#[ just to avoid witing the whole 'who are you?' scenario from ai's pov adshakjdhskjaah ]
causalitylinked · 2 years
@specialgels — continued from here ;;
     Honestly, after a boring day at school, he had only been focusing on getting home from the station... but upon making his way through the abandoned Underpass, Akira somehow found himself witnessing a familiar pig-tailed girl dancing and singing away, which had him cease. Of course, he recognized her immediately, for not only had he seen her on TV, she was also an idol featured alongside Momo Kuruse on several shows; furthermore, they had met near the convenience store back when a horror movie was still being filmed at Kissouji and Ami was there to accompany him.
     Back then, he had watched his younger cousin eagerly yet politely request Ai’s autograph and from there, a conversation revolving around Momo Kuruse eventually ensued; either way, they had been acquaintances ever since, so when she turns, all startled, he doesn’t immediately try to walk past her the way he normally would if he met her for the first time. Instead, Akira would return her gaze with his usual blank expression.
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     “...It wasn’t bad,” came his nonchalant admittance. “Sorry I didn’t speak up right away. I had been trying to figure out where I last heard that irritatingly catchy song.” Truth be told, he hadn’t been lying either, because the melody Ai was vocalizing sounded very... familiar, as if he heard it once before. Had Seiji been humming it? After all, his best friend happened to be far more familiar with recent bops than he was. Well, regardless, he’s quick to raise a brow, once something managed to occur to him. “More importantly, Kashiwagi... why exactly did you choose here of all places to belt out your tunes? You do realize people still pass through the Underpass every now and then, right?”
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