#[ OOC ] โ”€โ”€ * QUEUE ( ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ต๐˜ด . . . ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฐ๐˜ธ! )
diabelskoga ยท 4 months
โ€œSo, is there anyone youโ€™re secretly crushin' on?โ€
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โ And why would I tell you? It's not a secret if I tell youโ”€โ”€ โž He murmurs, then internally panics. Because he did not deny it. He could or could not be crushing on someone. Fuck. He swore underneath his breath. โ Kurwa... โž He dragged a hand down his face before looking at Ace. โ I am happily just crushing on Nami. That's it. Just her. No one else. No one else on this ship. Nope. โž
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Is that believable? He prays that it is. He can't let Ace finding out.
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bhaalswn-arch ยท 9 months
starter call / @ode-of-odr
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You've seen red, but this? This is a beautiful deep red that makes you imagine such red running down necks. "Look at you." You spoke softly. "Beautiful." Reaching out, you want to touch the beard but you control yourself and brought your hand back to your side. "Sorry. I got distracted by your hair colour."
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melpcmene ยท 5 months
๐Ÿ“Meryl and Fen are 4'9" and 4'11" respectively~ for both Vash and Sanji.
Send me ๐Ÿ“ (ruler) + your muses height and I'll compare them to mine! ( accepting! )
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โ It goes to show that you two haven't been drinking your milk. So small compared to us! โž
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diabelskoga ยท 4 months
"I hate when people ask me to explain my thought process. Like hell if I know."
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What's a meme? ( Can you eat it? )
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โ You sound like the moss head, though I would not dare say that in front of a beautiful lady such as yourself. He's more stupider anyway. โž He then sighs with a slight of content. โ No lady should need to explain themselves anyway. โž
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bhaalswn-arch ยท 9 months
starter call / @gildedthrns
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"Ah, I rarely see that kind of face. [ ... ] You're from the whatcha call it, draconic bloodline. Pretty scales you got there."
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bhaalswn-arch ยท 9 months
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send ๐Ÿ™Œ to grab my muse by the throat. ( accepting !! )
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Your eyelids fluttered, and your eyes almost roll into the back of your head. Being choked was something that you preferred. It's not everyone's preference. But you have no complaint. Not when Seira squeezed lovingly. So good that you moan. You know it is a good way to battle the Urges. Oh, how your ruined mind would tempt you to do something cruel. But this was temporary. A temporary thing or solution. But it was enough for you. You lean forward, knowing that Seira will let you move and plant a firm kiss on the Tiefling's lips. "You're good at this."
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diabelskoga ยท 3 months
"Hey Sanji!" Usopp caught up with the blond, a big grin on his face. In his hands was a box, wrapped up in unassuming brown paper and a string. A card was stuck under the string, a simple but elegant candid sketch of Sanji from the back, half turned with quite the handsome smile on his face. Under it was a scrawled 'Happy Birthday Sanji! -Usopp :^)' on it.
"Go on," he pushes the box into the cook's hands, an anticipatory energy radiating off the man. "Open it!"
Once the paper was off, Sanji would be treated to another piece of art. This one was far more elaborate. It was a depiction of the sea, blues, teals, greens acting as a gorgeous backdrop to the colorful and diverse array of fish swimming about. And inside the box was, of course, a treat. A small container of Malva Pudding, a treat from his heritage.
Usopp scratched the back of his head sheepishly, and if one really looked, a light pink to his cheeks. "Yknow, I hear you talk about the All Blue here and there, and it always sounded so amazing. So I, uh, tried my hand based off the stuff you've said about it. I'd love to hear more! Oh- and that's Malva Pudding! Straight from my pop's side of the family."
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birthday asks. ( accepting! )
โ Hey, Usoppโ”€โ”€ โž He stopped, interrupted by the box that was now shoved into his hands. He wasn't that surprised; it was his birthday after all. His cigarette dangled limply between his lips while Sanji examined it. He saw the card, smiling at the sketch. He was always impressed with how Usopp did things; a level of art that Sanji fails to commit too. His artist skills were more based around food rather than brushes or even pencils. Then Usopp insisted he'd open it.
