#[[ ty for the kind words anon! i'm sorry he is an idiot abt accepting them ]]
kazeshinigami · 2 years
Good sir ! You are so handsome !! i see you and I just go 'man, that is one handsome man !!!'
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“…Eh?” He points at himself, mystified. Handsome is not a word he normally attributes to himself, so to hear it from a stranger’s mouth is… Is this a joke somehow? A prank? Is another person hiding with a camera to capture the moment he falls for the idea that someone finds him admirable?
When a number of seconds pass without the compliment being taken back, Shuuhei realizes he might now seem rather rude. “Ah, um… th-thank you. For, um… that is… I am flattered by your praise.” And now he wishes to run away full-speed.
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