#┕━ ❛ ☣. post NG »» 𝗔𝗞𝗜𝗥𝗔〡being able to waste time doing nothing makes me realize my daily life is back to how it used to be.
causalitylinked · 2 years
@specialgels — continued from here ;;
     Honestly, after a boring day at school, he had only been focusing on getting home from the station... but upon making his way through the abandoned Underpass, Akira somehow found himself witnessing a familiar pig-tailed girl dancing and singing away, which had him cease. Of course, he recognized her immediately, for not only had he seen her on TV, she was also an idol featured alongside Momo Kuruse on several shows; furthermore, they had met near the convenience store back when a horror movie was still being filmed at Kissouji and Ami was there to accompany him.
     Back then, he had watched his younger cousin eagerly yet politely request Ai’s autograph and from there, a conversation revolving around Momo Kuruse eventually ensued; either way, they had been acquaintances ever since, so when she turns, all startled, he doesn’t immediately try to walk past her the way he normally would if he met her for the first time. Instead, Akira would return her gaze with his usual blank expression.
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     “...It wasn’t bad,” came his nonchalant admittance. “Sorry I didn’t speak up right away. I had been trying to figure out where I last heard that irritatingly catchy song.” Truth be told, he hadn’t been lying either, because the melody Ai was vocalizing sounded very... familiar, as if he heard it once before. Had Seiji been humming it? After all, his best friend happened to be far more familiar with recent bops than he was. Well, regardless, he’s quick to raise a brow, once something managed to occur to him. “More importantly, Kashiwagi... why exactly did you choose here of all places to belt out your tunes? You do realize people still pass through the Underpass every now and then, right?”
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causalitylinked · 11 months
tell me something nobody knows about you. (akira)
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            DO REVENGE. » still accepting!
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"Aah? And why is that any of your business?" Akira bluntly questions. Truth be told, he doesn't think he was seriously that interesting of a person, it would warrant her sudden curiosity... but even so, he'll pause to actually think long and hard about the question she asks; only, it didn't manage to outwardly show on his impassive features, so as far as Ryu could probably tell, he was probably staring off into space.
"...Fine. My old man was a murderer, but he went and kicked the bucket before he could even be charged for his crimes," Akira tells her at long last upon figuring that would probably scare her off from further probing into his past. "I never got to meet the sorry bastard, though, so to me, he's just some guy that knocked my mom up." Naturally, he neglects to tell her Yakumo Miroku would probably have never committed the crimes in the first place had he known of his existence, for as far as he was concerned, he had already told her quite a generous amount.
...Whether or not Ryu actually believed him, however, was entirely up to her.
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causalitylinked · 2 years
@pyonpyonpyon​ — continued from here ;;
    Truth be told, Akira was really only planning to head over towards the convenience store... but upon witnessing an incoming truck veering it’s way towards a certain girl he knew, he ends up having war flashbacks of that one time both him and Ami had to flee from an accelerating car through the Underpass, and by sheer instinct, he finds himself snatching Ai’s arm before pulling her back none too gently within three seconds.
     Thankfully, it didn’t seem like the truck had no driver as he watches it subsequently slow, but still, he’ll manage a frown the whole entire he watches it eventually speed off into the distance, because it simply brought back bad memories. Why, on the off chance he made the wrong decision back then, it’s possible he and Ami wouldn’t have even lived; either way, he’s quick to shift his gaze back down towards Ai once she tilts her chin up to regard him.
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    “...Watch it, Kashiwagi,” Akira finally states. “The last thing I need is seeing you flattened like a pancake.” Despite his words, however, he still helps her up to her feet, meaning if nothing else, he did seem to at least care. He just happened to a bit... brusque about it.
    “...You okay?“ Akira then brings himself to question, for he did end up roughly gripping her by the arm and potentially leaving behind a bruise in the process.
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causalitylinked · 2 years
STARTER CALL » @aaternum​ — 𝕣𝕪𝕦 𝕚𝕤 𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕗𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕪 𝕒𝕟 𝕒𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕗 𝕕𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕟𝕥.
