#╰   ᵃ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ᵒᶠ ᵉᵗʰᵉʳᵉᵃˡⁱᵗʸ .   |   w. jungwoo .
oculvs · 5 years
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                   it’s been six days since she’s truly seen him , six days since receiving a single text , six days since he’s returned one of her many , many phone calls - a lot of which she didn’t truly remember even making . it was her desperate , pathetic attempt to get him to even say a single word to her after the events of the masquerade . & it was during those days where arden kept having to tell herself that this growing attachment of hers could be broken , that it was just another way for her to lessen her bouts of boredom . but she’s become so accustomed to him being a part of her life ; at home , in public , at their place of work , & anything else simply felt … wrong . it's strange , how reliant she's become to jungwoo's presence that even her attempts of taking copious colored pills & emptying liquor bottles didn't seem to do much to ease her worries . yet even she was smart enough to know there had been an underlying reason , one of which she wasn't ready to admit  -  not yet , that is .   --   it was a mistake , a single , momentary relapse of indignation that forced her into an action which sealed itself with unhinged guilt . arden didn't blame him for being upset , no , but more so the anger she felt with herself for allowing her emotions to act on something ; something she promised she would never take part in , something that she told herself would stay a part of the past . but as they say : like father , like daughter . 
                   she's unsure as to why she thought it would be a good idea to come to his home , standing before the door - frame as fingers toy with the spare key she now calls her own . but rather than entering on her own accord ( like she did normally ) , finger presses atop the doorbell . she felt like a stranger , absolved of any previous connection to the point where even being there felt wrong . & maybe it truly was a mistake to show up uninvited , but being cut off to the point of no communication for a week was more than enough for her to realize how much she genuinely needed his company , no matter how small . about thirty seconds pass , & she's debating on leaving , leaving & forgetting that she ever made the effort to fix whatever she broke - that is until she hears the lock click , door opening a moment later . arden still felt like a stranger , disconnected , unwanted .   '   hi .   '   it's barely a whisper , just loud enough for him to hear from the space between them .   '   jun , i - . . . can i come in ?   '   i feel so fucking awful .   '   please ?   '   please talk to me .  ( @sybcritics​ )
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oculvs · 5 years
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                   she's become more than accustomed to events like this ; a never empty champagne flute in one hand , other held by her accompanying partner for the evening with shared glances of faux happiness . in her case , that is , the fabricated affection is very much one - sided . it almost seems as though she enjoys playing this game with her peers , the role she's spent years & years perfecting until even she seemingly forgets the entire thing to be a lie . if only her ability to play the part lasted more than thirty minutes .   --   arden is quick to find him , her first guess as to where jungwoo would be at a forced charity event being correct . & it takes nothing more than a statement of apology to leave her boyfriend behind with a sea of donors more than ready to drown in a sense of self - entitlement . either way , her steps are practiced , quick against the barrage of people before her , & only moments later is she leaning against the bar  . . . intentionally too close to the familiar figure . intentionally close enough for her dress to catch against his suit .   '   it almost looks like we could have come here together .   '   the statement is passive , meant more as a side - comment . yet she knew how it would be taken , just the implication it had considering their current circumstances . she brings the glass to painted lips before turning slightly , figure now facing the man .   '   or is that just a coincidence ?   ' ( @sybcritics )
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