#⍙ — [ yunalai ]
settriigh · 1 year
refuses to strain her neck to look him in the face. Qiyana shall address his chest whenever they talk.
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"Do.. you want me to sit down? Maybe squat?"
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yunalai · 7 months
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i don't know what happened guys they just spawned on my canvas it was insane
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umbane · 7 months
" awnnn, are you still mad you weren't invited to true damage? "
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"Mad? Do I look mad to you?" Sure he may have heavily suggested when he caught wind of the creation of True Damage that he would have been a good fit, and he might have blown up Akali's phone for so long that she kind of stopped responding to him, and he might have made a few regrettable posts about it on social media, but that doesn't mean he wanted to join it. Don't be ridiculous!
They were stupid for not inviting him, though. That much is certain. After all, what does Akali have that he doesn't? They're both rappers with bad attitudes. Akali's just a little more... palatable.
Anyways, he's not jealous, and he definitely never wanted to join.
"You guys are a bit pedestrian for my taste, anyways."
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mxldito · 7 months
" listen to me. as tempting as the idea is, we cannot simply blow up the Prince's car. "
From an Inbox Call
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"Oh, so you want to cut my balls off then. You want to neuter me. Okay, I see you. I see the kind of person you are." Coyote shook their head as they slipped the pieces of a shattered spark plug into the lower pocket of their cargo pants. Their grenades were gonna see no action tonight either. "You wanna confiscate my phone while you're at it, mom?"
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noxianwilled · 11 months
" Draven asked me to crush him like a watermelon? is this a Noxian idiom I'm not aware of? did he challenge me? "
— @yunalai
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She doesn't mind Qiyana's usual questions, content to help with any nuance the ixtali isn't yet fluent enough to understand — but it does lead to situations like this, where Katarina would rather not be involved in explaining Draven's meaning to the princess. The assumption he had challenged her somehow elicits a chuckle from the assassin, mild amusement coloring her explanation. "No, it wasn't a challenge — he was flirting."
"It takes considerable strength to be able to crush a watermelon with your thighs," she continues with a shrug. "So basically he was being appreciative of your thighs, princess." And hoping to be the thing crushed between her thighs instead of the watermelon, but she is confident Qiyana can pick that up on her own.
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ionianwanderer · 1 year
— a fellow Soul Fighter is staring incredibly disrespectfully.
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noxianflock · 7 months
@yunalai —
❝ tell me, if you would, more of your homelands. i am ever fascinated by whatever i might learn from the people. ❞ it is an offer of sorts, for he is nothing, if not a curious man.
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dankokaji · 1 year
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✨ Wedding Dance under the Wisteria! ✨
Baralai/Yuna commission piece by the artist Felia Hanakata of Twitter!
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settriigh · 1 year
silently hands over a bag with his lunch. she lost the sparring, so it is her treat today. Qi doesn't seem too bothered, though. [soul fighter, they are FREN]
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"Oh! You remembered I liked this place? We should all eat there sometime when we're all free!"
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yunalai · 7 months
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i have an agenda to spread
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umbane · 7 months
@yunalai | - k 💜
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He's been told to behave, which seems a little odd, considering that their whole image is based on them causing trouble, but he'll listen — just this once — for the sake of their debut. LET'S GET FAMOUS SO WE CAN BURN IT ALL DOWN AGAIN! And he's going to ignore that nasty little voice in his head that doesn't trust it, doesn't trust anyone.
Kayn's had enough to drink that the party seems a little soft around the edges, but not enough that Yone will get pissed at him (again). The rest of the guys are lost in the crowd, networking or flirting or doing whatever people do when they're not industry pariahs. In the meantime, Kayn checks his phone, and then his mismatched eyes search the crowd for someone — anyone — familiar. THEY'RE ALL LOOKING AT YOU. He should feel better than this, with all the success they've had so far, but it seems his old demons are keeping up with him yet.
It's then, blissfully, that he spots someone he knows — in theory, though they haven't actually met. Akali's photos and stories dropped off pretty quickly after she teamed up with True Damage, but surely she mentioned him to the rest of them, right? "Qiyana, right?" He's heard the stories, how she refuses to work with anyone who would compromise her vision, and that's something Kayn can respect, even if he's still a little stung that he didn't get a call about True Damage. "Is Akali here too? And... the rest?"
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Qiyana’s sisters ~ headcanons
Inessa, the Vigilant, Heir to the Throne of Yun Tal.
Qiyana’s eldest sister maintained her throne after her sister made her disabled – I cannot render it here but she will be – and possesses an enchanted chair that she uses to travel instead. She remains fretful of Qiyana and keeps an eye on her, but at the same time puts her kingdom before anything else.
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Cielo and Nohemi:
Cielo was always brought up in Inessa’s shadow and sees taking the throne as a concrete possibility – after all the life of an empress is dangerous. She's however not that cruel to concretely attempt anything, and prefers to do her best in the position she's in now.
Nohemi, instead, uses her position to fulfill her true dream and pursue her studies – she’s versed in literature, poetry, geography and history, as well as diplomacy and the laws. She prefers to keep to herself and would rather not have the throne in the unfortunate circumstance that both her elders may leave her. She’s wise, pondered and a great asset to Yun Tal. In the unfortunate case both her sisters died she'd be greatly welcomed.
