#Ҡҽҽքҽɾ Ꝉօɾҽ | Archie
If this is still open, can I request Medic/ or Lifeguard?
Huge fan BTW.
17.  LIFEGUARD :  for one muse to rescue the other from drowning.
DRABBLE set POST-Pyroclasm.
Working on the Sky Pillar is not a job without its perils. It positively makes Magma's old headquarters look safe and OSHA approved, in Archie's opinion; another reason to be glad he's not working there every day. In between the rickety ladders, the partially collapsed floors, and the raging currents that surround every bit of the rocky outcropping, it's an accident waiting to happen. He's not surprised when it does; he's not even that surprised that it's Maxie, honestly. He's just glad that it happens while he's visiting, because there's no one better to navigate the tempestuous waters than him.
Jumping in is second nature to him, and his sharpedo Riptide is out before he even hits the surface. The water's force is far stronger than what he's accustomed to in Lilycove, but he trusts the shark to keep him safe. Finding Maxie is another matter. Even in broad daylight, light has a hard time penetrating more than a few feet, and the rush of water past his eyes makes it even harder to see. He's reliant on his sharpedo there too, urging him in the direction where Maxie had fallen and letting him know they're looking for a drowning person with a couple of precise taps on his fins.
It feels like it takes ages. Maxie's form doesn't come into focus until Rip is almost on top of them. Archie locks one arm around their waist and grips the sharpedo's fin with the other. Rip jets back to the surface, where Tabitha and Matt are waiting to help pull them out of the water.
Once they're both on the rocks, Archie immediately reaches for their wrist for a pulse. He can't find it and moves two fingers to under their jawline, yelling for Matt to get the defibrillator from the research vessel.
It ends up being a little hasty. Seconds later he feels the faint fluttering at their jugular, and Maxie coughs up a lungful of seawater. The bedraggled redhead reaches up with one hand to loosely grasp Archie's wrist. "I'm alright," they rasp. "No need for CPR. I'm--" they pause to cough again, expelling more salt-- "rather partial to not having my ribs broken today."
Archie huffs a sigh of relief, changing his position to help Maxie sit up. "Oh, you don't even know for sure I would've broken any ribs!" His lips quirk as he thumps them on the back. "We've got a first aid kit on the ship, after all. Barring that, Ray." "I think Ray might be worse than broken ribs." Their voice is hoarse, but they chuckle even though it makes them wince. "Straight electrocution is not what I'd consider favorable either." Archie laughs boisterously, feeling some of the tension he'd acquired starting to dissipate. "Aye, well, lucky you started coughing then, huh." "Indeed." Maxie reaches up to comb some of their wet hair out of their eyes. "What is this, the third time you've saved my life? I'm starting to feel like I rather owe you." "Yeah, you do," Archie says. "Which is why yer gonna stay on the boat for the rest of the day, rest up, and not fuss about it. Cause you owe me."
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📝 - A private record ( Ex. Criminal, Medical, etc… ) for Archie
Excerpt from the notes of Aqua's in-house medical doctor: "The Alpha markings that appeared on the patient's skin after the use of the Blue Orb do not appear to be scarring of any kind. Rather, microscopic analysis suggests that they are closer to tattoos and are a series of small structures embedded just underneath the skin. The function of these structures is unknown; Admin Matt has speculated that they may serve as a form of energy storage, though they do not resemble any form of storage he or I are familiar with. Their arrangement seems reminiscent but not directly parallel to the bioluminescent markings that Kyogre has in its active state. The patient has stated his counterpart's (see file 3B) Omega markings glowed after the Mt. Chimney incident (see file 3B.3) and slowly faded over the course of several hours. He described them as, quote, "looking like a freshly cracked glowstick". The patient's own markings have exhibited no luminescence at any point, nor any indication of fading over time. Although the patient has expressed interest in learning more, testing on this subject will likely prove difficult now that the Blue Orb is no longer in our possession."
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Prior to the awakening of the titans, there were exactly three things that Maxie and Archie (and thereby Magma and Aqua) could agree on:
Hating Devon. Neither of them held any love for Steven Stone or his father, and have been known to sabotage Devon equipment, transport, etc. Their ire really extended to a great number of corporations across the globe, but Devon being headquartered in Hoenn made them by far the biggest target.
Keeping Rocket from gaining a foothold in Hoenn. Aqua and Magma would very occasionally put aside their differences in order to keep Rocket presence to a minimum.
Hating that one specific guy who insisted on continuing to dig out the Rusturf tunnel after everyone else had stopped. Fuck that guy.
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Despite their respective legendaries being dormant again, both Archie and Maxie still have dreams occasionally. Oceans trapped under endless rock. Swaths of ice that burn their feet. Underwater eruptions too hot to be cooled.
Both of them have decided to keep these dreams to themselves, for the moment.
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tell me about your muse's ace pokemon. which one is it? how did your muse get them? is there any specific attack or technique they use? tell me anything! for both of them!!
OK SO let's start with a quick nod to the ones that everyone knows them for: camerupt and sharpedo, nicknamed Dante and Riptide, respectively.
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They're both older pokemon; in Maxie's case, Dante is their very first. The camerupt is a patient battler that leans heavily into both offense and defense, usually at the cost of speed. He was definitely Maxie's ace up until Maxie's cameruptite (and later mega stone) got confiscated.
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Riptide remains one of Archie's aces even without mega evolution. He's Archie's swiftest swimmer without question and excels in hit and run tactics. However, you won't see him in land-based battles because Matt is the only Aqua crazy enough to carry a sharpedo around under one arm so it can fight.
Now that being said, there's also their battle aces.
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Maxie's is one you'll rarely see unless you've pushed them into a tight corner, and this is only partially because of restrictions on its species' ownership: Ray, serious contender for the world's most belligerent magnezone. Ray excels at fighting, but it's hard to say if it enjoys it, or even understands the concept of enjoyment. It listens to Maxie without question in battle, but anywhere else is a toss-up. Maxie obtained and later evolved Ray in New Mauville during a couple of Magma 'expeditions.' It absolutely has to be kept away from all equipment, because it will disassemble anything it can get its magnets within reach of.
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Archie's counter is also not often seen, but for different reasons: Neptune the dhelmise is simply not something that you invoke in your average battle, because the damage that can be done to your opponent or the environment when swinging around a multi-thousand-pound anchor is no joke. Archie's dhelmise originated from the wreck of the Sea Mauville, and was caught around the time that the catastrophe was being addressed in court. Its alien appearance often makes its moods hard to read, even for Archie, but he cares for it as much as he would any of his other pokemon.
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Archie's immune to Rough Skin. Nothing can stop him from giving every sharpedo All the Pats.
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[[I just added a bit about this in the Canon Divergences page but it's worth noting that the game protags / Brendan & May are pretty much unknown to Maxie and Archie, because they don't get the luxury of having very capable 11 year olds clean up their messes and making them put on their get along shirt. They had to do that shit themselves. Also Steven and Looker and Zinnia helped.]]
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