Gently, Sanji removed the card off the string. ( He's going to pin it on the fridge along with Chopper's drawings with this "Unknown". ) Then he opened it, gasping at the art ofโ”€โ”€ wait, is this supposed to be an illustration of the All Blue? If so, it was absolutely stunning. There's shading, gradient colours blended together beautifully. Various fishes, and he swore that he recognizes them as he had tangents and rambles of what fishes he'd expect to see in the All Blue, which, technically, all of them would be there. Depending on what fish it was and their life expectancy. The joy of imagining every kind of fish from each individual sea, all connected to one. Such fish included: Smiley Jellyfish, Bluefin Elephant Tuna, Sandora Catfish; pretty much every fish imaginable, and Sanji had said so much about it out of sheer excitement.
( He's a nerd for fish, okay? )
His eyes sparkled with delight at the art, and then excited and curious to see something new. Malva Pudding, Usopp called it. His cheeks reddened; Usopp did all of this for him? From the drawings down to something that Usopp probably had a lot as a child? Since it was on his father's side and all. A soft smile is on his lips. โ I absolutely love it, Usopp. It's all so amazing. Do you... Do you wanna share this Malva Pudding? I'll happily tell you about the All Blue. Well, more on my thoughts, feelings and such. I mean, it is the true paradise for all fish if they can come and go from all the seas imaginable! โž
At that, Sanji also leaned in, press his lips to Usopp's cheeks as a thanks. โ Thank, you, Usopp. Or do I dare say: Captain Usopp. โž
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diabelskoga ยท 4 months
[ ๐ก๐ฎ๐ซ๐ญ ] : sender has gotten injured protecting the receiver.
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for you i would. ( accepting! )
If only he was stronger. That is what is going through his mind, sending a prayer to the heavens that he could've been stronger. His legs hurt; sore, leg pants ripped up during the fight. He stood his ground with bleeding legs and a busted lip; blood dripping down the corner of his mouth. There was also the blood dripping down his forehead. But he didn't think much of it. The adrenaline had been pumping through his veins non-stop.
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But then it happened, something that Sanji had not been expecting. Maybe it happened to be too much for him. ( Or perhaps he hadn't been focused on everything that was happening around him. ) Sanji never imagined someone would protect him. It was hard to imagine until Luffy and the others had appeared in his life, including Zeff and the Baratie chefs. He held onto his breath while witnessing Ace take a hit for him. Blood splattering the ground. The clashing of the battle now muted to his ears; slo-mo, heart pumping and now throbbing loudly in his ears. He can't stop looking at the blood. Ace had protected him. Got injured for him. Just because Sanji hadn't been entirely focused on what's around him. A lot was happening.
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โ You idiot! โž Sanji snapped out of it and snapped at him. He huffs, renewed strength burning through him. His legs were feeling it, but Sanji did not care at all as the cook send that bastard who injured Ace flying into someone else. โ I don't need protecting! You-- Shit. Are you all right? You idiot! Why did you do that? Would've been fine, y'know! โž
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bhaalswn-arch ยท 9 months
starter call / @devi1lute
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"Okay, I have to ask, and if I don't ask, it is going to drive me up the fuckin' wall." You begin to say, a tankard in one hand; half-empty. "That or I'll never understand the mystery behind your name [ ... ] Why are you called Tavern?"
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bhaalswn-arch ยท 9 months
starter call / @itsalcngstory
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"Hey, Nysa." You call out, now wandering over to the other. "I got us more candy floss." You offer the candy floss to her. "Since we both liked it and it was on special."
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bhaalswn-arch ยท 9 months
starter call / @wistrea
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"Okay, grandma." You tease since this was becoming a thing between you and your blood kin. "You want a drink? I want at least some burning in my throat before I do anything Bhaal-related today." You say, tone hushed, underneath your breath to avoid anyone listening in.
