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dutiifully · 7 years
Allusions to the Past
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  ♎|| After a piping hot delicious meal courtesy of the adorable Tohru-chan, – her self-proclaimed “number 1″ fan– it was time to get down to business. That business being having a little one on one chat with the current reborn form of the Earth’s Prince, Shigure Sohma. Though now cursed with the spirit of a dog as bestowed by Metalia (as she did to almost all who were there on that fateful day) that accursed soul of Endymion still lurked just beneath the surface: Longing, waiting, anticipating for the day when he would finally reawaken just to have a chance to repeat the tragedy of the past… That sad, sad phantom of a past that plagued them all.  
It haunted her still, even now she could still see the faint traces of shattered ruins; the shadow of a silver kingdom erupted in flames. She could still hear the screams and cries of agony that echoed throughout the cold stillness of the night; the sound of war and genocide upon them, could still feel the weight of her majestic blade within her hands stained with the blood of the witch that led this campaign, traitorous ex-lover and the one she was sworn to protect. The corpses of her Princess and Senshi were strewn across the porcelain white marble stone hedges leading up to the moon palace, her princess clasping onto the hand of that despicable Terran Prince that brought them to this end; the symbol of her failure. A sword pierced her skin next, one last stab in the back from that damnable Kunzite whom she had mistakenly given away her heart to in a moment of weakness; the greatest mistake of both her lifetimes! Her blood permeated the battlefield alongside that of the other millions of victims, the last thing she heard was the sound of her killer laughing maniacally at her defeat as he watched her fall into the pyres of hell. 
Yes, she was falling…                               
You  𝐅  𝐀  𝐈  𝐋  𝐄  𝐃 !!
❝ …Mina? Mina? Hey, Mina!  EARTH TO MINAKO!❞
❝Eh?!❞  She was suddenly brought out of her thoughts by the screeching of a very irritated looking white feline who had now jumped out of her bag and onto her shoulder to get her attention.  
❝…What was that? Sorry Artemis, I must’ve spaced out there for a second, you know me, always the ditz ahaha!❞ She bonked her head playfully while forcing a big smile, clearly an attempt at trying to pretend she was alright. Unfortunately, her companion wasn’t so convinced….
❝Cut the crap Mina its no use trying to hide anything from me, I can see right through you!❞
Damn he was good! Honestly though she shouldn’t have been surprised, after all Artemis knew her better then she knew herself most of the time, why’d she even bother? 
❝That obvious huh?❞ She shook her head chuckling sardonically. ❝Okay what gave it away this time?❞
❝You mean besides that dark look you always get on your face when you’re thinking about that, or how about the fact that your fists were clenched and your whole body was shaking? Which your hands are still doing by the by!❞
❝ …Eh?!❞  She looked down at her clasped hands which were continuing to tremble, crap he was right! How long had they been like that? How did she not even notice? This was not good; a strong leader couldn’t afford to let any vulnerabilities show! She had to always be the unmovable, unshakable one, tough as steel and unfaltering as a rock. She was the one everyone was depending on after all, the only one that had to bear the burden of memories and with it the battle for the planet’s future.
Muttering a few choice swear words, she inwardly cursed her weakness.  ❝I’m sorry… I don’t know what came over me. I’m fine now.❞
Artemis, ever the perceptive partner was quickly able to get to the root of the problem. ❝A flashback?❞  
❝Just another dredging up of bad memories, that’s all.❞  She sighed. 
❝That’s all? THAT’S ALL?! That is most certainly not all! You were practically convulsing a moment ago, how can you just brush it off nonchalantly and act so blasé about it as if it was nothing more than one of your failed flirting attempts?!❞  This was most certainly trying his partner, Artemis knew better than anyone just how intensely the return of her memories was affecting Minako. There was still many a day when she would practically scream bloody murder as yet another nightmare of that tragic past plagued her dreams and brought with it another sleepless night. It was during those times that Minako would just get up and carry Artemis outside with her to the veranda of their apartment, saying absolutely nothing at all whilst staring down at the brightly lit city of Tokyo; her eyes utterly unreadable and filled with an emotion Artemis was too afraid to even question.  
