blindedguilt · 2 years
♡ _  ♡ |[Inuart (@balladless) 'cause I'm validly curious. ]|
Send ♡ _  ♡ and my muse will name 1-3 Attractive and/or admirable traits of your muse!
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Leonard would be the first to admit it: He wasn't the most familiar with Inuart, at least not beyond what he had learned and heard from others during his time in the camp. He had heard about his skill and passion with song - But as he had not heard for himself, he feared the prospect of coming off as ingenuine - Still, hesitation tended to come off as impolite in these such circumstances where compliments were expected, and so Leonard, though an expression of deep thought still lingered on his face, tried not to keep quiet for too long.
"...Lord Inuart is a very noble man," Leonard began thoughtfully, "Surely, I cannot imagine the great challenge he must face every day seeing the ill fates of all those he had held so dearly. That he has maintained his kindness and loyalty to his sworn blood and accompanied them, no matter how they may have changed, is an admirable trait."
Admirable. He couldn't bring himself to say "Attractive", even theoretically - Inuart was still far too much of a stranger for him to be making such assumptions, much less be comfortable with it. Endearing may have been the more fitting word, though Leonard wouldn't have dared to say it - From what the hermit had understood, Inuart, having lost both his betrothed and brother in-spirit to the awful whims of the world, hadn't grown distant and fallen off from their lives... But rather, continued his talks and good cheer with them as if it were all the same.
Leonard was the last person to interest himself in other people affairs or histories of his own volition. Most of what he had overheard from the soldiers and his own allies in the camp - "You know about them", "Did you hear about so-and-so...?" - Were just as quickly forgotten by him the moment he passed by. Yet, something about Inuart's story (At least, what he knew of it) had lingered.
Perhaps it reminded him of his own childhood friends.
Leonard fell quiet. After a brief pause, he finally spoke with a small shake of his head.
"I feel it would be uncouth to state any such thoughts on one who I have yet to know. I am sure that Lord Inuart is a very fine man."
And that was all he could say on it.
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voicelesshatred · 2 years
* knowing your partner well can potentially make writing a lot easier.
name: Bri (I also answer to Dev, The Snail and [muse]-mun )
pronouns: She/Her (Also accepts They/Them)
preference of communication: Discord for mutuals, Askbox for everyone else. Tumblr’s IM system is garbage.
name of muse(s): Caim. (Sideblogs: Angelus, Inuart, Verdelet, Manah & Seere, Michael Other blogs: Squall Leonhart, Ultimecia, Vauthry, Demitri Maximoff, Morrigan Aesnland, The Phantom/Erik, Christine Daaé, Raoul de Chagny, The Persian, La Carlotta, Madame Giry, Luciana, Kyu Sugardust)
experience/how long (months/years?): Christ, I think it’s about 24 years now? Yahoo forums, Yahoo Messenger, MSN messenger, a forum thing I can’t recall anymore, Gaia Online, Tumblr and Discord.
best experience: Sadly, I can’t say I have one. But I’ve made a good number of excellent friends through this farce so if that counts, so be it.
rp pet peeves/deal breakers: Not having a rules page. (If I don’t know what you do and don’t accept, I’m less inclined to roleplay with you.) Not being able to tell the difference between reality and fiction. (People can write messed up shit without condoning it.) Asking why I or someone close to me unfollowed. (I am not my friends’ keeper. And I don’t appreciate the chance of being gaslit into a refollow because I have my reasons for doing so in the first place. And sending friends to do this on your behalf/insult me on my decision is a red flag for both of you.) Establishing a ship with one of my muses only to not follow through. (Even worse, replace me with a duplicate muse.) Vague posting/Making personal posts more than roleplaying. (Just get a personal blog for that already...) The list is longer but these are the biggest. 
muse preferences fluff, angst, or smut: Angst is the norm for a good chunk of my muses. I’m always down for fluff and smut but only if it works. As far as Caim goes, smut is more likely as he’s an uncaring asshole.
long or short replies: I’m fine with either. I can’t seem to write novels like I used to but I do my best.
best time to write: This absolutely varies.
Saw two wonderful peeps do it so I plucked it from them. ♥
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blindedguilt · 2 years
"Leonard...even you seem to be making assumptions. All I did is talk to my friend and everyone is acting as if, it is a heresy gone wrong."
