#”go back to bed.” ”yes mommy :3” ”😒”
that last rb got me thinking about waking suguru up early in the morning with a cake that says happy mother’s day <3 and a mug that says best mommy ever!! just to tease him for being such a mother hen ….. but he just rolls his eyes + smacks you gently over the head + goes back to sleep <333
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scorpioracha · 2 years
Skz during your period
Hey guys!! This is dedicated to my lovely wife @moonacholy who encouraged me to write this. I hope you guys also enjoy this. Leave all the reblogs,likes and little comments your heart desires cause they keep me writing
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Bang Chan 방찬
-If there was an Olympic category for best boyfriend Chan would pull gold every time and I put that on GOD. He is so?? Goddamn attentive during your period??? -You want,need,crave and long for NOTHING. Your pain? Taken seriously. Your cravings?? It doesn’t matter if you’re craving something damn near halfway across town, he’s gonna go and get it.
-He always makes sure you’re stocked up on pads and tampons, if he’s shopping by himself he’ll just pick some up and add it to the cart, yes he already bought some a few weeks ago but it’s better safe than sorry.
-oh you’re in class or at work and you got cramps?? Guess where you’re no longer gonna be🤡 mf is dropping whatever he’s doing and coming to get you IMMEDIATELY.
-you’re getting tucked in bed, snacks left on the dresser and a little cuddle session before Channie has to get back in the studio.
-So reluctant to leave your side too🥺 he doesn’t like seeing you in any sort of pain so he’s very tempted to just not go back, but you’re like ???? I’m still grown Channie jc—
-leaves you with wolf Chan to cuddle and checks up on you every hour making sure you’re alright
Minho 리노
-This tsundere little shit. He wants you on bedrest rest pretty much the entire time. You’ve got hw? You can do it in bed. You’re hungry? Don’t move, he will feed you…in bed. You’re bored, take a nap, it’s good for you. As long as you don’t need to use the bathroom or shower, he wants you in bed.
-Mother hen headass, Minho is so mommy omg???
“Ya y/n-ah, drink this”
“What is it?”
“Ginger tea”
“No no, drink warm water, cold water will give you cramps!!!”
“Minho pls I’m dying🥲”
-Massages your tummy for you and your pelvis cause cramps are a bitch
-has a million multi vitamins specifically for you
“Have you taken your vitamin B’s?”
“Yes ba-“
“What about your Vitamin E? Your vitamin C???”
“Minho yes-“
“I’m making salmon for dinner, you need omega-3”
-Still bullies the fuck out of you at the same time tho???
“Stop walking like that”
“Like what?”
“Like you’ve got a stick up your ass…or in this case your vagin-“
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-Still wakes up early in the morning to fix you breakfast and gives you pain killers if he realizes you’re fussing🥺
-Will throw sooni,doongi and dori in bed with you at random intervals cause cats fix everything
-all in all best boy
Changbin 창빈
-Ima be so real rn, this is the mf that makes
you go on walks to help your cramps💀 you can be on your death bed and he’s like ‘let’s go outside☀️🌈☺️✨’ and you’re just like ‘…boy stfu istg ima beat your ass-‘
-So ultimately when that doesn’t work and you threaten to leave him, things relocate to the living room. He has an older sister so he’s not completely clueless but he’s also like ????😧 when you start crying over an episode of SpongeBob cause whoa whoa whoa what’s goin on??
-If you’re the type that has mood swings this mf becomes the most peaceful and amicable person you’ve ever met. If you’re ranting to him and you’re wrong, at that current moment no you’re not.
“…and then I told her to get tf out of my face with her breath smelling like halitosis but I’m wrong???😒”
“N-no jagi, absolutely not🤡”
-draws you bubble baths!! He knows heat can help with cramps so he makes it all bougie and nice with the candles and rose petals and lavender body wash. Then you start crying again and he’s like😧😰 and it’s honestly just a mess but you appreciated it very much
-this dude is feeding you nothing but the finest and freshest stuff cause it’s better for you during your period. You getting all the major food groups whether you like or not.
“Binnie, I just want a burger🥺-“
“You better eat that damn salad y/n😒”
You couldn’t even be mad cause he knows how to throw down when it comes to a salad
Hyunjin 현진
-Oh this poor baby😭 he’d be going on about the strength of the uterus and how strong you are for doing this every month when you’re deadass three seconds away from committing a crime of passion🤡
-Will take up the majority of the housework with no problem, especially if you’ve got work or classes that day. Dishes? Done. Laundry? Drying as we speak. Bedroom? Clean. Bathroom? Sparking. Hotel? Trivago.