❝This is obviously taking its toll on you and compromising your mental state, you’re pushing yourself to your limit and I’m worried about you!  Mina if this too hard on you you don’t hav-❞
❝ARTEMIS!❞ She cut him off mid-lecture with a stern glare.  ❝I have a mission… a very important mission that only I can complete, you and I both know that. I won’t let anything stand in my way!❞  Yes, she would be strong, she would not falter she would be the leader that she couldn’t be in the past and if that meant having to shoulder this burden all by herself then so be it. 
Looking at her now Artemis couldn’t help but gaze in awe on just how much of a battle-hardened soldier Minako looked. She stood tall and straight, fists clenched in determination with just about the fiercest expression imaginable on her face, her eyes betraying not even a hint of softness. She had certainly come a long way from the ditsy, ‘never takes anything seriously,’ irresponsible 7th grader he had first come across 2 years ago. Just looking at her now who could ever believe this was that same person? He was proud of her sure, his Mina was definitely blossoming into a mature, level-headed young woman worthy of holding the title of leader of the Solar System Senshi; what guardian wouldn’t beam in pride over that? But was it worth her losing her sense of humanity and heart in the process?  Yes, the Venus he remembered from back in the Silver Millennium was an exceptionally efficient, serious and responsible leader but she still always made sure to embrace the trait for which she stood: ‘Love. ‘  And with that love came the touch of benevolence she was able to meld into her being to create a perfectly harmonizing scale of balancing duality, much like the Libra scales for which she was born under; justice tampered with mercy. Minako now though? She was becoming something else entirely, someone more ruthless; cold. It was during times like these that Artemis couldn’t help but long for the good old days when Minako was that silly, flighty teenager, if only he could’ve preserved her innocence longer.
❝I know Mina, I know… It’s just you’ve been working so hard lately, too hard! Please, just try to take it easier, for your own sake!❞
❝I’m fine Artemis!❞ She clipped, irritability beginning to seep into her voice.  ❝I’m more than used to all this by now, so just drop it! Besides we should be paying attention to more important things at hand, like the reason we’re even here today. Central Control and Boss confirmed that Endymion’s reborn form has been getting dreams of Akito that’s causing him to be drawn to her, correct?❞  
There really was no point in arguing further with her; stubborn as a mule this one, Artemis sighed in defeat.  ❝Yes that’s right, both Boss and Central have been keeping a very close eye on Endymion’s reincarnation just like they have with Akito and the rest of the Senshi, the Shitennou, the Dark Kingdom basically all the Sohmas that fell under Metalia’s curse. And what they’ve found is that back when Akito was first conceived Shigure Sohma had a dream about her, he wasn’t the only one either. the reincarnations of his Shitennou Hatori Sohma, Ayame Sohma, Kureno Sohma and Ritsu Sohma also all had that same dream! The difference is that in the dream the Shitennou only felt the energy induced by the curse as well as feelings of profound sadness, probably due to vestiges of the memory of that day when they aligned themselves with Beryl and attacked the moon. Shigure’s dream was different though, the Eternity System -the Moon’s main computer system- detected that the stirrings of love and longing were conjured up within him from the dream, no doubt that was Serenity’s soul calling out to him trying to reawaken his memories. In any case, it seems like ever since that day Shigure has been unnaturally attached to Akito, in a very unusual way from the rest of those cursed.❞  
❝So even now her soul still cries out for him… And he– he can’t help but be drawn to her…❞  a strange glimmer of something seemed to flash in Minako’s eyes as she said this while she looked straight ahead; almost forlornly into the distance. 
Serenity, can you really not forget him? …Even after everything that happened? Even when your pursuit of him only brought with it destruction and ruin? She supposed she shouldn’t be surprised, after all even her Princess’s last words before she took her own life was a vow that they would find each other again. Even with her whole kingdom burning around her, her soldiers fighting for their lives and her father good and dead all she could think about was him! 
“Endymion! I love you! You are my first love. And the only love for me is you! Even if we were reborn I know that I would meet you again! I know that again, we would fall in love! We shall transcend time and be reborn. And the two of us… This time for sure… will be happy… Endymion….” 
