#[pardon this idiot]
golyadkin · 1 year
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Yeah you can borrow his camera but he's making sure it gets back in one piece
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tiredassmage · 9 months
Okay. The stars might be aligning today. Something might be working out in my favor and, perhaps, I can finally bring y'all in on. the absolute shenanigans that have finally taken shape between Alucren and Tyr.
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Incredibly strong urge to ID him as 'the bastard man in question,' but. look, he is. I wouldn't exactly be wrong.
Anyway, in an attempt to be brief, Alucren is recruited to Imperial Intelligence when the class story's already kicked off. He's maybe three years older than Tyr and I need to establish now that that does not mean he's the older sibling. This will make sense in a minute. Perhaps.
So, he's designated Cipher Eleven and, largely, he knows Tyr by reputation as Cipher Nine, but they don't. really interact directly until they're some of the limited survivors of ImpIntel's fallout and Alucren becomes Tyr's Class-A Nuisance in Sith Intelligence. Eleven fucks with Nine because somebody's gotta see the guy loosen up, he argues. Which is hilarious because out of the two of them, Alucren is the one with the largely unbending loyalty to the Empire and the Sith.
[Everyone be thankful he wasn't the main subject of the Imperial Agent storyline. I don't think he'd survive the winter. Definitely not with his pretty aviator sunglasses in-tact about the galaxy and how it works, at least.]
The code I've cracked about this is that it is a largely one-sided mess fueled mostly by a lot of insecurities on Alucren's part. He's the only son of four children, and as loving as that family set up was, he still feels a responsibility to his family's name and legacy [and they have quite a long one in service to Imperial domestic interests; sidebar, Alucren's kind of a walking encyclopedia of Imperial history because of this. Let him take you on a museum date and tell you historical fun facts. Enrichment!]
And Nine has a whopping reputation as being one of the best Ciphers Imperial Intelligence ever trained. Of course, Alucren isn't... in on how much that also essentially turned Tyr's life inside out and wrung it out like a dish towel, but, hey! Details! And Alucren is, in a word, stubborn. And maybe a little competitive. And not all that certain of his own position in the service.
So, what's a guy to do but develop a homoerotic, one-sided rivalry with his essentially boss given Tyr's sort of right-hand man status to Lana? It's totally straight to think, "yeah, bet if I kissed him, that'd shut him up," right? Right! According to Alucren.
[oh honey you got a big storm coming, son]
Tyr is, largely, either willfully or just blatantly kinda... not on the same page about this. At least in Sith Intelligence. Alucren's whole attitude bit is a little grating, but Tyr's a professional and. mostly can afford to set aside the inconvenience of dealing with Alucren's smartassery to get their respective jobs done.
And then, in really short summary, the plot keeps happening. Alucren may or may not develop a bit of a crush on a Sith he starts serving [a smoking hot certain Wrath of the Emperor belonging to @hyrohkaah] (congratulations on the bisexuality Alucren!!!). It takes. a while for Alucren to really sus any of this whole Deal out about himself because he's very image-oriented. He has a Presentation to maintain about himself. Luckily for him, Tyr's a perceptive little shit and. eventually also not above throwing some of his stupid shenanigans back at his face.
Ultimately, there isn't any romantic attraction between these two fools, but Alucren still likes to take Tyr's patience and control for a spin around the block for the thrills and Tyr occasionally yanks back just as hard for the amusement. Sometimes this looks a lot more like indignant siblings arguing over their LegoCity build that's taken up the basement floor and sometimes it means are they flirting or fighting and the answer is yes.
And I'm also going to say Alucren's loyalty becomes... a lot more interesting for that sort of healed relationship between him and Tyr. :3 Alucren's a man that will always call the Empire home, so he'll probably end up serving it the rest of his life. But he also knows Nine is not a man to do anything by halves, and he does nothing without extremely good reason. And it'd just be a shame if I made them confront the possibility of shooting at each other. I mean. >.>
Spoiler alert: Alucren's probably not anywhere near as certain of his ability to follow through with that threat as he'd like to be. It'd surprise both of them, honestly. But you didn't hear that from me.
Anyway. He's a bit of a loser, actually, and I love him. Insultingly and affectionately. He's just.... a little like my pathetically sopping wet greasy alley rat. Unfortunately, he's adorable. And if someone punched him, he'd probably still deserve it.
And that, my friends, is the insane Tom & Jerry shit that has consumed me in the last two weeks or so about Alucren and Tyr. I'd usually say thanks for coming to my TED Talk, but this man's ego is already the broadside of a Destroyer in size and we just don't need to encourage that.