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Even with Leonard's astounding patience, a part of him almost felt as if it didn't want to deal with Inuart in the moment. Momentarily he felt his blood boil at the sound of that voice he had grown to trust and respect, but just as quickly as it came did Leonard hurry to stifle it. He knew better than that - And given the confusion present in the bard's tone, perhaps... A deep breath was advance before he spoke. "Inuart... It appears that you are unaware of it, and I hope it is sincere that you are. If you truly have no knowledge of what is happening, then please - Forgive me. Perhaps I had only misjudged the situation in haste; for a man of such noble character I would be more inclined to take that as the case... I had sensed the heart of the Goddess ache, and so I had acted like a fool. But if I may be allowed to request one thing of you, at the very least..."
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Leonard's gaze grew from apologetic to stern, though only by the slightest degree. "Though you may no longer be officially betrothed, you know very well how highly the Goddess still thinks of you. It is an esteemed position. Please... Do not betray the faith she has placed in you since before and after her becoming the seal. That is my one and only request of you."
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blindedguilt · 2 years
"You seem rather tense. Is it...my cooking?"
The cookies were burnt. By accident.
"Ah....?" Leonard's head turned to Inuart, a once deep-knitted expression of thought falling into confusion, and then resting into one of his usual, mild discontent.
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"No... No, it is nothing. I am fine, Inuart. Please, do not worry about me.” ... It seemed Inuart was less than confident in his cooking, which confused Leonard. Even given their current circumstances, the camp being... What it was, he would have expected they voice their thoughts about Inuart’s cooking, and less than kindly at that, if it was really that bad.  As if in active defiance of the other’s self-doubt, Leonard reached blindly forwards and took a cookie. If only he could see the charred black... “Inuart.... You mustn’t worry so needlessly. The peace you provide to the people of the camp is incomparable, I am sure of it. Surely it would lose all sense of itself should you not be there to grant it’s soldiers balance. ...Now, please, do not think so lowly of your skills again.” Leonard took a bite of the cookie and, for a small, small second, he froze.
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...Oh. He hurried to provide the red-headed bard with a smile, nonetheless, and cleared his throat.  “....It is not hardly as bad as you claim it to be,” He lied, “I think you should continue your efforts. It was very thoughtful of you to bake for everyone, they may not speak it but I am sure they appreciate your efforts as well. Thank you. It was... Very kind.”
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blindedguilt · 3 years
What does the Fairy think of Leonard's companions?
Arioch: “Oho, she's an interesting one, for an elf! Lost her whole family and then after that, her sanity! Sad, sad, how sad! Ahahahaha!! Yes, yes, if nasty old Leonard would let me, I'd have fed her that brat forever ago, you know~! Chopped him up into tiny tiny pieces and thrown them to her from afar! Wouldn't say I trust her enough to get comfortable, though. Nope~ She looks ready to take a bite out of me any second, too! But! Doesn’t mean I can’t get a little close~ Oh, mother! Don’t let your child die! Don’t let me die, please, I love you mother! Aha! Ahahaha!”
Caim: “Ohhhh? Isn’t he the one with the sword? Ahaha! I don’t mind him as much as the others, he’s doing everyone a favour by killing those nasty, nasty humans who burned down our precious forest! But you know what? I noticed something odd about that one, I did~ You know what it is? Well, do youuuu~? Do you do you do you~? Aha! I noticed he actually takes joy in the spilling of all that yucky, icky blood! Ee-ew! He’s just as bad as those empire humans who took his life, he is! Sorry, pitiful little Caim!”
Seere:  “Oh, that brat! Hmph, I don’t fancy him at all! Little Leonard certainly does have a thing for him though, that’s for sure~ You think it’s brotherly love or, gasp, something more? Hmmmm~? Ohoho, gross! Yuck! Doesn’t the little urchin even know what his sister’s up to nowadays, anyway? If it wasn’t for her, his mother would likely still be alive! Then he wouldn’t be our problem, getting himself kidnapped like that~”
Verdelet: “Hmmmm.. He’s annoying, yup~ I think Caim should kill him! Maybe then his pleas for his life would actually be a sermon worth listening to! Stupid old fart, I liked him better when the empire had him tossed in a jail cell. I don’t see how anyone puts up with his annoying rambles, you think he would have figured it out by now that no one cares!”
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blindedguilt · 2 years
//You know, the more I think about it, the more I’m left wondering if Caim ever even got an idea about Leonard’s issue. I doubt he’d really care beyond just “ew lol” and I’m sure he must have at least mused about it once or twice but like…. Did he ever know-know?  //By the way, I love how his initial reaction to Leonard is fuckin this:
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//The fact we don’t see a face as utterly lost and confused as that again makes me cackle shfjvjfjenr 
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blindedguilt · 3 years
“i’ve carried this for years, and i plan to take it to my grave.”