Was history just repeating itself? Was this to always be their fate? No matter what they did, no matter what she did, was that great tragedy of the past simply inevitable? As sure a fate as Ace’s curse that she would always fail in love? No, she wouldn’t allow it! She will never allow that tragedy to once again come to pass, or else what was even the point of their rebirth, of this second chance the Queen had gifted them all? Even with this blasted curse intact would fate really be so cruel as to grant them the chance to right the wrongs of the past only to hastily snatch it back while laughing in their faces? Well fine, if this truly was what the Gods deemed them to then so be it, that wouldn’t stop her from fighting with all her might against it every step of the way through! Her face steeled with resolve, she turned back to face her partner. 
❝Was that all the information Central could find on him? What else have we got?❞
❝Other than that, not much, though the Eternity System did pick up some strange readings on his emotions and it’s just as I suspected! It seems like the reincarnation of Endymion is incredibly aloof from the world and is disconnected with practically everything around him, the readings seemed to indicate a huge black hole in his mind, much stronger than the memory block affecting the girls.❞  
❝So it’s as you said, due to being the Earth’s Prince–and thus essentially its guardian– he’s taking to his reincarnation much more difficulty than everyone else…❞
Artemis nodded.  ❝That’s right, when a Senshi is reborn on their own planet without their memories it creates a trigger in the planet which then begins directly resonating with the soul of the Senshi in an effort to ‘wake them up’ so to say. However, because the Senshi is totally devoid of memories this causes the resonation to be out of sync and thus severely messes with the Senshi’s soul and mind, thus causing the disconnect of self. They feel severely cut off from everything and go through life basically just existing, it’s almost as if a part of themselves has been cut from their core. That’s how powerful a Senshi’s bond with their home planet is, they can feel everything about their planet and the planet can feel them, they are always one and so when that bond is messed with it messes up the emotional and mental ‘circuit wirings’ of the Senshi’s brain so to say. Even though Endymion isn’t technically a Senshi since only women can be one, as the Prince of this planet he’s still its designated guardian and thus is eternally connected to the Earth and its environment.❞
That must’ve explained why Minako always felt so normal ( though perceived as anything but ) and comfortable in her new life before her re-awakening. Oh, sure she never got along too well with her parents (especially with her nag of a mom who was always a major pain in the ass) and her childhood was anything but rosy what with her family being firmly rooted in the struggling working class while the rest of her friends and classmates were all either comfortably middle-class or even upper, but dammit she felt comfortable and confident in her own skin! She had a life before becoming Venus –no, even before becoming Sailor V– The life of an ordinary cheerful middle-school girl who was popular, loved sports, was captain of her school’s volleyball team (who always kicked  m a j o r  butt during every school sports fest thankyouverymuch!) and who enjoyed goofing off and fangirling alongside her friends about boy bands and just any cute guys in general. Not anymore– those carefree days were long over, hell now she couldn’t have the luxury of even falling in love, not with Ace’s curse looming over her like a sword threatening to drop on her head at any moment to help complete her self-fulfilling prophecy. She was married to her job anyways, ironic that the so-called Senshi of Love would always put Duty before Love but that was her destiny and it was one she had already accepted long ago. 
Still, it was during times like these where she couldn’t help but reminisce on just how perfect her life had been before her awakening, compared to the others she never felt anything missing. No— no, that wasn’t entirely true, was it? Even during those seemingly carefree days she always had this slight niggling in the back of her mind, this sense that the life she was living wasn’t really the ‘real’ her, that it was all just a guise till the day when she finally re-awaken to her true purpose in life– that is: to be a soldier and protect that precious person; the most precious person she would ever have. Though again compared to someone like Endymion she was rather lucky, she realized now she could’ve had it much worse had she been reborn on Venus and not Earth. …. What must that have been like? She wondered. To wander through life completely aimless, feeling empty inside and like you’re not even you? She couldn’t even begin to imagine it and perhaps if she were a kinder person she would even find herself feeling sorry for Shigure. 
