#[Im deffo happy to answer mental health q's like this ooc on main too- just remember im not a pro but i do speak from experience!]
thatoneskullgrunt · 8 months
how do you set boundaries for people venting in your inbox? normally i'm happy to listen and help, but sometimes i just don't have the energy, you know? but i feel bad ignoring people.
(p.s. if you can tell who i am then no you can't)
//also just a heads-up for anyone Else who can tell who this is because it is Very Obvious if you know me, the only source of this is because skully did the boundary thing and i figured it'd be a good question //i am in no way actually being troubled OOC (or even IC) by anyone at present so no need to adjust anything in interactions. pre-emptive anxiety easing done
What i try to do is outright state "hey, not right now" as soon as i can. It's tough sometimes but the more you do it the easier it becomes. The hard part is not letting your guilt consume you- just because it feels mean or wrong to set a boundary because it might hurt the other person, doesnt mean it IS mean or wrong. Setting healthy boundaries is imperative to a healthy relationship, so it's best to rip the bandaid off as soon as you can rather than suppressing your own needs.
Keep in mind that im just some dude and not a mental health professional by any means, but ive been practicing and keeping healthy relationships and building my mental health back up for a while now, so im happy to try and help where i can.
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