#¹the question of whether or not they were also homoerotic in nature remains unanswered
dracula-dictionary · 1 year
Dracula Dictionary, May 3rd
Bistritz: a city in northern Transylvania, Romania (called Bistrița in Romanian)
Buda-Pesth: a city in Hungary (which borders Romania) (modern spelling: Budapest)
Danube: the second-longest river in Europe
Klausenburg: German name of the Romanian city Cluj-Napoca, unofficial capital of the Transylvania region
"was not able to light on": couldn't find
Ordnance Survey: the national mapping agency for Great Britain
"queer dreams": (in this context) strange dreams¹
missal: book containing the prayers, important chants, responses, and necessary instructions for the celebration of the mass in the Roman Catholic Church throughout the year
"clumsy about the waist": having a wide waist, not wearing a corset
prepossessing: attractive or appealing in appearance, creating a favorable impression
Bukovina: a region that in modern times is split between the north of Romania and the south of the Ukraine
diligence: a public stagecoach, like a bus that's pulled by horses
¹the question of whether or not they were also homoerotic in nature remains unanswered
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