#⌇welcome to the circus! ( 𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣 )
distopea · 8 months
Who appreciates the Spooky Season? ⚰️
Really don't like spooky stuff:
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Have zero opinion whether they could like it or not:
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Don't get all the information about it, but kinda like it for the spirit:
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Can moderately appreciate the spirit, the food, and a few movies:
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Like it for the Halloween Party (bonus, they dress sexily):
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Really love the season, very much excited and enthusiast:
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Like it because it's HIS season and he can actually perform real life horror movies:
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distopea · 8 months
How good are they dealing with a heartbreak?
Overly dramatic, will cry, call their exes, and sulk for days:
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Very sad, will take all the blame, believe they are the problem:
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Up and downs, mostly thinking on the time they had with their partners but in acceptance with the outcome:
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Denial, will cope with everything to forget they might have been hurt, will pretend they don't feel anything:
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Mature, distant, those emotions shouldn't shamble their daily lives and they don't show anything:
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Absolutely dangerous to ever break up with (stalking, murder attempts, violence...):
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Lol, what's a heartbreak? It's so cool to be him:
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distopea · 10 months
Level of confidence
Even a worm is more confident:
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Like the ocean, sometimes there are a few waves:
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Sometimes it's fine, but often they feel like impostors:
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Show a lot of confidence, but it's mostly a facade:
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Confidence in their skills and abilities, factual aspects:
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Confidence on every level of their life, factually and emotionally:
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Way too confident:
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I'm literally God:
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distopea · 1 year
What kind of elements are my muses? (based on the five elements theory)
Fire: passionate, creative, and authoritative.
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Earth: nurturing, generous, and care giving.
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Metal: meticulous, honest, and responsible.
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Water: adaptive, reflective, and private
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distopea · 1 year
Different level of loyalty
Will betray you anytime, anywhere, always:
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Loyal only if they gain something from it:
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Loyal on the paper, but could change their mind due to history, feelings or sense of moral:
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Loyal to their own cause first and few people, complicated in the expression of it, but oddly trustworthy:
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Loyal to death after trust is earned and for a limited circle of people:
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Blindly loyal, perhaps too quickly, sunshine and puppy energy:
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distopea · 10 months
Roster body counts? 👀
Body counts: no prostitution / forced sex here / only consensual
The big virgins club:
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One or two times, he got lucky:
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A few partners, but it's far from being a high number:
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Globally decent, perhaps higher than average:
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They can't really count anymore:
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Everyone hopes they use good protection:
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distopea · 1 year
Who are the best at speaking English? And who have the best vocabulary?
Native tongue, utterly sophisticated and complicated vocabulary:
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Native tongue, efficient with their vocabulary:
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Native tongue, correct vocabulary, but simple one:
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Second language, but hardly no accent and very good vocabulary:
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Second language, but with a perceptible accent and correct vocabulary:
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Second language, difficulties with words and pronunciation:
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Second language, and zero fuck given:
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distopea · 1 year
If all of your muses were turned into minotaurs but did NOT need to have the bull head, what animal head would they have?
I wanted to take some time answering this because I find the concept so cool! ✌️Thank you for the suggestion!
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Angelyne, a vole
Small, fragile, close from the nature and far from towns.
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Astra, a king cobra
Deadly, dangerous, appears royal and calm, will strike only when needed.
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Bastet, a black cat
Intelligent, discreet, look like the local stray, a friend from the night.
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Diego, a galah parrot
Noisy, shiny, repeating whatever he has heard and learnt before.
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Gabriele, a dobermann
Loyal, misunderstood, scary in the look but protective in the heart, dutiful.
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Gambit, a chameleon
Unnoticed, unmasked, in the shadows and hiding.
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Jovan, a black wolf
Large, rare and hard to spot, loyal to his pack but wary of strangers.
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Mads, a harpy eagle
Sharp mind, sharp eyes, solitary and hard to approach.
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Marlo, a gray fox
Curious, smaller than regular foxes, rare and playful.
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Mika, a brown bear
Sociable, full of strength, misunderstood as dangerous.
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Oliver, a blue budgerigar
In cage, wishes of freedom, a source of entertainment, intelligent.
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Kaizen, a golden tiger
A massive threat, murderous intentions, a silent danger.
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Vex, a black widow (cw spider photo)
Deadly in every way, utterly venomous, hiding, will bite to kill and at least hurt.
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Zeffy, an ocelot
Naturally wary, profound mistrust, hard to approach, great instincts.
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Zodiac, a wolverine
Utterly aggressive, very resistant, will bite your hand off for a bad look.
