#[ also shh its queued cause i did this earlier ]
sylvctica · 2 years
[ GET  TO  KNOW  YOUR  WRITING  PARTNER! ]            
knowing your writing partners can potentially make writing together a lot easier.   repost, don’t reblog.
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NAME: Aid! at least that’s what ppl online know me as, tho i did go by Resu at one point when i was active in the early days of the bleach RPC, but i eventually dropped it for Aid once i picked it up as a nickname.
PRONOUNS: she/her, nothing too fancy here!! tho i don’t mind masc stuff like ‘dude’ and ‘bro’ being used around me.
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: uhhhh usually discord, but god i am terrible at replying i am so sorry to anyone who chats with me. 😭 tumblr IMs work as well tho i’m just slow, or just post replies/tag chats cause they’re pretty easy on my brain.
NAME OF MUSE(S): just one whole Sylvie!!! or Sylvatica. or Foras. or a bunch of nicknames they’ve got LMASOAMO.
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG: I think I’ve been writing on tumblr for the last ... lemme look at my first blog ... may 2013? i did a bit of writing on devART before moving here from 2011-2012, so roughly 10-11 years of RPing experience.
BEST EXPERIENCE: i’ve had so many good experiences!!!! and i’ve met a lot of dope friends thru tumblr (shoutout to @afacere​​​ for chugging along with me for so many years). it’s hard to pinpoint any specific experiences cause i value rlly everything and everyone that has helped me develop my muses (esp with sylvie) cause you guys helped to shape them into the muse they are today.
RP PET PEEVES: it’s funny cause i know i have them, but i’m blanking out so hard on what they are. thankfully it’s not as much of an issue any more (esp with the new dashboard view u can use on any blog so it mitigates it), but i remember the days super tiny container themes were the jam and everything was ant-sized and im like ... please. 11px or 12px sized font won't kill you or ruin your aesthetic, nor will 500/540px sized posts (or even 400+). i distinctly remember coming across a blog way back in the day where the container size was unironically like... 300x200 or something and i’m like ... why tho.
MUSE PREFERENCES FOR ANGST / FLUFF / SMUT: uhh, fluff? i do love me angst, but since my muses flow on their own, maintaining angst is hard and sylvie is very much not a muse that’s prone to any form of sadness or depression, so those threads are very few and far between. i enjoy more fluffy/silly stuff overall cause it makes me feel good!!!
PLOTS OR MEMES: memes mostly because they work with my low energy, but i enjoy the small plot (or big?) when they come around and inspiration strikes or a mun and i find something we’d both be curious in exploring--but memes take priority usually.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: both!!! im just slow with long replies because it requires focus from my brain and with me working so late, im usually low on that. slow replies function best with my energy and focus, but i lov me a good juicy long thread.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: *it’s a mystery plays in the BG* my energy is random as hell. i usually try to write on weekends cause it’s when i have the most free time, but i end up usually sleeping most of the day to recover from the work week. otherwise, i dont rlly have much free time to write until after midnight on weekdays, and by that point my brain is usually buzzed out.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE: to a degree? a lot of myself bleeds out into my more active muses. i can be a lil stupid like sylvie with stuff flying over my head, i cope with humour like they do, i love food too and nature ... it’s mostly surface level stuff though, cause their insecurities and what not do not touch much upon mine outside a few instances. mostly because they’re not human, so a lot of their things do not overlap with mortal issues LMASOASMASO SO TO SAY ANYWAY.
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leejeongz · 5 years
Jealous Stray Kids
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🤫oof thanks for requesting this honey!!! I hope you like it bc I really enjoyed writing it (weird comsidering it isn’t that good, Ik)🤫
Bang Chan:
Your name had left his mouth one too many times for Chan to compose himself anymore. He was having a conversation with one of the staff, yet all they wanted to talk about was you.