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diabelskoga ยท 5 months
A little boy runs up and grins up at the chef. "Mama said that you're the chef to Uncle Luffy! Can I have something pleease?" He asked politely but is trying his hardest to watch the magic the chef whips up.
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Uncle Luffy? With a little boy running around, apparently unknown to Sanji until now, Sanji immediately snuffs out his cigarette in the ashtray. โ Yeah. I am. What do you want exactly? You got something on mind that you'd like to have? โž
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bhaalswn-arch ยท 9 months
a kiss after a devastating event, meant to comfort. (tryna stop the durge tho??)
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โ†ชย  ย  ย ๐‘ฒ๐‘ฐ๐‘บ๐‘บย  ๏น  แต€แดฑแดธแดธ . ( accepting !! )
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( Your head was pounding, and it was getting louder, like church bells. The ringing is nigh; your urges have demands. Your Father has demands. Why are you not abiding? Why are you not doing what your rancid blood sings for you to do? ) And soon his vision went red. Unable to control himself. Their mind clouded by rational thought. Nothing but murder on the mind. ( And before you know it, you've done something that you cannot take back. ) Blood-sullied hands were shaking. A corpse in front of him. Isobel was dead, and Alkas cannot even begin to remember what had happened. Anxiety-fed thoughts popped into his mind. The only light lost; the darkness engulfed it due to his murderous behaviour.
Eira tried her best to give out the best comfort possible; she understood the urges. Kissing him was close to healing something that was inside. A comfort that is extremely soft. It made him want to weep into it. To hold onto it and never let go. The Last Light Inn doomed. His words were quiet, muffled; a hush whisper of apologizes: "I'm so fuckin' sorry, I couldn't stop myself. I couldn't... I couldn't..."
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bhaalswn-arch ยท 9 months
" i still can't make it make any sense "
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I have lost the meme. ( I think the dark urge got to it first !! )
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If the wizard of their party cannot make heads nor tails of it, then surely the sorcerer could help. ( ARCANA CHECK FAILED. ) It is something magical in nature; both assumed correctly. "Isn't it so painfully obvious? It's... something." And it was puzzling the both of them; sorcerer and wizard. It is however an aberration, the words unfamiliar. He held the amulet in his hand, peering at the unfamiliar etchings of the runes on the back. "Must be a spell, an incantation. Or a curse if spoken." He grabbed at the chain and dangled it in front of Gale: "You want to consume its magical potential? It's no good to us if we can't figure it out. Or would it be consumed magic poisoning if it's something wrong?"
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bhaalswn-arch ยท 8 months
"that's that? that was--that was a lot. th--i've--hold on, can you just--can you repeat it again?" i am thinking.. shortly post cazador killing probably
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* THE BOYS S01E01 STARTERS. ( accepting !! )
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That was that. The vampire was dead. Cazador had been defeated, and Astarion had made sure of that. Your gaze is drawn to the other. The battle had strained most of them. Spells depleted. Your muscles sore, and your fingers continue to itch with the need to tear something apart.
But you ignore it for the sake of putting most of your attention on Astarion. "I said we should go back to Elfsong Tavern. Rest up?" There's brief concern now flickering in your eyes. It's like Astarion was still taking it all in. His master is now dead. Destroyed. Never to return. Then you remember why, because Astarion had spent 200 years or so with Cazador. Your eyes soften, looking at him with a gentle gaze. Despite Cazador now dead, that does not erase the trauma. Glancing at Astarion's bloodied body, you purse your lips. "And a bath for you... You need one. Come on. I know a shortcut, believe it or not, through these sewers. If my memory serves me right."
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bhaalswn-arch ยท 9 months
starter call / @liecoris
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"Might as well drink while we're here, right? I think this tavern has a new menu of drinks to pursue." You mention as you eye the menu. Drinking might be somewhat good and temporary to make you suppress your dark fantasies for a bit. "What're you getting?"
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