-Is extra affectionate when you’re on your period, and a lot more gentle in general. He knows you can feel extra crappy during this time especially if you also struggle with mental health so, extra forehead kisses, little notes in your backpack and all the cute little text messages that say ‘x y and x made me think of you❤️’
-He’s already known to give into your cravings but literally does not hold back during your period. Oh? You were simply THINKING about tteokbokki? Well he doesn’t know why it’s there either, but since it is I guess you gotta eat it🙄
-Will genuinely think you’re dying if you say your cramps are killing you💀 he’s fucking rushing around the house grabbing shit and you’re like ???🧍🏾‍♀️
-you send him out to get pads and mf comes back with literally every kind the store has
“I didn’t know which ones you needed🥺”
-s n a t c h e s any form of caffeine out of your hand
“It’s not good for your cramps😠”
-Will try to get you to consume one(1) fruit
Jisung 지성
-honestly this boy is so lost lmao—
-He is literally walking on eggshells around the house and doesn’t mention it cause he doesn’t want to say/do the wrong thing
-y’all are cuddling and he’s stiff as a board. You’re just sitting there like “boy what the fuck😒”
-you have to corner him to figure out what is wrong with him and poor baby is shaking like a leaf. He doesn’t know jackshit about periods and I mean that with all the love in my heart. He’s the type to ask ‘what size pussy you wear?’ and mean it
-you’re honestly wondering how he made it this far in life running off of the most basic knowledge
-but he’s so fucking funny to mess with so you just make up random period facts knowing that he’s gonna take your word for it.
“Sungie, did you know that the average person loses three cups of blood during their period?”
“T-thr-three cu-cups???😰”
And you’re just sitting there trying not to fucking ascend because he looks so concerned
-Doesn’t really have the intuition to get you stuff on his own, but has no problem if you ask him to. He’ll call you like
“Hey babe! Do you use the super soaker or the super soaker plus?”
And you’re just like
-keeps a small stash of essentials in his studio along with a pillow,a blanket and some of his comfy clothes just in case you’re feeling fatigued🥺
-Will bring bbama over for baby cuddles if you’re having a rough day
Felix 필릭스
-Our little sunshine boy knows when you’re getting your period before you do. With two sisters and basic observation skills he can pretty much tell when you’re due and silently preps the house with anything you might be running low on.
-all the cuddles!! Pretty much attaches himself to your back the entire time as your own personal space heater.
-literally does so much research on things that might help cramps from foods to aromatherapy to orgasms to yoga. He just wants to make you as comfortable as you can be.
-He’s not one to be squeamish about blood. You bled through the sheets? He’ll just chuck them in the wash, it’s no big deal.
-he’s not gonna keep you on lockdown but he strongly advises for you to get more rest and tell him if you wanna take it easy that day🥺 it doesn’t matter what the plans were, if you’re not feeling up to it anymore he’ll reschedule and you guys can spend the day cuddling
-if he’s stuck at work, he will send you takeout straight to your house to make sure you’re eating. Also obligatory FaceTimes during the day.
“Y/n! I’ve got like five minutes, I ran away from Chan to call y-“
-brownies,cookies,cake pops, Rice Krispie’s, whatever you’re craving Felix will make it. This also comes with the extra effort of fighting off the boys in the dorm so it can get to you in one peace.
Seungmin 승민
-here we have our favorite unbothered nonchalant king. He doesn’t really treat you any differently unless you ask him to?
-Well at least that’s may how it appears to others. He likes to take care of you in much more lowkey ways, picking up around the house,cooking dinner,packing lunches and with his sugar daddy tendencies making sure you’ve always got pocket money.
So what if you just so happen to find a fifty in your wallet? Now you can go out with your girls after school.
-He likes to lurk in the background a lot of the time trusting that you’ll come to him for help, but if he sees that you’re obviously in pain and not doing anything about it he’s quite literally taking your ass to bed. Then you have to deal with his disappointed little puppy frown AND cramps while he fusses over you
-Will try to distract you with tv shows and talking about his day and if that doesn’t work turns in mom pt.2
“Have you eaten?”
“Gotten any sun?”
“Seungmin i’m not a plant!!!”
-Will serenade you with any song you desire might pout if you decline any day6
-Will let the affectionate puppy in him out if you’re really have a horrible time :( you get to experience cuddlemin first hand all while he threatens to murder you if you tell anyone about it☺️
-Honestly is lowkey shitting himself because he doesn’t know what to do and can’t fix it and it’s driving him insane🤡
-honestly just pats your head while you nap and frantically texts his older sister asking what to do
Jeongin 정인
-This baby is right up there with Jisung but slightly less clueless. It’s more than likely that you might be his first gf or at least one of the few he’s had so he’s not really experienced in this category
-Kinda just forks over whatever you want whenever you want it. Hoodies,sweatpants,baseball caps, whatever you want it’s yours.