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paper-lilypie · 2 years
Uh hi hello what's up you absolute menace, question for ya what's moon gonna do next after killing y/ns lamp?
try his best to not do the same to Y/N’s head
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autisticidiot · 10 months
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chameleon who retired from being a criminal and became a game host i could not find your brief cameo in Spider-Man: Edge of Time but i love you
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feroluce · 2 years
Ingo attending some festival or celebration at the main pearl clan settlement in the icelands. It's more a thing for younger people but he's curious about their customs and goes anyway. Some of it involves people dancing and he starts to look really deep in thought, so Irida asks what he's doing. Ingo says he thinks there was something similar where he came from, but it's kinda fuzzy, especially since it was a two-person thing and he can't really reenact it himself. Irida doesn't want him to miss the opportunity of a memory, they come so rarely, so she asks him to dance with her and show her.
Ingo has Irida stand in front of him, and then pauses while he tries to remember. Finally he awkwardly directs her to put her hands on his shoulders and settles his own on her waist (Ingo starts to blush like a maiden at this point because he'd forgotten how close you're supposed to be for this- Irida gives zero shits lol). Ingo tries to take a few steps and Irida tries to follow his lead, but it's hesitant and awkward and Irida starts to get miffed after the third time Ingo accidentally steps on her foot.
Ingo finally just huffs and gets over his embarrassment, lifts Irida up and sets her standing on the tops of his own shoes so he can do the steps himself without having to try and direct her. Less distraction means the memory comes a little easier, and he starts to finally move less hesitantly and awkwardly. Irida had been looking at their joined hands, and she looks back up at Ingo to say something about how his people have odd ideas about dancing, but when she sees him she nearly bites her tongue off in an effort to stop herself. Because Ingo has his eyes closed, looking content for once, he's even humming some strange tune to himself, and she can tell he's not really present right now. He's here physically, but his heart is obviously elsewhere, and Irida would rather take a tumble down the cliffs than interrupt it. So she just kinda lays her head on Ingo's shoulder, listens to his humming through his chest, and lets Ingo whirl her around for a while longer.
Eventually Ingo kinda comes out of it and loudly apologizes before setting Irida down back on her own two feet again. Irida tells him it's unlike any dance she's seen in Hisui before, it almost just feels like walking at some parts? And Ingo gets all thoughtful again, mumbling to himself, "Walking...walk...? Wal...t. Walt. Waltz. Waltz!" and makes his frown that means he's proud of himself. Irida asks what else he remembers, since he seemed so into it. Ingo cocks his head at her. He doesn't get what she means. Irida cocks her head right back. Does he not realize he was spacing out the whole time???
And somewhere, somewhen, miles and centuries away, Emmet dances in circles around his living room, long black coat clutched against his front, humming his and Ingo's wedding song.
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madsotc · 9 months
Even when listening to my sci-fi podcast the spectre of black sails is always there. The end of space piracy thing!!! the pardons!!! Just like in 1717. Nothing can beat the romanticism of a real ship, a real sea, real cannon balls with real weight, scurvy and all that but these jailbreaking episodes have been so fun
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slimmestslime · 9 months
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kyn posting
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soupnoodle · 1 year
dear followers!
yesterday i received a nice card with queen on it (the band) from germany but the back side of the card seem to be more sincere and sweet than i expected. i want to share it with you <3 it may make your day better just as it made mine
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"Hello Masha,
Wow "Jeeves & Wooster"! Love them! " I endeavour to give satisfaction". I taught my daughter this quote from Jeeves to use on her English teacher when she promises her. The teacher was knocked sideways. Wooster would say: "You could knock me down with an 'f' " :)
My best wishes to you,
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
AU where Mine is a humanoid kirin who appears before Daigo and everyone is extremely sus in a completely different way than in the game. Majima keeps trying to grab his horn.
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leguin · 2 years
if lestat were a human he’d just need like 5 roommates and some job where he gets to tell people what to do in a way that makes him feel superior, but unfortunately he’s a vampire who really enjoys killing so. not much to be done.
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bandcampsnoop · 3 months
I remember posting about the Third Uncle release from Proto Idiot (Andrew Anderson - Manchester, UK) shortly after the COVID shutdown in 2020. Since then, bands like Freak Genes (of which Andrew Anderson is a member), Plastic Act have elicited comparisons.
I found "Leisure Opportunity" on CD at my local thrift store. I'm not sure who gave away all these CDs, but I also picked up a copy of Pardoner "Uncontrollable Salvation".
"Leisure Opportunity" was released on Reno, Nevada label Slovenly Recordings.
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tottallyana · 3 months
as an ivf baby, this shit in Alabama is NOT it
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homophobicwarios · 8 months
Rereading my old journal and I had no chill it’s kinda funny
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yuneu · 10 months
i hate the concept of posthumous pardon… or at least how it’s treated like something honorable. it’s so fucking condescending that a government thinks they have the final moral authority over a dead person. it only absolves them of the guilt of having wrongfully ruined someone’s life and doesn’t do anything at all for the wronged person
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2kyears · 10 months
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"I am sorry this is how you're being welcomed to our society."
open starter from deacon maurice at the vampire council
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