#᛭ — [IC] martial god with a heart of gold [FENG XIN]
deathfavor · 3 months
@piscesiawave said: "I know it's late.." Xie Lian says softly, gently resting his head against his most trusted body guard's shoulder. They were hidden under the array of tree tops, buried in the forest not to far from the palace. "but can we stay out here a little while longer?" its a simple request, they weren't doing anything besides sitting close against the tree bark, but after the day they had all Xie Lian wanted to do was enjoy the sweet quiet of the night and the sounds of Feng Xin breathing softly next to him. // i still have him in my mouth fndslfsd
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His prince's voice fills the tranquil air, drawing the bodyguard's attention downwards rather than outwards. Feng Xin does enjoy these calm moments, when he's not chasing after the sun-bright prince or deal with problems. But there's a peace in this he can never quite fully taste. He always has to be alert in case of a surprise attack. A single moment of relaxation could allow death and its black horse to burst through the gates. He enjoys the moment as much as he can.
" Your Highness... " Feng Xin's voice wavers with hesitation. He's never been very good at saying no to Xie Lian. There's a tear between duty and want. But then again, it is Xie Lian that Feng Xin serves. The King and Queen are secondary, though his position is at their mercy and will. " You know such requests are never quite as simple as you make them sound. " His head tilts back for a moment, analyzing the onset of evening over the fading sky as he weighs the potential results of their actions. Dark eyes fall back towards his prince, reluctant to even contemplate denying his prince the extra time he longs for.
" I suppose we could remain out here for a little bit longer. " He finally answers, still leaning back against the tree as if to disturb his prince's relaxation in the safety of shadows and his bodyguard. It makes his chest swell with pride and relief that he can provide this sort of peace for Xie Lian even far from the castle walls. " Only a little bit though. The King and Queen will be worried if you aren't back soon. " There is no we in the statement - he does not question it. He is replaceable. Xie Lian is not. Still, he allows a small smile on his usually stoic expression. " Maybe you'll be lucky and see one of the owls out here at this time. Their wingspan is enormous. " He whispers with a quiet thrill - because they might be prince and bodyguard, but they are also still young and there are tiny cracks where even Feng Xin still has a childlike joy that hasn't been eroded away.
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deathfavor · 2 months
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@deiscension said: She's staring at Feng Xin from across the courtyard. She hasn't blinked in over a minute. She could spring into action at any moment (or, more accurately, when the other official talking to her finishes whatever it is they're saying).
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Feng Xin has only just recently returned to the heavenly realm — like usual, he's spent a lot of his time down in the mortal realm. Unlike many others, he'd never adapted well to the idea of simply sitting back and frolicking in the heavenly realm, enjoy the riches and splendor of ascension to godhood. He preferred to do jobs himself, rarely was he found lounging about. ( Although some said he was just a loyal dog still looking for its long lost master — but no one could say Feng Xin was not a hard worker regardless. )
He's rather stunned to find the Wind Master looking at him so intensely. Fucking hell, when did she last blink?! The thought of her coming his way terrifies him. His eyes flick towards the official chatting at her side.
Nope! Nope, he's not doing this!
Feng Xin promptly spins around and hastily makes to escape back to the mortal realm before that official finishes speaking and sets the wind loose on him.
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deathfavor · 7 months
@aknightwithnosword said: "Feng Xin" Xie Lian calls out softly; there was a warmth that filled his chest as he watched him from a short distance. The fall weather seemed to suit him, the sunset making him glow. It was one of those moments where Xie Lian felt grateful to have him back in his life again. Those memories touched his heart in ways he'd never be able to explain.
He smiles before closing the distance and removing a small leaf from the top of his head. " You still had some leaves on you" he says, his eyes warm and full of light. there was something to be had about how much time had passed and while things had changed, there were still things that very much felt the same. // pokes can ju yang come out to play?
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" Yes? " Immediately Feng Xin's head snaps towards Xie Lian like his voice alone is a summoning call for the martial god. ( It is, it always has been since the day they met. ) He turns his body away from the sunset he had been observing, his expression relaxed for anyone that knew him despite the fact it would still appear as if he was mad to anyone who didn't realize that was just how Feng Xin often appeared.
His head tilts curiously as Xie Lian draws closer and lifts a hand to his head. Yet, for whatever questions he might be wondering, Feng Xin doesn't move or question it. There are no orders uttered, nothing to keep him locked there, it simply is what he does. His gaze turns towards the leaf that resides in Xie Lian's hand - and then offers a warm laugh.
" I do? " He lifts a hand, armor clinking together as he moves to brush off any other leaves that may have fallen on him without his notice. " Did I get them all? Tsk. That is one thing about the armor... " For Feng Xin, the armor wasn't for show or attention - to him it was a way of life. He'd worn so much of it in the past that it was only natural to regularly done it, albeit in reduced amount compared to active combat. " Thank you. " He grins towards Xie Lian. " Are you enjoying it out here? "
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