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Beatriz and Amanda:
Beatriz is mostly a presence. She's the first of the princesses who never saw the throne as a concrete possibility for her, but still relished in enough attention and luxury for it to become a part of her character. She favors clothes and jewels over anything else, and despite being a very necessary social presence at court, seems more preoccupied with fine silks and heavy necklaces than with politics.
Amanda instead pushed herself into combat. She became a very accomplished elementalist – albeit not on Qiyana’s level – and represents the greatest advantage Yun Tal has in combat aside from her. She's the glue that holds the family together – typical middle sister – and is Qiyana's greatest supporter for goodness.
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Esperanza and Mara:
With Qiyana busy plotting her rise, Esperanza has become the black sheep of the family. She openly vouches for contact with the Piltovians – presenting herself as Esper to make her name more palatable to the invaders – and pursues a lifestyle that distances herself from her culture. The blonde hair are a dye job.
Poor, sweet, innocent Mara. She really thought she did something when she became a prefect. After the mess that was made by her sister (unbeknownst to her) she's taken to retreat, prayer and general apathy. A lot of sisters are there to support, but the trauma was great. She focuses on volunteering to get a hold of herself.
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Belen and Soledad:
Belen has made herself content and thrives away from the throne. She met someone, got married with great pomp and became a smaller, but satisfied noble.
Soledad has resigned herself to a state of worthlessness. Qiyana is a danger to society, but at least she's clever and powerful. She's... mostly there, looking for a purpose and a place to thrive. It's not there yet but... the future is a mystery.
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And finally ~ ✨ the Qiyana ✨
who is totally gonna become the coolest empress in the history of fictionalized mesoamerican cultures and not at all be moves to kindness by meeting Milio and the others
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Meiker here
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mxldito · 6 months
hc + 🤥
Thematic Headcanons.
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🤥 a lie-themed headcanon - Overall. Coyote is not that much of a liar. They don't think they're any good at lying so they typically avoid doing so. At most, they're most likely to lie by omission but only about things that can keep track of.
Other than that I can see them straight up lying for fun on things they know people can't fact check them on. Mostly really stupid mundane things that are incredibly pointless to lie about just because they get a kick out of it. Lying about a fucked up frog they didn't actually see, lie about a spooky shadow that's suddenly gone when whoever they're lying to turns around to look. Dumb stuff like that.
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spirithunts · 6 months
" the pirate told me this was customary. "
a roughly wrapped shape is handed over toward Ahri. there is not much space for presentation when they are camping in the middle of the woods, threatened by the mist any time their eyes close.
within lies a crude but clear enough wooden figure of a fox. it looks hand-carved. perhaps the mentions of splinters within the group the past few days began to make sense.
Qiyana avoided her gaze, either uncomfortable or unsure of what else to say.
" I wonder how someone like you keeps track of that many years. "
» — ⌜ 𝑰𝑻'𝑺 𝑨𝑯𝑹𝑰 𝑫𝑨𝒀 ! ⌟ ( it was... but you get the idea ) 
— @yunalai
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Ears turn at the softest sound of footsteps, though it is the spoken words that draw curious golden gaze to lift and meet the young woman approaching her. The princess is a prickly one; one that conceals more 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍 beneath the rough exterior than most would guess ( hardly an oddity amidst their group, truth be told; between Sarah, Yasuo, and Pyke, those who shared the weight of tragedy and suffering far outnumbered those who did not ).
She takes the offered object with care, despite its simple presentation. 𝘼 𝙂𝙄𝙁𝙏. Ahri cannot remember the last time she had received anything of the sort — much less when it had been for her, not to win over her affection but simply to celebrate her ( on a date she had but mentioned in passing, no less; birthdays were never of great consequence to her, unimportant until he changed that, as he changed so much ).
❝ You made it yourself? I shall treasure it greatly, Qiyana. ❞ There is warmth in her voice, tinged with fondness and joy at the gesture. Reflected in her smile, as her eyes remain upon her companion. A giggle follows the next commentary, however. A fair question, Ahri supposes, with how much older than them she was. ❝ The truth is I 𝘿𝙊𝙉'𝙏. Not really. I don't know exactly how old I am — but probably older than all of you combined. ❞
❝ I don't remember what the day of my birth is, either. This date became significant because someone else made it so. When I told him I didn't have a birthday, he said we were going to get me one. I picked the day we met. But there weren't any more celebrations after... his 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇. ❞
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❝ Thank you for giving me back a little of that joy today. ❞
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noxianwilled · 1 year
-> [ gata ruiva ] : vamo no shopping um dia desses
-> [ gata ruiva ] : cê claramente é uma boa amiga pro dray
-> [ gata ruiva ] : fiquei querendo te conhecer melhor
— @yunalai
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→ [ qiqi ]: claro!!
→ [ qiqi ]: a gente não teve a oportunidade de se conhecer direito
→ [ qiqi ]: tá na hora de mudar isso
→ [ qiqi ]: tá livre essa semana?
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ionianwanderer · 1 year
" popcorn with WHAT?? i'm revoking your babygirl status right now, this is SICK!! "
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