But Minako knew. –She wasn’t a kind person, not at all. She couldn’t be like her Princess was (or used to be anyways) soft and forgiving. Perhaps once upon a time she could afford to be but not anymore, that day hardened her heart and just like the fleeting joy of a relationship, mercy was another luxury that wasn’t becoming of her. In fact, far from feeling sorry for him, the knowledge that Endymion was suffering in his new life brought her a perverse sense of glee, serves him right! – she couldn’t help thinking. Let him suffer after all the suffering he brought upon her and her kingdom, he deserved nothing less after the destruction his selfish whims had caused; justice had been rightly served. Petty? Perhaps, but then after going through the things she did Minako couldn’t help to be anything but bitter. 
Though as much as she took pleasure in Endymion’s current state of disarray she couldn’t deny that it made her job harder. 
❝No doubt it’s that feeling of disconnect that’s making his pull to Akito that much stronger. He’s looking in that dream of her something to fill the void that he’s currently feeling, subconsciously he probably feels that she holds the key to the missing piece of his soul. But what I don’t get is if he’s as drawn to Akito as it seems why on earth then is he living here, outside of the main estate? It doesn’t make sense… One would think with his attachment he would want to be near Akito as much as possible, so why…?❞   
❝Mmm, I had Central look into that too, unfortunately when it came to that it was unable to discern any possible reasons for the move. It seems it happened a few years ago and unfortunately at the time Central wasn’t monitoring the Sohmas so it missed the boat on that one. As much as it’s the most powerful supercomputer in the galaxy the Eternity System isn’t flawless and still has its limits. For now, it can only monitor events that can be predicted such as the details of the curse itself as well as biographical information and emotion and location readings.❞   
❝That does throw an unexpected curveball at us, we’re gonna have to be more on top of things than ever, he’s planning something… That’s got to be the reason for the move, I just know it; I can feel it in my bones! Not to mention involving that young girl Tohru Honda in the affairs of the Sohmas… She’s just an ordinary civilian with absolutely nothing to do with this! Letting her live under the same roof with him and those two reborn Rainbow Crystal carriers where she could easily find out about the curse… Just what is he thinking?!❞  Minako’s mind was practically racing a hundred miles per minute trying to rack the brain for just what exactly he could be planning. They needed to figure this out fast, they were running out of time and now a civilian was mixed up in all this! That damn, manipulative Prince, how could he have plotted all this right under her very nose?! She was Sailor V– superhero vigilante extraordinaire with secret service police contacts all over the world and an advanced. super-computer AI intelligence system right at her fingertips! How could one powerless, reincarnated prince cursed with the spirit of a dog manage to slip right past her? Clearly, she was getting careless, it looked like she’d have to cancel those upcoming concerts she had planned for her new hit single and just put in more time at HQ, her manager would just have to understand… again. She had really been looking forward to these promotional concerts though, being up on stage singing her heart out to the cheers and adoration of an audience, it was during these scarce moments where she actually felt like she was truly living these days! And if she just kept cancelling like this how much of a set-back would this be for her career, her dream of being a world-wide, famous top idol? After finally making her debut too… 
No, no! She shook her head fervently, she shouldn’t be having these thoughts! The mission came first, always the mission; she had decided that a long time ago! Besides it wasn’t like her life in the present was ever truly important, only the past mattered, all their lives were dictated by it. The only reason why they were even reborn was to avenge the wrongdoings of the past and go on being protectors of this universe attending to their duties, that was it! In the long run, the name ‘Aino Minako’ meant nothing, it was another disguise, just another mask she donned like her Sailor V persona! When this body would finally give out all that would live on would be the spirit of Sailor Venus, their normal lives as regular human civilians were completely inconsequential as demonstrated perfectly by Endymion. Was he and his disconnection and longing for the past not the clearest evidence they had? What else did they have to live for? She would still continue to enjoy and savor the experiences as ‘Aino Minako’ for as long as she had left, but in the end, they were just trite frivolities; frivolities that were meant to be discarded if they got in the way of her true calling. 