-If he’s got time he loves to pick you up from uni and do something special like take you to a cafe to get something sweet or to walk around the park(his binnie hyung said walks are good for cramps)
-panics whenever you’re in any amount of pain “do we need to go to the emergency room😰”
-Is the boyfriend who does the cramps simulator because he wants to know what it feels like for you
He almost throws up but that’s besides the point
-After that you immediately get the princess treatment, you will not have to lift a damn finger as long as he’s there.
-Will go protective guard dog on you if any of the boys are messing with you too much. “Cut it out!! Y/n isn’t feeling well😠🔪🤺”
It’s very cute if you’re being honest but you tell him it’s alright. He’s still going to be protective of you anyways. Extra cautious when you’re walking outside, always having his hand on the small of your back.
-shoves pain meds down your throat on a god damn SCHEDULE. His innie senses start tingling the minute you express any sort of discomfort and he’s zooming to the medicine cabinet.
“Innie my liver💀”
“But your tummy hurt🥺”
-Also the type to rub your tummy and look at you like 🥺 ‘my poor babyyyy’, kissing all over your temples and cheeks
-he touches your boobs once(1) and almost gets yeeted into the stratosphere
-He almost cried because he didn’t know it would hurt you cause he always grabs your tiddies when you’re cuddling😭
-wakes up in the middle of the night to grab your heating pad and get you a snack
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Working with teenagers can be a job in itself... and honestly is funny as shit!
Had to physically put my body between a seventeen-year-old bimbo and a customer because the girls brother who works with us and is higher then the moon made a sandwich wrong, took 35 minutes to make two sandwiches which takes 2 minutes and total to prepare then didn't make them right, customer was calm and cordial until she was told to shut the fuck up by a child...
While training ... Manager caught *same girl* giving oral to a guy behind the dumpster to get out of doing dishes cause she didn't want to work 🤣🤣
The teen's playing 'Guess Angel's age' cause theres no way I'm older then them, so far I'm as young as 18 or the early 20's
Made one guy shit himself when I told him I was 48...
Collecting change out of DT and parking lot during lulls in customers
*Free drinks and discounted meals*
One guy found out I am Poly and Bi - has not stopped questioning me on my life choices, how can somebody keep up with so many relationships when he cant get a date ... even though I'm convinced he is a man whore
One girl calls me 'Mommy' and I have decided she is my child
Girl overheard me joking with a friend about liking it rough and enjoying pain *was not being dirty just talking about life fucking me on repeat and wanting to go to tattoo therapy* - Asked me if while in bed with somebody I ask them to hit me (when explained by other person in the lobby that I'm a survivor of DV, SA, and SH she apologized PROFUSELY ... but it was funny the way she said it so now I can't let her live it down and have to walk around on her shift yelling 'Hit Me!' over a headset)
I have to give two guys shit cause they over salt the fries and fuck up handing out orders while I'm running three stations
*Sexual Innuendo ALL THE TIME*
My boobs are a hot topic... because I am the only female on my shift and apparently they are amazing to the male workers
Working 3 jobs and being told others *the teens* feet hurt and they have to sit down, I dont understand what they are going through... while working on a twisted ankle and hurt back
'Where did you get an apron!?!' It's an old part of the uniform that never changed but most locations don't use
*stupid boy* 'How are you so nice!? That customer just yelled at you' *Me having been minding my own danm business just trying to survive my 10 hour shift* 'I have multiple personalities and this is just the one I let be seen because you dont want to see the other lady' *stupid kid scoffing* 'Theres no such thing as multiple personalities! Its fake... my religion says-" 😑😒
Had to listen to a 17 year old tell me Depression is a choice I have made and his beliefs say I am just sad so I should just take pills to feel happy
Being asked 10+ times a day every shift if I'm pregnant or am I sure I'm not pregnant cause I like eating pickles and have found they are tasty in ranch without being fried
Being looked at like I'm fucking nuts if I start dishes early, put away another shifts shit, pick up boxes too heavy for me, start taking 2 orders at once, start assigning tasks while manager is busy
Smiling at the Karen that fucking has to be a smartass cause her food hasnt been brought out at 5 minutes
Some if the teenager's are salty over me already being promoted after only being there for a month and a half *like I don't have 2+ years experience and actually do my job - yeah not sure why I'm getting offered to be promoted either*
Hearing a kid tell me I don't know how hard thier job is only to walk over and do it for them moments later cause 'it's so hard'
Manager's know I will handle shit so the moment I walk in the door I am assigned to prep veggies, salads, ect. and then I get handed a list of assignments so I can make the kids on my shift actually work instead of sitting on thier phones or in lobby... Yes I do enjoy this
Getting enjoyment out of seeing my manager looking shocked when I work late, clock out, and have to change clothes into something revealing cause my next shift starts in 30 minutes and I need tips
Roasting the pothead teenagers on my shift cause even when I'm doing it, everyone is laughing and relaxed
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