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    “Eat this... and tell me what you think.” Without even waiting for Ryu to agree, Akira would set down a bowl of leftover teriyaki chicken with steamed broccoli and boiled rice before her. As far as he’s concerned, however, she now owes him, considering he had temporarily allowed her to stay when the heater at her place broke.
    “Not only did I make a little too much, it’s also gonna be Ami’s lunch tomorrow,” he then goes on to inform her. Honestly enough, Aunt Natsumi was normally the one preparing bentos for Ami, but considering something came up today, she couldn’t bring herself to cook tonight; therefore, the task had immediately fallen on Akira’s shoulders... and since Ryu happened to be a girl, he immediately considered her opinion to be a valuable one.
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causalitylinked · 2 years
"Are you sure you won't wear either of them?" Sonia frowned, looking as disappointed as she could manage in her creepy ragdoll costume from a certain holiday mashup film. She couldn't very well wear something too gory or disturbing in front of a child. Still, she was to bring Akira to the Black Rabbit for a small Halloween party and, as instructed by Seiji and Ami, to put him in one of the costumes they'd picked out: a wander rabbit mascot (Seiji) or a giant chicken costume (Ami). "I think Ami-chan and Amanome-san would be very disappointed if you didn't choose one. They selected these costumes especially for you!" (I couldn't resist a Halloween ask and this was too funny)
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         unprompted halloween asks. » always accepting!
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    “For the last time, Nevermind... I won’t be caught dead in either of those,” Akira adamantly declares before proceeding to scowl. Seriously, leave it to Seiji and Ami to make him absolutely detest this holiday. Not only did the costumes hardly suit him, he swore he would look ridiculous if he showed up as a rabbit or a chicken.
    Why, simply thinking about it has Akira crossing both arms across his chest, for there was no way he would tolerate such humiliation... even if it came from his best friend and younger cousin. “Then they’ll just have to deal with it. Knowing Amanome, though, I have a feeling he only wants to laugh at me in that weird-ass rabbit getup... but I’ll still show up to give Ami candy,” he then eventually relents while casting his gaze off towards the side.
                            “...And tell her I lost the costume she brought me.”
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causalitylinked · 2 years
UNPROMPTED STARTER » @firexflower​ — 𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕓𝕒𝕜𝕚 𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕤 𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟-𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕪 𝕒 𝕕𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕓𝕠𝕪.
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    “Hey, Ootani... do you want any tea?” Now that she was officially a guest in his apartment, Akira figured he should make her stay as comfortable as possible. Why, even if he didn’t have much to really offer Tsubaki in terms of sweets, he should still have some of that kobu-cha tea Aunt Natsumi had given him lying around, so he could at least make both of them a hot beverage.
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causalitylinked · 1 year
📱     :     ( SENDER )  calls ( RECEIVER )to check up on them. - mai @ akira <3
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         random acts of service. » still accepting!
Before the quaint theme for Wander Rabbits began playing on his phone with Mai's Caller ID flashing across his screen, Akira was just about to get ready for bed... but in the end, he grew so curious as to why she was even calling, he finds himself picking up.
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"...Kijima here. The hell did you want, Aikawa?" was what he finally managed to utter after answering. Despite his harsh words, however, no particular animosity encompassed it; in fact, he sounded more so casually nonchalant than annoyed, making it rather evident he wasn't quite upset with Mai for talking to him this late during the evening. Akira simply sucked at phrasing things less... disdainfully.
Then again, he did happen to be a delinquent with a rougher way of speaking, so if Mai expected him to suddenly be polite, well... she would certainly become sorely disappointed.
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causalitylinked · 1 year
i admit, i kinda got a little angry too. - mai @ akira 🥺
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                  gta v sentence prompts. » still accepting!
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     “You got angry for my sake, Aikawa?” Of course, Akira could hardly keep surprise from seeping through his voice as he spoke; after all, it wasn’t like he ever witnessed Mai being livid with anyone. Why, she always seemed so soft-spoken and gentle, the fact she had a gutsy side to her as well manages to take him completely off guard.