Speaking of which… 
❝Yes, he slipped past our line of sight which means we’ll have to be even more on our game but…❞  A dark smirk graced glossy lips, plots and strategies running through her head begging to be implemented.  ❝This just might prove fortuitous to us, after all the farther away Endymion is from Akito the better, it's imperative that those two be kept away from each other at all cost! While out here he’s definitely more distant than if he were still living at the main house where they would come in contact practically twenty-four seven and even if he is planning something at least we finally know where he lives so we can continue to track his movements through Central no problem and I can keep my eye on him whenever as well. Not to mention the fact that those two Rainbow Crystal carriers are living under the same roof with him as well, it’s perfect I can monitor all three of them at the same time!❞
Yes, perhaps this might not be so bad after all, she could use that dog’s own plan against him Aino Minako style, he hasn’t outmaneuvered her yet! The battle-hardened leader of the most powerful military force in the galaxy could find the silver lining in any situation and use it to her advantage, transforming her easily from a Goddess of Love to a Goddess of War. 
There it was and right on schedule too! She knew that tone well, that slightly sorrowful, pitiable tone tinged with the desire to unleash an onslaught of a lecture; playing the part of concerned mother hen parent and Jiminy Cricket moral conscious both! Yep, just like Artemis knew her inside out, so too did she know Artemis; gazing into doubtful feline eyes just all the more confirmed what was coming. 
❝ …What? If you have something to say then just spit it out already Artemis!❞  Eyelids narrowed in a glare as her voice rose to take on an accusatory and already defensive tone, god she hated when he got this way!
❝It’s just… Are we really doing the right thing? You remember what the Queen said back at HQ, about letting them love who they were meant to love and finding the true purpose for our rebirth? …I- ❞ He paused briefly, shaking his head. ❝…I don’t think this is it…❞
❝Then what IS the true meaning of our rebirth Artemis?! You mind tryin to fill me in on that one, huh? What, is it for Serenity and Endymion’s pure love to get its second chance and have some-sort of magical fairy-tale ending?❞  She couldn’t help to contain the dark, bitter chuckle that slipped past her lips after uttering that line before continuing her tirade. ❝Cause I think I long missed the memo after watching our entire kingdom burn to the ground, Serenity commit suicide and an entire planet be obliterated thanks to Endymion and Serenity’s so-called ‘’love!’‘❞
❝But the Queen said–!❞  
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❝EVEN THE QUEEN CAN BE WRONG SOMETIMES! God Artemis, you just really don’t get it do you? How can you be so naive, open your damn eyes!❞  She was losing it, a flurry of pent-up rage and grief hurling itself towards the little moon-cat. She knew this explosion was unwarranted, that Artemis didn’t deserve it and that he just wanted the best for everyone (as stupidly naive as that was) but she just couldn’t help it! Artemis should’ve known that this was a touchy subject for her and that she had been holding it together for so long trying to be the strong, dependable one and to suppress her emotions. So, to be told that her judgement was wrong; to be treated like she was some sort of idiot who didn’t know better when SHE was the one who was left standing on the battlefield that day, who felt the blade of betrayal from one whom she thought she loved and now was one of the only ones who remembered everything and had to carry that?! …Well, she just snapped, so sue her, she was still human! She was trying her best here but apparently even that wasn’t good enough and she needed to be talked down to and patronized like she was still that irresponsible 13-year old child Artemis had first found 2 years ago and not the competent, capable leader she had been expected to grow up into; it was unnerving! 
She took a deep breath, willing herself to calm down before addressing Artemis again.  ❝The Queen was a wise and benevolent ruler but was always too soft-hearted and idealistic for her own good. She was never well-versed in the ways of war, preferring instead to take the pacifist route and believe that the innate good of humanity would eventually prevail, but I know, I lived on the battlefield Artemis! I was always there, right on the front-lines and I saw first-hand the harsh reality and brutality of this world, was literally stabbed in the back by one who I thought I could trust as an ally! So you tell me if I still don’t know what I’m talking about or if I’m ‘’making the right choice!’’❞ …Crap she was getting worked up again, (as per usual whenever she thought of Kunzite) reign it in Mina, reign it in. 
