#{The Hopelessly Romantic Bride To Be; (Elphelt Valentine)}
universal-wills · 2 years
@demon-blood-youths​ liked for a starter with Elphelt!
The Valentine was at a complete standstill, absolutely paralyzed with indecision. Before her stood a myriad flowers that she had been jumping between for the past several minutes. The poor woman running this flower stand, bless her heart, was doing everything she possibly could to keep up, but it was clear she was getting tired out.
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“Ah! Why is it so hard to choose?!” she lamented, throwing her arms in the air. After a moment, she turned to an unlucky passerby, immediately drawing them into her dilemma.
“Can you help me? I have no idea which flowers to pick for my bouquet. I normally go with red roses, because they’re the classic expression of love, but there are so many options! Daisies say ‘loyal love’, or a white lily for ‘purity’, oh! But nothing shows a strong declaration of love like a red tulip! Maybe a yarrow or heliotrope, to say ‘I’ll love you forever’? But what if our love is forbidden? Would a gardenia be more appropriate? What should I do?”
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universal-wills · 2 years
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“Oh, I can’t wait for the holidays! The mistletoe is just so romantic!”
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universal-wills · 2 years
[This plays at Elphelt’s wedding.]
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universal-wills · 2 years
Headcanon: Elphelt and Romance
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[So obviously, El is like, dangerously obsessed with finding a husband and getting married to the point that she’ll proposition pretty much everyone. Like, her victory animation in Xrd is literally her running up to her opponent and pulling a marriage certificate out of her cleavage and either telling them to sign if it’s a guy, or asking them to introduce her to their friend if it’s a lady. All of her win quotes against the male cast is also her fantasizing about what their married life will be like, painting it like it’s some sort of soap opera romance flick (not to mention that after realizing that Ky is married, saying that he’ll need to get a divorce first).
So it really seems that she’s just really horny and boy obsessed on the surface, but I think it’s a little deeper than that. Elphelt’s chronically horny behavior is actually a lingering effect of her programming from the Universal Will. Even though she’s free from Ariels’ control, there’s still that little bit of influence that’s hardwired into her personality.
Elphelt was created to basically be Ariels’ spy, to infiltrate human society and wait to be activated like a sleeper agent. To this end, she needed to blend in, so she was given the prerogative of trying to just be normal, find a husband, get married, and live like a normal person until she was needed. And that little bit of her programming is what’s really driving her to seek a husband and a family so badly. She of course does want to find love on her own, but that part of her wiring is what pushes her to do it.
So yeah, she’s kinda psycho to get a husband and have kids, but I also don’t think she’s totally straight either. The main point for this being El’s instant kill in Xrd, “Magnum Wedding.” Basically she pulls out her rifle and fires a special love bullet into her opponent’s heart and causes them to fall in love with her. Each character has a different reaction to it, and several characters really try to fight it because their heart lies elsewhere. Either they’re married/interested in someone else (Ky and Dizzy, Slayer, Zato, and Venom which is a double down since he’s canonically gay), they have a priority other than love (Potemkin, Bedman), or they just aren’t interested at all (Raven). At the same time though, characters that aren’t normally interested in girls still fall for her in it (May, Milia, Jam), and it even manages to break Baiken’s otherwise unwavering will. The thing here is that Elphelt also doesn’t really fight it if she gets hit. She actually seems somewhat open to the idea of falling for a woman in her quotes (if not a little surprised).
So I think that Elphelt’s true sexuality is probably pan, but she was hardwired to just seek a husband and have children since her creation, so that’s the predominant thought on her mind, and it makes her seem boy crazed, but really she does have the capacity to fall for a woman, she just needs to be beat over the head with the idea to get it through her thick skull.]
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universal-wills · 2 years
Ramlethal: “I have not allowed myself to feel any emotion until recently, but now that I have, I’ve found a family that I feel close to, and I may have a small crush on one man.”
Elphelt: *running around with marriage certificates tucked in her cleavage ready to propose to anyone in a 5 mile radius like a hormonal boy-crazy teenager*
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