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distopea · 1 year
how did/do you pick the colored border of your different muses icons? is it just ~vibes~ or are they symbolic
Ouh good one here! Actually all the colors are based on the own representation of their temper somehow and how I feel about them? I'll try to explain it, I hope it will make sense.
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Angelyne, #5b788a
Shade of coin colors between blue and grey, a lonely match for her lonely character. Not truly one without being the other, like she's not truly a woman without being a witch. A certain softness, but her color is also a profound sign of nostalgia, a print of the past as well.
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Astra, #f8c951
A cold canary yellow representing the shy glow he has, and the mention of stars and suns, for his name, Astra. Made of cold gold, cold yellow, to match his behaviors and the fact he's a distant character who doesn't shine too bright.
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Gabriele, #d3442f
Blood orange, a colorful and vivid character with a strong and intense presence. Tainted with shades of red for conquest and violence, boldness as well, Gabriele yet has tamed his nature without being able to repress it fully. He's noticeable in many ways and fills the room with his aura.
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Gambit, #878d7f
Grey with hints of a fading green, almost dirty. It doesn't translate much about his temper, because most of the time, Gambit is perceived as bland and harmless, unnoticed. It represents his neutrality towards the world and how they see him, but it also shows the hidden sickness, the morally grey area he evolves in.
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Jovan, #7c3d00
Soft wooden colors, gentle and warm, just like Jovan can be. He's a soft individual, close from the nature, with an oozing gentleness than can't be denied. Hints of strength, and mostly, far from being cold.
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Mads, #282d4e
The deepness of his temper, his sorrow, his guilt, his loneliness, intense, oppressive, like a pit of nostalgia. Mads went through a lot, changes his temper through his experience, becoming distant and profound in many ways.
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Marlo, #b4978b
The color of clay, the shaper and the artist in many ways. Marlo shapes his own history, his own design, his own perception of the world. Clay between his fingers because extravagant or dull, he's an everlasting line between many mysteries and world.
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Mika, #d69146
A fading orange, the color of the optimistic, generous and bold character. Fading, because his relentless efforts for normality are affecting his daily life. Behind the orange hides the blue, the very same deepness of his brother Mads.
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Oliver, #adf5c7
Mint, for the color of freshness, creativity and open-mindedness. A raging river of freedom running coldly through the world, bright and soft at the same time. Mint as green, for the color of fear and cowardice. For the lost eagerness.
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Requiem, #926c68
A color between flesh and blood, between beige and red. A neutral trace that doesn't show much about his behavior nor his temper, like he wouldn't show in his every day either. The epitome of a certain quietness, associated with coldness.
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Vex, #6e1b35
Another vibrant color for a vibrant personality. Fushia stands for his boldness, his self-assurance and confidence. Atypical and vivid, Vex can't be unseen and doesn't leave a neutral print on people. Fushia, like the favorite color he uses to taint his hair as well.
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Zeffy, #835393
Lilac for her intuitiveness and her smartness, the color of fearless invidivual. She's the half way between recklessness and spirituality, with a vibrant taint that echoes with her temper.
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Zodiac, #7a2322
Crimson, like the untamed and raging anger that lives inside of him. Passion, strength, boldness, Zodiac's temper is splashing against everything and everyone. Like a raging bull running in the arena, he's a walking fire, raw and powerful, burning in many ways.
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distopea · 1 year
Are your OCs punctual? How is their individual time management?
I'm going back to my full roster headcanon!
Don't care about time, always late on purpose:
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Always late, but always try to be on time:
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Generally on time, only late by accident, emergencies or obligation:
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Like a magician, never early, never late, right on time:
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Always early:
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distopea · 1 year
The Green Flags / Red Flags of my roster
The biggest, brightest green flag:
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Mostly green, come with a pack of issues:
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You might see green, but it's red in disguise:
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It varies between green and red:
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It's REALLY red:
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Red, what do you mean? It's already BLACK:
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distopea · 1 year
How fast do your muses grow facial hair? Which rarely need to shave and which need to shave or else they get all patchy bits of stubble
Oh jesus this will take forever but let's do this ✨
I'll put Marlo out of this because he's not truly a human muse in the first place ✌️
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Astra is a natural blond, so he doesn't have a big hairiness in the first place and doesn't grow facial hair quickly either. He shaves everyday though, because he prefers to keep his cheeks clean and he doesn't like beards. He uses luxurious products to keep his skin very clean and soft, and he never injures himself due to his sensitivity to infections, blood, and whatsoever. He shaves with an electrical razor.