She continued,  ❝believing in peace and the concept that true love will conquer all and dissipate all the hatred and differences people have are nice ideals to have, but in the end that’s all they are: ideals and fantasies. The planets were separated for a reason, natural laws were put in place for that purpose. Serenity and Endymion were never meant to meet and fall in love, it is against the Gods’ law. Love between a Lunarian and a Terran could never be, in the end all it can bring is tragedy and destruction, the Earth and Moon are just two very different worlds. Their love is forever cursed, planet-destroying, nothing good can ever come from it! …My one regret is that I didn’t nip it in the bud right when I found out it was happening, that I even HELPED her sneak onto Earth and arrange her secret trysts with Endymion, for I too was once a naive fool blinded by high ideals and the belief that love is enough; well no more!❞
Yes, in the end, when it really came down to it, it had been her fault after all that they had all ended up like this. If only she had said no, put her foot down and resisted the charms of that sweet smile Serenity used to always flash her way whenever she wanted something. (as radiant and glowing as the moon for which she represented) If only she had been more cautious, responsible, shrewder, tougher– more like the leader that everyone had been counting on her to be (that she didn’t deserve) then maybe! …Maybe none of this would’ve ever happened, their beautiful Silver Millennium would still be standing, none of them would be cursed and living these false lives!  And, most importantly, Serenity would still be her loving angelic self, still be flashing that same beautiful smile at Venus as she always did; completely uncorrupted by Beryl. 
❝Oh Mina…❞  Artemis whispered softly, sympathy dripping from his voice as plain as day. His eyes filled with sorrow at the pain he knew his partner had to be through, but that she tried so hard to hide.  ❝…You still blame yourself for what happened don’t you?❞
❝I don’t–!❞  She bristled defensively but before she could finish Artemis was already cutting her off. 
❝YES YOU DO! How long have I known you by now Mina? I can hear it in your words, see it in your eyes! Gods Mina, keep lying to yourself if you want I can’t control that but don’t you dare try lying to me, your partner who has been with you through thick and thin for two years straight now, heck millennia even!❞  In a softer tone he added,  ❝Mina sooner or later you’re going to have to let go and accept that the past is in the past, you’re a new person now; everyone is! You have got to move on and quit blaming yourself for something you had absolutely no control over and that no one saw coming! The Queen doesn’t blame you so why do you continue to carry on to this guilt? Its destroying you from the inside out! I think… I think the Queen wants you to realize this too and that the true reason you were all reborn is that so you’d all get a second chance at life; unburdened by the shackles of the past. Serenity and Endymion too… That’s why she doesn’t want you to interfere with them, it wasn’t your fault then and it’s still not your fault now!❞
❝And what, risk the planet being destroyed AGAIN?! Risk the past repeating itself? Risk watching my princess die in front of me again knowing that I failed to protect her, failed to protect everyone; failed as a LEADER?! You might be willing to risk that Artemis, but I’m not, I can’t!  –I can’t put myself, put everyone through that again, I won’t!❞
❝It doesn’t have to be like the past!❞
❝BUT IT WILL BE, IT ALREADY IS! DON’T YOU SEE?!  Fate is already playing out right before our very eyes, why else would Endymion even be getting those dreams in the first place?! It’s our duty to prevent the tragedy of our past from happening again, that’s the whole and only reason we were ever reborn, the protection of the planet comes first! Sometimes hope and the belief that good will conquer all aren’t enough…❞  
❝But Mina—!❞
❝No buts!❞ Now a look of stern indignation crossed her face.  ❝I’m still leader and so my decisions are final, you’re going to have to learn to trust the judgement of the leader of the Senshi, this operation and the student that you personally trained! I think I have a lot more experience and expertise in this area than anyone else, so let me just do my job and LEAD!!❞
❝The subject is closed, I’ve made my decision and there will be no further discussion on the matter, have I made myself clear?❞  Her face looked every bit like the hard-hearted army lieutenant ready to go to war as she and Artemis got into something of a glaring contest, neither one willing to relent to the other. However she was still leader here and as leader she demanded that her decisions be respected, Artemis would just have to learn to deal! 
