#↾ jackie x liv (001 / araneorum) ↿
onebigerror · 6 months
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@araneorum - continued from here
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jackie was disgusted with liv’s behavior. shouldn’t she be building people upset instead of tearing through things like a feral cat? optimism was needed more than resorting to the ways of a wild beast just because they were in some woods that may or may not be remote. no one knew the full situation just yet. there were just a lot of trees surrounding them. they’d been there less than twenty-four hours and they probably wouldn’t even see another day in that place. “someone is coming.” she repeated even if it seemed to fall on deaf ears. “fine, i don’t even want any of this stuff anymore.” jackie didn’t like to hold on to bad memories and that was now what everything in that suitcase was - forever attached to a horrible plane crash. she was fortunate enough to be able to want for nothing when she went back home. people like natalie? now they were fucked. she made a mental note to offer the things she planned to toss to anyone who might want them before doing so.
liv’s words cut into her but the team captain refused to let it show. hadn’t she always been nice enough to her? at least she understood van’s scathing behavior even if she still felt it was unwarranted. what more could she have done - she’d been almost sure the goalie wasn’t going to make it. and the plane looked like it was going to catch fire. why put shauna at risk trying to bail her out. someone else had come through for her so it all worked out in the end. maybe it was a shit way to handle things but no one was in their right mind in a time of such overwhelming crisis. she did not deserve to be treated so harshly and unfairly. “glad to be of some use aside from trying to keep people motivated.” she muttered as she sat down on a rock to watch her luggage be ripped apart. “i certainly don’t.” that was a given. but everyone knew just who did. she wouldn't mentino natalie. liv seemed to be extra protective when it came to the burnout member of the team. “having a drink and impairing your judgment isn’t going to help anyone right now.” neither was anything else liv was doing. they all should just be focusing on waiting for help to arrive.
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