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Gabriele is a brunette and is rather hairy (hairy torso, legs, arms...). He doesn't mind the beard at all, and off duty, he will keep a three days beard most of the time. However, for work, he's very dedicated to keep himself clean too. He will shave every morning, and he particularly loves the old razor blades from the barber. Once a week, he will also visit a barber shop to moister and hydrate his skin. He's good with blades, so he doesn't cut himself very often.
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Gambit has a very disparate beard in the first place, so he has never liked to have one. He has holes on the cheeks, and his mustache doesn't look very luxuriant. He will shave himself after his night shower, and in the morning if he believes he still has a few spots he has missed. However, since he can be pretty much distracted with other tasks, he will cut himself here and there, especially under the chin.
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Jovan is definitely the kind of man to have a thick beard in the span of a week. He's hairy a bit everywhere (he has a massive happy trail for example...) and he doesn't really find the necessity to shave. I'm a bit sad I don't have proper icons for that (in the manwha I cropped his faceclaim from, alas, Jovan is perfect but BEARDLESS). He would need to shave everyday if he wanted to keep his cheeks clean, but he doesn't bother nor care. His hair is soft though, even if he does nothing to take care of it.
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Mads is also a brunette, but he has, I would say, a normal amount of hair all over his body. He grows facial hair quite quickly though, but some areas are less thick than others so we never have the sensation he has a massive beard, and with the army, he has adopted a certain routine. He likes to shave, so he would do it every two or three days, depending on how his beard might grow. He might cut himself if he's distracted, and he's probably the quickest among my muses to shave his beard.
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Big, thick and quite visible red beard! The Scottish genes are strong with Mika, and he's naturally hairy. Like Mads, it's quite fair and normal, but for his face, Mika has much more beard than his brother. He can easily get a luxuriant beard in a week, and he needs to shave everyday to keep himself hairless. He prefers not to grow a beard, he somehow appreciates his baby face.
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He doesn't have a lot of hair and doesn't grow facial hair either. He doesn't need to shave very often, and somehow he's glad, because of his illness, he might not even spot that he has hurt himself in the first place. He doesn't have an equal beard either, so he has never had the intentions to grow it, plus, a professional dancer, even more a ballerina, usually shaves it. To avoid accidents, he prefers to visit a barber shop rather than shaving it himself.
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Kaizen grows a decent beard whenever he doesn't shave, and it's not something he wants to do very often. It's not very dark and he likes to keep a three days beard most of the time. He only trims it to keep it short, but otherwise it's rare for him to entirely shave. He doesn't cut himself either because Kaizen is very skillful with razors and blades, only a few small accidents here and there but it's quite rare.
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Vex is almost hairless when it comes to his facial hair, due to his Asian background and his genes. He only has a few spots on his face here and there (mostly the chin and above the lips), but other than that, his skin is rather smooth everywhere else. He shaves once a week whenever he needs, and it doesn't take very long. He cuts himself sometimes, but it's never like pure massacre either.
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Zodiac wishes to have a true luxuriant beard but he can't grow one and he hates it. He only has a few hairy spots on his face and holes a bit everywhere. Since he hates suffering from mockeries, he shaves everyday, just like his brother and father did before. He often cuts himself because he's a nervous person and he's not very patient, so he will rush in the morning or evening to get ready.
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distopea · 1 year
How patient are they?
Impatient as hell, won't do any effort:
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Naturally impatient, can do some effort once in a while:
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They feel impatient, but they are in fact patient:
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Naturally patient, but don't realize it:
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Patient like a saint:
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Patient like the devil:
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distopea · 1 year
If you could assign some type of weather to each of your muse, what would it be? I really like the posts where you group your muses by various associations.
!! of course I can!! I love making these associations myself so thanks for asking 🖤 I'll go with their preferences!
Sunny weather, stupidly hot:
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Sunny, but just like spring, not too hot:
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Cloudy, and not too warm:
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Windy and chilly:
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Cold as hell, snow as a bonus:
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Nothing will ever suit her:
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distopea · 1 year
How nervous are they?
They always need a stress ball to survive:
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Nervous, think they can hide it, but it shows:
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Are they nervous or are they angry?
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He doesn't understand that feeling:
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Hide that feeling very well, but it shows sometimes:
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Can be nervous, but never shows it:
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Inhuman, always calm thing:
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distopea · 2 years
The reason behind using pet names for their partners
It’s only genuine and driven by their feelings: 
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It’s out of accident and it reveals their feelings :
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It’s only to manipulate someone and lower their guard: 
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It’s most of the time with mischievous intentions: 
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It doesn’t mean anything, he just wanted to call them something: 
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