❝ Have I?!❞ The stare-down just grew harsher as she continued to stand her ground. There would be no letting up on this, nope. Not today. Whilst Minako’s middle name was practically “wild risk-taker” she was not willing to put THAT kinda gamble on the fate of the planet, this was no trivial little sports match or boy-chasing game; the future of the Earth depended on her! She held the fate of the world in the palm of her hand as the only one who knew everything, as the only one able to escape the curse! She was the one chosen to lead and take care of everything, the Holy Sword sealed in the depths of her bosom chose her! She could not afford to make a single mistake, all her decisions and tactics had to be made with swift precision and accuracy leaving no room for error! Placing her bets on an idealistic outcome for all which was the stuff fantasies were made of was both irresponsible and inefficient and she would just be making the exact same mistake as last time… 
After a few more moments of the little stare-down contest Artemis sighed and finally relented, not like he had much of a choice anyways. Once Minako got an idea into her head there was absolutely no convincing her as she charged straight ahead with all the strength and stubbornness of a bull, the girl had an ironclad will! ‘The more things change, the more they stay the same,’ he mused to himself. He just hoped Minako was making the right decision not just for the world, but for herself as well. But he supposed all he could do for now was just put his faith in her judgement and follow her lead as much as he internally disagreed. 
❝Fine, I get it, we’ll do things your way. Just remember that I still don’t like this and I’ll probably still be grumbling about it from time to time…❞
Minako couldn’t help but let a small, teasing smile slip past her lips at that comment. ❝Naturally, you wouldn’t be Artemis if you didn’t!❞  
❝O-Oi! What do you mean by tha–?!❞ But before he could get into another one of his disgruntled lectures Minako had already scooped him up from the ground and held him close to her chest, her body visibly relaxed and her eyes warm and genuine; such a stark contrast from the cold and ruthless war general that she appeared to be before! Even after being with her for 2 years straight it still amazed him how quickly and effortlessly Minako seemed to be able to switch modes on the fly! He didn’t think he’d ever be able to fully understand her, then again, he was almost certain no one would. 
❝Thank you…❞  Minako whispered softly, a rare display of gentle affection and gratitude that she hardly ever bestowed on her partner but it was comforting to know that no matter how tough things got or what path she chose she at least had someone on her side whom she could count on. Truth be told Artemis was one of the very few she allowed herself to trust and let see the tiniest of cracks in her armor, through thick and thin she knew he would always be there supporting her; a true friend. At least she had that much. 
Letting out an inexplicably exasperated sigh the feline couldn’t help but roll his eyes at Minako’s uncharacteristic sentimentality, probably an attempt to pull at his heart strings and get him to lay off her back for a while if he knew her. This girl sometimes, I swear! …Still, try as he might Artemis couldn’t resist the hint of a warm smile that was creeping up upon his little kitty lips. Insincere or not (one could never know with MINAKO!) Artemis wouldn’t have her any other way.  ❝Anytime Mina, anytime.❞  He murmured gently as he snuggled closer into his owner’s chest and finally allowed himself to be thoroughly touched by the moment. 
❝ …Didja ever notice how you just happen to look like a rhinoceros’s ass with your face all scrunched up like that?❞  Cue the familiar mischievous, toothy smile of which she was grinning ear to ear and an all too disgruntled moon cat whose cheeks that she was currently poking, was blushing profusely. 
…Annnnd there it was! She just couldn’t leave well enough alone huh? Just HAD to go ahead and ruin an all too rare, tender moment between the two of them with yet another dose of her tasteless teasing. …What was that he thought before, on how Minako had matured beyond her years and he could only wish for those days of yesteryear when she used to be nothing but a trouble-making prankster? Oh yeah, he took it back! He took it alllll back! 
❝M-Mina, I’m TRYING to have a moment with you here! AND MY FACE DOES NOT LOOK LIKE A RINOCEROS’S BE-BE-BEHIND!❞  
❝It totally did though, seriously, you should’ve seen it! Awww I should'da snapped a pic when I had the chance, you know, to preserve the moment? PFFFFT—!❞  She could barely contain her laughter anymore and was practically rick-rolling all over the place! If the thought of Artemis always having her back wasn’t cheering her up before this sure as hell was! 
