#[ polyship wanda x kala x dani ]
vjestyca · 6 years
💕 / for either pyra, Kala, or dani
@motherfckngroundhog / @iceswimming | meme. ]kala x wanda x dani | 4. the one where you and your soulmates have matching marks and the marks glow when you’re near your soulmates. }
—          IT’S A RARE thing truly.  more than one mark.  when wanda was born, one was more noticeable than the other; it’s etched across her collarbone and shaped like a wave, crest twisted in on itself, tail flicked down.  the other is no less beautiful (shaped like a sun, that same twisted spiral in the center), but is situated low on her ankle.  as she grew, it was unfortunately hidden beneath socks and boots and long skirt hems, but that didn’t mean people didn’t find out sooner or later.  both are inky midnight black.
‘those relationships never work’.  it’s not the first time wanda hears such a thing, sees people avert their eyes whenever she turns to meet their gaze.  she learns to ignore it.  and if those people’s drinks or food or whatever is in their hands at the time happen to blow up in their faces, nobody can prove it was her doing.
in hydra, the marks are the only things that keep her head clear.  they give her hope, make her keep fighting because there are two people out their waiting for her.  she’d sit, trace the marks with the curve of her blunt nails.  on more than one occasion, hydra tries to remove them.  each time, the mark return, as dark and noticeable and beautiful as the originals.
she meets the first after she joins the avengers.  it’s one of the first missions they ever take her on.  cap trusts her.  he and natasha and clint have been training her for this.  wanda sticks at clint’s side, follows along.  she’d always wanted to travel, and india was on her list, but this was never the way she imagined it.
the archer and witch slip into a room.  wanda notes the smell of chemicals.  she tries not to scrunch her nose, instead focusing on the hostages and the men tearing through desks of scientific equipment and medication.  clint goes one way, so wanda goes the other, towards the hostages.  she crouches low, starts to untie the wrists of one of them.  there’s a distracting heat high on her chest, but she doesn’t realise where it is until -
❝ your mark, ❞     the woman says.  wanda pauses, brows creasing a moment, then her gaze dips.  peeking from the woman’s shirt collar is a glow, a bright slash of colours lighting up her skin.  the twist of the mark is a familiar sight.  she doesn’t get the chance to immediately reply, thrown back into the fight as a gun fires in their direction.  (she’s lucky to get a shield up before it hits either of them.  the bullet hangs in the air, hugged by red magic).
she finds out later the woman’s name is kala.  wanda thinks she’s lovely.
unfortunately, wanda cannot simply stay in mumbai.  and kala cannot come with her back to america.  they exchange numbers, the witch presses a kiss to kala’s cheek, then she steps away onto the plane.  as they leave, wanda stares down at her chest until the glow disappears.
they talk as often as they can.  the different timezones make it difficult, but they do what they can.  wanda’s chest is set aflutter every time she sees kala’s face pop up in video.  they talk about their pasts, their families, wanda talks about her powers, one day kala tells her about the people she’s connected to.  (something called ‘sensates’.  wanda doesn’t quite understand it, but her own powers are mysterious things so she’s not naive to strange genetics).
things do not stay so easily for long.
the sokovia accords happen.  kala runs away to join her cluster.  wanda and her teammates are broken out of raft, and then she’s on the run all over again.  it’s all burner phones, trying to keep in touch however they can without putting either in danger.  in the dark of lonely nights, wanda presses a hand to her collarbone, closes her eyes, thinks about kala and the mystery other person.
one night (or at least, night for her), wanda finally manages to get the computer from steve for the night, rings up kala, waits to see if she’ll answer tonight.  a smile breaks across wanda’s face as she sees her.  they chat for a little while, then wanda hears a door open and shut in kala’s background and the woman lights up, a kind of giddiness crossing her features as she says something about a ‘surprise’.
wanda does not expect the surprise to be their third.  their other.  their sun mark.
her name is daniela velazquez.  she yanks off her boot and reveals the spiral-centered sun.  it glows with swirls of orange and yellow and green.  as she sits beside kala, wanda stares at the glowing wave on their collar, bright with pink and blue and violet splatters.
they don’t meet in person until everything is settled.  wanda travels to paris, she steps out onto the eiffel tower, watches her marks glow brighter and brighter as she walks until she sweeps kala and dani into a hug.
pyra x wanda | 29. the one where your soulmate’s ghost haunts you when they die. }
—          THE FIRST TIME it happens, wanda throws a hex and it goes right through it and she breaks a bookshelf that charles had just had repaired.  (the last time it broke was due to a nightmare-induced wave of magic.  she doesn’t talk about it.  she wonders if charles reads her mind to find out what it was.  she doesn’t ask).  truthfully, she’s not sure what to make of it.  her. they.  the ghost.  nobody else can see it.  or hear it.  when pyra knocks things over, they say it was wanda using her powers.
she asks around about it.  hank tells her soulmates, how some people are haunted when their soulmates die.  for a while, wanda’s sad about it; then, weirdly, the ghost  ...  changes?  different clothes, different hair, different cause of death.  it happens again and again and again.  sometimes, the ghost tells her different names.
one day, she sees just the barest glimpse of the other and breaks into a dead sprint to catch her.  not the best choice of things to do, no ordinary person would be okay if some stranger started running at them.  such thoughts don’t enter her mind when she does it, but she needs to catch pyra before she can disappear.
finally, wanda catches up, stares at the other, her soulmate.  looks like the ghost, talks like the ghost.  the witch doubles over, props her hands on her knees as she sucks in deep breaths  (running had never been her forte).
she heaves out, between huffs and pants: ❝ you need to be more careful not to die. ❞ 
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