#{ and tbh mains always makes me feel like i'm watching the inscrutable jostling of gradeschool lunchroom tables }
empiresbane · 2 years
who are your exclusives/mains?
I don't have any. I don't see the point tbh. Everybody writes these characters differently, has different ideas, verses, styles, preferences, etc. So I don't have any issue with writing with multiple versions of a character; you get something fun and different out of all of them. The idea of being like “no thanks I don’t want to write with your character-x because I’ve written something with this other person’s character-x and that’s the only stuff with character-x I can imagine ever being interested in” is just totally alien to the way my brain works. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As for mains, I understand that for most people it seems to be a way of reducing anxiety or guilt about writing with some people more than others, which I get, but I've never felt that sort of concern myself so I personally see no need to make that sort of a defined list. The people I write with the most will be the people who write with me the most and that will change based on who’s around and feeling inspired to write with me the most, simple as that!
If you’re just trying to find the blogs of the cool people I write with so you can write with them too, check the rp promo tags on my blogs, they’re awesome.
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