“You do know they have a boyfriend, right?” Chan asked passive aggressively. “And he probably wouldn’t like you saying these things about them”
“No, but whoever it is doesn’t deserve them” the guy replied. You and Chan were yet to out your relationship, everyone else thinking you were just close friends. “I was actually hoping you’d set me up with them, but I guess that’s off the table”
“Yeah” Chris replied, now more angry from the his previous statement. “You aren’t their type anyway” he spoke “they don’t like rude guys” just as he said it, you walked through the waiting room door. Chan came over to you and planted a kiss on your cheek. Who were you to argue with the sudden PDA?
“They’re mine, thank you. Please find someone else” Chan said to the guy he was talking to before. As the words left his mouth, the guy went red in the face but Chan had already turned around, all his attention now on you.
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Woojin is a big jealous boy okay. When he saw you walking home from your evening class with “some guy” he’d grow angrier with every step you took closer to his house. And when he finally heard you knock at his door, you still accompanied by the guy, he’d take a deep breath, slap on a fake smile and welcome you both in warmly, secretly wanting to kill the other boy.
“Who’s this?” He asked through gritted teeth.
“Oh I’m Thomas, we go to class together. It was getting dark outside so I walked them home. Sorry, and you are?” Thomas asked politely.
Woojin look at you, waiting for you to proudly announce he was your boyfriend, which you did so immediately.
“Well, they are home now. Better get going, hadn’t you?” Woojin asked, wanting some alone time. He put his hand on the guys back and practically pushed him out the door.
“What the hell y/n? Why didn’t you tell him that you had a boyfriend before? Why did you say you wanted picking up, I would have come and picked you up you know?” He began to get angry. “Seems to me like you wanted this guy to fall in love with you” he added dramatically at the end, causing you to giggle and him to join in after a while, realising how petty he had just been.
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Lee Know:
He rolled over in bed, finally awake enough to do so. His arm found its way over your middle and he pulled your back closer towards him. He peeped over your shoulder, seeing you were on your phone.
“Who are you talking to, babes?” He asked innocently.
You showed him the name on your phone.
“Ughhh, what does he want?” He rolled onto his back, removing his arm as soon as you showed him your phone.
“Does it matter?” You asked. He was a great friend and Minho had no need to be jealous anyway.
“Yes it does, I don’t want him to steal you from me, do I? Stop talking to him, I’m all you need, you know that.” He went back to his previous position, sprawled all over you, kissing you none stop.
“Stop it, Minho, he’s just a friend.” You said, pushing him away.
“Alright, for goodness sake I was only joking” he rolled his eyes and threw his back against the bed, knowing he’d fucked up but not wanting to admit it. “What were you talking about?”
”Perhaps... about your birthday. I thought you were asleep,” you turned to face Minho, who just wanted to apologise, but couldn’t find the right words.
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“Y/n, you hold hands with Changbin and Chan” Felix said, sitting you all a circle ready to play a new game he created.
Changbin tried not to look at yours and Chan’s interlocked hands, knowing it would hurt him, yet he couldn’t stop himself. Every time he looked, he’d squeeze your hand harder. He wanted to be the only person to hold your hand, but he didn’t want to ruin the atmosphere. When no one was looking, during and after the game, he’d give you little kisses. Your cheek, your neck, your lips, your forehead, nowhere was safe from this jealous boy.
As the night of fun and games came to a end and you were just about to leave, Changbin asked if you wanted walking home. He wouldn’t let you say no.
On your walk home, your hands were comfortably in each other’s and this made you both so happy, but Changbin couldn’t help but think Chan has also been holding your hand earlier this evening.
“I hold hands better than Channie, right y/n?” He asked, breaking the comfortable silence.
“For sure, my jealous baby boy” he thought he hid his jealousy well, evidently not.
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An hour had passed since you and Hyunjin went public as a couple. You were really worried that they wouldn’t like you so you decided to stay offline for a bit. But Hyunjin didn’t.
“Y/n I think they all want to marry you, they keep calling you good looking and saying all this nice stuff and” you stopped his by putting a finger to his lips.
“Shh I think that just means they like me... or they’re being sarcastic...” you contemplated, taking your finger off his lips slowly and grabbing his phone.
