#`❉▐▒░ | ǫᴜɪᴇᴛ ɢᴜᴀʀᴅɪᴀɴ |「main」
guardianlost · 5 years
@ulfrsveinn from x because i had to 
“Odin’s not very ordinary though. He’s raven mad! And Thor’s got a real stormy personality.”
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     “Eye see what you did there with Odin. But you’re right. They’re both rather Tyr-rible.”
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guardianlost · 5 years
@spartanraged replied to your post: "You wish to celebrate the Lupercalia?" For the...
Kratos is internally relieved because he does not want to slap his wife with a pelt, or with anything for that matter.
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     “Out of curiosity, mitt hjärta, what would you consider to be ‘romance’?”
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guardianlost · 5 years
😲 (..he's in a mood dON'T LOOK AT ME--)
nonverbal meme!! ||😲 Smack my muse’s butt lol
On some level, Faye pitied the draugr. Having turned down their chance for peace in the afterlife (limited, be though it may) they were left to wander the realms knowing nothing but rage at those who yet live. A miserable existence by any measure; and she considered it a kindness to cut the creatures down. 
Efficiency was how she showed mercy, granting a quick and clean second death for once their reanimated bodies were destroyed they would be freed. Leviathan had been a part of her life for countless winters now and they flowed together as one, the axe spiralling under her control and ricocheting on command; returning to her grasp with a gesture. Her style is well practiced even to the untrained eye, and a lifelong warrior like her husband would be able to discern the nuance in her technique. She struck with purpose and not a single motion was wasted nor superfluous. 
After decapitating three of them with one swing - close to her personal best - Faye pauses for breath and takes a look back over her shoulder at him. Kratos has clearly dispatched his own share of the reanimated creatures, including thoughtfully taking care of one that had attempted to aim a sneaky projectile at her back. She flashes an appreciative smile, acknowledgement of the protection. There is no one else Faye would rather have at her side in this world or the next. 
Peace is restored to the forest clearing, a moment of respite interrupted by the sensation of his hand colliding with her ass. A playful swat, presumably brought on in no small part by his appreciation for her fighting skills. Faye smirks but stages a theatric scandalized tone in her response. “Not in front of the draugr!!”
Laughing softly, she reaches down to tangle her bloodstained fingers with his. 
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guardianlost · 5 years
"I'm of no use to this squalling thing. Please, take it."
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And take the child she would, even if purely on instinct. Her arms curl around and under the tiny human and with their neck properly supported, the wailing fades.
     “Babies tend to ‘squall’ less when one isn’t holding them upside down by the leg, I find.           Whose infant is this?”
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guardianlost · 6 years
Calliope saw Faye atop of the mountain's edge, joining her; a hand pressing against Faye's shoulder for reassurance. "Father said you'd be here," She spoke softly. "The season's changing according to the leaves. I thought I would give you something as a gift." Calliope took her flute's carrier and stripped it of the line in which it held. "This necklace was my mother's, and I've been meaning to give it to someone important, worthy of wearing it." Calliope grinned. "I hope you'll accept it."
Solitude was something Faye had never craved, despite her self-imposed exile and quiet existence. Every so often she wandered - testing the warded boundaries, she told herself - and found a high point to look down on the world in contemplation. It may be dangerous, but Jöphie circled high above her, forever alert and watchful for aesir spies so she felt there was little to fear. 
Jöphie let out a warning call, arcing in the direction of movement before resuming her aerial patrol. Faye continued to gaze on the panorama below; had it been an intruder the gyrfalcon would have gone on the attack. She doesn’t turn until there is the sensation of warmth and weight upon her shoulder and she turns, greeting Calliope with a soft smile. The closeness is no intrusion. Faye welcomes it as surely as she had welcomed the girl into her own heart. Calliope was the blood of the man she loved, and that made her kin.
She smiles again at the mention of Kratos. Of course he would have known where she was headed; even something as small as a shared glance between the two of them could hold an entire conversation. Silently she watches as Calliope continues to speak, and is briefly stunned, eyes widening with open surprise at the nature of the gift.