    What’s more, Mai had actually defended him... telling a resident living in Hanasaki Apartments he couldn’t have possibly burglarized her recently ransacked home. Granted, it was true, considering Seiji had treated them both to sushi during the alleged night a thief had barged through Nanase’s front door, but still, it left him at a brief loss of words, to the point where he’ll soon find himself sheepishly scratching away at dark raven tresses.
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     “...Sorry you had to do something that troublesome,” came his eventual utterance as he glances off towards the side, for when it came down to it, he rarely had anyone outside his close circle sticking up for him, let alone getting mad when he was wrongfully accused of a crime. Even so, he was thankful Mai collaborated his alibi, because as helpful as Seiji was, he was nowhere near an upstanding citizen as her... to that end, it wouldn’t surprise him if Nanase would easily believe her word over his best friend’s.
    “I’m used to Amanome always smoothing things over for me, so I didn’t expect you to really tell her off... but I’ll make it up to you somehow. Are you free tomorrow?”
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causalitylinked · 2 years
What's this? With Natsumi tending the Black Rabbit that night and Akira leaving his apartment on an emergency errand, Ami has been left in none other than Sonia's care. The Princess was given specific instructions to not cook anything in 'onii-chan's' apartment, but that didn't stop her from making a pot of hot green tea for her and Ami. Or from covering Akira's kotatsu table with children's books, colored pencils and paper (they'd had some coloring and drawing time), and a closed laptop computer (Sonia's, naturally). Except none of them are being used by the time Akira comes home: instead, Sonia and Ami will be found curled up beneath the kotatsu, fast asleep together on the floor of his apartment. Ami's perfectly content snuggled up against Sonia, and the older girl is holding her close. Neither one of them could resist the comfort of the kotatsu, though they both tried to stay awake to wait for Akira and Natsumi.
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                         unprompted. » always accepting!
     Since Seiji had needed him to collect money from a client of his, Akira found himself hopping onto his motorcycle and driving through the dimly lit streets of Kissouji to meet this unscrupulous man. Truth be told, he never really wanted to meet him to begin with, but considering his best friend promised that half the money would be his, he ended up going as a safety measure... if only because he was too much of a weakling to really withstand any potential attack from this client.
     Well, regardless... after acquiring the payment, Akira proceeded to drop by the Amanome residence to deliver the money, before finally moseying his way back home, where Ami and Sonia awaited.
    “...I’m home,” he announces as soon as he steps through his apartment; only, there was no answer, causing him to quirk a single brow upwards. Normally, Ami would be the first to greet him with a hug, so Akira found it quite odd; either way, he brings himself to take off his shoes before meandering over to the living room... and what he saw soon has him blink.
     Were these two both fast asleep underneath the kotatsu? Talk about carefree…
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     Even so, he finds his gaze softening, the longer he beheld Ami, comfortably asleep in Sonia’s arms.
     On second thought, he’ll just let them rest a bit more before stepping out and calling Natsumi to see what he should do.
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causalitylinked · 2 years
@amaurct​ — continued from here ;;
     It all  happened so fast, Akira barely had enough time to even register what had happened as Mai precariously tumbled back onto the pavement. Of course, provided the robber sped past him instead, it would have been a different story entirely, but earlier, his fighting instincts failed to activate, causing him to merely rush over to her side mere moments after she laid sprawled in a heap, while chatter broke out amongst the nearby onlookers.  Akira, however, somehow managed to drown out the noise, for all he could really focus on was the fact Mai might have been hurt.
     “Aikawa! Are you alright?” he’ll immediately kneel forwards with a shout, only to pause once his gaze plummeted towards her arm... and just like that, coal black eyes abruptly widened in alarm.
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    “...You’re bleeding,” came his subsequent, incredulous murmur. Had that robber seriously knocked her over, as if she were simply trash? By that point, rage then slowly churns within his gut, yet despite how tempted he was to pursue him, he also acknowledged he couldn’t leave Mai alone, no matter how infuriated he was; therefore, he’ll remain where he was, inwardly seething over the whole spectacle.