“No they are being like... extra nice. Only I get to compliment you like this.” He added. You began to blush while looking at the comments. “And only I get to make you blush like that” he whined.
“Stop being a baby” you kissed him on the cheek. “You’re complaining because your fans like me?” You questioned while laughing.
“I’m jealous of stays?” It then started clicking in what had been coming out of his mouth. “Damn I really am a baby” he said “but I’m your baby” he grinned showing his gums straight in your direction while nestling his head into your neck and to say you fell in love with him even more was an understatement.
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“They are really lovely girls Jisung, and it’s only 2 nights” you pleaded.
“I’m sure they are y/n, but you see them everyday, how often do you see me?” He complained back. He knew it was wrong to stop you from seeing your friends, but he was going to miss you so much, especially since you never really saw each other.
“True, but we can still call” you made a valid point.
“Without WiFi, yeah good one babe” you could tell it was now turning into an argument. An argument that you didn’t want to have. His tears started to well up.
“You do know that you can call without WiFi, Jisung. My dad reminds me of that everyday” he was dumbfounded. You’d won, but you were always going to win.
“Promise when I come back we can spend the whole week together?” You asked, his eyes began to dry. He couldn’t say no to you, not that he wanted to of course.
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you” he put his hand on your shoulder. “Damn, shit just got deep” he joked, knowing that everything was going to be alright now you’d made your promise.
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“Felix, are you coming?” Hyunjin shouted, already in the the queue for the rollercoaster along with the others. You, Felix and Jisung were stood at the side, it was common knowledge that neither Jisung or you liked rollercoaster but Felix didn’t want to leave you alone. After all he’d be queuing for like 3 hours and then the actual time you spent together would be limited.
He wasn’t worried that Jisung might take you off him, just that he was going to be able to spend time with you.
“Come on!! You’ve wanted to go on this since it opened” Jeongin added.
He thought for a while. “Felix, it’s okay. Jisung’s not going to bite me... I don’t think. Go and have fun, I’ll still be here when you get back” you reassured him. He finally decided to leave you two, joining the line with the boys while you and Jisung went to another, less... vicious ride.
When you found the others, Felix wouldn’t leave your side. He’d be holding your hand and only talking to you, making sure that you were only talking to him too.
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With a huge smile on your face, you returned to your table at McDonald’s where seungmin had already made himself comfortable.
“Someone’s excited for a greasy burger” he said, a little suspicious of your behaviour.
“The guy behind the counter complimented me and now I’m happy, what a crime!” You said sarcastically.
He looked over to the guy behind the counter, even in the uniform he looked good, seungmin couldn’t deny.
“Do you think he’s cute?” He asked you.
“Pft no...” you turned around to look at him one more time, he wasn’t really that cute to you, but teasing seungmin was always fun.
“How about I go get you his number then? Set you up on a date with him. That would be cute. Not like you’re already taken” he sat back on his chair, folding his arms.
“Seungmin, I was only joking” you said, grabbing a handful of fries and throwing them at him jokingly.
“Cool” he responded, he’d been tricked, but lord knows he didn’t want to admit it.
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“Are you ready Jeongin? I don’t want to be late, she’s my best friend!” You shouted. Your best friends birthday party was coincidentally in the same week as Jeongin had off, so agreed to come with you. You didn’t want to be alone since you only knew your best friend otherwise.
You finally arrived and you immediately went over to give her a hug, Jeongin standing awkwardly beside you both.
“Happy birthday” he handed her the present to which she thanked him politely and continued to talk to you.
Jeongin, by this point, felt like the third wheel and he hated it. He just wanted you to talk to him but he knew you two had a lot catch up on so he stayed quiet. About 2 hours had passed and he’d mingled with all the strangers in her house. He finally found you, still with your best friend. It killed him to not be with you, especially when he felt so lonely.
“I think I’m gonna go home y/n, you clearly don’t need me here” he spoke, interrupting your conversation. “I hope you have a good birthday” and with that, he left without hearing your response.
(I’m soft for one (1) man and one (1) gif set)
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Gifs aren’t mine
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