nefling · 7 months
Genya starter for @swordsxandxsakuras (Nezuko)
His mind did nothing but wander, just randomly thinking. The halls of the butterfly mansion making his head ache, remembering exactly why he was here. It was just another one of those stupid checkups, making sure every demon slayer was fine. Was he? Honestly he was never able to tell.
Yet something caught the young demon munchers eyes, a girl who was more than familiar. She must've been the one he told to get out of the hot springs. He couldn't forget those oddly cute— what?? She isn't— Its a she..
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Genya stood there, essentially towering over the girl, right infront of her. Purple eyes not sure if he should look at her or not. Maybe avert his gaze?? God she was adorable. How could he not look at her?? That tingly feeling in his chest gave it away, he was blushing like a mad man. Mouth slightly agape. Genya didn't realize she was a girl when they first met— he definitely won't make that mistake twice.
Swallowing his pride, he somehow managed to put his asshole facade back on. A stern mean look on his face. Even if his voice did crack in the middle of the sentence.. ❝ O-Out of my way! ❞ He didn't mean to stutter either. What an idiot.
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vindictiae · 5 months
For the sake of brevity, some art below the cut.
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Probably already posted deadlock but,
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becameundone · 6 months
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Less concerned with accuracy and more concerned with dressing well and looking dramatic, Min's costume is more of an homage than anything specific. Although the movie Dawn of the Dead was the point of inspiration for the look, he's not dressed as any particular character. It's more of a meeting between fashion and horror, if the carefully applied fake cuts and blood are any indicator. A fake ammo belt is worn across his body like a chest harness and his thick-heeled boots would guarantee him a broken ankle in a real apocalypse. The clothes themselves were chosen with the 70s in mind, given that the fashion of the era is (ironically) alive and well in the movie, but he's gone for more of a bastardised pastiche of the era. It's about the overall mood, the way the little details create a larger image. But don't accuse him of not trying to dress up. This is a costume. Min would never wear this much brown otherwise! Besides, the fake blood is pretty convincing, and he's specifically applied his makeup so he looks as though he's in desperate need of a good night's rest. (Or maybe he is just tired from stressing about this party the whole night prior.) This outfit is also part of a group costume with Atticus & Micah; Tomo had been involved at some point, until he'd gotten distracted with his own whims. (min is participating!)
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cassieslee · 2 months
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hellsrebellion · 5 months
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It wasn't a command. And Roman was once again reminded that this version of Camilla both confused and terrified him. Rather than demanding with harshness, it's a gentle plea within her soft voice. Had there been some sort of domineering tone to it, he might've just offered some muttered excuse as to why he needed to go.
He was busy-- and he didn't necessarily need rest or sleep like she did. It was optional; although his meat suit certainly would've appreciated it. Not that there was anyone in there with needs, he'd made sure of that. It had been more on the front of selfishness than him having some 'sanctity of human life' bullshit.
'You can pretend and act like you're so different from the others, but how good can you be? You're holding someone hostage inside their own body right now, you're no better.' Roman still remembered a time not too long ago when she'd looked at him with disgust and voiced her disdain for him.
Her words like daggers, sharp with the intention to cut him up.
"Meat suit was already dead." He'd retorted flatly, turning back to face her after nearly leaving Singer's because he 'didn't need this shit'. Not knowing why he even felt the need to whip around explaining himself to her- as if he needed to. He could've just left despite the tether, then it would've been on her to call him back if she wanted to continue throwing verbal punches. Remind him of what he was, the hatred she harbored toward him. "Gunshot victim.. he'd already been beamed up, Scotty…he'd flatlined, they called time- lights out. There ain't nobody in here with me." His words had been spit with the same amount of venom, "So.. got anything else you wanna reem me for.. or we done for now?"
At the time, Roman had just accepted they'd never be able to see beyond black eyes and soullessness-- she'd always circle right back around to what he was despite his intentions. When Camilla had been of her own judgement Roman remembered her trying to reason with the Winchesters and Singer that he'd gain nothing from lying to them about what he knew. She hadn't known he'd been listening, but he had. As long as she had Dean in her's, that animosity would remain.. they were the only family that she had left. She'd never do anything to compromise that.. especially side with a demon.
"Look--we don't gotta get along, don't even gotta speak to one another 'less we have to. I'm just intel, can leave all the personal shit out of the equation.. I tell you what I know, you do with that information what you will. Call me here, just make sure it's need-to-know basis.. Dean can bottle his noise up 'til this is over and take me out for what Azazel did to his family after- we all got bigger problems right now."
