#‘i have never seen a woman so boyfriend-coded’ a valid take ngl
m1d-45 · 1 year
some more teddy news(tm): i unlocked fishing in genshin bc i finally bothered to do the world quest and i got so excited when i saw that you can catch bettas (i fucking love bettas so much it's unreal) but the bettas don't look like bettas!!!! the medukas look more like bettas than the fish they call bettas!!! whaddahell!!!!!!!!!
also i have been testing out jean to get used to her and oh my god. i have never seen a woman so boyfriend-coded. not only would i let her kill me, i would ask her how i can make it as easy and hassle-free as possible and apologize for not being able to dispose of my own body afterwards.
let's see what else.... i put bennet, fischl, and razor in my teapot together and cooed over them hanging out for approximately 5 minutes. fun to think abt it in sagau bc imagine the disembodied voice of your god being like "AWWWWW look at you you're all friends!!! you're doing so good omg"
um i think that's all! i had a little idea in mind of reverse isekai imposter au where your killer finds a plush of themself that you kept even after the whole imposter hunt thing based on me sewing clothes for my diluc and kaeya plushes and fixing up my dragon zhongli plush's leg but when i tried to write it just ougfhsdougdngs. you know how it is - teddy anon
congratulations on fishing!! there’s furnishings in your teapot you can use to keep fish, btw! it’s very cool :)
also, the idea of you still keeping a plush of your attacker…… goddamn….. all that pain and bitterness you endured and you still love them? still hold them close, still trust them to guard you even if in the form of a toy? goddamn….
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