madexinxheaven · 3 years
@whoxyouxhate said: 💊 - Is your character on medication? If so, why? @ the mains
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"In this line of work and after everything we've been through? How could I NOT?"
Seriously, no one saw the kind of things Caitlyn had seen without developing serious cases of PTSD, SEPARATION ANXIETY & PARANOIA. She couldn't even HUNT these days without being hopped up on meds. After all, the last time she went out on the hunt, she'd come back to a BLOODBATH; With every last servant DEAD and her parents MISSING. Since then she'd risen up the ranks of the L.G.D as far and the way most prolific SNIPER they had. And from INFECTED to MURDER to RAPE to THIS VERY WAR, well... They hadn't made the nightmares any easier... The meds did, though. (Kinda...)
"This world breaks people. One way or the other."
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"I, uhh... Texas says I SHOULD..."
Hyperactivity, blunt impulsion and a struggle with maintaining her own attention had LONG been problems that had cast Exusiai into danger TIME & TIME AGAIN. The youthful Sankta had a whole list of bad run-ins, mistakes, REGRETS, to her record. Yet, still, for the most part, she remained UNBOTHERED -- UNBURDENED. Fact also remained that she'd grown RECKLESS, CARELESS & IMPULSIVE in many things. Definitely didn't get enough sleep at night. And had a tendency for getting herself KNEE DEEP IN SHIT. But she meant well, and had fun, and only hurt the BAD PEOPLE, right? So it couldn't have been THAT IMPORTANT... -- RIIIGHT??
"But... What's the WORST that could happen?"
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"I... What exactly are we counting as medication here?"
Did they count the CANDIES & TREATMENTS that protected against FROSTBITE? Did they count the various ways she'd tried over the years to actually feel some level of WARMTH? To warm the CHILL that was in her deathly rattling bones? Or were they just talking about the medications that Rhodes Island filled Infection with to pretend like they were actually making a DIFFERENCE. Then again, maybe they WERE making a difference... And it was all just so much harder for FrostNova to see from so far away. Irregardless, the answer was: No. she DIDN'T take any official medications. But she had her own self-medications. For what they counted for. 
"I make do."
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"Mmh? Oh, no..."
Shake of her accompanied her simple answer. Sometimes she wondered if she should have. Mostly whenever her personality PISSED OFF Blaze, but in truth she spent more time ADMINISTERING medication than TAKING IT. After all, she may have been a designated SNIPER, but she still was an operator working for Rhodes Island. And every last INFECTED in the world NEEDED medication. In fact, the more she thought about it... Maybe they should've been screening people more closely on a PSYCHOLOGICAL basis rather than observing their levels of ORIGINUM CRYSTALIZATION, no? Not to say they didn’t. They absolutely did. PRTS was surprisingly adept at it. But... But just like with treating the Infected, couldn’t they always do a better job at that, too?
"It's surprising, really. Or... Or maybe we're just not thinking about that kinda stuff? Maybe it's just become the new normal, y'know?"
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"Medication? Me? Oh, no. I'm not any medication."
Granted, for every pill Makoto DIDN'T take she had a line in her contract with JOHANNA that all but unshackled her from the constraints of her greatest mental battles. Including her OBSESSIVE COMPULSION, PERFECTIONISM, CODEPENDENCY & INABILITY TO SAY NO BORN OF NO SMALL AMOUNT OF SELF-DEPRECATION. But then, didn't Johanna make everything in Makoto's life turn monochrome? Flirting in that moral grey area, caught between her duty as a Lungmen Guard and her own INFECTED VIGILANCE. In many ways, she supposed she was LUCKY for that. Every last inch of that self-deprecation came with another inch of herself she GENUINELY didn't like. And since Johanna had come into her life, Makoto had step-for-step came closer & closer to someone she could be PROUD OF.
"But I don't blame people if they need it. This... This world is... It's hard... So very hard..."
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"Huh? Medication? What on Terra possessed you to ask a question like that?"
For once, Swire was NOT acting out of self-defence but, rather, asking very genuine questions. Albeit... She still didn't exactly ask them WELL. Confrontation was Swire's life. The bitch wore her heart on her sleeve, and her heart was big but easily wounded. To answer: Swire was not presently on any medication. She'd had her BOUTS of issues and therapies, usually when those insecurities ADDED UP, and she stopped being able to SIT ON HER FEELINGS, but largely she remained clean. At her standard, she liked to think she was HANDLING IT WELL... ALL THINGS CONSIDERED... But deep down? Well... Her episodes DID speak for themselves. (And it was usually Ch'en picking up the pieces.)
"Not right now. But sometimes life just gets to ya, y'know?"
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"Medication? Hm. Sounds almost novel at this point, in all honesty. One might say, NAIVE."
If ANYONE was a poster-child for SHOULD BE ON MEDICATION, it was far and away TALULAH ARTORIUS. The girl had been broken for one or two decades far too long. & now she was FAR TOO FAR GONE. Pretty sure anyone who rallies together a radicalized group of freedom fighters to take over Lungmen & Ursus through TERROR TACTICS with a central goal of enacting revenge on the friends and family that HURT THEM as a child most certainly qualified for needing therapy. (Or maybe an ASYLUM.) Maybe if people had cared back when she was still BREAKING, all of this coud've been avoid. And, no, Ch'en DIDN'T count. How could she? What was her baby sister SUPPOSED to do about her abused sister who had been driven to psychosis by their very own family?
