#[ shere khan i love him dearly but he's still a billionaire who cares not for anyone but himself ]
pocketfullofvoices · 2 years
[ Shere Khan is my most private and secretive character I write here in his TaleSpin Verse because of his upbringing and his career. This means in all relationships he has from family, romantic partners, friends, clients, et cetera, it is difficult for this tiger to open up. He keeps a barrier and it is strong and does not break for anyone unwillingly. It’s not something he allows to break nor get chipped away. Forcing it open or trying to push Shere Khan to open about his ‘feelings’ or his secrets or ANYTHING he doesn’t want anyone to know about would only make it worse. ]
[ Shere Khan’s father is linked to this type of mindset and imbedded that secrecy is the best option for being the owner of a huge company and the family business. There are things that only his father knows too and Shere Khan might not know until his father dies or maybe never. As long as it isn’t something useful for the company, Khan’s father see’s no reason for Shere to know. Shere Khan is content with this and takes that same oath when he took up the mantle as CEO. ]
[ This makes interacting with Shere Khan rather difficult. He can be a gentlemen, charming, and polite but he is not a friendly muse and keeps a emotional distance from all when it comes to more positive or vulnerable connections such as love, sadness, or fear. Khan is known to show anger and happiness at various degrees but he has remained stoic most of his adult life because of appearances and reputations of his job. ]
[ Khan’s anger and discontent are the expressions he is known to show in the series, comics, and even in the Jungle Book films. It’s clear Khan has a temper and it is a burst when it’s finally reach it’s boiling point. Being content or satisfied is the next emotions he’s prone to shown, usually swelled from pride in his work and the success of not losing money, placing fear into clients/employees/acquaintances, or having a moment of peace to enjoy his hobbies. I’d say disappointment is the closest Khan has ever shown to being ‘sad’ around others but he would never shed a tear or become depressed over most things. It just doesn’t happen! He’s not the type of character to let anything bother him as long as it doesn’t ruin his career, lifestyle, and money. The man’s built on power and greed and he’s honed it to mask all emotions that really don’t have true meaning to him. ]
[ In interactions and verses where Shere Khan does have connections, such as his relationship with his only likable living sibling being his sister or the romantic interests he’s acquired over time which is only one right now, his emotional wall has opened slightly for those chosen people. It was not easy and it’s pretty amazing Shere Khan is capable of blocking off all ties to those important to him such as his sister without showing an ounce of being bothered by it. I don’t think Shere Khan is ice cold towards his sister but he doesn’t allow himself to be affected by conflicts that could arise with his sibling. Showing such emotional outbursts in public or private is a risk for Khan and he doesn’t trust that somebody might be watching in the shadows. The tiger’s distrust in the world is strong and those who work for him are always on thin ice when it comes to that trust because past occurrences have proven loyal employees or clients can betray him. ] 
[ Let’s just say if you ever interact with Shere Khan in his TaleSpin Verse you can guarantee it would not be easy to get through to him within a few interactions. Shere Khan is brutally genuine and heartless and does not care about most in his life as they are replaceable if they do not show their loyalty and dedication to his company and work. He’s a lot more pleasant in his Toon Verse and Jungle Book Verse because he’s not obligated to a multi-national corporation. He still considers himself a ‘king’ due to his narcissism, ego, and birthright and does not trust anyone well. ]
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