#’someone’s waiting to love you’ feels so applicable to stobotnik
alchemocha · 7 months
Filled with literally so many feelings about jimbotnik I could burst from the seams
Just… thinking about him, his upbringing, the reasons he is the way he is now, what’s buried beneath the crafted image…
The loneliness he’s likely felt growing up. The depression and anxiety and self loathing I’m sure he’s had since far too young that he buries so deep if it were to escape again it would probably have 3 heads now. But you can only hold so much back before that dam bursts and it all overflows in a flood
He’s so fascinating to analyze and dissect psychologically, and to overlook his whole life. I’d really like to write some pieces touching on those things more directly, I have so many thoughts I couldn’t possibly convey properly just by babbling
Give jimbotnik the love and friendships he deserves!!!
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