#… And the poets spin us back again ; we were born for this tragedy ; tell it one more time - CORI/DICE
cassiopiia · 3 years
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cassiopiia · 3 years
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@pseudoneiric​ murmured 003 : talk about a significant relationship your muse has with another muse . (for eury, about cori, or vice versa!)
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Here it is !!! Transcription below ! (I love these two so much)
All right. The ask this time was from pan again, my beloved. Uhm... go-uhhh -I immediately lost my train of thought. [laughs] Um, but the ask this time was “talk about a significant relationship your muse has with another muse.” for eury, about cori, or vice versa. Uhm- and when I saw this, I immediately knew I was going... to have an ordeal answering this one. Because0 with Cory, it's very easy. Eurydice to him is the world. She- she was, [laughs] she was, she was a world to him, he would have dedicated everything to her if he could, he would have done anything to make her happy. He would have given up anything and everything- he would have given up his voice type shit, and his music means so much to him, but she meant more. And like-
he loved her so, so much that when she died, and he couldn't get her back, and after everything, when he couldn't just go back down in demand, or out of just hell- not hell, Hades. But when she died, and she was gone permanently, it was like a large chunk of both his life and himself was lost. Like, that's just if he cared about Eurydice so much that it...kind of consumed him at first. And like he still had his individuality, of course he did, but it was really easy to get lost in how much he cared about Eurydice and forget about himself. So when Eurydice was gone, he couldn't do that, and suddenly, things were different and things were colder and things were- just like- things changed. And he didn't like that- usually...Coriander... i-he-he doesn't mind change, he supports it. Even he's- he... he has a weird relationship with change, especially because of Hermes, who is the God change in the wind speed and shit. And like, he has a weird relationship with change. So on one hand, he fully endorses change because change means something better and everyone's changing, everyone's always growing, and change means improvement sometimes and sometimes it doesn't, but things are constantly moving and that's just how things are. 
But on another hand, he wants to remain in one instant forever, he wants to remain the same way he will always be and he wants to stay that way, but it also scares him. so Eurydice leaving well not leaving but dying just had...an impact and it changed and it was one of the times he did not want it to change. But that's Coriander it's much easier to talk about Coriander than it is Eurydice because Eurydice...She's a lot of things. And she never meant to fall in love with Coriander because- Coriander fell in love with her to her at first sight immediately, like, near instantly. He learned her name and immediately he just.. he just loved her and it only got more and more in love over time but with Eurydice it's different because she is different because of course she is, of course she is! uhm. Eurydice generally has a different opinion on love and just things like that. Which...goes without saying because Coriander has a very... Coriander has a specific view on love that a lot of people do not have and think is very childish to have. very naive to have. But he has it! [laughs] but Eurydice doesn't which makes it more...hard to explain her than it is him. She- she's a lot of things and it's just hard to explain. [laughs]
Uhm, uh... where Coriander fell in love with Eurydice almost immediately, Eurydice was so in love with Orpheus, she almost hated him. And that sounds bad and it kind of is, but it's just one of those things where you love someone or something so much that you can't stand it. And like it's why it's difficult to talk about, because she's- she loves Orpheus so much. She would've risked anything to go back on what happened and be with him again, even if it was for a day, even if it was for a week, even if- not even a year. Even if it was something so small, she would have, because she loves him more than anything. Like they...They are born in tragedy, they were- almost meant to be like this. And Eurydice knows that, they both know that. 
But Eurydice... she loved him so much that it was...impossible to express.
It was... [laughs] I'm trying to think of how to express it- which is ironic considering I just said it's impossible to express but I'm gonna try. Um, she loved...Orpheus like- like winter love summer, in the sense that it's either too hot or too cold, in the sense that she either can't- won't leave his side, or she can't stand the sound of his voice. And like it's constantly a little bit of both. And like it's just...it's so much- she felt so much love for his stupid boy and a stupid guitar or whatever the fuck that...it felt like the world in her chest, and when you carry around the world that's burning in your chest and half frozen and half on fire- 
Wow, that's a very interr- rude interruption by the motorcycle outside my how- house. But uh- thank you for your input [laughs] 
but when you carry something like that around, the- she didn't know how to deal with it, so she did with aggression- not- not aggression, but she did in a way that wasn't like- how you would t-typically think someone love someone you know? and she does- she never- she- she- I know. sounds bad. I know that [laughs] because I'm not good at explaining things, ut she was not a toxic partner, she wasn't, she just loved him so much that she didn't know how to express it.
While Coriander loved her so much that he expressed it constantly, if that makes sense, like- and...Eurydice has...a strange dis-disposition already because..by the time Orpheus came around, she was used to being alone. Because that's how she was always been. She's always just been alone and...just fending for herself because it's easier that way. It's easier when one mou- when you have one mouth to feed instead of many. And like...it's just hard to explain because suddenly everything changed for her. Suddenly she was never alone. And suddenly, she loved him so much that she couldn't handle it and couldn't express it in ways that made sense, she loved him so much that it felt like everything was burning when everything was fine, and so much that the fro-she didn't- she could only feel the cold when Orpheus wasn't there. And like...
it's just difficult to explain because she couldn't help it. She couldn't help it either could Orpheus, they both. They both couldn't- Just- they couldn't! they couldn't! Because..this is a story that was always meant to happen. They were always meant to be like this, this was always going to occur and in some way, orph- uhg- Eurydice knew that more than Orpheus, and like,
it's just...Summer doesn't feel like the right description, because it wasn't summer it was heat. And it's not heat the sense of, Oh- fuck- they fuckin- lust! or whatever the fuck it's heat in the sense that she- burnt up inside, because of how much she cared about him, and how much she almost knew that it wasn't going to work. And how much she hated that, and how much she almost..just... hated the world around him, and hated him, but she didn't, she loved him. She loved him so much. 
It was everything to her at some points. It felt like there was nothing there except what they were. It felt like living inside a dying star and waiting for the supernova. And waiting for things to explode, and bristle, and pop, and stop, and change. It felt like that, and there's a lot of ways someone can respond to that. And Eurydice didn't know how so she cycled through them sometimes.  But she did love him and they loved each other so much.
And when they were gone... winter came.
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