#[i ranted about that heroes nonsense for a solid 10 minutes the other night]
lightinheritor-blog · 7 years
11, 17
11. which part of your muse’s canon is your least favorite? or are there any parts you struggle to understand or rationalize in your own writing?
okay it’s probably not exactly “canon” but i absolutely hate how in heroes, seliph’s grand speech is about how cowardly he is and how he’s “always wanted to run away”. this is a boy who, in his very first appearance in the game, goes running out with three of his friends to fight the grannvale soldiers occupying isaach. he expresses his doubts about the war itself when he realizes that things aren’t always black and white and everyone he fights won’t always be a bad person, but he pushes forward anyway and knows that it’s a sacrifice of war. he does say something along those lines in one of his conversations with mana, but to have his cap conversation be all about that? uh yeah no thanks
also when ares says he’s gonna kill seliph if he’s lying about sigurd not killing eldigan in cold blood seliph is straight up like “alright you do that. our fathers would be so happy that we met!”
17. how much does your depiction of your muse deviate from canon? do you base most of them in canon, or have you taken some liberties?
well, fe4′s dialogue is pretty limited to the story and the conversations he can have with certain characters in certain chapters, so i have taken some liberties with some aspects of him. on the other hand, seliph is a pretty straight-forward good boy of a muse, so i’ve stuck with canon on that.
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