     “Are you sure you want me to have this?” Faye asks, hushed. It humbles her, the generosity of the gesture and its significance. It had belonged to the woman who had borne Calliope, a bond Faye respected and would never encroach on even if she truly did adore her as if she were her own daughter. She gazes at her, questioning, giving Calliope an opportunity to change her mind if she were anything less than certain; and is met with naught but a sense of hope. 
This isn’t something Calliope would do if she were not absolutely sure, Faye realizes. It likely took courage to even ask, to offer something so priceless beyond measure. Her fingers wrap around the necklace reverently, and her chest tightens. It takes two attempts for Faye to respond through hitching breaths. “—–I accept.”
It’s not until the foreign sensation of water beginning to chill and freeze on her cheeks that Faye realizes she’d begun to cry. 
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guardianlost · 5 years
@sinnhelmingr | sc
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A chill that could cut to even a Jötunn’s bones, this realm was desolate and frigid but no less than where she belonged. Even had she died in battle rather than falling to illness Faye possessed no desire to join the einherjar. It was better this way. 
Her form is less distinct than in life, but full presence of mind is still with Faye as she regards the figure approaching. Someone new, but the furthest from a stranger. 
     “I must confess... I always wanted to meet you, but hoped against fate it could be better circumstances than this.”
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guardianlost · 5 years
can i get in on those kisses pls
free smooches || 1/5
Quiet mornings were one of the things Faye relished the most, greeting the dawn with a warm arm curled around her, anchoring her to him beneath their blanket of furs. She turns carefully under his grip, attempting to move closer without waking him to lay there a while longer. There was no birdsong to be heard outside so it was early yet; too early to rise.
She settles her head just below his collarbone and rests a hand on his chest, the feel of his strong heartbeat beneath her palm a comforting rhythm. It’s a familiar pattern and warmth that has come to feel like home as much as the wooden walls around them, or perhaps even moreso. Faye exhales contentedly before being drawn out of fond reverie by the sensation of the arm looped around her waist tightening, pulling her closer still. Perhaps her caress had been enough to wake him, or he had stirred long before her. Either way, she goes with the momentum and slings a leg over his body, ending up laying on top of him with his hands settled on her hips.
     "Good morning, mitt hjärta,“ she greets her beloved with fondness. Her hair spills across her shoulders, braids long undone from the evening before and falling around them like a curtain as she leans down to press her forehead against his, smiling at the contact. 
Her hips shift backward a tad and she straightens up, only to lean in again for a kiss this time, slow and soft. “Can I convince you to stay a little longer?” Faye murmurs when they part for air, cupping his face with her hands. Usually she is the first to rise, but for once she’s feeling languid and disinclined to move until necessary.
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guardianlost · 6 years
“Now, I have something I want to.. protect.." He muttered under his breath, his arm wrapping around her as they walked underneath the moonlight. It felt like such a foreign, yet natural thing to do now that they have been in a relationship for some time; to want to shield her from the bitter cold, or anything else they may encounter. She may be strong ( he admires her for her strength, infact ), but that does not stop him from wanting to protect. "..you.” (HERE TAKE THIS THING)
why do fireflies have to die so soon? 
Snow crunched beneath their feet, moonlight reflecting off the layer of frost that had formed atop the settled flakes. With a little imagination one could fancy they were walking on a carpet of stars. 
She doesn’t feel the cold much, not in the same manner a human would. Yet the arm winding around her is welcome all the same. Somewhat rare are the moments where affection is initiated by him, and treasured all the more for it. Faye leans into him, enjoying the warmth offered and covers his resting hand with her own. Her head tilts to gaze at him, absorbing the words with a patient smile. They both knew she could handle herself in combat; it was one of many things he did not hesitate to compliment. His instinct to protect was simply something that ran deeper, perhaps tempered by loss. 
     “I know.” Faye squeezes his fingers gently, accepting the sentiment in the spirit which it was meant. It came from a place of love, bringing with it a sense of warmth, and would be answered with no less. “If I said I felt the same, would you laugh?”
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guardianlost · 5 years
@spartanraged replied to your post: faye loves kratos so much, SO damn much -- both...
Kratos vc: that’s fair
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     “I should hope so, even you do not seem overly fond of your younger self.”