    “No shit it’s bad! You’re hurt, for fuck’s sake,” Akira soon retorts, allowing a troubled frown to meander it’s way along his lips. How could she keep forcing a smile like that when she was this injured? Honestly, seeing Mai putting on such a brave front around him was enough to make his resentment towards the robber skyrocket... still, the last thing he wanted was to actually deal with the police, so upon clicking his tongue, he’ll finally wind one arm around her shoulder and the other one beneath her legs before suddenly lifting her body up until he was carrying her bridal style.
    “...Tch, like hell I’m gonna stay and let the peanut gallery gawk at you, so obviously, I’m gonna take you with me,” Akira gruffly states, and with that, it doesn’t take long for him to start jogging off in the direction of the bar.
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causalitylinked · 2 years
"did you hurt yourself again?" mai questioned akira, a lace of concern amidst her words. it was like every time she saw him, he was somehow hurt again. she had not a clue why. "you should be more careful.. it could get infected."
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                       unprompted. » always accepting!
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    “...This is nothing,” he insists even as thin rivulets of blood continues streaming down his nostrils and fresh cuts remain peppered along the sides of his jaw line. Naturally, Akira doesn’t even deign to mention he got into another fight again and that this time around, he fought five armed punks from the parking lot behind a hotel, because knowing Mai, it would only serve to worry her even more.
    Thankfully, though, he had dodged every bullet and fled before the police could actually arrive, meaning somewhere along the way, he ran into her while stocking up on more bandages at the convenience store. Why, by that point, Akira could only inwardly curse that of all the times she could encounter him, it was when he was bloodied and bruised.
    Seriously, he was starting to think apprehending the thief who stole her wallet all those months ago might have been a mistake, even if said thief had stolen Ami’s cute cat-shaped bag, because ever since he taught that bastard a lesson and returned the wallet to her, Mai could never seem to leave him alone... especially when she found him injured
    “I’ll bandage up my face up when I get home... so quit fretting over me already,” Akira later adds in an attempt to assuage her concern. Truth be told, he was hoping that alone might be enough for her to finally get off his case, but considering the circumstances, he doubts she would believe he fell face first against the cold, hard pavement. Honestly, if nothing else, Mai wasn’t an idiot, meaning any excuse he could have made might fall on deaf ears.
     “Also... what are you even doing out here anyways, Aikawa?” Sure enough, upon concluding he didn’t want her to continue prying any further, he proceeds to hastily change the topic on her. “Isn’t it a bit late for you to grab a midnight snack? Or were you just unable to resist a good onigiri in the middle of the night?”
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causalitylinked · 2 years
[FRIEND] - sender shows the receiver an animal friend they caught before letting it go (For Akira, and thus by default Ami and any other members of the NG group you want to bring into this. Sonia has caught a hermit crab and has placed it on top of the sandcastle she's built/helped build.)
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                  beach / pool starters. » still accepting!
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     “...So this is what you two have been up to,” Akira nonchalantly muses aloud as he settles his gaze upon the hermit crab Sonia had plucked on top of the sandcastle she had helped build with Ami. As of now, he had just returned from the ice cream stand, carrying their respective waffle cones with one scoop being chocolate flavored and one scoop being strawberry flavored, for it wasn’t as if he had better fish to fry while at this beach; still... he hadn’t even been gone for that long and they had already made this much progress, despite it not having been twenty minutes since he came back?
    Naturally, at the sound of his own voice, Ami would then turn before flashing him a beaming smile. By that point, the hermit crab scuttles off the sand castle, making Sonia’s brief capture rather short-lived. “Oh, onii-chan! Thank you so much for getting us ice cream. While you were gone, Sonia had helped build a sand castle with me. Don’t you think it looks very pretty?” she questions, causing Akira to manage a nod. “Yeah, don’t sweat it... and for something you made in around ten minutes, it doesn’t actually look half bad,” he admits before relinquishing his hold of the ice cream cones to Ami, who would saunter over to accept them from him.
     No sooner had she done so, she then eagerly waddles up to Sonia with a small hand offering her the chocolate-flavored one... which almost managed to make a smile crack along his lips, were it not for the fact it suddenly occurred to him Seiji was nowhere to be found. “Here you go, Sonia!” Ami chirps and by that point, Akira would idly glance around, only to subsequently spot said best friend chatting up an older lady by the shore; needless to say, it doesn’t take long for him to roll his eyes.