It hadn't been some lifetime ago-- they'd still only known one another for a few months now. Which is why it was unnerving how quickly she'd become something.. important to him. He did care what she thought of him, had wanted her trust and that sense of longing he'd been grappling with never faded out, it only grew the longer he was around her.
Roman's expression softens on her in slight at the singular word, shifting his weight in his worn combats as those doe eyes search his own. He swallows and nods, barely detectable.
"Alright.." he says quietly to her, his low and deep voice in that uncharacteristically gentle tone- the one he only ever held with her when she got like this. Confusing, infuritating.. he didn't know which it was more of anymore.
Once again he just finds himself full of excuses. They were states away from the Winchesters, Bobby, Ellen, that weapon stash, her books.. anything she had that could've protected her or evened the odds should anyone downstairs have caught wind that she was alone in the city, and taken their chances trying to catch her off guard.
He had to stay.. to keep her safe.
But deep down, he knows better. Those hex bags kept her invisible-- nobody had any idea where she was; wouldn't have been able to sniff her out if they tried and at the moment Caim and the others' priorities were more focused on the bigger picture. As satisfying as it would've been to take the last remaining Remington out for them, they wouldn't be seeking her out. The only thing that was keeping him in that hotel room with her was his desire to be there.
She'd just handed the excuse to him, by asking for him to stay.
Roman's dark orbs linger down on her when he goes to pass by, his shoulder brushing against her own as he strides over to one of the beds to sit down on the foot of it with an exhale. Unsure of what to do then. It would've been less uncomfortable gargling holy water than it was trying to do this little song and dance, pretend like what was going on wasn't going on.
"Should've picked up some cards.. or.. Monopoly or somethin'.." he finally mumbles, sniffing and lifting his gaze to her. His head of unruly hair shakes once as his gaze flicks away from her again; untrusting that his own eyes wouldn't wander all over her, palms spreading down his thighs as he shifts on the mattress.
And he knew.. of course he fucking knew that she was treading a line seeing if he would finally cross over it. But she was the only thing he was terrified of.. and never for the reasons it would've made sense for him to be. He'd have never given her that knife she had tucked away in her bag if that were the case. It would be more likely Hell froze over before he ever allowed himself to give into the temptation she was offering him. No matter how badly he may have wanted to. The dynamic was already a complicated mess as was.. he couldn't imagine how much more complicated it would be if he did.
'You're walking a very dangerous path, Roman.' Jericho's words echo in his mind with warning. God knew he was.
"Can't help but keep wonderin'.." he finally starts again, any sense of amusement he'd held before drained from his voice entirely as his dark orbs stay planted on the warped wooden floor of that seedy hotel room. "..once this ends.. however it does.." he pauses in thought, his gaze finally lifting in search of her.
"..say we kill Lilith- Caim.. stop the domino effect should they start breakin' these seals. Lucifer never pops the cage.. or the war happens, and humanity wins.." he lists through scenarios, shrugging at her a bit as his gaze lingers up at her and shifts.
"You ain't the only hunter, Camilla.." he says finally, a warning in his tone- a knowing one. "Dean.. I don't know any way of savin' him.. even if that's the case, there's just as many hunters like Dean out there as there are like you, like Sam.." he explains in an even tone, swallowing as he stares up at her from the end of the bed.
" ..once the behemoth is out the way.. we both know who the targets are gonna be and other hunters aren't gonna be so understandin' that we ain't all the same." He exhales slowly as he watches her, nodding and dropping his gaze again.
He didn't know what he was looking for. Typically it was her looking to him for reassurance and he wasn't even sure that's what this was. More that he was just explaining a valid reason as to why he wouldn't even let himself get close to her- not any closer than he already was. Ever since Jericho jumping down his throat over his priorities it had turned into Roman just.. scrapbooking moments he'd had with her, the seed already having been planted that there was as much an inevitability here as there was with Dean's clock ticking, as there was with this little pissing contest between Hell and the Heavens. And to Roman that inevitability was only going to be harder if he allowed himself to let her in anymore than she already was…
"Likelihood is I'm gonna have to disappear.. once this is over." he says finally, his tone lowering as he swallows again. Not wanting to look up at her again for fear of what he'd find there. The worst part was that it didn't matter if any line was crossed or not. Camilla had crept into that godforsaken organ in his chest like a thief in the night and he already knew that he wouldn't be the same afterward. She'd made him feel the closest to human as he'd ever get again.