❝I could’ve posted it to my webpage and used it to help cultivate my idol image, just think! The beautiful, multi-talented Aino Minako has a one of a kind of pet to match her one-of-a kind uniqueness and charm, a crescent moon-bald spotted kitty with a face that resembles a rhinoceros’s butt! I can see the headlines now: ‘Rising star Minako discovers never-before-seen, exotic, hilarious looking moon-cat!’ You would be a hit with the demographic looking for a comedy angle, GASP! I could bring you with me on tours dressed up in an ADORABLE little rhinoceros’ suit made especially for you! The paparazzi would have a field day!❞
A look of absolute aghast horror befell Artemis’s face as he could only imagine the humiliating scenario. ❝Please don’t…❞  He pleaded miserably at the starry-eyed teen who currently had her hands clasped and was laughing maniacally as she thought up more and more crazy schemes designed to exploit her long-suffering Guardian in the name of fame. 
It was times like these when he cursed Queen Serenity, the gods, fate, whoever thought that he deserved this punishment of being assigned as her guardian, any of the other girls would’ve been easier, any of them at all! Hell, he’d sooner switch with Luna and put up with a Beryl-abused, currently corrupted Moon Princess smack-dab in the middle of Dark Kingdom territory than endure another day of this abuse! What was a couple’ve of spoiled, wailing and whining temper tantrums eh? Surely even those were preferable than dealing with this daily abject humiliation at the hands of one hurricane Minako!
❝REMIND ME NEXT TIME NOT TO COMFORT YOU! That’s the last time I bother to go out of my way and give you a pep-talk, CLEARLY you don’t need it and are doing just fine on your own! Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice the shame lies with me.❞  
❝Mouuuu~ you’re just too much of a stick in the mud!❞  Minako pouted rather childishly in response, but it was clearly said in good jest as a second later she winked for good measure and continued with her boisterous laughter. 
❝And YOU need to learn to learn some sensitivity and to consider other’s feelings before opening that mouth of yours!❞
❝Yes Mom…❞  She shot back sarcastically in a monotone, bored sounding tone before going back to her giggling. 
But –despite all his mumbles and grumbles, the constant rolling of his eyes and whatever long-suffering martyr he made himself out to be in his thoughts, he couldn’t stop the sliver of a smile that reached his eyes during their whole back and forth. Deep, deep down he was glad to see her like this, it meant that she was back to normal (or however normal Minako could be.) Even if it wasn’t true laughter like during the early days, even if she was simply hiding and covering up her pain Artemis much preferred seeing her like this, all silly and happy and silently prayed that he always would. Hopefully with the caveat that those would forever remain her true feelings and she never know from sadness and hardship again… 
Unfortunately, the loving, carefree moment and light-hearted banter between the two was cut all too short as Artemis’s ears perked up whilst he heard the creaking of footsteps and noticed the shadow of a figure from behind the sliding door.  
❝Endymion at three o’clock!❞ He whispered in Minako’s ear softly and swiftly as he then quickly leapt from her arms back into the confines of the tote bag she was carrying.  
Minako for her part leapt immediately straight into action at those words, her whole demeanor changing right back into ‘serious leader-mode that meant business!’ Her head and body shifted instantaneously towards the porch door, her stance now completely guarded and closed compared to the open and loving one just seconds prior, it was time. Right on cue the faint sliding of a door sounded and out emerged her target from the shadows.  
❝Sohma-san is it? I’ve been expecting you.❞ Came the rather curt greeting as the pop star fixed him with a chillingly icy gaze, so completely different from how she was just moments ago; to a stranger’s eye it would be hard to believe that they were the one and the same, it was like she morphed into a completely different person! Gone was that sliver of vulnerability and in its place was a glare shooting ice-hot daggers filled to the brim with hatred and anger, a stark contrast to the girl who was gently cuddling and laughing with her cat just moments prior! 
Such was the duality of Aino Minako though and if Shigure was paying attention he would’ve noticed that this was no different from when she was having dinner with them just a few hours ago. Just like then she had been laughing and joking around with Tohru and the boys, calling Tohru adorable while haggling Kyo over with her ‘orange-top’ comments that were aimed to annoy, plus teasing Yuki over his supposed “Prince Charming” status at Kaibara High. Basically, acting like a complete goof-off who couldn’t take anything seriously, but if one was observant enough they would’ve been able to notice the cold, ruthless death glares she struck at Shigure whenever she caught a glimpse of him from across the table.  
Aino Minako, a girl of many masks and many sides; one whom could easily play both fool and executioner even at the same time, but which was the mask and which was the girl? Only time would tell…
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