    Oh, why was he not surprised? Of course Seiji would ditch them in favor of flirting with some woman more than half his age... 
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causalitylinked · 2 years
❝  don’t take this the wrong way,  but you don’t quite look well.  ❞ - mai @ akira
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         conversational sentence starters. » still accepting!
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    “...I’m fine, Aikawa,” he insists once he stops panting heavily. Of course, Akira neglects to mention that he had seen quite a disturbing vision upon brushing his gloved finger along the fresh bloodstain lingering against a lamp post; after all, Mai would likely not believe him, had he told her that for the last five excruciating minutes, he had witnessed a woman being brutally murdered.
     Thankfully, her assailant wasn’t some vengeful spirit, but a sicko with more than a couple screws loose; still, the last thing she probably wanted to hear was that he had uncovered a recent memory regarding a serial killer hailing from her own neighborhood.
    “Let’s just get outta here before the cops come hounding our asses,” Akira finally adds, only to then stalk off into the distance with his hands buried into his pockets. The way he saw it, it was really none of his business a sick bastard was out killing women; besides, even if he did try to attack Mai, he’s confident he would be able to break his ribs and the arm holding that ax.
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causalitylinked · 2 years
@firexflower​ — continued from here ;;
      Of course, he’s well aware that it couldn’t be helped they were perhaps heading the same direction, to the point where as far as anyone else is concerned, it might look as though they were walking home together... still, would it be a jerk-ish move for him to not accompany her until she reached her front doorstep?
    Truth be told, Akira never exactly fancied himself a gentleman like Seiji apparently was, but Tsubaki was admittedly easy on the eyes... at the same time, though, he didn’t want others getting the wrong idea about him, just because he ended up doing something nice for a gyaru girl he barely knew.
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     “...I was only wondering whether or not you would possibly give me shit for not walking you home the rest of the way. I mean, your place is kinda close, right? Besides, you are dressed... like that. How the hell should I know you wouldn’t raise a fuss about me suddenly leaving you behind to fend for yourself?” Akira finally reasons. Honestly, in his experience, girls were either annoying or baffling. No matter how indifferently he tries to act towards them, it somehow manages to almost always bite him in the ass, because he’ll either develop a soft spot for them or find himself at their mercy.
     Well, regardless, he’ll soon bring himself to stare blankly at Tsubaki when next she calls him attractive. “You think so? Well, for what it’s worth, you’re not too bad looking yourself, Ootani... and if I came off as a hard-ass, my bad.”
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causalitylinked · 2 years
“ Hey! Just the neighbor I wanted to see! ” Comes her greeting as she steps off the elevator, dangling a red gift bag between her forefinger and thumb. It’s with luck she’d caught him so late in the evening! She strides over with a bright grin, gently shoving the bag into his hands, “ You really outta’ get some new gloves, y’know? I hope it’s close enough to the style you prefer. Hard to tell when all you wear is black. ” She teases, strolling past him to head to her door, “ Oh! Your aunt mentioned you liked that chicken spot around here. I put a gift card in there for it too. ” Her key clicks into the door, teal hues lifted to regard him once more, “ Anyway .. Happy Birthday, Kijima! ” (for Akira!)
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                   BIRTHDAY ASKS. » always accepting!
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     “...What do you want, Tsukihana?” Upon hearing the familiar voice of his neighbor calling out to him, Akira would soon turn with a single quirked brow. Honestly, just when he thought the night was too peaceful and quiet, she suddenly comes, disrupting the tranquil silence he had momentarily basked in.
    Well, whatever the case, it wasn’t long until his gaze meanders it’s way towards the bag Ryu carries, causing recognition to slowly dawn on his features. Oh, great - Natsumi must have blabbed to her about it being his birthday, didn’t she? Then again, considering she came by so often, Akira wasn’t surprised his aunt took the time to idly converse with the occupants of Hanasaki Apartments, which was now renovated to be bigger and had an elevator installed after the landlord allegedly won the lottery; either way, he’ll eventually bring himself to retrieve the bag from Ryu while the corners of his lips twitched upwards into a sardonic grin.