He didn't know if that was better, or worse in the end of things.'
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deathyeon · 1 year
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Aquele é YEON ROSIER, ex-aluno da casa SONSERINA na escola HOGWARTS. Ele tem 26 ANOS e é INOMINÁVEL. Seu status sanguíneo é MESTIÇO, e além de POSSUIR ANIMAGIA, NÃO POSSUI MALDIÇÃO. Ouvi dizer que é muito famoso por se parecer muito com SEO JI-HOON, mas principalmente, por apoiar o lado dos COMENSAIS DA MORTE.
resumo: Yeon não sabe que é mestiço, ninguém além da mãe dele sabe, talvez por isso ele seja tão diferente dos Rosier internamente. Carrega o legado da família nas costas e isso é um grande peso, principalmente porque ele não é alguém super cruel e que leva essa coisa de sangue-puro super a sério, tampouco menospreza os nascidos trouxas tanto assim, ao menos não internamente. Ele é centrado e muito inteligente, sua personalidade é uma mistura de frieza e ironia, ele é bom em esconder seu eu verdadeiro, deixando transparecer a ironia e a frieza como uma forma de se defender. Gosta de colher informações sobre possíveis inimigos e isso o faz ótimo na arte do fingimento. Não é lá muito fã de quadribol, mas adora a liberdade de voar numa vassoura. 
Com os sonserinos, Yeon criou uma relação de amor e ódio, durante os anos de escola se tornou leal a eles, fora defendido inúmeras vezes por eles e em troca os protegeu outras tanto, tomando para si suas batalhas e absorvendo suas inimizades. No entanto, seus ideais e valores sempre foram algo que o incomodaram, apesar da lealdade, nunca se sentiu parte do grupo ou considerava-os amigos, sua solidão sendo sempre suprida através de conhecimento e estudos. 
conexões - curiosidades 
Vingança, sede por poder e desespero permeiam os primeiros anos de vida de Yeon, o desespero de sua mãe por ter engravidado de um trouxa foi tão grande que ela não pensou duas vezes em aceitar se casar com Evan Rosier, o traços estrangeiros da mulher serviram de justificativa para os do filho e assim a mentira se mantém até os dias atuais.
Os Rosier são conhecidos por serem aliados de Lord Voldemort, da mesma forma que o sangue-puro é um grande orgulho, algo que Sohee nunca gostou ou sequer concordou, no entanto, para sua sobrevivência naquela terra distante ela se calou e se adaptou para preservar sua vida e a de seu bebê.
Após a morte do marido, Sohee se viu pressionada pelos sogros na educação de Yeon, já que o menino precisava espelhar o pai. Não foi fácil para o menino viver sob a pressão e cobranças constantes, sendo educado desde cedo com magia das trevas em casa. Todas as noites Sohee se empenhava em desfazer parte do que seus sogros faziam com seu filho, pensou até mesmo em fugir com sua cria, o medo não deixava, tinha certeza que seria caçada e morta, o que seria muito pior.
Quando entrou em Hogwarts foi facilmente colocado na Sonserina, todos acreditavam que era por causa de seu sobrenome e não houve qualquer questionamento. Sohee, no entanto, estranhou, visto que a Sonserina não costumava aceitar mestiços, mesmo que essa não fosse uma informação conhecida.
Com os sonserinos, Yeon criou uma relação de amor e ódio, durante os anos de escola se tornou leal a eles, fora defendido inúmeras vezes por eles e em troca os protegeu outras tanto, tomando para si suas batalhas e absorvendo suas inimizades. No entanto, seus ideais e valores sempre foram algo que o incomodaram, apesar da lealdade, nunca se sentiu parte do grupo ou considerava-os amigos, sua solidão sendo sempre suprida através de conhecimento.
O jovem sonserino é centrado, inteligente, ótimo estrategista e duelista, não gosta muito de quadribol, mas adora a liberdade de voar em uma vassoura. Sua personalidade é uma mistura de frieza e ironia, ele é bom em esconder seu eu verdadeiro, deixando transparecer a ironia e a frieza como uma forma de se defender. Yeon é alguém agradável, mas... quando se trata de pessoas que não conhece ou que não gosta, essa amabilidade é pura falsidade e manipulação, além de não querer virar um alvo maior do que já é, gosta de colher informações sobre possíveis inimigos e isso o faz ótimo na arte do fingimento.
