#@gelfling you might not have been the fraggle rock poster i cant remember but i still remembered U :)
tinybed · 1 year
@troll-star atted (@‘d) me for this screeeee (mouse scree) so i will go ahead and @ some of my buddies/ppl i remember : @scalded @gooeykit @unrelenting-usurper @turin-et-geschwind @gelfling (thinking of your fraggle rock posts daily) @lemonmoonlimestar @1teeth @mosquitogirl and if i forgot anyone else its prob cuz your url just didnt come to mind but any1 who sees this can @ me and i’ll read theirs 🐼🎋
Relationship status: i have a boyfriend :)))))) his name is charlie i think some ppl know him already. this morning i was having a really complex nightmare where i was hiding under a chair, then the chair moved and i was like omg thats charlie, not a chair, and i woke up to him hugging me :)
Favourite colour: black, light pink, light blue, seafoam green… and every color that the sky makes
Song stuck in my head: Too Much by J Dilla but now its that song Regulate by Warren G Lol
Last song I listened to: Regulate by Warren G right now i just put it on heh
Three fav foods: strawberries, burger, soup, but recently i’ve been enjoying berries in plain yogurt a lot
Last thing I googled: “hikari name meaning”
Dream trip: i really want to visit japan and see many onsens which i have been wishing for since 2018 when i checked out a book called “onsens of japan” from the library. also i’d love to visit the colloseo in rome because i played assassins creed brotherhood a lot and i just want to see it in real life… haha ^_^
Anything I want right now: i want a puppy i cant stop thinking and talking about it x( and i want some new socks. and an apron. and lots of money to buy my bf shoes LOL (he has some already but i think if i could buy him any pair he wants then i’d be quite the Baller)
ok thanks ✅🎀👭
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