bwicblog · 6 years
02-24-2018 [MAFIA: UV+KUA]
CAC RIGHT NOW opened memo on 8oard BWIC MAFIA HIDEOUT.
CURRENT gladsomeGluttony [CGG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
CGG: oh dear
CAC: hahaha.
CAC: you'll do fine, don't worry!
CAC: just kill people creatively, i guess.
CGG: :'V
CGG: im not good at thaaaat
CGG: wheres the other one??
CAC: don't worry, i've got your back.
CGG: thank you :'O
CAC: tomie is a coldblooded killer. i totally watched him rip off someone's head once.
CGG: whaaaaaaaat
CAC: he's totally going to, like, have this down pat.
CAC: for real. just like, wow.
CAC: totally feral.
CAC: scared me half witless.
CGG: seriously??
CAC: i still have daymares, it's terrible.
CAC: yes!
CAC: i was emotionally traumatised, not even going to lie to you.
CGG: or are you only saying this because you kind of like him ;O
CGG: im not even sure if thats just a rumor, pfffff
CCC made BD an OP.
CGG: so you /do/ like hi-
CCC took away BD's OP powers.
CURRENT bubblegumDiva [CBD] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
CBD: hiii
CGG: heyyyyy ;V
CAC: ha!
CAC: there we go.
CAC: tell me who you're killing.
CGG: i thought tomie was coming?
CGG: ..but im not sure! bd, who do you want to cull?
CAC: no, tomie can go fuck himself with something prickly.
CAC: he had his chance, and now it is gone.
CGG: oh dear.
CBD: hmmmm
CBD: i dont know
CBD: why don't you pick
CGG: i think im picking tomie so kua and him can /stop flooding the chat/
CBD: yes i agree
CAC: hahaha.
CAC: okay, give me a death method.
CAC: or, man, you know, you could totally -
CAC: nope.
CAC: can't offer tips.
CAC: zipping my lips.
CGG: what? :O
CGG: nooo, tell us!
CAC: nope!
CAC: tell me how to kill him so i can write this up.
CBD: stuff him in a canon ball
CGG: yes!! perfect
CBD: and launch him into the cold vaccumous depths of space
CGG: ..in a cannon or in a ball?
CBD: vacuumous
CGG: wooooow bd
CBD: cannon
CGG: thats so mean!
CBD: look 
CGG: ...kuaaa
CBD: he's talking about helm kink
CGG: can you make a pun on shooting for the stars about it?
CAC: oh man.
CAC: i don't know if my translator will work with that.
CGG: awwwww
CAC: but let's do it!
CBD ceased responding to memo.
CAC: spit out who we're murdering today, kids.
CGG: iiii would like to cull someone who gets along with tomie?
CGG: so hes not lonely in the other chat :V
CURRENT bubblegumDiva [CBD] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
CBD: why?
CBD: omg
CGG: being alone in there sucks! >:V
CBD: he and wc seemed to get along
CBD: but uhhh
CGG: i dont thiiiink shes playing?
CBD: she's not in the game!
CGG: aw :(
CBD: and im not sure he gets along with most the others
CGG: deeefinitely not vadaya, he seemed pretty mad at him
CBD: vadaya and him seem to be 
CBD: acquaintences?
CGG: ...
CGG: he just ordered him around!
CBD: yes but they have a mutual friend
CGG: okayyy
CGG: then lets cull him!
CGG: but no drowning! thats so /mean/ >:V
CBD: he's been drowned an awful lot
CBD: and has gill slits cut, and all sorts of awful things
CGG: hoooonestly
CGG: poor vadaya!
CAC: uhh. well, i'm going to put this out here:
CAC: why don't you, say, kill off id, instead?
CAC: because i heard tomie and id get along pretty great.
CGG: why? :O
CAC: the red one, not the pink one.
CGG: ohhhh
CAC: i bet he'll really appreciate his presence in limbo!
CGG: thats hadean, kua >:V
CAC: like, way more than vadaya.
CAC: oh, shit, so it is.
CGG: were killing vadaya!
CAC: yes, hadean's friends with basically everyone.
CAC: are you sure you want to kill vadaya?
CGG: >:V
CBD: yes 
CAC: i'm just saying, you could totally kill hadean, and make tomie's entire night.
CGG: are you talking to tomie in the limbo chat?
CBD: hadean's a wild card 
CAC: absolutely not.
CBD: vadaya plays like he knows what he's doing
CAC: why would i be talking to tomie in the limbo chat?
CBD: we should definitely take out the one who knows what he's doing first
CGG: because you like him, and you dont want vadaya in there to keep you from flirting! ;O
CBD: for game things
CGG: ...and also that°!
CBD: .... lol
CGG: leeets cull him with sleeping pills
CBD: poison. okay!
CBD: just stir it intoooo
CBD: coffee. 
CGG: coooffee? 
CBD: he seems like a coffee kind of person
CGG: perfect! he seems like he needs it ;O
CGG: pfffffffffffff
CGG: who were you again?
CBD: me?
CBD: oh i'm gertie
CGG: hi gertie! im matcha ;V
CBD: i suppose i don't get a lot of introductions when i'm busy running the game
CGG: pffff
CGG: thats a pity! youre really nice
CBD: aww thanks!
CCC made BD an OP.
CBD: oops
CBD: dang it
CCC took away BD's OP powers.
CAC: okay, okay, let me write everything up.
CBD: ....
CGG: you have to type what we tell you! >:V
CAC: =:V
CAC: i am helping, dude.
CGG: i cant believe you!!
CBD: this is a blatant disregard
CAC: you, like.
CGG: youre helping yourself and no one else!
CAC: made a shitty choice, and i decided to fix it.
CAC: you will thank me in the long run.
CAC: trust me!
CGG: you cant do that°!
CAC: i am only looking out for your totally best interests here.
CAC: aww.
CAC: i thought i was in charge of the game, and making sure everyone has fun?
CGG: youre putting your fling over the game here! >:V
CAC: nooo, i am just making sure that tomie and i can still have fun, and so will you guys.
CAC: duh.
CGG: being told what to do isnt fun, i go to work for that!
CAC: do you know how much it sucks that vadaya pops out of the bushes every time we try to flirt is?
CAC: because it totally sucks.
CBD: its called get a pm
CAC: god, no, he's hooked in.
CAC: they're probably reading every pm he does.
CAC: do you think i want technichians reading my messages/
CAC: uh, no.
CAC: that'd be super gross.
CAC: i'm not an exhibitionist, here.
CBD: but he can't do that with the _memos_
CAC: absolutely not.
CAC: who wants to read you guys chatter?
CGG: i thiiiink theyre probably reading this too?
CGG: i would, if i was a helmstech!
CAC: wow, matcha.
CAC: way to be nosy.
CGG: ...
CGG: i would just be doing my job! >:V
CAC: okay, but, wow, guess i'm leaving, since bd is banning me from everything.
CAC: jerks.
CAC: =:'V
CBD: byeee
CGG: whaaaaaat
CBD: sorry!
CGG: oh noooo
CBD: but you broke the rules
CGG: :'V
CBD: you're just banned from hosting!
CBD: you can still play
CAC: no, no, that's fine.
CAC: .. i might play, i'm not sure. hmm.
CAC: we'll see!
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