Leonard immediately went to answer in his concern, though hesitated at the last second. Something about how this was said stood out to him as... Different. "... Is this about the seal?" He asked finally, "Or something else?"
But then again, perhaps... Perhaps he was projecting unfairly onto the girl. It was common for humans to do so with God's and Goddesses, anyways. "...Regardless, the weight of the seal must bear heavy on you either way. Please, if there is anything I can do to alleviate that burden I only ask you request it of me. All thoughts you may share that are considered burdensome, they are of no concern to me. For a holder of the seal, especially, there is no sin you could commit that would be cause for shame on my behalf.”
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blindedguilt · 2 years
Uranus, Canopus, Libra, Tadpole Galaxy, Wormhole
Uranus: What’s your hobby?
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Leonard's brows knit together. He... Didn't think there was ever really a moment in his life he was allowed to develop hobbies, at least of his own will. Metal-working, maybe...? His family had... Attempted to teach him as a child, but that was more the handing down of the trade than anything. He was just starting to realise he never really had the time or mind to develop a hobby growing up, and when he lived in the forest the focus was always survival then, too... If not that, he just never quite felt the need or desire to do anything else. He'd always find something to keep himself busy; But surely there were times even he had nothing to- Oh!
"I enjoyed sitting and watching the birds quite often in the past," He said as naturally as he could despite such an unnatural pause of silence. "I found them to be good company. They kept me from loneliness many times living there." 
Canopus: Have you ever broken a bone?
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“When I was young, I had broken my ankle once in an accident. I had... Tripped, foolishly, over my father’s anvil, and the angle had caused it to twist...” Leonard took a slow breath in at that memory; how embarrassing it was for him to look back on. He felt fortunate to have gained an ounce more tact with age, no matter how terribly uncoordinated he might have been in most situations even now. Still, there was at least one good thing that had come out of the whole incident, something he carried with him even today. “To say that my parents had been merely unpleased with my behaviour...! It would be too grave of an understatement, I fear.” 
Libra: Favourite Colour?
A simple question to move on from the last, at least how Leonard saw it. He didn’t often enjoy talking about his past to others often after all; no matter how small it was the general feeling of prying was still there, and Leonard had grown to hate that.
So his favourite colour... A simple question. That was good, though still took a moment of consideration from him. Calm colours were nice. 
“... There was a stream that flowed near where I lived in the forest,” He recalled. “I think the blue it had shone with in the summer was pleasant. I may be unable to see it now, but I would like to visit that stream again someday.”
Tadpole Galaxy: Would you deny a relationship/friendship?
“What does that... Mean...?” 
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Leonard had to sit and think about it for a moment before he finally managed to understand it, showing his grasp of the question with a somewhat hesitant, yet prompt nod. “Ah, yes.... I think I understand it now. Perhaps...?” Leonard trailed off in further thought for a moment. Truly, there was more challenge in his initial calling of someone as anything more of an acquaintance, for both his and their sake. He didn’t see why he’d possibly deny anything after taking the risk of the responsibilities that came with any titles above acquaintanceship. If there were any reason to deny it, there would be little point in even trying. Especially 
“I... Do not think that I would deny such a thing,” There was a slow tone of confusion in his answer, no matter how confident he tried make it seem. Really, Leonard didn’t know the answer either. He felt like he should have said he would, but for what case he couldn’t think of. Unless he was truly more disgusting than he thought, but... He wouldn’t go there. He wasn’t that kind of monster, at least he hoped not....
Leonard shook his head. This was more stressful than he thought it would be.
“It is an unnecessary question after all, there is no use that will come in contemplating it. I know that I would rather not.”
Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t? 
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He... Had actually thought about this one before. Well... Lamented it, at least. He wished his brothers would come back. That he had another chance, but... Even Leonard had started to falter in his initial denial that they were gone. Such ridiculous wishes were just made against his better judgment for something he didn’t want to admit for, the thought of the impossibility of it destroying him more than the Empire or Caim ever had. Initially- Years, even months ago, he thought there would have been some hope of it, but really...
A deep breath. He wondered if he could even muster that hopelessness into words.
“...I wish that I could be a healed man- That I would be able to someday...” There was a faint tremble in the quiet mutter, his brows furrowing and his blinded gaze lowering a bit. He felt as if whatever sliver of hope had remained within him was smashed with those words, and some kind of heavy weight welled up in his chest and throat he had only recalled from the day his brothers had been killed.
He wanted to live a normal life. That was all he ever wanted, was to live normally; taking care of his family like a good son and brother and even possibly starting one of his own. But...
There didn’t seem to be any sign he was ever going to get better. No matter how he wished it.
...There just wasn’t any hope for such a curse, was there?
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