, Yang Jungwon?
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heespect Β· 2 months
𝒰nforgattable Β· s.jk
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pairing :: non-idol!Jake x nerd!reader
trope :: rivals academy
sinopse :: You used to be the standout student in the class, of course, that was until Jake came into your life. However, you would be wrong to think that he would want to be in your shoes. In fact, he wanted you.
wc :: 2,1k
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YOU'VE ALWAYS BEEN PROUND OF BEING the number one student in the classroom.
Owner of excellent grades, standout student, and class representative for almost three consecutive years. This was Park (y/n), the darling of both parents and teachers. To be honest, most of the time you'd be defined as a "nerd," but that was never a problem for you.
No matter what your peers said, at the end of the day, it was always (y/n) who would shine the brightest in school and consequently secure a good quality of life in the future due to your efforts and studies in the present.
Your life had been like this since childhood, nothing had changed, and even if it did, there were few chances of someone appearing and being better than you in studies.
But lo and behold, the universe decided to send a specific person your way this year: Jake Sim.
Jake was the Australian boy whose family suddenly decided to move from the country and ended up in Korea. You remember when you met him, he was sitting at the back of the room, hanging out with a troublesome boy you had never spoken to.
He wasn't ugly, in fact, he was very handsome, but you didn't care about high school romances at the time. The Australian was basically a good-looking and popular boy, definitely not some rare kind of nerd.
But curiously, that turned out to be the opposite.
It was a spring afternoon, the sun shining excessively warm, making the students sweat under their hot uniforms. Lunchtime had ended a few minutes ago, and as a good representative, you were helping to bring order among your classmates, making sure everything would be in place before the physics teacher arrived.
As usual, Jake and Lee Heeseung - the boy he befriended the first time he arrived - came in, chatting animatedly about some topic that wasn't of your interest.
"Go to your seat, Lee..." You ordered patiently, lifting your chin towards your seat.
Heeseung grumbled, shrugging his shoulders and winking at some girl as he dragged himself to his seat with Jake by his side.
The Australian, on the other hand, looked at you, for the first time since he joined your class. It was a different look, nothing special, but you swore you saw a fleeting smile.
The teacher finally enters the room, and the murmurs gradually cease until there is a vast silence. As a good student, you sit in the front row, with good posture and pencils immediately in hand, ready to write down the lesson topic.
"Good afternoon, students, sorry for the delay!" Professor Choi opens, spreading endless spreadsheets on his desk. "Long afternoon correcting papers and crying over your terrible grades..."
The teacher chirped, eliciting some laughs from the students. Gradually, he instructed the room to be silent, then began the class.
"Alright, can anyone tell me what singularity is?" The man squints, looking around the room sternly.
Once again, like the nerd you usually are, your hand is immediately raised, waving exaggeratedly for the teacher's attention.
"No one else?" He insists, letting out a sigh before directing his attention to you with a warm smile. "Go ahead, Miss Park."
"A singularity is a region of space where the curvature of space-time becomes infinite, sir," you recite without missing a beat. "The concept was first introduced in Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, where he predicted that if the mass of a star exceeded a certain point, the gravitational force it exerts would become so intense that it would collapse, creating a black hole."
Nerd. Definitely a prime example of a nerd...
"Correct!" Professor Choi smiles proudly. He greatly appreciates students who are as passionate about the subject as he is, and you are one of the brightest people he's ever had the pleasure of teaching.
"Tell me..." He prompts, always seeking to push his students that extra mile, "Could you explain what you mentioned about the General Theory of Relativity?"
"The other day, I came across an analogy while studying. I thought it explained Einstein's theory quite well," you continue. "Imagine a mattress, right? That represents space-time. If you were to sit on it, your weight would cause it to sag. That represents the mass of large objects in the universe, like planets and stars, exerting forces on space-time." You illustrate your explanation with small gestures, biting your lower lip as you try to accurately replicate the phenomenon with outstretched palms. "If you have a lot of matter and energy in one place, the mattress would sag so much that the object would disappear into it, like in a black hole. Right at the center of one, nothing from inside would be able to escape. Not even light. And there's your singularity!"
Professor Choi displayed a wide smile, attentively nodding during his lengthy explanation that lasted almost four minutes. The room was silent, no one could refute his speech, nobody even knew about the subject, and many were just focused on letting the class pass in the most tedious way.
"Excuse me, Mr. Choi?" A voice emerged, distant and probably spoken from the back of the room.
The older man squinted, searching for the figure calling him and immediately focusing on the newcomer. On Jake.
"Yes, how can I help you, Mr. Jake Sim?" The man cleared his throat, probably guessing it might just be a request to go to the bathroom.
"She's wrong..."
His eyes widened, it seemed like the whole world was collapsing at that moment. Simultaneously, all heads turned back in a domino effect, staring perplexedly at the poor boy. You weren't any different, turning your head so fast you could almost break your neck.
The professor looked surprised, but at the same time excited by the sudden appearance of the boy. Well, it wasn't common for many students to participate in his physics class, let alone boys who sat at the back of the room and were almost always unnoticed.