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     “The hell is even wrong with my old pair? Sure, they might smell a little, but they’re still comfortable,” he soon reasons. “And excuse me for only ever wearing black. Not everyone wants to stand out or wear bright, flashy colours, y’know?” Despite his snark, however, Akira would be lying if he said he wasn’t appreciative of the fact Ryu didn’t gift him anything sweet along with the gloves and opted to just add a in gift card to his favourite chicken place. Why, for as annoying as she might be, he could at least conclude she was considerate.
     “Either way... I appreciate it. Thanks, Tsukihana. If there’s ever a time you don’t feel like cooking, come drop by my place sometime and I’ll cook you dinner. Usually, it’s just me and Ami anyways, so I don’t mind making extra.”
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causalitylinked · 2 years
"Happy Birthday, Kijima-san!" Sonia beamed as she took her seat across from him. The Ultimate Princess was, perhaps, the only one who couldn't quite read the room: or if she did, she didn't care. The yakiniku restaurant was one of the finest in Towa City, with the most rare and delicious cuts of wagyu beef (among other things), an array of side dishes, and a tranquil setting: there was a small fountain and zen garden that surrounded the entire dining area (they'd walked over a small bridge from the host stand to get to their table, and she'd excitedly pointed out the koi fish that swam beneath their feet).
But the exquisite, all-you-can-eat menu and relaxing atmosphere had nothing on the other clientele: several tables housed various company chairmen while another seated a popular K-pop group, due to perform in Towa City at the end of the week. But they all eyed the foreign girl and the delinquent with a combination of shock and displeasure: one of them belonged here, the other made them fear for both their faces and their wallets.
"I know you enjoy meat, so I wanted to treat you to meat for your birthday," She explained as she accepted the drink menu from a very jittery server. "I wasn't sure where to go so I, um, asked a friend of my family to recommend something. Won't it be fun to try the various types of beef?" She chose to leave out the fact that said friend was the Japanese ambassador to Novoselic: it wasn't a terribly important detail for the day. She'd thought of others though, like the two slices of cake the restaurant was kindly keeping cold for them until dessert.
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                    BIRTHDAY ASKS. » always accepting!
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     “...Thanks. I appreciate it.” No sooner did she seat herself across from him, he’ll express his gratitude with a mere awkward nod. Honestly, were he to be frank, Akira still felt out of place in such a nice restaurant, but for as stubborn as he was, even he couldn’t refuse Sonia’s invitation... not when it wasn’t everyday he could feast on expensive, mouthwatering beef and she had been so insistent on taking him there. Why, ultimately, he reasons that as long as it didn’t turn into a frequent habit, he would let her spoil him for once.
     Still... Akira would be lying if he said he was comfortable with all the stares directed their way; in fact, just from their judgemental glances alone, he knew he must not have belonged, to the point where he couldn’t wait to hurry out past those pristine doors after they finished their meals. Despite this, though, Sonia was able to afford everything; therefore, while it did feel like he was imposing on her somewhat, he had no counter argument against her reasoning as to why he should accept her kindness, which led him to warily agree.
    Once she mentions trying out the various type of beef, on the other hand, the corners of his lips would eventually soften until one could’ve sworn they spotted a subtle smile on his face.
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     “Yeah, I don’t really get to eat such high-quality meat that often, so I’m looking forward to giving them a taste; in fact, the only other fancy restaurant I’ve been to was a sushi place,” Akira brings himself to finally admit while lowering his gaze down towards his own menu, which the waiter had nervously set in front of him moments after handing one to Sonia. “But I’ll trust your friend has good taste. I’ll just have some water for myself, though, since I don’t wanna make the bill any higher than it has to be; ‘sides, I don’t even know what half these beverages actually are.”
     Seriously, the hell was a Margarita, daiquri, or an Aperol Spritz? Should you ask Akira, they seemed more French than Japanese.
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