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guardianlost · 5 years
❛ frostbite is considerably difficult to heal from. ❜
your love will always be rooted deeper than any grave || i love shitty horoscopes
     “Is that what they say in the south?”
Her gaze is one of contemplative softness. Despite the almost-jest, his concern is not without merit even if it is misplaced. The chill winds and snow of Midgard Faye is long acquainted with and could cope accordingly, even if she had not been of a breed who could not only survive in such bitterness – but thrive. “You worry too much.”
The statement is no reprimand, more akin to a fond observation. Even when such concerns went unvoiced it seemed as if his existence lent itself to anticipating the worst and such a habit is troublesome to break. 
     “Any wound, if untreated, causes unnecessary suffering. But with the proper aid it is miraculous what we can overcome.”
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guardianlost · 5 years
@rotstrung replied to your post: "Tell her what you and your ilk did to me. . ."
“Then draw your sword.”
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“To what end?” Pointless violence is something Faye abhors, and so her axe remains untouched. She has no reason to cut this woman down and even less of an idea why the foreigner sought this fight. Even in her younger days she only took up arms to battle the deserving and in defense of those in need.
     “I would know what you think me guilty of.”
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guardianlost · 6 years
nonverbal meme!!
❤️ Lean in to give my muse a tender kiss
     “Boost me!”
Faye was still as thrilled now as she had been hours ago when the bow was presented to her. The craftsmanship and intricacy nothing short of admirable, she could tell it had been a labour of love for him to create something so complex yet well suited for its purpose. Her whole body thrummed with barely contained energy and Faye knew she wouldn’t be able to sit still until she tried it out. Unwilling to be parted from her - and no doubt still basking in her joy, even if he wouldn’t admit it - Kratos had accompanied her on the hunt to test out her anniversary gift. 
Her head inclined towards the tree. Frost had made the bark slippery, and there were more fun ways to reach a better vantage point. Indicating his understanding with a brief nod, Kratos lowered himself and extended his hands in front of him, clasped together. Using him as a springboard Faye landed safely on a branch several feet above both their heads and flashed a confident smile at him once she was sure of her footing. Dropping to a knee and leaning against the trunk for support she scanned for prey. There was little she couldn’t see from this perch and a flash of dark hide in the undergrowth caught her attention. With practiced ease she unslung the bow from her shoulder then drew an arrow all in one smooth movement. Pulling it back, she noted that the string’s tautness was perfectly suited to her strength. Not too much resistance, nor too little. A small thing, but it made her smile to herself that he knew her this well. 
As soon as the boar emerged more clearly into her line of vision Faye loosed her arrow, striking it through the eye and burying in its brain, killing it instantly. She preferred it like this, the mercy of a clean kill; even if targeting a fleshy underbelly was easier. There was no need to prolong any creature’s suffering. 
The bow felt like a dream, shot with accuracy and she was certain that with how finely crafted it was, if she could see something this weapon would allow her to strike it no matter the distance. Her excitement bubbles up again, and impulsively she leaps from the tree branch - into Kratos’ arms, winding her own around his neck. He’d always catch her, she knew this. Even though he knew she could handle herself, it was still something that seemed to come naturally to him.
The kiss was no surprise either; if anything it was a foregone conclusion when she ended up in the circle of his arms. Still, there was a gentleness in it. An expression of love that made no demands. She smiled against his lips, kissing him back just as softly. A contented sigh escapes her before playfully nipping his bottom lip with her teeth. “I love you, mitt hjärta,” Faye murmurs with fondness, brushing her thumb across his cheek. Her eyes sparkle nefariously as she slides free of his grasp and to her feet, shedding her bow and quiver before placing a hand on his chest, gently guiding him backwards until his back meets a tree then closing the distance between them for another kiss, this time hungrier and with every intention of leaving them both breathless.
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guardianlost · 6 years
@spartanraged​ | sc
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     “So you’ve decided to keep it grown out?” Her fingers brush along his cheek, soft and lingering before skirting appreciatively across his beard. “I like it, mitt hjärta. It suits you.”
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guardianlost · 6 years
dump #3 veeeerses
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