But of course, Jake was different.
He leaned back in his chair with a drawling voice: "She said that nothing can escape a black hole."
"And?" You scoff, feeling your head throbbing: "Are you telling me Einstein was wrong?"
"I'm not saying he's wrong, princess." He quickly retorted, before adding "Stephen Hawking did it. In the 70s."
Teacher Choi was practically on tiptoes at this point, finally starting to see where the boy was leading his argument.
"He found out that black holes evaporate, releasing energy slowly." Jake shrugged: "So, when that happens, where does all the information contained in it go? If it really can't escape, it's not like it can just disappear, be created, or destroyed..." He paused: "It's a paradox."
First, there was a pause. No one seemed to breathe in that environment. Then came the realization.
Professor Choi recovered from his shock-induced pause, applauding him in front of the class.
"Whoa, that's amazing, Jake!" The man was still speechless, but with an impressed look, he turned towards you: "I'm sorry, (y/n)... But Jake is right..."
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After that day, your whole life seemed to change.
Sure, it might have seemed like an exaggeration to an outsider, but only God knows how your head was in that moment.
Jake was unbelievably good at every subject, and when I say good, I'm not exaggerating. He could probably ace any math-related subject, he's good at sports, good with languages, and in any stupid club he could get into.
And it annoyed you. It felt like he was committing a sin.
During the first semester, you didn't care much. The tests were already approaching and even if Jake continued to be the new favorite among the teachers, maybe he wouldn't be so good at tests.
You spent almost three weeks studying in advance, reviewing every single detail, and striving for a good score. It was indeed a tough week at school: the tests seemed harder than expected, but fortunately, you had studied all the topics.
Surely, you would be at the top of the school score.
Or not.
Sim Jake 100/100
Park (y/n) 100/100
Two... The damn number two was the cause of your downfall.
As soon as the results came out, you were the first to squeeze into the crowd of students, struggling to get any glimpse of the big board showing the average scores of the students. As always, you imagined yourself being in the top 1, as you always did, but this time it was different.
You were a top 2, you could have done better, but you didn't. You could have answered two more questions correctly, but you didn't.
Heavens, your academic validation practically screamed within you.
"98? You did well, (y/n)," one of your classmates congratulated you from behind, then continued: "oh, Jake must have studied a lot..."
"Whatever, it must have just been luck," you grumbled irritably, marching away from the crowd of students.
You couldn't simply dismiss that score; the next one would be better.
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The library was nearly empty, save for the grouchy old lady guarding the entrance.
You walked hurriedly between the shelves, carrying books and notebooks in your arms, almost making them turn red from the weight. Your desk was cluttered with study materials, with hardly any space left for more books.
"Hey, I think this is yours!" You hear a voice behind you, but you didn't even need to turn around to guess whose it was.
"Hm, I don't think so..." you respond indifferently, looking over your shoulder to see the tall figure of Jake Sim right behind you.
And heavens, how handsome Jake looked that afternoon...
"But I saw you carrying this!" He shrugged, beginning to follow when left behind.
"I don't need it, you can put it back if you want."
"What's your problem with me?" Jake muttered softly, sighing heavily.
You decide to ignore him. There were several problems you could list, but suddenly they all seemed too trivial to voice aloud.
"That's not how it seems."
"What do you expect me to do?" You mock with false humor, forcing a smile and turning to face him.
"Is it because I said you were wrong in physics class?" He raised an eyebrow, taking a step forward.
"No," you deny, not budging an inch.
"Well, even if it were, it's not my fault if you were wrong, princess."
"Don't call me princess," you scoff, already exhausted from conversing with the Australian who was definitely more daring that day.
"You didn't complain the first time I called you that!" He quickly adds, "And it suits you."
Maybe it was the tension of the moment, you were so nervous and grouchy that you didn't realize how close he was getting to you. Jake, on the other hand, just flashed a wide mischievous smile, slowly encroaching any kind of space with you.
"Damn, you're quite the challenge, princess," he grumbles, rolling his eyes. His hands fumble among the shelves of horror books, putting the notebook in your hands.
"That book isn't here, Jake," you roll your eyes, about to put the book back in its place.
"I don't care about stupid books, Park. I want you."
And then, he simply kisses you.
You freeze in place, eyes wide open and almost ready to push him away. Jake, however, keeps his eyes closed and remains still, only his lips pressed against yours.
There was no movement, almost as if he wanted to ensure he wouldn't get slapped during the first few seconds, before finally starting to move.
His lips slowly moved against yours, his arms wrapping around your waist. You closed your eyes, instinctively putting your arms around his neck.
Jake pulled you closer to him, his tongue beginning to invade your mouth until both were vying for space, moving in harmony.
The kiss that lasted a few minutes suddenly broke, the two students panting as they stared at each other motionless.
"Damn (y/n), I don't want good grades, I want to kiss you," he concludes breathlessly, giving one last seal between your lips.
Well, screw being in second place. Kissing Jake Sim in the library was more unforgettable...
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