Admira sua mãe e tem nela um exemplo a ser seguido, costuma ser bastante solitário e para ele está tudo bem ser assim, possui uma grande paixão: o piano. Também é o queridinho da mamãe e um tanto quanto nariz em pé, vê muitos como seres inferiores, até mesmo alunos de sua própria casa, pelo simples fato de não serem tão inteligentes ou se prenderem a coisas como sangue- puro, algo que em sua visão é uma tremenda estupidez. Carrega o legado da família nas costas e isso é um grande peso, principalmente porque ele não é alguém super cruel e que leva essa coisa de sangue-puro super a sério, tampouco menospreza os nascidos trouxas tanto assim, ao menos não internamente.
Yeon sempre demonstrou ser habilidoso e inteligente, usava do estudo para preencher boa parte de seu tempo livre na escola, já que não conseguia ver entre os colegas de casa algum amigo de verdade, desconfiava da maioria ali. Poções e transfiguração eram as matérias em que demonstrava maior habilidade e interesse, de tanto praticar conseguiu descobrir como se transformar em um animago no sexto ano, se transformando assim em uma raposa do ártico. Por receio e por querer usar sua habilidade para sua própria proteção em caso de necessidade, nunca contou isso pra ninguém e muito menos se registrou como animago no Ministério da Magia.
De tanto ser leal e seguir sua turma da sonserina, se viu entre os comensais da morte sem querer realmente, não era como se o outro lado fosse aceitá-lo. Por ora, está com os comensais para proteger a si mesmo e sua mãe.
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gleamingcrowns · 10 months
a starter for @hawkinshellraiser
Nancy looked at herself in the mirror, she tried to smooth out her dress. It felt to much, she felt like she was to much. It was a ruse, it wasn't even like she wanted to go. But, it was to get both Steve and Jonathan off her back about going. So when she blurted out that Eddie asked her, and she said yes they finally stopped asking. Applying some lip gloss, and smudging her eyeliner just a little.
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Mike came to the door, looking at her like she was crazy. And in that moment, she felt it. When she heard the knock on the door, she quickly slipped on her heels and headed to the door. Opening it up, a weak smile on her lips as she looked at her date. "I'm so sorry i've dragged you into this. But, for what it's worth. You look good."
Nancy looked at her mom, who had the camera ready with a wild smile on her lips. Begging for photos, a reluctant groan as she stepped aside to let Eddie inside. Standing next to him awkwardly, a photo snapped. Karen asked them to pose like an actual prom photo, directing them to have Eddie hold her from behind. Giving him a look of an apology, turning her back to him as she did. They posed, Nancy felt like her face was going to be as bright as a tomato. There was another photo taken, then another direction. Put her hands on Eddie's chest. "Mom ple-" There was no getting her out of this, so she turned around. Whispering to Eddie as she did. "I am so, so, so sorry for this. I owe you big time." Putting her hands gingerly on his chest, leaning into him. Looking at him with big doe eyes, her breath hitching in her throat.
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bearnumberthree · 1 year
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ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ   "It is advised to keep any and all biting out of the workplace. Grizzco is not responsible for whatever the consequences of those actions may be."
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nefling · 7 months
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vindictiae · 5 months
One more for the night. I might do Jazz tomorrow.
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becameundone · 8 months
WHERE: Peppy Parrot's Emporium Opening Event WHEN: 1st September WHO: anyone! ( @anchoragestarters ) CAP: 3/4
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"It feels like I'm the only person here who doesn't hate these animatronics," said Min, yanking a string of bright pink tickets out from the dispenser of the machine he'd been busying himself with for the last while. He'd accumulated a pretty impressive pile of these tickets and his hands were starting to ache. "If you ask me, animatronics are, as a whole, really fascinating," he went on, "Not a big fan of the anthropomorphic types, just because they're usually quite ugly? But, if they've got an appealing design, I think they're really cool. Like the t-rex from Jurassic Park? And the way they're used for film puppetry is—"
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Suddenly aware of the fact he was rambling, Min immediately shut up. Shrugged his shoulders. Tried not to look embarrassed. The game cabinet was blaring out music, the 'insert money to play' notice blinking against the title screen, and Min's throat was starting to feel a little dry. He shoved a hand into his coat pocket and was faced with an unfortunate truth; not only had he forgotten his wallet but he'd used the last of the loose change he had floating around in his pocket on this dumb game. "Uh, hey, if I give you a bunch of these," he said, lifting up a fistful of ticket reels, "Could you buy me a Coke? I'll give you enough to make it a fair deal."
