#ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ just loving the idea of mim (my dol pc) not actually having romantic feelings towards robin
yaelibex · 9 months
a town without you
a.k.a one of mim's possible ending ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ (not a happy ending)
Characters: F!Robin & Mim (PC) Words: 1001 Summary: Just two childhood friends, hoping to leave town.
“Mim, I really…I can’t," She speaks hesitantly. "We shouldn’t leave town…I…”
Robin was scared.
“Then, let me kidnap you.”
Her beloved childhood friend was brave. Unlike her.
Robin would never forget those words—her beloved childhood friend’s intense gaze, the way her hand was held with such tenderness. An unconditional love, a form of affection, something she never directly felt when she’d crawl upon their bed at the dead of the night with limbs entangled with each other as she sate her desires. 
The redness of the moon shone through the midnight sky.
“Please,” her friend pleaded firmly with such determination, all the while Robin continued to waver on to do so. She was horribly hesitant, “M-Mim,” she softly spoke, almost pleadingly. As if they were back to the same Robin from before; the Robin who wasn’t able to protect her beloved…friend. And if we get caught—?! She shook her head, as if shaking those thoughts away. She bit on her own tongue gently, her gaze trailing down onto the collapsed guard of the nursery ward then back to their friend’s beloved child safely held with their parent’s arms. To where they were supposed to belong, not separated by the Caretaker’s rules. “Just for a bit.”
“Just for a while…” She speaks, hesitant, as they gave a soft smile towards their childhood friend. “As long as Bailey is still out.” She quickly adds, hesitance evident on her face. “I-I don’t want him to hurt you, Mim. I would hate that, I, I feel like I was still the same person when Bailey…I don’t want you to—”
“I’ll be alright,” Mim softly reassured, blinking, as their gaze scanned their surroundings. “I’ll protect you and my son. Trust me.” 
Robin can sense something was off. Their hands gently intertwined, as if they were back to their childhood days. Just like when they were kids, innocent, having each other’s backs. As they skipped over the town, hastily. The redness of the blood moon continues to bleed out angrily, as her friend leads her through town, the paths they never thought they’d see. Past the school, where they spent most of their time in. Past the streets they’d take together as they went home together, window shopping all across. As she used to muse on and on about starting a new life, her friend with the seemingly mindless stare listening to her drone on and on. Beyond the docks, wherein Robin had first experienced a loss of hope. But Mim never gave up on her. A life beyond this town, a life beyond Bailey.
Robin stood, as she held her beloved’s child in her arms, safely as their friend continued to fight off the offenders. Almost effortlessly, perhaps there was hope after all…they continued to head towards a certain place, a pub, then soon a talk, a goodbye, a grim look towards those two people’s faces, then soon a vehicle. Robin knew it must have been stolen, both she and her friend didn’t have the proper documents. Which was now newly processed due to this one contact, as it was tucked safely on her lap while she continued to soothe her friend’s child.
“Just a little bit more,” Robin knew Mim was lying when they agreed it was only for a while, but she couldn’t help but feel relief. They were…finally going to escape? A life without Bailey? A life away from this town? They were nearing the border, then it would be another town. A better town. A town without Bailey, a place where they can finally start anew. Together, they can start a new life.
But…what about the other orphans? The feeling began to unsettle her stomach, she just couldn’t leave—the car came to a halt, the border becoming apparent. Just one step, and they’ll both be free. But due to her last minute hesitance, she froze as she saw a familiar sight. Feet now touching the other side, as she tried to pull Mim with her, wanting to finally save her this time. And then they’d run. They can think about the other orphans next.
But the world stopped, she froze. Yet somehow, deep inside, she expected this. The familiar car’s headlights shone upon the two of them. Removing the fantasy of a happy ending approaching.
There he was. The Caretaker. Bailey, standing, clearly irritated. Angry. Robin’s gaze was only stuck to her friend, whose fists are clenched, as they took calming breaths. Walking towards the Caretaker, standing as a wall in-between Robin with their child and Bailey. Protectively. Robin failed them again…she couldn't protect her beloved friend once more.
“Think you can escape me, huh?” Bailey speaks, harshly yanking on one of her friend’s horns, as they grit their teeth together. As if buying time, they glanced towards her, cuing, run. Robin, run. Pushed down onto the ground, while Bailey made a clicking noise, “You shitty brat," Bailey hit them. "You know what’s coming for you.” Alongside other mutters Robin’s racing mind couldn’t comprehend. 
“Mi–” Robin knew Mim was going to lie once more, as their gaze met hers once more. This time, a gentle smile was seen on their friend’s face, a reassuring expression. That everything will be alright, expressing; take care of these documents well. Please take care of my little child.
“I’ll catch up,” Mim was lying, Robin knew it. “Don’t worry.”
It was a counterpart of I love you, the three words Robin has been dreaming of hearing from her friend. As she ran, and ran, and ran. Making Robin wonder, will her friend’s child still remember their parent when they grow older?
That blood moon continues to haunt Robin.
In a town where nobody knows where she came from, one where her past is unknown. A town wherein the moon does not turn red, a safe town. 
All perfect, as what she had blabbered about before, with her bovine friend looking spaced out, despite actually listening intently.
The only thing was her beloved was not here.
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