"We're far beyond the point of no return by now. Sometimes tells me I'm going to die before even taking one pill."
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"Kee-Ahaha... Haha... Ahahahahahaha... Oh... That's cute."
Holy. Fucking. Shit. They really had to ASK that question? No. Of course she wasn 't on MEDICATION. The psychotic bitch didn't even let Rhodes Island treat her for Oripathy and she'd SIGNED ON AS THEIR MERCENARY. Of course, being feared by every last motherfucker in the galaxy kinda had some BENEFITS in that sense. Now, should she have been? Of course she should have been. Girl had one of the highest Originum densities in all of Rhodes Island. Oh, and there was the little tid bit of her being a PYROMANIACAL, MURDEROUS LITTLE PSYCHO. Yeah, that level of destructive psychotic mania PROBABLY needed a maximum security INSANE ASYLUM, let alone anti-psychotics and sedatives. But as they say somewhere else in the world: Y.O.L.O!!
"I'd like to meet the doctor that can actually make me take my pills~~!!"
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Silence spoke louder than words, as they always say. And the truth was... Yuhsia was on SEVERAL medications as a result of the youth she spent alone in Lungmen after the disappearance of TALULAH and the abandonment of CH'EN & SWIRE. Would anyone really be surprised to learn that? Probably NOT, in all honesty. Mafia girl was left alone with some of the corrupt narcissist this side of the Ursus border and later forced to do all of the Rat King & Wei Yenwu's DIRTY WORK. Not to mention the sting of BROKEN PROMISES. To this day, Yuhsia had never EVER let anyone get remotely close to her. Most of all, Ch'en & Swire. Though they persisted like nagging little GNATS. But back to the question at hand... Yuhsia had developed a certain... TEMPERAMENT that she liked to keep on top of. The Rat King saw the worst of it. But she'd be damned if she EVER let Ch'en and Swire see it in the slightest. Meds HELPED with that.
"You should be careful asking questions like that to people like me. Who knows what might happen to you..."
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madexinxheaven · 3 years
@whoxyouxhate​​ said: 🚼 - Does your character have or want kids? @ the mains
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“Ah-Hmm… What piques such curiosity at a time like this?”
FrostNova just so happened to be surprisingly content with her place in life, at least so far as THIS TOPIC COUNTED. Sure, she had her shortcomings, her pains, her horrors, even. Regrets. Guilt. Failure. She’d die engraved in a sense that not a single thing she did actually mattered in the long run. But… But when it came to family? Didn’t she already HAVE ONE? Sure she wasn’t a MOTHER, but she was their BIG SISTER, and that was exactly what had brought her so much purpose, resolve, and happiness to BEGIN WITH. So in answer to the question, FrostNova really had no push for motherhood. She just wanted to leave enough of a mark on this planet and make enough of a change in this world that the family she DID HAVE would finally be able to live with a sense of SECURITY and in a time of PEACE.
“I’ve got enough kids to keep in line as is, don’t you think?”
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“Ahh-, Uhh… Uhmm…”
Now THAT was a question GreyThroat had NEVER expected to answer. Seriously, what was she supposed to do in the face of something like THAT? She was still just a kid herself, wasn’t she? How could someone with such a naive and flawed misunderstanding of this world possibly even BEGIN to consider bringing A CHILD into it? What if that child became infected? Blaze had made it VERY clear that she just didn’t have enough experience under her belt to POSSIBLY understand how Infected people lived. And even so, a life time of TRAUMA, WAR & TRAINING hadn’t exactly made her MOTHERHOOD MATERIAL. Then there was all her little idiosyncrasies… The BLUNT HONESTY. The SOCIAL INEPTITUDE. The SPECIAL INTERESTS. The INABILITY TO READ A ROOM. And, come to think of it: Did GreyThroat even WANT kids? Was there even any point in pondering these questions?
“I-, I–… I don’t know… Time will tell, I suppose…?”
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madexinxheaven · 3 years
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“Mngh...” Blackout slowly faded to light— BLINDING TO BURN. “Nyuh-, Phhssst—“ Hand tried to reach up and cover her eyes; Protect her vision. Rattle. Rattle. PAIN at her wrists, unmoving against EVER-TIGHTENING BONDAGE. “What the...?” Eyes snapped wide once more, burning sensation LONG-FORGOTTEN. Except— “WAIT...” Struggle came to an instantaneous standstill, expression sweeping the room. “Ch’en?” That name was the LEAST of her questions. Where WAS SHE? And, even more importantly, where was her AGONY? How in Terran had her eyes even burned at all? And where was the frigidity stilling her ICE COLD HEART? “So we lost...?” Evidently, going from her position; Shackled to a chair in a tiny ass brick walled room with but a SINGLE light hanging overhead. “How are my brothers and sisters? Do you have any news? We’re they IMPRISONED, too? Had they managed to ESCAPE? — FINISHED THE MISSION...? Were they... Were they... Deep breath. “Are they dead...?” Eyes lidded slightly, head craning, catching sight of NEON-LIT SHACKLES. Gaze turned back up to the Superintendent. “They’re not L.G.D design...” And she couldn’t help but STRUGGLE to drag the temperature down by a single degree. “What’s going on here, Little Dragon?”
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