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cassieslee · 5 months
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My favorite part about this job. ❤️
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deathyeon · 1 year
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Reuni abaixo algumas ideias que gostaria de desenvolver, não sou lá muito boa pensando em conexões e gosto bastante de deixar rolar na dash, por isso, são poucas. A maioria das cnns são livres de gênero. 
Amigo dos sonhos - @olwoodic e Yeon estabeleceram uma amizade secreta durante o período do colégio, afinal, um sonserino não pode ser amigo de alguém de outra casa, não é mesmo? principalmente se acontecer muse ser um nascido trouxa ou mestiço. Muse foi (talvez ainda seja) um dos poucos amigos verdadeiros que Yeon conseguiu ter e essa amizade foi tão forte que o sonserino criou uma poção para poder estar livremente com muse através dos sonhos, dessa forma, apesar de se ignorarem nos corredores, estavam sempre juntos durante as noites. 
Amizade, será? - muse 1 e muse 2 foram da sonserina e estabeleceram uma espécie de amizade com o Yeon, o Rosier não confiava realmente nos colegas de casa, mas nem por isso deixou de fingir ser amigo de muses. (sonserinos)
Namoro arranjado - @milliesente e Yeon namoraram durante o período que estudaram em Hogwarts por pura pressão e arranjo das famílias, acontece que nunca estivera nos planos do Rosier levar o relacionamento para frente e após se formar deu um jeito de terminar, infelizmente parece que sues avós e a família de muse não gostaram muito disso. (female / sonserina)
Contatinho - quem diria que a marca negra ia minar as atividades sexuais de Yeon, não é mesmo? pois, foi exatamente isso que aconteceu com o ex sonserino, algo que o fazia xingar quase todas as noites, as únicas noites que não xingava eram as que estava com muse, que por ser também ume comensal da morte, não havia problemas. muse transformava facilmente os xingamentos do Rosier em gemidos.
Platonic love - Yeon sente uma profunda admiração e curiosidade por muse desde os tempo de escola, por serem de grupos e casas diferentes, o rapaz nunca ousou se aproximar muito. A única vez que ousou fazer algo foi em seu último ano, quando usou sua poção dos sonhos para invadir o sonho de muse e lhe dar um beijo. Se muse estranhou o sonho ou não, ele nunca soube. 
essa é uma zona cinza pra mim, vistou que sou péssima nisso, mas adoraria desenvolver algum tipo de rivalidade ou até mesmo provocações por não se gostarem, aquela coisa bem típica de sonserinos x grifanos.
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colorscfsin · 1 year
@akfil asked:
why won’t you let me go home?
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♔‘゚ ‣ ❝ ゲームオーバー ❞ → THERE'S NOTHING MORE FRUSTRATING THAN a heist gone wrong for them ; witnesses were a pain, mistakes were a detriment, and having both on their plate now meant that they were in serious shit -- seriously beneath the payout kind of shit. It's warranted that she'd inquire about her fate, though she seemed more curious than outright afraid...even if he'd argue that she should theoretically feel some form of fear. Maybe her outward appearance wasn't fully conveying her emotions, but whatever the case, she was stuck here...in their temporary hideout...until...who the fuck knows?
       ❝ Nothing personal, ❞ he argued, hands stuck deep into his pockets, gaze flickering toward the doorway in apprehensive survey ; the police were bound to be on the hunt for her eventually and all they knew now was that they weren't killers...but what could they do to keep her from babbling to the authorities once they released her?
       Nothing. Nothing. Nothing! Ugh that word frustrated him, yet it was all that seemed to break through every possible solution: they had nothing they could accomplish to avoid potentially being arrested. She wasn't tied up, though they probably should have restrained her, but the threat of being beaten if she moved would keep most at bay, wouldn't it? ❝ We weren't trying to take someone hostage, but we can't risk you telling people you saw us. ❞
       What did she want? Money? That's all they had to offer...but he doubted someone like her would need it. ❝ It was just going to be an easy in-and-out mission until you showed up ; we just wanted to grab some money from someone who wouldn't miss it. ❞
       If he hadn't already calmed down from his previous argument with the other three, he may have yelled at her by now ; she was fortunate in that regard. Deep inhale, hands removed from pockets to slide down his face. ❝ Fuck -- what'd'ya want? ❞
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